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protein etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
protein etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Vücut Geliştirme ve Mastürbasyon

yorucu antrenmanlar

Vücut geliştirme sporu ile uğraşan kişilerin genel olarak merak ettiği bir sorudur bu. Ancak insanlar utandığı için bu tarz soruları sormaya çekiniyorlar. Toplumumuzda bu gibi olaylar bir utanç kaynağı olarak algılanıyor. Halbuki mastürbasyonu insan doğasının bir parçasıdır. Bu durumun sağlık açısından herhangi bir sakıncası yoktur. Sağlıklı bir insanın düzenli aralıklarla mastürbasyon yapması gerekir. Peki bu mastürbasyonun kas gelişimini etkiler mi?

Mastürbasyonun Vücuttaki Testosteron Seviyesine Olumsuz Bir Etkisi Olur Mu?

Testosteron kanda dolaşan bir hormondur. Büyüme hormonunu tetiklemesi ve kas oluşumunu desteklemesi sebebi ile vücut geliştirme sporu için oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Sperm ise mastürbasyon ile dışarı atılan bir üreme maddesidir. İkisi birbirinden çok farklıdır. Bizim kas gelişimimiz için gerekli olan testosteron maddesidir. Dolayısıyla mastürbasyonun vücuttaki testosteron seviyesine olumsuz bir etkisi yoktur.

Mastürbasyon Sırasında Vücuttan Atılan Protein Kas Gelişimini Etkiler Mi?

Mastürbasyon sırasında meni ile birlikte vücuttan bir miktar protein atılır. Ancak atılan bu maddenin içerisindeki protein miktarı oldukça düşüktür. Sperm yaklaşık olarak 1 gram protein içerir ve 5 kaloridir. Kas gelişiminizi etkileyecek kadar yüksek değildir. Tükettiğiniz herhangi bir gıda yardımı ile bu proteini vücudunuza geri alabilirsiniz.

Mastürbasyonun Antrenmanlardaki Performansa Olumsuz Bir Etkisi Olur Mu?

Cinsel ilişkiden veya mastürbasyondan sonra bir duş alıp gönül rahatlığı ile antrenmanınıza gidebilirsiniz. Psikoljik etkileri dışında mastürbasyon veya seks antrenman performansınızı etkilemez. Ancak cinsel ilişkiden hemen sonra (dinlenmeden) büyük kas grupları ile (bacak) antrenman yapmanızı tavsiye etmem.

Extra Bilgi : Bu yazı ile birlikte bir konuya daha değinmek istiyorum. Mastürbasyon sivilcelerin artmasını sağlamaz. Mastürbasyon ve sivilce oluşumunun bir alakası yoktur.

Yazı ile ilgili eklememi istediğiniz herhangi bir sorunuz var ise aşağıya yorum olarak bırakabilirsiniz.

Vücut Geliştirme ve Tavuk Pilav İlişkisi

fitness ve pilav

Vücut geliştirme ile ilgileniyorsanız tavuk pilavın vücut geliştirmedeki yerini ve önemini biliyorsunuzdur. Çalıştığınız spor salonunda bir çok kez adı geçmiştir ve kendisini çeşitli diyet programlarında da görmüşsünüzdür muhakkak. Vücutçular arasında oldukça popüler bir besindir.

Vücut geliştirmenin yüzde 70'i beslenmedir ve kas mutfakta yapılır. Bunu bu sporla uğraşan herkes bilir. Ancak kas gelişimi için gereken besin değerlerini karşılamak o kadar da kolay değildir. Vücutçular normal bir insandan çok daha fazla proteine ve karbonhidrata ihtiyaç duyar. Bu ihtiyacı karşılamak ise kimi zaman gerçekten çok zor olabilir. Hele ki yalnız yaşayan biriyseniz.

Hal böyle olunca vücutçular da çoğu zaman tek düze beslenmek zorunda kalabiliyor. Ülkemizde hali hazırda tavuklu pilav oldukça popüler bir besin ve ona ulaşmak çok da zor değil. Her köşe başında bir tavuk pilavcıya rastlamak mümkün. Ayrıca hazırlanışı da oldukça kolaydır. Bu sebeple de vücutçular tarafından tavuk pilav oldukça sık tüketilen bir besindir.

Tavuklu pilavın vücutçular arasında bu kadar popüler bir hal almasının bir diğer sebebi ise besin değerleridir. Kas gelişimi için üç temel besin değeri gerekir. Karbonhidrat, protein ve yağ. Proteini tavuktan, karbonhidrat ve yağı ise pilavdan alabilirsiniz. Bu şekilde tek bir öğünde beslenme işini halletmiş olursunuz. Ne hazırlasam da yesem diye düşünmezsiniz.

Ancak bütün bunların yanı sıra ben şahsen tek düze beslenmeye ve sürekli tavuk pilav tüketmeye karşıyım. Her şeyin fazlası zarar. Suyun bile fazlası zarar iken her gün tavuk pilav yemek hiç mantıklı değildir. Sağlığınızdan olabilirsiniz.

Sporcular Neden Yumurtanın Sadece Beyazını Yer?

beyaz yumurta protein

Vücut geliştirme sporu ile uğraşıyorsanız kendinize bir tavuk çiftliği kursanız iyi edersiniz. Zira gerek yumurtanın ucuz oluşu, gerekse içerisindeki protein miktarının çok yüksek olması onu çok cazip bir lezzet haline getiriyor. Hal böyle olunca vücutcularda tavuğun etinden, ciğerinden ve yumurtasından faydalanmaktan çekinmiyor. Mübarek hayvanın her tarafı protein dolu.

Peki Sporcular Neden Yumurtanın Sadece Beyazını Yer?

Vücutcuların bir günde 30 tane yumurta yediğini duymuşsunuzdur. Hatta bu rakam kişiye göre daha da artabiliyor. Hiç düşündünüz mü, bu adamlar bu kadar yumurtayı nasıl tüketiyor diye?

Cevabı çok basit. Çünkü yumurtanın sarısını tüketmiyorlar. Sadece beyaz kısmını tüketiyorlar. Bu sayede midelerinde yumurta beyazına daha fazla yer kalıyor. Bir koli yumurtayı haşlıyorlar, sarılarını ayırıyorlar ve beyaz kısımlarından salata yapıp afiyetle tüketiyorlar. Ayrıca sarını tüketmemelerinin başka bir nedeni daha var. Onu da hemen açıklayalım.

Sarısını Neden Yemeyelim?

Aslında herkesin zannettiği gibi yumurtanın sarısı ile beyazındaki protein miktarı pek farklı değil. Asıl fark kendini kaloride, yağda ve kolesterolde gösteriyor. Bu saydıklarımın hepsi yumurtanın sarı kısmında yer alıyor. Beyaz kısımda ise sadece saf protein var. Siz olsanız hangisini tüketirdiniz?

Bu arada belirtmemde yarar var. Bir koli yumurta beyazında yaklaşık 100-120 gram kadar protein bulunmakta.

Protein Diyeti Nedir ve Nasıl Yapılır?

protein diyeti besinleri

Bir çok diyet programının aksine size burada "1 ayda 5 kilo verirsiniz" gibi vaadler veremem. Kimse veremez. Diyetlerde önemli olan kişinin o diyeti nasıl yaptığı ile alakalı. Bu yüzden protein diyeti yaparsam ne kadar zamanda ne kadar kilo verebilirim gibi yorumlar atmazsanız sevinirim. Sonuna değeceğini düşündüğünüz şeyi başarmanın kolay bir yolu yoktur.

İlk öncelikle size protein diyetinin mantığından bahsetmek istiyorum. Şimdi genel anlamda besinlerde üç farklı grup vardır. Karbonhidrat grubu, protein grubu ve yağ grubu. Her besinin bu grupların herhangi birine üyedir. Karbonhidratlar enerji sağlar, proteinler bakım onarım yapar, yağlar ise vücudunuzda yedek enerji depolarıdır. Kabaca tabir ile vücuttaki işleyiş böyle diyebiliriz.

Yazıma devam etmeden önce şunu belirtmek istiyorum. Herkes için geçerli global bir diyet dünya üzerinde hiç bir sitede veya hiç bir kitapta yoktur. Yani ben buraya gelip size bir kibrit kutusu peynir, üç zeytin, bir dilim kepek ekmeği yiyin diyemem. Hiç kimse diyemez. Kişinin kilosunu, yaşını, günlük aktivitelerini bilmeden kimse kimseye diyet programı yazamaz. O yüzden bu yazımda da size şunu yiyin bunu yemeyin demeyeceğim. Sadece protein diyetinin mantalitesini ve işleyişini anlatıyorum. Kafanıza yatarsa protein diyeti adı altında kendini zevkinize göre en aşağıda linkini vereceğim adresteki yiyeceklerden seçerek kendi diyet programınızı kendiniz yazabilirsiniz.

Anlatıma yağlar ile devam edelim. Bilindiği üzere yağlarda çok fazla kalori bulunmaktadır. Yani siz yağlı bir yiyecek yediğiniz zaman vücudunuza çok fazla enerji almış olursunuz ve bu enerjiyi spor yapsanız dahi çok zor yakarsınız, hatta yakamazsınız. 1 gram yağda tam 9 kalori vardır. Bu nedenle yağlı yiyeceklerden uzak durmamız gerekir. Diyet yapmasanız bile.

Gelelim karbonhidratlara. Bu da bizim günlük aktivitelerimizi yapmamıza yarar. Karbonhidratları tamamen kesemeyiz. Zaten vücuda aldığımız hiçbir şeyi tamamen kesemeyiz. Bu gün hiç sevilmeyen şekerin bile tamamen kesilmesi sağlık sorunlarına yol açabilir. "Her şeyin fazlası zarar" prensibinden yola çıkarak "Her şeyin azı zarar" mantığını benimseyebiliriz. Cümle biraz saçma oldu ama ne demek istediğimi anlamışsınızdır umarım.

Yağların ve karbonhidratların ne işe yaradığını anladığımıza göre şimdi gelelim asıl konumuza. Proteinler vücutta bakım onarım işindedir. Büyümemiz için, kas gelişimi için çok önemli görevler üstlenmektedir. Vücut enerjisiz kaldığında en son çare olarak proteinlere başvurur.

Genel bir özet geçelim şimdi, vücudun ihtiyaç duyduğu enerjiyi ilk olarak karbonhidratlardan, daha sonra yağlardan ve en son olarak da proteinlerden karşıladığını söylemiştik. Şimdi bu mantığa göre biz karbonhidratları ve yağları azaltırsak ve daha fazla protein tüketimine özen gösterirsek ne olur?

Vücut günlük aktivitelerimiz için ihtiyacı olan enerjiyi karbonhidratlar ile tam anlamı ile karşılayamayacağı için ihtiyacı olan enerjiyi yağlardan karşılayacaktır. Dolayısıyla da vücudunuzdaki yağ depoları azalmaya başlayacak ve zayıflayacaksınız.

Burada bahsettiğim günlük aktiviteler sizin yürüyüşünüz, işe veya okula gidişiniz ve bu tarz şeyler. Ancak siz buna birde spor eklerseniz vücudun çok daha fazla enerji ihtiyacı olacak ve daha fazla yağ yakabileceksiniz. İşte bu yüzden diyetin tek başına pek de yararı olmadığı söylenir.

Sitemizdeki diğer Diyet Programlarına ulaşmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Eğer hedefiniz uzun vadede bir kaç kilo vermek ise spor yapmadan sadece protein diyeti ile istediğiniz sonuca ulaşabilirsiniz. Ama eğer hedefiniz kısa vadede fazla kilo vermek ise, o zaman spor şarttır. Spor olmadan 15-20 kiloyu sadece protein diyeti ile vermeye çalışırsanız bu biraz zaman alabilir ve sonuçların çok yavaş olduğunu görmek sizi demorilize eder ve diyeti bırakabilirsiniz. Bu nedenle spor şart.

Protein Tozu Sütle Mi Suyla Mı İçilir?

besin takviyesi

Protein tozu kullanan insanların kafasını oldukça karıştıran bir soru ile karşınızdayım. Neşeli Günler filmindeki limon mu sirke mi muhabbeti geldi aklıma. Orada da fikir çatışması vardı aynı burada olduğu gibi.

Şimdi konumuza dönecek olursak, protein tozlarının su ile kullanımı ve süt ile kullanımının avantajları ve dezavantajları mevcuttur.

Dolayısıyla kullanım zamanları farklılık gösterir. Bunları da hesaba katarak hangisinin size uygun olduğunu seçebilir ve ona göre kullanabilirsiniz.

Protein Tozunun Süt İle Kulllanımı

Sütün içerisindeki protein casein proteinidir. Yani kana daha yavaş karışan bir protein çeşididir. Dolayısıyla antrenman öncesinde kullanmak biraz daha mantıksız olacaktır. Ancak yatmadan önce kullanmak veya sabah kalktığınız zaman kullanacaksanız süt ile kullanmak en mantıklısı olacaktır. Sabah kullandığınızda yavaş sindirildiği için size gün boyu protein sağlayacaktır. Gece kullanımda ise size bütün bir gece boyunca protein sağlayacaktır ki bu çok önemlidir. Çünkü kaslar dinlenirken, yani uyurken gelişmekte ve büyümektedir.

Bu kullanıma uygun protein çeşidi casein proteinidir.

Protein Tozunun Su İle Kullanımı

Su kana hızlı karışan bir maddedir. Antrenman öncesinde kullanacağınız protein tozunu su ile karıştırmak en mantıklı seçenek olacaktır. Antrenman esnasında açığa çıkacak protein ihtiyacının bir an önce karşılanması için su ile karıştırmak gerekmektedir. Süt ile karıştırıldığında antrenman bittikten sonra anca sindirilmeye başlar. Bu da sizin antremanlarınızdan alacağınız verimi düşürür. Ancak yinede unutulmamalıdır ki hazırlayacağınız protein shake asla suyun yerini tutmaz. İçinde su olsa bile. Yani siz yinede antrenmanlarınızda yanınıza bir miktar su almalısınız.

Bu kullanıma uygun protein çeşidi whey proteindir.

Not : Yanlış zamanlarda kullanımının bir zararı yoktur. Sadece protein tozlarından alacağınız verimi arttırmak amacıyla hazırlanmış bir makaledir.

Bu Yazılarımız da İlginizi Çekebilir

Ribozomların faydaları nelerdir ?

Ribozomların faydaları nelerdir ?
Ribozomlar , serbest halde veya  endoplazmik retikulum üzerinde yer alırlar . Hücrenin sitoplazmik bir organelidir . Bitki ve hayvan hücrelerinde bulunur .
Ribozomlar , bulunan RNA ‘ ya göre sayıda yer alırlar . Protein sentezi yaparlar .
Endoplazmik retikulum bir kanal sistemidir . İçinden besinler geçebilir .
Sitoplazma bir sıvı kısımdır . Ribozom da işte bu sıvı kısımda yer alır .

My List of Product Recommendations!

My clients and friends often ask me what type of supplements/fitness products I use. Here's my list of product recommendations for you holiday wish list! Please note that, aside from GoMacro, I do not endorse any of these products, so I do not receive anything for writing these reviews. The items on this list are simply products I use myself and have found to be the most effective and helpful.


  • RawFusion or PlantFusion are both delicious, dairy free, plant-based brands of protein powder. I've tried countless different protein powder brands. Whey has never been kind to my stomach. I was always left with bloating and cramping afterwards, so I decided to switch to dairy free alternatives. Both of these brands taste absolutely delicious, and have no artificial crap (which seems to be pretty uncommon for protein powder). Although I like all of their flavors, I recommend RawFusion Natural Chocolate and PlantFusion Cookies 'n' Cream. Some plant-based protein powders taste grainy and leaf-like. Both of these brands have an incredible taste and mix easily with water. You can buy 2 pound tubs of these brands on for around $26, which is about $0.87 per serving. Not bad!
  • GoMacro bars are a clean alternative to many of the bars I've tried in supplement stores. All of the ingredients are organic, plus they're gluten free, dairy free, and refined sugar free. They have higher protein options as well! My favorite flavors are the Protein Pleasure and Protein Purity. You can buy them on Amazon for $38.99 for a box of 15 bars.
  • NutriForce Glutamine is an excellent product to help expedite the recovery process. If you're training hard, glutamine should be a staple in your recovery arsenal. I prefer to mix mine right into my protein shake. Cost is about $20 for 10 ounces.
  • BSN AminoX is another excellent product to speed up your recovery. The fruit punch flavor is the best, in my opinion. This product contains 6 essential BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) to aid in muscle repair and minimize catabolism. A tub is only $37.84 for 70 servings! Take these both before and after your workouts for maximal results.
  • Daiya Cheese is a yummy alternative for those, like me, whose stomachs do not respond well to lactose. Daiya is also soy free, if you like to avoid soy! The cheese melts and stretches, just as real cheese does, and it comes in a ton of different flavors. You can buy it at most Whole Foods or other similar grocery stores.
  • Feel Good Foods chicken dumplings are the bomb! They're gluten free with great ingredients, unlike many other frozen meals. I buy these from Whole Foods!
  • I'm obsessed with Cashewtopia ice cream. Ice cream is my weakness, and I don't need to feel guilty about eating this brand, because it's made from organic, clean ingredients. The "cream" is made from cashews, and it's incredibly rich and decadent. If you have a sweet tooth like me, I recommend checking out this awesome dairy-free alternative. I love the vanilla bean and chocolate flavors!

  • The Inov8 F-LITE shoes are great for anyone who's looking for a more minimal sneaker. I mentioned these shoes in my previous article on barefoot training. I think these sneakers are a great transition for someone who was wearing really bulky sneakers beforehand, and doesn't want to commit to the ridiculous-looking toe shoes. They're light (as the name dictates), comfortable, and they last a really long time! I'd say they're pretty well-fit for any activity, whether it's running, weight training, or just playing basketball in the park.
  • Elite FTS  Heavy Knee sleeves are great for those (like me) who squat often and heavy. I chose these because the price is the best out of any other brand I've found and they're excellent quality. You can buy these on for $23 per pair! Most brands cost more than that for one!
  • The Weightlifting Encyclopedia: A Guide to World Class Performance by Arthur Drechsler is a great text for anyone who's looking to get more into the sport of weightlifting! Lots of excellent cues and anecdotes for fixing common problems in the lifts! This book sells for around $56 on Amazon, and it's worth every penny!
  • Original Strength by Tim Anderson is a short, but informative read on how to regain the strength you had as a child. He teaches you how to rock, roll, and crawl your way to an injury free lifestyle. I love his videos as well, and I'd recommend checking out for more information from him. This book is one of several he's written, and it only costs $11 on Amazon.
  • Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise by Alex Hutchinson is another easy read that looks to dispel common fitness myths and covers topics such as the effectiveness of compression gear, static stretching, and running sneakers. Also around $11 on Amazon!

Protein Packed Crustless Quiche

My friends, this recipe is so quick and easy to make, that I have a hard time even calling it a recipe! However, I cannot get over the delicious and copious amounts of flavor. If you are on a low carb diet such as Atkins, this could be a life savor and and staple for you. For someone like me who tends to have the appetite of a 16 year old boy (not the metabolism, of course) this is perfect for breakfast to get me going in the morning and most of all, keep me full.

I make this recipe both in a "pie" pan and a regular "cake" pan. They are also good as muffins. I am going to share in the way I make it in a regular baking pan. As I always recommend; vary this recipe to your specific liking! Feel free to add in onions and peppers (both of which I do not like, but I know they would be good additions!)
  • 6 eggs and 6 egg whites
  • 1 cup low fat cottage cheese
  • 2 cups low fat shredded cheese of choice
  • Half cup of low sodium diced ham
  • Half cup of turkey bacon pieces
  • 2 cups kale and/or spinach
What you do:
  • Preheat over to 350 degrees and coat baking pan of choice with nonstick spray.
  • Add all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and stir until yolks and other ingredients are thoroughly blended. 

  • Pour ingredients into baking pan of choice.
  • Bake in oven:
    • Regular "cake" size baking pan -- 40-50 minutes
    • "Pie" sized pan -- 25-35 minutes
    • Muffin pan -- 20-30 minutes
Nutritional Information:
This will vary based on different ingredients and specific brands used; this is to be used as a generic guide only.
Servings: 5
Calories: 350
Fat: 12g
Carbohydrates: 6g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 27g

Easy, No Bake Protein Bites!

A couple of years ago, I used to make "protein bites" as a go-to snack for energy and fullness. These are perfect for a pre-workout; a little goes a long way. They may look small, but they are extremely filling. The recipe is simple, and best of all; no baking!

What you need:

  • 1 cup of healthy oats
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (your choice, I use Cellucor Whey, S'mores flavor)
  • 2 tablespoons of natural, organic almond butter (healthier than peanut butter, but you can use that if that is what you have)
  • 1 tablespoon of natural, pure honey
  • Optional: dash of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (if you find the mix is a little too hard to stir. Using a natural nut butter helps because natural oils are still included.)
What you do:

1.) Mix all items in a medium to large sized mixing bowl

2.) Stir the mixture until smooth, thick, and well blended.

3.) Form into balls; I made mine medium to large; you can make yours smaller or larger if you want. This part gets messy! Ensure your hands are clean before mixing.

4.) Place the bites into the refrigerator for 2-4 hours before consuming. Keep chilled and only remove them when you are ready to eat. If you are short on time when you make them, you can place them in the freezer for an hour before consuming; however, I would not recommend leaving them in there.

A months worth of Nutrition Tips - Tackle them 1 week at a time!

Week 1 – Write it down!
Research shows people who keep a food journal are more successful at losing and maintaining weight.  It simply makes you more accountable – also if you write it down, you really think about eating it!
Week 2 – Always have water with you!
Water is good for digestion, nutrient absorption,
temperature regulation, and many other things!  PLUS a
2003 study found that drinking a ½ liter of cold water
Increased metabolism by 30% for more than hour after
Drinking it!
Week 3 – Eat Protein at every meal!
Eating protein makes you feel satisfied, and decreases hunger.  It also slows the absorption of sugar into the blood stream, keeping energy and blood sugar levels stable.  Try to choose lean protein sources most of the time.
Week 4 – Make one New Recipe Per week!
This accomplishes several things…, it eliminates eating out (where you cannot control what goes into your food or the portions) It also introduces you to new foods and ways of cooking.

Freaking Delicious, Lean, Turkey Meatloaf

I never knew I could be so excited about a square of meat.

But I totally can.

This meatloaf is freaking delicious. 

The thing is, I forgot all about this meatloaf. Growing up, the thought of meatloaf repulsed me. To me, "meatloaf" does not sound fun or inviting. However, my mother makes the best meatloaf in the world. She would pair it with her made from scratch macaroni and cheese and I was in pure heaven. Last week, I was on the phone with my grandmother and she was telling me that mama was in her kitchen making meatloaf for she and my grandfather. A light bulb went off in my head. I immediately made my grandmother put my mom on the phone so I could write down my her recipe. I decided to add and subtract ingredients so I could create it in a healthy, clean way. It worked! First try too! (that rarely happens).

Friends this meatloaf is easy, delicious, lean, packed with protein, and I can almost guarantee your husband, kids, dogs, cats, mistress, cousin, sister, and uncle will love this. 

  • 1 pound lean or extra lean ground turkey
  • HALF a pack of meat loaf seasoning
  • 1/8 cup of bread crumbs of choice OR 1 slice of bread broken up into little pieces
  • 1 egg and 1 egg white
  • 1/2 cup of Unsweetened original almond milk 
  • Low sugar ketchup OR Sriracha sauce (healthier option)
  • Optional: any vegetables such as onions, peppers, etc. that you want to add. I don't like anything that "crunches" in my meatloaf thus I have omitted those.
What do you do:

  • Preheat over to 375 degrees
  • Spray small baking pan (8 x 8 or similar) with nonstick spray
  • Place all ingredients except except ketchup or Siriacha in a large bowl
  • Mix thoroughly with clean, washed hands until well blended
  • Place meat in baking pan and pat until meat has formed into the pan
  • Bake for 55-60 minutes
  • Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes
  • Lightly coat top of meatloaf with sauce of choice
  • Enjoy with your favorite sides for a hearty meal!

Nutrition information
Serving size: 4 oz
Servings per meatloaf: 5
This will vary depending on variations of ingredients/brands used. This is to be used as a guide only.
Calories: 155
Fat: 8g
Carbohydrates: 4g
Fiber: 0g
Protein: 20g

Gıdaların - Yiyeceklerin - Besinlerin Besin değeri tablosu

Vücut geliştirmeye özellikle yani başlayan sporcuların en büyük sorunlarından biri de protein gıdaların hangileri olduğunu, hangi gıdada ne kadar protein olduğunu bilmemeleridir.
Sizler için hazırladığımı tablolarımızda günlük yaşamda tüketilen bir çok besinin enerji - protein - karbonhidrat - yağ değerleri bulunmakta.

Healthy, Easy, Power Protein Pasta

Sometimes when I on a roll with recipe creating, I get in way too deep. What I mean by that: my dishes get really weird. Least we forget that sometimes more simple is more better. Ha. As I was creating my meal plan and grocery list last week, I was not in the mood for any of it. I wanted something simple -- something wholesome and filling. That is when I know it is time for me to get back to the basics.

Often times we get so caught up in the newest miracle food or diet that is up and coming and forget the "good ole foods". I am extremely guilty of that. A healthy style is all about balance. I cannot stress it enough. We all need different nutrients in moderation. I threw together a very simple, easy, filling, and nutritious recipe for my lunches this week. It is packed with protein, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and it tastes delicious. A small portion of this goes a long way - trust me.

What you need:
- 6 oz's (half a box) Barilla Vegetable Based Pasta. Buy it here
   I like this better than brown rice pasta, whole grain, or whole wheat. It is made with freshly pureed tomatoes and carrots. You only need a VERY small portion of this pasta in this dish. The noodles are big.
1 pound of extra lean ground turkey (or chicken or beef, your choice)
- Half a bag of fresh spinach (add other vegetables as you wish)
- 1/2 cup of crumbled feta cheese 
- 1 container of organic garden vegetable sauce
   I normally puree tomatoes myself, but for this recipe I did not so I could have more flavor. As you see pictured above, I only had about 3/4 of a container. I would reccomend a full one. Because extra lean met has not fat and can be quite dry, more sauce helps with the taste and texture. I buy organic sauce at specialty grocery stores. The ingredients tend to be more wholesome and fresh.

What do you do:
- Boil noodles
- Cook meat until almost fully done via stove top in a pan
   This will also cook in the oven so leaving it a little undone will not make the meat as dry.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees and coat baking pan of your choice thoroughly with nonstick spray
   I used a small baking pan.
- Once noodles are al dente, pour them in said baking pan, along with tomato sauce and fresh spinach. Mix thoroughly.
- Add turkey meat and mix thoroughly again
- Top with crumbled feta
- Bake for 20 minutes

Nutrition Information:
1 serving; 7 total servings 
This will vary based upon portion size, brands and ingredients used. This is to be used as a guide only.
Calories - 200
Fat - 4g
Carbohydrates - 23g
Fiber - 6g
Protein - 21g

Skinny Drinks // Power Shake Recipe

Shakes are great for getting all your nutrients on the go and great for those who have a hard time consuming veggies. Keep in mind your body needs lots of fuel if you're exercising and shakes shouldn't  necessarily  replace your meals.

1 Scoop of PEScience's Snicker Doodle Select Protein
500 ml Almond Milk or Coconut Milk
1/3 cup of frozen Spinach  (I promise you can't taste the Spinach!)
1 tbsp ground Flax Seed
1/2 cup frozen Berries
1 tsp ground Cinnamon

Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy!

The PE Science Snicker Doodle Protein is without a doubt MY FAVORITE! It doesn't have a chalky taste - it's great for cooking too. I use a TON of PE Science's products and I'm extremely impressed with the quality.

Clean Eating: (Healthy) Protein Cookies

Ladies, we are in this journey together.
Image Map

You know this whole weight loss, I want to be healthy and feel sexy, and wash my clothes on my stomach type of journey.

Thus, on this journey, we need to eat clean. No dieting (I loathe that word) - but healthy, clean eating 85% of the time. And I think as human nature, it's imperative to enjoy what we eat. I know that I for one, always fell off the bandwagon when I detested the food I was eating. I mean how many times can you eat grilled chicken and broccoli? 

One of my missions has been to create healthy alternatives to the foods we already love. It takes a lot of time and a lot of trial and error. When I start to create my new recipes, it looks like this:

I purchased "coconut flour" and I was really excited to create all of these fun new recipes. But I am not too confident yet. 

First, my protein pancakes. They were delicious Sunday morning when they were hot and fresh. Now, not so much. They are extremely grainy and I think if I put it in front of a starving dog, he would choose to try and consume air instead. I made enough pancakes for my breakfast this week, and it's hard to eat them. I am revamping that recipe. I believe I know what I need to switch up and try.

Second, my zucchini and feta cakes. I have not tried them yet. I was going to have one for lunch yesterday, but I am fighting a cold (...again) and felt awful yesterday so I opted for chicken soup. But I am not positive about them. They were heavier than normal, I don't think they cooked thoroughly, and I am afraid the coconut taste may not be masked enough. I don't think the recipe will be a winner, but there is still a tiny bit of hope.

Third, protein cookies. OK people, finally. We have a winner. These were delicious. I am excited to share the recipe with you all.

What you need:
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 12-14 packs Stevia
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons of unsweetened applesauce 
  • 1 scoop protein powder (I use vanilla)
  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 1/4 cup of PB2 (peanut powder - do not use peanut butter, much higher in fat and calories)
  • Optional: 1/4 dark chocolate chips
  • Optional: 1/2 cup plain walnuts

  • Preheat over to 350 degrees
  • Coat cookie sheet thoroughly with nonstick spray
  • All all of the ingredients in a medium to large size mixing bowl - you will not when it is thorughly mixed as the texture will be very creamy and not overly thick
  • Take a spoon and place batter on on cookie sheet - this recipe yields 10 cookies. The cookies were fairly large "circles". I use the word circles in quotations because I am not in the business of food having to look perfect. 
  • Bake at 350 from 12-15 minutes.
  • Let cool for however long you want and enjoy.
Super easy. Super delish.

Nutrition facts:
  • *This can vary based upon specific brands used, different variations, etc.
  • Serving size: 2 cookies (yay)
  • Servings: 5
  • Calories: 100
  • Fat: 3.5g
  • Protein: 9g
  • Carbs: 3g

My Top 5 Weight Loss Must Haves!

On my weekly weekend recap, I happily reported that I lost 5 pounds this past week.

However, I lied. 

When I went to my doctors appointment this afternoon, I was actually informed I lost 8.2 pounds.


I can not wait to write all about my plan and what I am doing, but I need about seven more weeks before I can, so bare with me. I am doing some trial and error and experimenting. 

Last week, I had a complete blood panel done. Basically a physical. I have been honest about my weight struggle this year. I do not really want to go in a lot of detail on this entry, but basically January through April my body was put through hell. Pair the physical pain with mental and emotional, and it resulted in me "letting myself" go for a while.

You see, I have lost over 100 pounds. My journey first started in September of 2008 when I was 19 years old. Here is the thing though: the journey never ends. Just because you lose a significant amount of weight, does not mean the journey is finished. It is a complete lifestyle change. I did a great job of keeping it off until earlier this year. 

Since obtaining my new job at the end of October and making some big changes in my life, I have been a lot happier. Actually not just "a lot happier", but unbelievably happy. I almost feel like a brand new person. I tell some people I have been "reborn". Thus, I have picked myself up, dusted myself off, and now I am back at kicking ass and finishing getting the weight off that I have gained this year - all 34 pounds of it. I am down 8 right now - that is a start.

Gaining a significant amount of weight this year made me really worry about my health. My heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, and most of all, possibly obtaining diabetes. Well, I am elated to say that when I went to my follow-up appointment today everything was perfect. I am in tip-top health. I definitely did not expect that. I thought maybe I have screwed my thyroid up from gaining weight, that I was in danger to develop diabetes, and that my blood pressure would be through the roof. To be honest, I was just scared that I had completely thrown my health away. That is how low I have felt this year.

Since health and fitness are the two of the biggest parts of my life, I thought I would share my current top 5 must haves to help aid in my journey! I would also leave to hear what you guys use as well. What has helped you? Please feel free to leave your tips in the comments below. We all need support and advice!

1.) Coconut Oil

As crazy as this sounds. I eat one tablespoon of this a day. I literally put a tablespoon in the jar, scoop it out, and force myself to eat it. It really does not have must of a taste. I think most of the struggle is mental. Initially my mind wants to think it's butter so I almost gag eating it, but then when I taste it, I am fine. Of course you can also cook with it! Use it as a non-stick spray. The benefits of coconut oil will literally astound you! I buy mine at Earthfare and I also know it can be found at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. Click here to read all about the amazing benefits!

2) Quest Protein Bars

These bars save me from hunger and when I am go-go-go, which is 95% of the time. You truly have to be careful about the protein bars that you eat. Most of them are NOT better than candy bars, literally 90% of protein bars out there have more sugar than candy bars! They also can be loaded with additives. Quest Bars have 21g of protein which is perfect as a meal replacement. I eat 6 "small" meals a day and a Quest Bar paired with an apple is ALWAYS my meal #2. Furthermore Quest Bars have 21g of carbohydrates and 17 of those is dietary fiber. That is fantastic! 80% of people do not get enough fiber in their diets so this is a great source. To show you how even more amazing Quest Bars are, most of them have just 1g of sugar. Not to mention the taste. They are absolutely delicious. And I say that as a picky eater. My top two favorites are chocolate chip cookie dough and white chocolate raspberry. I buy them at GNC mostly. You can buy them by the box or as singles! GNC always has a special on them as well -- buy 3 get 1 FREE! They can also be ordered online on Quest Bar's website. 

3) Vitamin B12 Injections

This may sound a little odd, but it isn't. Instead of taking a vitamin B12 pill, I opt to get an injection. Naturally, a persons body does not absorb a "pill" as well as it does an injection directly into the blood stream. Vitamin B12 Injections have changed my life. However, they do not cause weight loss. What B12 does is improve your overall well being. I am NEVER fatigued at work anymore. I am able to handle stress and pressure easily, my mood is constantly stable and positive, and I simply feel so much better. I work out in the evenings and sometimes I am exhausted by the time 5 o'clock rolls around. I work in a corporate office environment, but I am the Office Manager. That means I NEVER sit down. I run around all day, so some days the last thing I want to do  is go to the gym when I get off of work. Oh, and you can forget me getting up early to go workout. I hate morning workout's. B12 has helped me so much with that. I have a lot more energy and best of all that energy is not coming from sugar or caffeine. I get my injections at a place called "Medi Weight Loss". They are $10 a week there. Medi is national franchise with locations throughout the United States. I have heard a lot of people tell me they are also available at primary care doctors offices as well as other weight loss clinics. If you do not have a "Medi Weight Loss" clinic around you, I would search and call around for any wellness practices in your area. Another benefit; a lot of insurance companies cover the injections! Thankfully since my company has a "wellness" program, I get reimbursed for them. Check with your employer as well, it can't hurt!

4) My Health Journal and "Life" Planner
Aside from a strong mind, organization is one of the top 3 most important aspects of losing weight. I use my planner to record expenses, write grocery lists and meal ideas, appointments, goals, and more. I use it to list all of my thoughts. My planner was designed for it too! I bought it at Target for $20 and best of all, the dates are not printed in there, you write them. So if you buy it today, it starts today. Every health professional and doctor I have ever spoken with has told me how imperative recording your nutrition and workouts are and that if more people did and stuck with it, they would see such a difference. I use my journal to list out my daily nutrition and exercise. My journal is nothing but a simple pink notebook that I also bought at Target for around $1. One may think it is time consuming, but it really isn't. It takes me maybe 10-15 minutes a day. And lets face it, if you really want something, you will make time for it. Recording what I eat keeps me in check. It ensures I do not under or overeat, that I am consuming the adequate amount of proteins, fiber, etc. A lot of times, if you take the time to write your diet out, you would be surprised at how quickly calories can add up! By keeping myself prepared and organized, I stay on track and motivated. I have noticed that I always do better losing weight when I keep up with it in my journal. 

5) BCAA's.

BCAA's are "branched-chain amino acid's". YES! They are essential! These are amazing and must haves for ANYONE who engages in any type of exercise and/or physical activity. They do not cause you to gain weight  nor are they dangerous, they are solely for muscle recovery and they absolutely make a difference. They also help fatigue. I take two capsules after every training session and two in the morning when I first wake up. If I wake up tired, sore, and stiff in the morning, as soon as I take two of them, they make me feel like a new person. Branched-chain amino acids stimulate the building of protein in muscle and reduce muscle breakdown. Another interesting benefit of them is that they prevent faulty message transmission in the brain cells of people with advanced liver disease. I buy mine at GNC and order through