Bayram Cigerli Blog

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A months worth of Nutrition Tips - Tackle them 1 week at a time!

Week 1 – Write it down!
Research shows people who keep a food journal are more successful at losing and maintaining weight.  It simply makes you more accountable – also if you write it down, you really think about eating it!
Week 2 – Always have water with you!
Water is good for digestion, nutrient absorption,
temperature regulation, and many other things!  PLUS a
2003 study found that drinking a ½ liter of cold water
Increased metabolism by 30% for more than hour after
Drinking it!
Week 3 – Eat Protein at every meal!
Eating protein makes you feel satisfied, and decreases hunger.  It also slows the absorption of sugar into the blood stream, keeping energy and blood sugar levels stable.  Try to choose lean protein sources most of the time.
Week 4 – Make one New Recipe Per week!
This accomplishes several things…, it eliminates eating out (where you cannot control what goes into your food or the portions) It also introduces you to new foods and ways of cooking.


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