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recipe etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

(Crockpot) Easy, Skinny Orange Chicken

Orange chicken is one of my absolute favorite Chinese dishes to eat. One day, the idea to make it in a healthier way hit me like a ton of bricks when I was in the grocery store and saw sugar free orange marmalade. I make this recipe via crockpot. It is simple, and I really like the taste. 

  • 1 pound of fresh chicken breast
  • 1 cup of Walden Farm's (calorie free) BBQ Sauce
  • 1/4 cup of Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/3 cup honey BBQ sauce
  • 1 cup sugar free orange marmalade 
  • 4 tablespoons cornstarch 
  • Couple dashes of ginger seasoning
What you do:
  • Cut chicken into small pieces
  • Place in crockpot and add all other ingredients
  • Stir to thoroughly combine
  • Place ingredients in a tupperware container
  • Stir to throughly combine
  • Let marinate over night
  • When ready to cook, place all ingredients in crockpot on high for 3-5 hours depending up on size and quantity.
  • Serve over a bed of brown rice or lo mein!
Super easy and super delicious. It's something different, too!

Nutritional Information:
This will vary based on different ingredients and specific brands used; this is to be used as a generic guide only.
Servings: 5
Calories: 110
Fat: 4g
Carbohydrates: 6g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 20g

Protein Packed Crustless Quiche

My friends, this recipe is so quick and easy to make, that I have a hard time even calling it a recipe! However, I cannot get over the delicious and copious amounts of flavor. If you are on a low carb diet such as Atkins, this could be a life savor and and staple for you. For someone like me who tends to have the appetite of a 16 year old boy (not the metabolism, of course) this is perfect for breakfast to get me going in the morning and most of all, keep me full.

I make this recipe both in a "pie" pan and a regular "cake" pan. They are also good as muffins. I am going to share in the way I make it in a regular baking pan. As I always recommend; vary this recipe to your specific liking! Feel free to add in onions and peppers (both of which I do not like, but I know they would be good additions!)
  • 6 eggs and 6 egg whites
  • 1 cup low fat cottage cheese
  • 2 cups low fat shredded cheese of choice
  • Half cup of low sodium diced ham
  • Half cup of turkey bacon pieces
  • 2 cups kale and/or spinach
What you do:
  • Preheat over to 350 degrees and coat baking pan of choice with nonstick spray.
  • Add all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and stir until yolks and other ingredients are thoroughly blended. 

  • Pour ingredients into baking pan of choice.
  • Bake in oven:
    • Regular "cake" size baking pan -- 40-50 minutes
    • "Pie" sized pan -- 25-35 minutes
    • Muffin pan -- 20-30 minutes
Nutritional Information:
This will vary based on different ingredients and specific brands used; this is to be used as a generic guide only.
Servings: 5
Calories: 350
Fat: 12g
Carbohydrates: 6g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 27g

Hidden Veggie Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake

Friday morning before going into work, I decided to stop at Smoothie King to purchase a protein shake. I like going there for wheatgrass shots so I decided to get breakfast as well. I noticed they had a Pumpkin Spice protein shake available. I did not know how good it would taste though. Nonetheless, I decided to try it.

I was shocked at how absolutely delicious it was! I wish I could go back everyday and purchase one, however, $8 protein shakes are not in my budget, so I had to improvise. Which is ideal anyway so I can make it healthier!

What you need:
  • 1 cup of protein powder (I use vanilla creme)
  • 1/2 cup of organic pumpkin
  • 1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • A couple of dashes of Pumpkin Pie spice
  • 2 packets of Stevia
  • Handful of fresh spinach of kale

What you do:
  • Blend all ingredient in a blender or food processor. 

I made my protein shake today with two cups of spinach (I need to get my nutrients) so it was green, but you still could not taste it -- the delicious pumpkin taste prevailed! 

Hidden Veggie Healthy Macaroni and Cheese Casserole!

I have been trying to develop this recipe for a while. I love macaroni and cheese, but I want to enjoy it in a healthy way. As my readers know, my mission when I create recipes is to make our already favorite foods in a more clean and nutrition beneficial way. I finally created a delicious way to have mac and cheese while getting lean protein and a serving of vegetables. As always, feel free to alter the recipe to you and your families specific liking. 

What you need:
This recipe is designed for a small, 8-9 inch baking pan. If you are using a standard, large baking pan, double everything in this recipe. 
  • Half a bag of frozen or fresh cauliflower 
  • Half a box (6 oz) of hidden veggie noddles (or healthy noodle of choice)
  • 1 cup of low fat or fat free cottage cheese
  • 1 container (5-6 oz.) of plain frozen yogurt (do not accidentally buy vanilla, this will be disgusting. Yes, I am unfortunately speaking from experience. Ensure your greek yogurt is plain.)
  • 3/4 cup of plain Almond Milk (or healthy milk of choice; coconut, skim, etc.)
  • 1-2 cup of low fat shredded cheese of choice
What you do:

1.) Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2.) Boil noodles
3.) Cook cauliflower as instructed; microwave or boil to get them soft
4.) Once cauliflower is cooked, place it in a blender or food processor with almond milk, then mix until you have a thick, creamy mixture. I have an old, not so great blender so I had to thoroughly mix and stir for about 5 minutes to get this accomplished.

5.) Place cauliflower mixture, cottage cheese, and Greek yogurt into a large mixing bowl and blend together thoroughly. 

6.) Drain noodles through a strainer then add them into the mixing bowl

7.) Combine everything together thoroughly 

8.) Place into baking pan

9.) Top with low fat shredded cheese of choice

10.) Bake 20-40 minutes until top of cheese is slightly browned and bubbly. If you used a 8-9 inch baking pan, cooking time is approximately 20-25 minutes; a larger pan will be closer to 40.

Nutritional Information:
This will vary based on different ingredients and specific brands used; this is to be used as a generic guide only.
Servings: 5
Calories: 110
Fat: 7g
Carbohydrates: 17g
Fiber: 2g
Protein: 16g

Click here for the printer friendly version of the recipe!

Easy, No Bake Protein Bites!

A couple of years ago, I used to make "protein bites" as a go-to snack for energy and fullness. These are perfect for a pre-workout; a little goes a long way. They may look small, but they are extremely filling. The recipe is simple, and best of all; no baking!

What you need:

  • 1 cup of healthy oats
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (your choice, I use Cellucor Whey, S'mores flavor)
  • 2 tablespoons of natural, organic almond butter (healthier than peanut butter, but you can use that if that is what you have)
  • 1 tablespoon of natural, pure honey
  • Optional: dash of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (if you find the mix is a little too hard to stir. Using a natural nut butter helps because natural oils are still included.)
What you do:

1.) Mix all items in a medium to large sized mixing bowl

2.) Stir the mixture until smooth, thick, and well blended.

3.) Form into balls; I made mine medium to large; you can make yours smaller or larger if you want. This part gets messy! Ensure your hands are clean before mixing.

4.) Place the bites into the refrigerator for 2-4 hours before consuming. Keep chilled and only remove them when you are ready to eat. If you are short on time when you make them, you can place them in the freezer for an hour before consuming; however, I would not recommend leaving them in there.

Healthy Zucchini and Feta "Burgers"

I think I have quite possibly came up with the best recipe ever in the history of "healthy eating". I know that is a pretty bold statement, but these "burgers" are to die for! They are fast, and easy, and you probably have most of the ingredients in your kitchen already; especially if you grow your own zucchini; which I have been reaping benefits from, since a lot of my friends do!

What you need:
  • Serving size: 4 large "burgers"
  • 1 extra large zucchini (or two small)
  • 1/2 cup of reduced fat or fat free feta cheese
  • 1 tablespoon of extra light olive oil
  • 1 egg white 
  • 1/3 cup of oat or whole wheat flour (do not use coconut flour, I do and it was absolutely disgusting and did not cook properly.) 
  • I always recommend my readers adding their own favorite ingredients to make these even more delicious and to your specific liking! Onions and peppers are a good idea. As well as plain (non-flavored) protein powder!
  • First, grate your zucchini. I use a regular grater -- one you would use for cheese.
  • Drain the zucchini. You can use cheese cloth or put the zucchini in a strainer over the sink and pat down firmly on the zucchini with a spatula. 
  • In a large mixing bowl add the zucchini and all of the other ingredients. Mix well with a spoon until everything is well blended and your batter is thick. If your batter is too thin, add more flour, cheese, or zucchini. If it is not thick enough, you burgers will not form properly. 
  • Form mixture into four large patties
  • Spray frying pan with nonstick spray, place patties in it and cook via stove top. I use 6-7 heat setting
  • Let cook for 4-5 minutes on each side, until patties reflect a golden/brown tint.

Nutritional Information per "burger":
*This will vary depending upon quantities, brands, and amount consumed. This is to be used as a guide only.
  • Calories: 150
  • Fat: 3g
  • Carbohydrates: 8g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Protein: 5g

Clean Apple Crisp

Apple crisp has to be one of my favorite desserts. It's a comfort food, it's delicious, and if you think about it - it contains two main ingredients that the body thrives on. Substitute a few of the other ingredients for healthier options, and you have a much more nutritional way to enjoy this comfort food. Apples and oats are some of my everyday staples for food. As I was planning my menu for this upcoming week, I remembered I had apples I needed to use before they went bad. The apple crisp idea immediately came to me. This is a cleaner way to make it. It may not taste as sweet and fabulous as you grew up with, but since it is such a healthier alternative, it's worth it.

  • 6-8 apples  (I love green apples)
  • 1 cup of health oats
  • 1 cup of unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 2 tablespoons of light butter 
  • Ground cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup of Stevia or sugar substitute of choice
  • 1/2 cup of light brown sugar or brown sugar splenda
  • 3 tablespoons of oat/coconut/almond/wheat flour
  • Optional: almond silvers or any type of nut
  • Optional: protein powder
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
What you do:
  • Preheat over to 350 degrees
  • Slice apples
  • Mix Stevia, cinnamon, and a tablespoon of flour all together in a small bowl.

  • Spray pan of choice with nonstick spray
  • Place apples along the bottom of pan
  • Sprinkle dry ingredients over apples
  • Pour half a cup of unsweetened almond milk over apples and sweetened mixture.
  • In a medium-large sized bowl mix oats, half a cup of almond milk, 2 tablespoons of flour, light brown sugar, butter, and any other optional ingredients you wish to add
  • Pour mixture over top of the apples - the mixture should be bettwen thick and creamy to crumbled. 
  • Bake for 45-55 minutes. I usually bake longer because I like the apples really soft.
  • Enjoy!
Nutrition Facts
This vary based upon different ingredents, specific brands, and portions used. This is to be used as a guide only.
Serving size: 8
  •    Calories: 125
  •    Fat: 2g
  •    Carbohydrates: 23g
  •    Sugar: 10g
  •    Fiber: 4g
  •    Protein: 2g

Clean Dessert Pizza

My mom and sister-in-law were in town about a month ago spending the weekend with me in Charlotte. We were discussing our favorite restaurants, what we liked to eat, etc. I am pizza crazy -- it's my favorite "cheat" meal and I enjoy being about to make clean versions. My mom then mentioned dessert pizzas. It was a light bulb moment for me. I have made a few versions of healthy pizza, but never a dessert one. My goal is to make a "clean s'mores dessert" pizza, but that will take a little work. Until then, we have a clean fruit dessert pizza!

  • 1 cup of oat flour OR blended oats
  • 4 tablespoons of liqud Stevia (or 4 packs)
  • Dash of Vanilla extract
  • 1 egg and 1 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 2 containers or (1 1/2 cups) of vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup of fat and sugar free whipped cream (I used the second time I made this, it is delicious) 
  • Half a scoop of protein powder
  • Fresh fruit of choice
What you do:
  • Preheat over to 375 degrees 
  • In a large bowl, mix all ingredients and stir until smooth and well mixed
  • Spray oval or rectangle baking pan of choice with nonstick spray
  • Pour batter onto the pan
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes
  • Once crust is finished and cool for 10-15 minutes, making the filling.
  • In a large bowl, mix yogurt, whipped cream, and protein powder. Sir until well blended and you have a creamy mixture
  • Pour over top of crust
  • Top with fruit of choice
  • *You can enjoy it right away, but I like it more after it has been chilled for about an hour. If you plan on taking this to a cookout or BBQ, keep as chilled as possible. 

Clean Cake Batter Pancakes!

I received a special request from one of my best friends over the weekend to create a cleaner version of "cake batter" pancakes. I thought this sounded delicious so I immediately got to work. It was fairly simple to create, however, it is easy to mess up the taste. It was hard to keep the calorie count and carbohydrate count low because this recipe is two delicious, sweet things -- cake and pancakes. I made it work though!

A few things:
- I did not add protein powder to this, it made it too grainy. I would recommend having egg whites or lean turkey as a side for protein.
- I know I have seen low sugar cake mix on the market, I would opt for that if you can.
- The calorie count is a little higher than I would like it to be, however, the serving size is 3 pancakes and for 275 calories with 10g of protein, that isn't too bad.
- The recipe does not have that overly sweet, fake taste. That is what I enjoyed most.
- I did not add a glaze like you may see on other "cake batter pancake" recipes. It adds unnecessary calories and sugar; the pancakes are sweet enough. 
- If you want something "wet" on top, I would recommend a sugar free jam or fat and sugar free cool whip.

What you need:
   - 1/2 cup of oats
   - 1/2 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
   - Dash of sugar and fat free pudding mix (for thickness)
   - 1 tablespoon of liquid Stevia or two packets of Stevia
   - 1 egg
   - 1 tablespoon of cake mix
   - 1 teaspoon of baking powder
   - 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (optional)
   -1 tablespoon organic/sugar free sprinkles of choice [found at most health food grocers]

What you do:
   - Mix all ingredients in a large bowl until you have creamy, well blended batter
   - Coat skillet with nonstick spray
  - Cook via stovetop as you would a regular pancake. I kept the heat on 5-6 and it took about 8-9 minutes.

Nutrition Facts
This vary based upon different ingredents, specific brands, and portions used. This is to be used as a guide only
Serving size: 3 pancakes
Servings per mixture: 1
   -Calories: 275
   -Fat: 3g
   -Carbohydrates: 46g
   -Sugar: 10g
   -Fiber: 6g
   -Protein: 10g

Try Quest Protein Bars!

Clean Protein and Veggie Stir-Fry!

I love a good stir-fry. They are filling and have a great variety of flavor and texture. Unfortunately they can be heavy in calories, carbohydrates, and fat. So what better than to come up with a clean version? I actually really, really like this recipe. It's very filling and tastes like you're indulging in something bad. Stir-fry's are a good outlet to get your vegetables in and be creative so alter feel free to alter the recipe to your specific tastes!

  • 1 pound of 99% fat free lean turkey
  • 1 pack of healthy noodles (I use Quinoa noodles purchased from Target)
  • Fresh vegetables of choice (I use mushrooms and asparagus... next time I will add zucchini)
  • Fat Free Italian dressing
  • 2 tablespoons of extra light/virgin olive oil
What you do:
  • Fill cooking pot up with water and bring to a boil
  • Cut and dice vegetables as desired 
  • Break noodles in half and place in boiling water
  • Cook turkey in a nonstick pan until brown
  • Place vegetables in nonstick saute pan and cook with oil olive oil until soft
  • Drain noodles when al dente 
  • Place noodles back in pot
  • Pour in 3/4 cup of fat free Italian dressing into pot
  • Place vegetables and turkey in pot
  • Mix together thoroughly


Nutrition Information:
This will vary based upon portions, brands and ingredients used. This is to be used as a guide only.
Total Servings: 5
Calories - 250
Fat - 4g
Carbohydrates - 22g
Fiber - 6g
Protein - 21g

Try Quest Protein Bars!

Clean, Protein Sweet Potato Pie!

Sweet potatoes are a staple for a lot of people when trying to lose weight. All of my friends who compete eat them during prep as they are a great source of complex carbohydrates, and they taste great. However, sometimes I get so tired of eating them. Thus I have been contemplating a different and fun way to consume them. This lead me to "clean, protein sweet potato pie". What I like about this recipe the most is; it is packed with with protein, a good amount of fiber and complex carbohydrates. This pie can be used a complete meal! Whether you want a healthy way to give into a sweet craving, or a nutritious meal to prep and go, this will be a great choice.

  • 3-4 small to medium sized sweet potatoes 
  • 1 egg
  • 2/3 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid Stevia OR 4 packs of Stevia
  • 1 scoop of protein powder of choice (vanilla works best)
  • Dash of ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon of organic whipped butter (healthier option of butters on the market)
  • Optional: low fat graham cracker crust
What you do:
  • Cut potatoes in half and boil until soft OR wrap potatoes in plastic wrap and microwave until soft (15-30 minutes)
  • When potatoes are close to finished, preheat over to 350 degrees
  • Once potatoes are soft, place in strainer to remove excess water
  • Place potatoes in large bowl and add all remaining ingredients 
  • Blend all ingredients with a mixer until well-blended. I use the lowest speed setting. Mixture will be thick. *I use a small mixer. If you do not have one, you could try mixing with a spoon or placing in a large blender.
  • Pour blended mixture into pie crust. If you are not using crust, pour in a pie pan that has been sprayed with nonstick spray.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes
  • Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes
  • Remove from oven, let cool for 10-15 minutes and enjoy!

Nutrition information
This will vary based on ingredient variations and brands used. This is to be used a guide only.

  • Serving size: 1 slice. Servings per pie: 6
  • Calories: 250
  • Fat: 1g
  • Carbohydrates: 46g
  • Fiber: 5g
  • Sugar: 16g
  • Protein: 10g
  • If you make this without the crust:
  • Calories: 125
  • Fat: 1g
  • Carbohydrates: 27g
  • Fiber: 5g
  • Sugar: 8g
  • Protein: 10g

Try Quest Protein Bars!