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Chong Kok Peng

Chong Kok Peng
Modeling 2011

JANUARY 31 = The Thirteenth Amendment is Passed.

On today's date, January 31 in 1865 the United States House of Representatives by the thinnest of margins passed with a two thirds majority the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which read:

"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
"Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

With the passage of this amendment, the U.S.Congress at long last abolished slavery in the United States, putting to rest the single most divisive issue that our nation had ever faced, one which had been eating away at the existence of the Union since the moment of her inception.  Now after decades of the bitterest turmoil, and after four years of bloody civil war the matter had been settled, pending the ratification of the amendment by two thirds of the states, which would end up coming before the end of 1865.  

The following excerpts from Doris Kearns Goodwin's superb book "Team of Rivals" describes the moments just before and after the passage of the amendment:

"After every Democrat who had wanted to speak had been heard, the voting began. "Hundreds of tally sheets had been distributed on the floor and in the galleries," (Congressman James M.) Ashley (of Ohio -  right) recorded.  It appeared at first that the amendment had fallen two or three votes short of the requisite two-thirds margin. The floor was in tumult when Speaker (of the House Schuyler) Colfax stood to announce the final tally.  His voice shaking, he said, "On the passage of the Joint Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States the ayes have 119, the noes 36.  The constitutional majority of two thirds having voted in the affirmative, the Joint Resolution has passed."  Without the five democrats who had changed their votes, the amendment would have lost.

  "For a moment there was a pause of utter silence," Noah Brooks reported, "as if the voices of the dense mass of spectators were choked by strong emotion.   Then there was an explosion,  a storm of cheers, the like of which probably no Congress of the United States had ever heard before."

"Before the members left their seats ," Congressman Arnold recalled, "the roar of Artillery from Capitol Hill announced to the people of Washington that the amendment had passed." Ashley brought to the War Department a list of all those who had voted in favor.  (Secretary of War Edwin) Stanton (left) ordered three additional batteries "fire one hundred guns with their heaviest charges" while he slowly read each name aloud, proclaiming, "History will embalm them in great honor."

 "Lincoln's friends raced to the White House to share the news. "The passage of the resolution," recalled Arnold, "filled his heart with joy.  He saw in it the consummation of his own great work, the Emancipation Proclamation."


"Team of Rivals - The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln" by Doris Kearns Goodwin, Simon and Schuster, New York, 2005

A different, but great Friday 5 about the week!

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you guys had a great week. Mine was different than usual, but it definitely was a fantastic week.
Image Map

(1) My day off! Monday I used a vacation day. It has been a long month at work getting back to everything from the holidays. We at work have been really busy and I was exhausted. Monday could not have been a better day off. It was sunny, beautiful, and around 60 degrees. I slept until 10:30, had a killer leg work out, and cleaned the apartment with the windows open, county music blasting, and the sun shinning through. Kelly came by after the gym for dinner, too!

It felt great to burn lots of calories.

Delicious post workout meal of a Quest Bar and spinach, feta, cranberry, and walnut salad.

Blasting country music makes cleaning a lot of fun. I know I am late, but I love this song.

The sun was so beautiful and I loved having the windows open. I long for Spring and Summer!

Tuesday, I awoke to the news that Charlotte was expecting snow. What a change! We go from having a beautiful, Spring like day, and then the next thing you know, snow is coming. What a bummer. But guess what?! Tuesday (2) I wore pants that have not fit in over a year and a half! I was so, so happy! Seeing the changes to your body and then feeling it with your clothes is so awesome.

When I got to work, my boss told me he was letting everyone leave at 3PM in order to have plenty of time to get home and try to avoid the snow. I'll take it! I went to the gym when I got off of work. As soon as I walked out of the doors close to 5, it started to snow. I quickly ran across the street to "Earthfare" to grab a couple bottles of wine, because duh! That is the snow survival must have. Plus, Kelly decided to stay with me. What fun is being snowed in alone?! (3) A snowed in sleepover is totally required. 

We had a lot of fun. We had spaghetti squash for dinner, watched the movie "Carrie", got a little tipsy, and talked for hours. She and I see each other everyday and still never run out of things to talk and laugh about. I love my best friend so much. Kels if you're reading this, don't get used to it. :)

Marty was not a huge fan.

I however, thought it was beautiful.

Thankfully, Kelly and I did not stay up too late, because Wednesday, I was only on a one-hour delay for work. The roads were pretty bad though. Charlotte is not built or ready for snow and ice. We rarely ever get it. I could have worked from home, but I had a lot of meetings to attend, especially because I record minutes, and doing that via teleconference is a disaster. So... I called a taxi! Ha! I drive a Mustang Convertible and in no way shape or form is that car meant to drive in weather conditions such as that. Luckily, I only live 2 and a half miles from my work so an $8 taxi ride was worth it. Except that the driver was 20 minutes late, talked on his cell phone my entire drive, and slid twice. It was a heart attack waiting to happen. I made it in one piece though. Barely. 

After work, I was dead tired. I blame it on the wine and snow. I skipped the gym and went home to catch up on "Teen Mom 2" and "Vanderpump Rules". Ha, don't judge me. Marty and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yesterday I realized I needed to stock up on my Quest Bars. (4) Did you know there is a new flavor out?! Cookies and creme! I of course had to stock up and buy one. These bars are like crack for clean eaters so I am excited to try the new one today. Have you tried it? Let me know what you think.

For once, (5)I hit the gym in the morning. I am the worst ever when it comes to trying to work out in the morning. I have no energy, I hate my life, and I hate the world. True story. However, after work I am ready to go. But I pushed hard through the freezing cold and got my butt there to train. I go for my doctor's appointment at noon to get my B12 injection and see if I lost any weight this past week! Fingers crossed. Oh and the only reason I trained this morning is because I am meeting my friends after work for half priced wine. Ha!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Currently: January

I thought I would squeak this one in just before the month ended... This week was going to feature a post about hiking, one about life in general, a continuation of last week's road trip and/or a straggling "best of" post that has been waiting for over a month to get posted. But instead, you get this.

Current Book - Fall of the Giants by Ken Follet: I am about half way through and am liking it so far. It's a good story while still teaching me a lot about WWI. I am also listening to an audiobook: A Beautiful Blue Death. 

Current Running Path - 

Current Drink -Vanilla Bean Black Tea 

Current Excitement - Weekends! They are filling up fast, but there are so many fun things to do. I have a trip planned to see Lisa, an SF Beer Week weekend, a couple of big race weekends, and a trip to the Grand Canyon!  

Current Fashion Trend - Patterned tights. They are everywhere, and are normally paired with tiny shorts.


Current Favorite Blog/Website - I have been trying to catch up with some current events, so have been spending some time on sites like NPR and BBC World.

 Current Garden Item - Lemons and Camellias  

Current Love - Audio books! I get so much more "reading" done with them, since I can read them while running and/or going to the gym. And you can borrow them from the library! Double score.  

Current Food -White Bean soup made with homemade turkey stock 

Current Indulgence - 


Currently Pondering - What to do with my itchy feet...I am really feeling the need to do some traveling!

Current Mood - Overwhelmed 

Current New Find - My library has a site where you can download music, it's called Freegal. You can download 3 songs per week or stream up to 3 hours a day. The library also has a site for learning languages, finding new book suggestions and reading magazines and newspapers online. As you know, I am a huge fan of the library! 

Current Outfit - Lately I've been hanging out a lot in hoodie and jeans. 

Current Peeve - sparkly iPhone cases, bicyclists who ride on the sidewalk, people who put their backpack on the only empty seat on the bus
Current Song - 

Current Triumph - I am ready to do my taxes. Mind you, I have not FINISHED, but I am ready to start, and that is triumph enough!  

Current TV Show -  Cash Cab, BBC World News 

Current Wish-List - A round the world trip. Seriously. Like I said, itchy feet.  

Currently Delaying - buying my ticket to Boston. I am still waiting for prices to go down / waiting to firm up dates..

What are you watching these days? Do you have any fun trips planned this year?

JANUARY 30 = The "Tet" Offensive Begins

Above: A suspected Viet-Cong operative is summarily executed by Col. Ngoc Loan, South Vietnamese Chief of Police. A film version of this moment was shown on TV in America, shocking American audiences.

"In all honesty, we didn't achieve our main objective, which was to spur uprisings throughout the south. Still, we inflicted heavy casualties on the Americans and their puppets, and that was a big gain for us. As for making an impact in the United States, it had not been our intention --- but it turned out to be a fortunate result." - Tran Do, North Vietnamese General.

The "Tet" Offensive

On today's date in 1968, in coordinated attacks all across South Vietnam, communist forces launched their largest offensive of the Vietnam War against South Vietnamese and U.S. troops. Because it came on the first day of the Lunar New Year, "Tet", it came to be known as the "Tet Offensive". The "fortunate result" of which General Tran speaks above was no less than the unseating of an incumbent U.S. President, the unleashing of the worst civil unrest in the United States in a century, and the turning point of the war in favor of the Viet Cong and their sponsors in North Vietnam.

The Viet Cong Are BEATEN by the U.S. Marines & Army....

On January 30, 1968-during the Tet holiday cease-fire in South Vietnam-an estimated 80,000 troops of the North Vietnamese Army
and the Viet Cong attacked cities and military establish- ments through- out South Vietnam. The most spectacular episode occurred when a group of VC commandos blasted through the wall surrounding the American embassy in Saigon and unsuccessfully attempted to seize the embassy building (some of that fighting is pictured above). Most of the attacks were turned back, with the communist forces suffering heavy losses.

But the Communists WIN the Political Battle

Battles continued to rage throughout the country for weeks--the fight to reclaim the city of Hue from communist troops was particularly destructive. American and South Vietnamese forces lost over 3,000 men during the offensive. Estimates for communist losses ran as high as 40,000.While the communists did not succeed militarily, the impact of the Tet Offensive on public opinion in the United States was staggering. The American people, who had been told a few months earlier that the war was successful and that U.S. troops might soon be allowed to withdraw, were stunned to see fighting taking place on the grounds of the U.S. embassy -- right there on their televisions during the evening news.

LBJ Goes Down as the U.S. Erupts

Despite being told by Johnson administration that all was well, the Tet Offensive led many Americans to begin seriously questioning the war, and to wonder whether American power could prevail over the communist threat in foreign lands. In the wake of the Tet Offensive, support for the U.S. effort in Vietnam began steadily to erode, and public opinion turned sharply against President Johnson (pictured, above). The 1968 presidential campaign was under way, and in early March, LBJ, whose name was not even on the ballot did indeed win New Hampshire's "first-in-the-nation primary". But Senator Eugene Mc Carthy, who had opposed the war came in second by only 300 votes. This was viewed as a stunning rejection of the President. Studies later showed that most of the McCarthy voters actually favored the war, but intended their vote to be a protest of the LBJ administration. But it was seen as being against the war. Soon after, Robert F. Kennedy entered the race, strongly opposing the war. And on March 31, LBJ surprised everyone by pulling out of the presidential campaign.

READERS!! If you would like to comment on this, or any "Today in History" posting, I would love to hear from you!!  You can either sign up to be a member of this blog and post a comment in the space provided below, or you can simply e-mail me directly at:  I seem to be getting hits on this site all over the world, so please do write and let me know how you like what I'm writing (or not!)!!


"Vietnam - A History" by Stanley Karnow, Viking Press, New York, 1983.


Saigon =


+ 1346.
+ 325.

Hayvanlı Maskot Seti

Arkadaşlar bu yazımızda sizlere 13 adet farklı hayvandan toplam 26 fotoğraf ve 1 de önizleme fotoğrafından oluşan "Hayvanlı Maskot Seti" ni vereceğiz.Arşivinizde bulunmalı bence.
İndir butonu aşağıdadır.İndirmek için butona tıklamanız yeterli.


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[30.01.2014] Bangtan Twitter Güncellemeleri - Lunar Yeni Yılı

[J-HOPE]  Sağlıklı ve zenginlikle dolu bir yıl dilerim~ @-@/  Çin Yeni Yıllını enfes bir yemekle geçirin… Bize gelince, içimizdeki tüm tutkuyla ateşli bir pratik yapacağız!!!! Fiyah!!!!

[JUNGKOOK] Hey ARMYler, hepiniz şimdiye kadar ddukguk yedi mi? Biz Jin-hyungun yaptığı enfes ddukguku yedik. Eğer henüz ddukguk yemediyseniz hemen gidin ve biraz alın. İdol Olimpiyatları bugün yayınlanacak o yüzden lütfen dört gözle bekleyin!!  Herkes bilir, İdol Oimpiyatları gerçek bir hit.

[JUNGKOOK] Hepinize sağlıklı ve zenginlikle dolu bir yıl dilerim !! -Jungkook-

[V] Çin Yeni Yıl selcamın cazibesine kapılın eğer kapılmazsanız hatırım kalır >:D

[JIN] Merhaba millet ben Jin
Jungkook “enfes” ddukguk yediğini söyledi ama
Kimin yaptığının farkında değil
Gerçekten haha 
Jungkook bu serseri hahahahaha

[JIMIN]  Yarın Çin yeni yılbaşısı~~~Bu~~
Ddukguk yiyip para aldınız mı?~
Oh-ool! Bu akşam büyük/memnun bir kalple yemek yedim bize lezzetli ddukguk'lar yaptığı için Jin-hyung'a resmi bir selamlama yapmam gerekiyorㅋㅋㅋ
Güzel bir yılbaşı geçirin~"~

[?] @BTS_twt Hala yapmadıysan yap

[RAP MONSTER]  Merhaba ben Rap Mon!! Güzel bir Çin yılbaşısı olduğu için, sağlıklı ve şanslı bir yıl dileyin! Hepsini dileyin^^^

Eng Trans cr; bts-trans & MYBTS
Tr Trans; suga® & S-Nuna @BTSTurkey

What is Your Game Plan for the Superbowl?

Those of you who know me, know I love football!  I am obsessed with it!  So, what is a girl to do when she has made up her mind to EAT CLEAN and drop a little bit of extra bulge from the holiday season?

Well first, all things in moderation.  Enjoy yourself for the big game, but remember your mission is to watch the game, not polish off all the food!

Never go to a party hungry - be sure to fuel up on healthy food before arriving.

Be sure to drink water or tea and limit the amount of cocktails or beers.

Use a small plate to control portion sizes.

Be sure to have some healthy options - like a veggie tray,fruit, and hummus and healthier crackers.

Be sure to exercise the day of and the week after - exercise a lot and really up your intensity.

Drink a lot of water!

Water is your key to reducing bloat and your key to getting back on track the next week is not go too crazy at the party.  Studies have shown that eating foods high in fat can suppress the hormone that triggers fullness for up to 3 days!  So go easy on the heavy foods so the Monday after, you can get back to your clean eating routine without feeling so hungry!

Dragon City Sonsuz Hile 2014

Arkadaşlar Facebookun popiler oyunlarından biri olan Dragon City oyunun sonsuz gold hilesini sizlere 
paylaşıyorum.Aşşağıdaki linkden indirebilirsiniz iyi oyunlar.
Gerekli Site : TIKLA
Not : Bu Hile Sayesinde Direk 50M Goldunuz Olacak.Tarayıcınız Mozilla ile yapmalısınız. 

Bu Hile Sayesinde Neler Yapabilirsiniz Bakalım:
-Nesne Kaldırma

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Candy Crush Saga Level 501 Bölüm Geçme (Videolu)

Candy Crush Saga 500 sonrası bölümler geldi ve yeni bölüm geçme rehber videolarını sunmaya devam ediyoruz. Candy Crush Saga 501. bölümü geçmek için bütün jöleleri temizlemeniz gerekiyor ve 30 hamle hakkınız var. Aşağıdaki videoda bölümün nasıl geçildiğini görebilirsiniz.
Level : 501
Hamle Sayısı : 30
Görev : Tüm jöleleri temizle.
Candy Crush Saga Level 501 Bölüm Geçme Videolu Rehberi :

Karisik PNG Seti [404 Tane]

Arkadaşlar bu konumuzda sizlere PNG seti vereceğim.404 adet PNG den oluşan bu seti bence arşivinize eklemelisiniz.Webmaster ların oldukça işine yarayabilir.Logo tasarımı vb. işlerde kullanabilirsiniz.
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Islanmayı Engelleyen Harika Sprey

NeverWet isimli suya karşı koruma ürünü Amerika’da satışa çıktı. Her türlü sıvıya karşı yüzeyi koruyan bu sprey sizleri hayretler içerisinde bırakacaktır.Bu spreyin sıkıldığı alan tamamen suya karşı korunaklı bir hale geliyorufak damlalar halinde uzaklaşıyor..Su  aşağıdaki ufak videomsu görsellerde ne anlatılmak istendiğini çok iyi anlayacaksınız .

Ödevlerin ve değerli eşyaların korunmasında kullanılabilir.Bence çok yararlı bir icat.