Ladies - do you fear weightlifting because you think you will develop bulky muscles and look like a man?This inaccurate info is nothing but a fitness myth that should have been debunked years ago. Actually, I thought it was no longer a thing - but many women still fear to lift for this reason.Women...
weightlifting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
weightlifting etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Practical Uses of Variety in Training
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 12:56
Lifting, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, Programming, sports, strength training, weightlifting
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A lot of my readers have been asking me about programming. This week, I was luck enough to have my friend Steve write a guest post for me. Steve Bare is a professional strength coach (CSCS, USAW) and competitive weightlifter. His experience includes work in the private industry and an internship at...
Contrast Training: How it Works, and How to Use It for Impressive Gains
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 13:00
exercise, Fitness, Lifting, PAP, Plyometrics, Post activation potentiation, powerlifting, Strength, weightlifting
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I'm gonna let you in on a little training secret: it's called contrast training. It's used by elite athletes to improve power output, and the results are pretty impressive. Contrast training, also known as PAP (post activation potentiation), is the pairing of heavy strength exercises and explosive or...
How Often Should You PR?
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 11:43
crossfit, exercise, Fitness, Lifting, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, PR, weightlifting
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Adding more weight to your lifts is always exciting. Getting a personal record is tangible evidence that all of your hours of hard work have been effective. One thing that I've noticed, though, is that getting PRs can be addictive. By this, I mean that many lifters (especially beginners) get so caught...
Up, Up, and Away (Exercises to Improve Your Vertical Jump)
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 11:48
exercise, Jumping, Lifting, Plyometrics, Power, weightlifting
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I don't know if there's something strange in the air lately, but for whatever reason, I've gotten a lot of questions about how to improve a vertical jump. Some individuals are naturally gifted with hops, but for the rest of us who need to work hard to become more powerful, we have to add more explosive...
You Are More than Your Numbers
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 11:54
Fitness, Lifting, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, PRs, weight loss, weightlifting
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Fitness is a numbers game. Weather it's your bodyweight, inches around your waist, the weight on the bar, your mile time, you're continually looking for those numbers to budge. Active people are constantly weighing, measuring, and comparing. That's how we track our progress.To a degree, keeping track...
4 Big Benefits of Eccentric Training
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 11:34
Fitness, Intra-abdominal pressure, Isometric exercises, Lifting, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, weightlifting
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You know the old saying "slow and steady wins the race?" Well, in strength training, I believe slow and steady reps win the gainz. Eccentric training is, in my opinion, the Unsung Hero for improving athleticism. If you want to maximize strength, build muscle, and increase flexibility, stressing the...
Training for Symmetry: Using Bodybuilding Exercises to Improve your Lifts
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 13:18
Bodybuilding, exercise, Fitness, Hypertrophy, Isolation, Muscle, powerlifting, weightlifting
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Biceps curls, lateral shoulder raises, and shrugs, oh my. These are just a few staple exercises of the bodybuilding community. Although individuals who belong to the more "functional" end of the spectrum can write these exercises off as being useless and purely vain, isolation exercises for the sheer...
Your Grip Strength is Limiting Your Other Lifts
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 10:24
Fitness, Grip strength, Lifting, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, Strength, weightlifting
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Have you ever played that game at an arcade where you squeeze these metal handles as hard as you can and it determines how strong your grip is?One of the most understated elements of training is, in my opinion, grip strength.Whether you're gripping a baseball bat, holding onto the pull-up bar, or picking...
Breathe Your Way to Bigger Lifts (Part 2)
By Fitness ve Body Blogçusu at 10:33
Biomechanics, Breathing, core, Core strength, crossfit, Kinesiology, Midline stability, Olympic lifting, powerlifting, squat, weightlifting
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A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on breathing properly for your lifts. This week, my friend Nate Henry, a competitive powerlifter, wrote a wonderful follow-up article. His strongest lifts include a 523.5 pound squat in competition, and a 535 pound squat in the gym, weighing 206 pounds. His best meet...