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A Quest Nutrition Giveaway for My Birthday!

It's my birthday, friends! Today I turn a quarter of century old and I am no longer allowed to say I am in my early 20's. It is bittersweet I guess, but I enjoy growing older. Age does not matter to me; how I feel does! I feel 35 and depending on who you ask I look it too, hehe. 

I love giving to my readers. You guys keep me going and have grown to be such amazing friends. What better way for me to say "thank you" than to give out delicious Quest Nutrition products for you not only to enjoy, but to assist on your weight loss journey and/or keep healthy. 

As I reflect and think about my "birthday wish and/or wants", I find myself not craving material things like I usually do. Purchasing my new car was both exciting and incredibly needed. Since that stress is off of my back, I feel happy and content. 

-- Continue to lose weight: I am down 62 pounds since 11/25/2013 and I have 25 more pounds to go until I am "satisfied" and transition into the "maintaining" stage.

-- Finish my first fictional book titled "Pretty, Lies". I am about halfway finished and then the intense editing and changes will begin. I think if I stay focused big things could come. There is already something in the works. I would also like to send it to 10-15 of my blog readers to read review -- I would like to receive honest feedback on it. If any of my bookworms are interested, please let me know!

-- Stay true to myself and not focus on negative things people say. It is a known fact that not everyone will like you. Sometimes a person will not know a thing about you and still not like you. Sometimes people will not understand you or anything you stand for, which makes their "assumptions" completely wrong. There is a quote I like; "“I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.” That is something I want to focus on more. Growing a blog, trying to make a name for yourself, and chasing a dream that is not considered "normal" is both very rewarding and hard. As I have been on this wild ride, I have experienced wonderful opportunities and rewards, but also some negativity and hate. However, I am hungry to be more than I am, so I will never give up. 

-- My father's cancer to not spread so aggressively and more cancer treatments become available. (My fingers are crossed; we have been informed by Duke that there are really good medical treatments that should become available soon.)

-- My mother to receive her monthly MS medication (it is $6,000 a month). This wish has been granted! An organization has helped my mother and she will now be receiving her infusions. She gets her first one Friday. Thank you, God! Unfortunately the treatments cannot repair the flares she has experienced the past few months, but they can prevent new lesions, so we're praying for the best. 

-- My words to help and inspire other men and women to live their best, healthiest, and most fearless life possible. Knowing that I help other people gives my life meaning. I want to see everyone be successful; and whenever I can help, I want to do it. 

Now on to the fun stuff about the giveaway:
  • You must be 18 years are older to enter.
  • This is open worldwide.
  • All entries will be verified -- if a submitted entry is found to be false, the person is immediately disqualified and other all entries submitted by the person will be void.
  • The giveway runs from Wednesday, July 30th at 12PM EST to Wednesday, August 6th at 12PM EST. 
  • Winners will be chosen at random via 
  • Winners will be announced via blog post on Friday, August 8th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

All About The Week + Quest Giveaway Winners!

Since it is Friday and my brain is ready to shut off for the weekend (ha, who am I kidding, it is always ready to shut off) I am going to partake in the fun Friday 5 and favorites link up's and share randoms about the week that has been!

First, I want to thank you guys for your participation in the Quest Nutrition giveaway. They emailed me to let me know how much feedback they received from it, so I am hoping we will team up again very soon away to give you guys more products! I have tell you, even on my darkest and hardest days, you guys never fail to make me smile and give the that push I need to keep going. As I said earlier this week, it has been difficult adjusting to the abundance of changes ensuing in personal life, but you guys make it worth it. This my passion. It's hard work, but I love it. Some of you say I inspire you, but you will never know how much you all inspire me. Thank you for all of the meaningful and heartfelt comments and emails. They gave me hope and faith. OK enough sappiness...

Last week when I was in the grocery store, I happened to see a trial/travel size of John Frieda's Curl Reviver Mousse. Since it was like $1-$2 I figured why not try it. I love big hair. There are three things that can never be too high in life - one's heels, hair, and standards. Ha! I forgot it about over the weekend, but found it on Monday morning when I was fixing my hair for work. I absolutely love this product! It gives tons of volume, does not weigh the hair down, and it adds just enough curl - not too tight, but not too dull. It is like a wavy/beachy look. If you want an affordable, good product to add volume, I say give it a try!
Tuesday I awoke to hitting the 50 pound loss mark. It was exciting and rewarding. It's been a lot of hard work getting my life and body back, but I continue it one healthy choice and one kick-ass workout at a time. I have really stepped up my cardiovascular training over the past 2 months. I believe it is really helping. Of course, clean eating must be the top priority, but intensifying workouts never hurt anyone! Plus I rarely ever drink anymore. In August of 2010 when my gym first opened, I used the StairMill. My gym is huge - 3 stories, and only has two StairMill's. It is the hardest cardio machine I ever used besides the Jacob's Ladder (I wish so much I had access to this machine!). Last year I did not use it at all. I lost motivation, so the last thing I would want to do is use a machine that pushes me to my limits. Even earlier this year, I stayed away. Finally, I snapped out of it and I have been using it again at least 4 times a week. The StairMill aids tremendously in training to make me stronger while hiking and jogging. I can absolutely tell a huge difference strength wise. If you have access to this machine at a gym, use it! It is hard, but worth it. It makes me sweat like no other. Do not expect to use that machine and look pretty. It is all about hard work. When I first started using it a few years ago, I could barely do 10 minutes. I kept it and kept working and now I can do an hour. Do not be discouraged if you can only use this machine for a few minutes - just keep trying! It is worth it!
To celebrate my 50 pound loss, I went to Polished Nail Bar for a pedicure. I never ever get manicures or pedicures... I do everything myself at home. However, this past weekend I decided to treat myself to manicure and pedicure since I worked so much last week and my body was aching. I loved it. I received a leg massage that my calves were so thankful for, the chair vibrated your back, and you are served a class of Chardonnay. That is my idea of relaxing. Thus I went again. I didn't even need another pedicure, but I loved the massage and relaxation part of it so much that it felt worth it!

Wednesday, my Ipsy bag came! What do you guys think about yours so far? At first glance, I was not excited. I love makeup and color. This bag just seemed kind of... boring. However, now that I have received it, it is not so bad. I am eager to try the hair mask; I am always looking for good products for my hair. I never wear concealer so I am happy to have a tube to try out! If anyone wants to try my facial cleansing wipes for something they received - let me know. I' m open!

If you don't know what Ipsy is - it is a monthly makeup bag you receive via mail. It is only $10 a month and with that you get a makeup bag and 3-4 beauty products. You are billed on the first of every month and products arrive between the 10-15th! When you sign up, you get to customize your settings so you get products closely matched to your beauty preferences. If you want to join, please click here and use my link! I will appreciate you!

My mom arrived yesterday! She is here for the weekend and I am so excited to have her here. She single and ready to mingle, so I hope to show her a good time this weekend. We already started it good last night. We went grocery shopping at Target, bought some goodies at Ulta, then had dinner and a cocktail at one of our favorite restaurants "City Tavern". Now to get through this work day, then it will be time for the weekend!

Least but not least, I have the winners from the Quest Bar giveaway! They are listed below and were chosen via Rafflecopter who used All entries were verified and I will email the winners for their shipping address! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Top 5 Weight Loss Must Haves!

On my weekly weekend recap, I happily reported that I lost 5 pounds this past week.

However, I lied. 

When I went to my doctors appointment this afternoon, I was actually informed I lost 8.2 pounds.


I can not wait to write all about my plan and what I am doing, but I need about seven more weeks before I can, so bare with me. I am doing some trial and error and experimenting. 

Last week, I had a complete blood panel done. Basically a physical. I have been honest about my weight struggle this year. I do not really want to go in a lot of detail on this entry, but basically January through April my body was put through hell. Pair the physical pain with mental and emotional, and it resulted in me "letting myself" go for a while.

You see, I have lost over 100 pounds. My journey first started in September of 2008 when I was 19 years old. Here is the thing though: the journey never ends. Just because you lose a significant amount of weight, does not mean the journey is finished. It is a complete lifestyle change. I did a great job of keeping it off until earlier this year. 

Since obtaining my new job at the end of October and making some big changes in my life, I have been a lot happier. Actually not just "a lot happier", but unbelievably happy. I almost feel like a brand new person. I tell some people I have been "reborn". Thus, I have picked myself up, dusted myself off, and now I am back at kicking ass and finishing getting the weight off that I have gained this year - all 34 pounds of it. I am down 8 right now - that is a start.

Gaining a significant amount of weight this year made me really worry about my health. My heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, and most of all, possibly obtaining diabetes. Well, I am elated to say that when I went to my follow-up appointment today everything was perfect. I am in tip-top health. I definitely did not expect that. I thought maybe I have screwed my thyroid up from gaining weight, that I was in danger to develop diabetes, and that my blood pressure would be through the roof. To be honest, I was just scared that I had completely thrown my health away. That is how low I have felt this year.

Since health and fitness are the two of the biggest parts of my life, I thought I would share my current top 5 must haves to help aid in my journey! I would also leave to hear what you guys use as well. What has helped you? Please feel free to leave your tips in the comments below. We all need support and advice!

1.) Coconut Oil

As crazy as this sounds. I eat one tablespoon of this a day. I literally put a tablespoon in the jar, scoop it out, and force myself to eat it. It really does not have must of a taste. I think most of the struggle is mental. Initially my mind wants to think it's butter so I almost gag eating it, but then when I taste it, I am fine. Of course you can also cook with it! Use it as a non-stick spray. The benefits of coconut oil will literally astound you! I buy mine at Earthfare and I also know it can be found at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. Click here to read all about the amazing benefits!

2) Quest Protein Bars

These bars save me from hunger and when I am go-go-go, which is 95% of the time. You truly have to be careful about the protein bars that you eat. Most of them are NOT better than candy bars, literally 90% of protein bars out there have more sugar than candy bars! They also can be loaded with additives. Quest Bars have 21g of protein which is perfect as a meal replacement. I eat 6 "small" meals a day and a Quest Bar paired with an apple is ALWAYS my meal #2. Furthermore Quest Bars have 21g of carbohydrates and 17 of those is dietary fiber. That is fantastic! 80% of people do not get enough fiber in their diets so this is a great source. To show you how even more amazing Quest Bars are, most of them have just 1g of sugar. Not to mention the taste. They are absolutely delicious. And I say that as a picky eater. My top two favorites are chocolate chip cookie dough and white chocolate raspberry. I buy them at GNC mostly. You can buy them by the box or as singles! GNC always has a special on them as well -- buy 3 get 1 FREE! They can also be ordered online on Quest Bar's website. 

3) Vitamin B12 Injections

This may sound a little odd, but it isn't. Instead of taking a vitamin B12 pill, I opt to get an injection. Naturally, a persons body does not absorb a "pill" as well as it does an injection directly into the blood stream. Vitamin B12 Injections have changed my life. However, they do not cause weight loss. What B12 does is improve your overall well being. I am NEVER fatigued at work anymore. I am able to handle stress and pressure easily, my mood is constantly stable and positive, and I simply feel so much better. I work out in the evenings and sometimes I am exhausted by the time 5 o'clock rolls around. I work in a corporate office environment, but I am the Office Manager. That means I NEVER sit down. I run around all day, so some days the last thing I want to do  is go to the gym when I get off of work. Oh, and you can forget me getting up early to go workout. I hate morning workout's. B12 has helped me so much with that. I have a lot more energy and best of all that energy is not coming from sugar or caffeine. I get my injections at a place called "Medi Weight Loss". They are $10 a week there. Medi is national franchise with locations throughout the United States. I have heard a lot of people tell me they are also available at primary care doctors offices as well as other weight loss clinics. If you do not have a "Medi Weight Loss" clinic around you, I would search and call around for any wellness practices in your area. Another benefit; a lot of insurance companies cover the injections! Thankfully since my company has a "wellness" program, I get reimbursed for them. Check with your employer as well, it can't hurt!

4) My Health Journal and "Life" Planner
Aside from a strong mind, organization is one of the top 3 most important aspects of losing weight. I use my planner to record expenses, write grocery lists and meal ideas, appointments, goals, and more. I use it to list all of my thoughts. My planner was designed for it too! I bought it at Target for $20 and best of all, the dates are not printed in there, you write them. So if you buy it today, it starts today. Every health professional and doctor I have ever spoken with has told me how imperative recording your nutrition and workouts are and that if more people did and stuck with it, they would see such a difference. I use my journal to list out my daily nutrition and exercise. My journal is nothing but a simple pink notebook that I also bought at Target for around $1. One may think it is time consuming, but it really isn't. It takes me maybe 10-15 minutes a day. And lets face it, if you really want something, you will make time for it. Recording what I eat keeps me in check. It ensures I do not under or overeat, that I am consuming the adequate amount of proteins, fiber, etc. A lot of times, if you take the time to write your diet out, you would be surprised at how quickly calories can add up! By keeping myself prepared and organized, I stay on track and motivated. I have noticed that I always do better losing weight when I keep up with it in my journal. 

5) BCAA's.

BCAA's are "branched-chain amino acid's". YES! They are essential! These are amazing and must haves for ANYONE who engages in any type of exercise and/or physical activity. They do not cause you to gain weight  nor are they dangerous, they are solely for muscle recovery and they absolutely make a difference. They also help fatigue. I take two capsules after every training session and two in the morning when I first wake up. If I wake up tired, sore, and stiff in the morning, as soon as I take two of them, they make me feel like a new person. Branched-chain amino acids stimulate the building of protein in muscle and reduce muscle breakdown. Another interesting benefit of them is that they prevent faulty message transmission in the brain cells of people with advanced liver disease. I buy mine at GNC and order through