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Thursday 1 December 2016

Due to a burst pipe please note there is disruption to the water supply affecting parts of Stephanie and possibly those at the southern edges of the village.

The Water Board are working to fix the problem as quickly as they can.

A New Door and an Old Door

 As I mentioned in my annual Anniversary Post, I got a new back door this fall! This was another exciting project as it has been on the To-Do-List since I bought the house.The old door was not doing a good job any longer. We had several rows of weather stripping around it, but it still was drafty and the door knob would frost up. 

But I wasn't ready to just throw it in the trash. Even though there was a hundred layers of paint on it and the whole door bows out it is part of the house's history. I love the wavy glass in the window, one of it's good points. It also was the perfect size for the kitchen door. So now I have a new back door and an old basement door! 

 We have already noticed a difference in temperature with the new door. And it closes like a dream!

 I special ordered the door with a window to match the rest of the house. Isn't is perfect?

We are also loving the new/old basement door! Since the basement is unheated and unfinished having a door here helps the kitchen to stay warmer and less drafty. It also makes it cozier!

I love how the old door "fills" this corner. It has always felt rather empty and bare. Now it has a bit of character!
(In case you are wondering, I still haven't quite decided what to do about the old dead bolt hole. I am hoping to find a decorative plate to cover it.)

Looking through the door into the cozy kitchen. Pardon the dishes........I guess I should have tidied a bit more before taking pictures!