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Yemen ve Hicaz bölgelerinde 1. Dünya Savaşı ‘ nda durum nasıldı ?

Yemen ve Hicaz  bölgelerinde 1. Dünya Savaşı ‘ nda durum nasıldı ?
Mekke emîri Şerif Hüseyin ve Seyid İdris adlı yöneticiler İngilizlerin kışkırtmasıyla ayaklandılar . Bir tek Yemen emîri İmam Yahya ayaklanmadı .

Burada çöl şartlarında lojistik destek de olmayınca Türk kuvvetleri başarılı olamadılar . İmam Yahya Türk kuvvetlerine para ve yiyecek yardımı yaptı ve buradaki Türk kuvvetleri  biraz başarılı olsalar  da yenilgiyi kabul etmek zorunda kalmışlardır. 1919 yılında başkumandanlıktan gelen emirle kuvvetlerimiz İngiliz kuvvetlerine teslim olmuştur .

Palestinian bodybuilder Mohamed Nafaa

Long live Palestine!

Country: Palestine
Birthdate: 1968
Height: ?
Competition weight: ?
Off season weight: ?

Perfecting Your Plank

Several months ago, I wrote an article called "Perfecting Your Push-up," in which I gave you some insight on how to correct some common flaws in a seemingly simple (yet incredibly intricate) movement.

This post will be a sequel to that post, as a solid plank is the foundation of a push-up.

The plank is a staple exercise in many bodybuilding, strength and conditioning, and even powerlifting programs. It's an isometric movement that teaches (ideally) total body rigidity and stability. The forearm or straight-arm planks can be excellent exercises to develop the core if executed properly. Here are some cues to help you get your planks straight:

  1. If you're doing the plank on your hands, make sure your fingers are spread so that you can "grip" the ground." If you are doing the plank on your elbows, keep the arms parallel to one another, still spreading your fingers
  2. Stack the elbows directly underneath the shoulders in both variations
  3. Place the feet close to one another
  4. Squeeze your butt*
  5. Actively pull your shoulder blades downward to engage the lats*
  6. Do not let the hike the hips or let the hips drop
  7. Keep the neck in line with the rest of the spine
  8. Breathe

I put asterisks next to numbers 4 and 5, because I think they are the most common mistakes in a plank. We like to think of the plank as an "ab" exercise, but yet, we forget about the muscles that should assist the abdominals in this movement like the latissimus dorsi and the gluteus maximus. If you're not squeezing your butt, you're likely drifting into hyper extension, and if your lats aren't engaged, your shoulders are in an unstable position. All of these synergist muscles work complement each other beautifully to stabilize the core.

One other crucial mistake I have seen people make is to try to go until absolute muscular failure. They hold the plank as long as they can even if their bodies are shaking and their hips start to drop towards the floor. This completely defeats the purpose of the exercise and reinforces a bad position. As soon as you lose the integrity of the movement, stop! If you start to shake, give yourself a minute or two to recover before doing another set. Remember, more is not always better.

When the standard plank becomes too easy for you, you can try other variations: single arm planks, single leg planks, weighted planks, shoulder taps (in which you touch one shoulder and then the other shoulder without moving the hips), plank press-ups (in which you go from a forearm plank into straight arm plank, and back into a forearm plank) and so on and so forth! There are many different possibilities.

The next time you want to do planks, make sure you're doing them properly! You will get more out of the movement, and that strength will translate into other activities.

İngilizce ' de unattached ne demektir ?

Unattached  : 1) Bağlı olmayan . 2 ) Bekar .

Elevator ne demektir ?

Elevator : İçinde siloları olan ve bazı maddeleri karıştırılarak havalandırılan bir tahıl ambarı demektir .


The information below is important to anyone planning on hiring a car either in the UK or oversees from 8 June 2015 and who holds a UK driving licence. [Not applicable to photocard licences issued by DVA in Northern Ireland].

The paper counterparts to driving licences will be abolished from that date and any driving convictions and penalty points will not be displayed on a licence [whether paper or photocard].  Paper driving licences issued prior to the photocard licence issued up until 1998 remain valid and should not be destroyed.

If, therefore, you intend to hire a car either in the UK or abroad, it is important that you obtain up to date driving conviction and penalty point information.

From 8 June, new rules mean you need to request a personal code from the DVLA up to 72 hours before picking up a car either in the UK or abroad. This is so hire firms can check for points, as paper counterparts are being scrapped for photocard holders. You may not be asked, but to be safe ensure you get one in advance.

To get a code, you'll need to request one from DVLA via [click on Share your licence for a unique one time access code and, if required, a summary of your licence information which can be sent to the hire company] or by calling the UK no 0300 790 6801.

You will need to provide your driving licence number found on your photocard or on your paper driving licence for paper-only motorists, national insurance number and the postcode on your driving licence.

Give this code to the rental desk when you pick up your car - it effectively gives the company temporary access to your licence info. To share their details motorists must generate a code, which can then be redeemed just once by the third party. From 10 July 2015 the check code generated for motorists to share their driving licence details will be valid for 21 days. Previously the code was valid for 72 hours.

You'll also be able to download a PDF of your licence, which will be worth taking as a precaution - though you will still need the code. Not all car hire companies currently request to see the paper part of your licence, so may not ask for the code either, but don't take the risk - get a code just in case.

Some driving organisations such as the AA are also advising motorists to take the paper counterpart of their photocard licence with them too just in case there are any problems. It's also warning drivers who want to hire a car abroad to be extra cautious as overseas car hire firms, or even traffic police abroad, may not be aware of the changes and may demand to see your paper licence.

It is recommended that you read the full article on the Government website - please click on this link.Important driving licence changes from 8 June 2015

Müzik kültürlere göre değişir mi ?

Müzik kültürlere göre değişir mi ?
Müzik , her toplumda bütün ritüellerde , törenlerde , düğünler olduğunda , askeri  marşlar olarak bütün hayatımızı kuşatmış bir sanattır .
Tasavvuf müziği bile bir şeyler anlatıyor . İnsanın soyut olarak belirlediği şeyleri ses aracılığıyla belirli bir düzene sokmasından ibarettir müzik .

Bir müzik eserinin ifade ettiği şey çok önemlidir . Besteci , müzikte ilhamını doğadan ve toplumdan alır . Dilin gelişiminden sonra çıkmıştır müzik .

Coğrafya Bilgi Deposu Hakkında

“Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalan bir hazinedir.”
Coğrafya Bilgi Deposu, coğrafya eğitimi alanında öğretmen ve öğrencilere MEB Coğrafya müfredatına uygun eğitim materyalleri sağlamak için oluşturulmuştur. Akıllı tahtalarla uyumlu ve kazanımlara göre oluşturulan sunumlar, etkinlikler, ders notları, sınav kâğıtları, materyal tasarım örnekleri ve çeşitli dokümanlar hazırlanıp paylaşılacaktır.

Web sayfasının yanında coğrafya ile ilgili çeşitli animasyon ve videoları adresinden, paylaşımları da facebook/coğrafyabilgideposu ve  hesaplarımızdan takip edebilirsiniz. Coğrafya Bilgi Deposu sayfalarına abone olarak güncellemelerden haberdar olabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, sizler de destek olmak ve sitede paylaşımda bulunmak isterseniz, dokumanlarınızı adresine mail gönderebilirsiniz.

Sosyal ağlardan takip ederek güncellemelerden haberdar olabilirsiniz

Antiloplar nerede yaşarlar ?

Antiloplar daha çok Orta ve Güney Afrika ‘ nın nemli bölgelerinde yaşayan hayvanlardır . Antilopların yalnızca erkeklerinde boynuz bulunur . 

April Daffodils

There is something special about Daffodils. I am not usually a yellow person, but when these cheery flowers burst into bloom, I can't seem to get enough of them! I love walking the neighborhood and spotting their cheerful clusters. 
(I got a little carried away with taking pictures, so be forewarned! It was too much fun!)
 I have never cut this many daffodils before, usually I am content to smile at them on the way in or out of the house. It made a wonderful change to have them indoors!