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Battle of Marathon

The First Persian invasion on Greece begins in 490 BC. The war between citizen of Athens and Persian force starts at the place called “Marathon, Greece”. At first Persian force captured few places in marathon with the help of 600 ships and 100,000 soldiers. Later 10,000 Athenians and Plataeans were attack the Persians with tremendous force. In this battle there were 6,400 Persians killed and 6 war ships were destroyed by Greece but only 192 Greece were killed in this battle.

The Greece runner “Pheidippides” who runs 26 miles and 385 yards from the battle field into Athens and Says “Nike Nike” (Victory, Victory) then he dropped dead at that place. The long distance race was named “Marathon “after this battle.

War of Kadesh

In 1275 B.C, the great war between Hittite Empire and Egyptian Empire in the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River. Muwatali II (Hittite Empire) with 50,000 soldiers including 3,700 chariots and Ramesses II (Egyptian empire) with 20,000 soldiers was involved in the battle. Finally both empires claim victory.
The War of Kadesh was the first battle in the history to be recorded with full details. And also greatest chariots fought ever in the history merely 5,000 to 6,000 chariots used in this battle.



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Lovely Day For a Guinness

 First, I just want to say...Happy Sunday everyone! This week has been busy! I am trying to (slowly) revamp my blog so if you get a chance, click out of Reader to check it out! I updated my Bookshelf and Around The World pages and added a List of Lists page. So what's happened this week, you ask? Well...let me show you!

I drove around small town America. 

Commerce, MO
 Went wild in the Target dollar section...

If only I had more storage space!
 I found this new kind of Ruffles. Has anyone tried these? They seem interesting. 

I found this bar. Jo Mamas!

I got caught in a thunderstorm! 
Yes I was driving when I took these. No, I did not die.

But then it was finally cool enough for a nice run! 
(see...not driving for this pic!)

I found this sign, which I thought was pretty funny. 

And I found a tiny pony! He was only about 3 ft tall! So cute! While stopped on the side of the road to take this photo, two guys pulled over to ask me if I was okay. When I said yes, one proceeded to tell me that this tiny pony has a BABY tiny pony. I did not see it that day, but now I am on the lookout.

I made a new running playlist. I have a post in the works about why it is all rap. 

Then yesterday I did my very favorite thing in the world. Made a pitcher of this. 

And relaxed with this. 

How was your week? How is your weekend going?

This post is part of these hops: 


Ronny Rockel

My Email Inbox

I get a lot of things in my email inbox that I usually just throw away. This week I thought I would share some of my junk with you. 

I signed up for Skype when I was in Brazil. On Monday I got this in my inbox. 
Even though it just says, "Do more with your Skype credit" or something like that, somehow it's better in Portuguese. 

I also got this from dailymile. Yay!

Which is much better than the last one I showed you. Remember this? Boo.

I got a FREE eCookbook. You can too if you click the photo below!

I had to return something at Amazon. 
Did you know they make you pay your own postage? WTH! 

I got this from Running Ahead. 
Can you read it? No? It says, "Do you really run this fast?" (my speed says 360 MPH) Why, yes, of course I do!

I got this. Isn't this too bad? This makes me sad. You just can't fondle an eReader like you can a real book. You just can't browse Amazon like you can in a real store!

I got this from my buddy Delta. Tempting. I almost want to buy a ticket somewhere! 
Paris anyone? I hear it's beautiful in the fall!

Well, that's it from this week. 
What's in your inbox?