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clean eats etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
clean eats etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Healthy, Easy, Power Protein Pasta

Sometimes when I on a roll with recipe creating, I get in way too deep. What I mean by that: my dishes get really weird. Least we forget that sometimes more simple is more better. Ha. As I was creating my meal plan and grocery list last week, I was not in the mood for any of it. I wanted something simple...

Cake Batter Protein Muffins with Dark Chocolate

You truly can have the best of both worlds when it comes to healthy eating. Lose weight, build muscle, eliminate fat, and still eat delicious foods. Monday night I was having an awful sweet craving. That is usually when I create my most fun recipes, and that is what I did with this one. These muffins...

Clean Eating: (Healthy) Protein Cookies

Ladies, we are in this journey together.You know this whole weight loss, I want to be healthy and feel sexy, and wash my clothes on my stomach type of journey.Thus, on this journey, we need to eat clean. No dieting (I loathe that word) - but healthy, clean eating 85% of the time. And I think as human...

Clean Protein Cheesecakes

I have two recipes for a clean, protein packed dessert that I think you guys will love. Marquis and I love to take trips. We had the pleasure of going to St. Augustine in February, and are now gearing up for our Myrtle Beach trips. We usually go every month in the summer, so our second trip there this...