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nutrition etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
nutrition etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

More is Not Always Better to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

When it comes to fitness more isn't always better. Overtraining, over supplementing, and consuming too much protein can adversely affect your body.More is not better, better is better.Getting fit and maintaining a healthy body is a simple process. It really doesn't require eating loads of protein or...

Maintaining a Healthy Perspective About Fitness is Important

I adopted a healthy lifestyle years ago and never looked back. Today it's my state of being and natural existence.In fact, my passion for health and fitness has become my occupation. When you do what you love, it really doesn't feel like work. It's a sharing and teaching of how I live my life. It feels...

Why I Focus on Eating Healthy Not Counting Calories

I stopped counting calories years ago. And the biggest reason for this positive change was years of restrictive dieting and food journaling that became stressful and burdensome.Now I have a healthy relationship with food and just keep it simple and nutritious. I don't feel the need to track my calories...

Eating in Moderation Helps Me Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle is not about unsustainable restrictive diets but allowing for some moderation. It's just not realistic to eliminate a favorite food forever from your diet. Nothing feels good or normal about that.I consider my occasional splurges as part of my healthy eating and not even...

Excuses Will Not Change Your Body or Health

The truth about health and fitness is you either want it or you don’t.Let’s face it, many of us come up with reasons not to exercise or eat healthy. We even sound pretty convincing. Unfortunately, all the reasons in the world eventually catch up to you in the form of illness or injury.What we often...

I Don't Use Supplements or Believe in Fitness Gimmicks

Supplements can make false claims and outlandish guarantees. They are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) so there is no guarantee of the purity, effectiveness, or safety of the product.Fake FitnessMany supplements and products promise fitness in a bottle achieved in a short period...

Eat Right Not Less for The Body You Want

We have been taught to believe getting fit means going on a strict diet. Why?Fad diets and quick-fix scams have caused consumers to believe unrealistic claims. Sadly, these fad diets restrict important nutrients your body needs.There is nothing purchased in a bottle or package that is going to make...

I Maintain a Fit Body Eating Lots of Carbs

Being called skinny has always bugged me. I have had my share of teasing as a kid and even into adulthood. Body shaming goes both ways in this life.Love YourselfWhat's important is loving yourself right where you are while working toward your goals.It wasn't until discovering how to build curves with...

What You Need to Know About Sugar Intake to Lose Body Fat

Are you eating too much sugar? Many of us may not realize the hidden sugars contained in foods being consumed. Also, much of the food we eat is converted into sugar.The problem remains consuming too much sugar isn't healthy. It contributes to weight gain, obesity, and illness. Refined and added...

Fake Health Foods Can Lead to Fake Fitness

Health food and marketing is big business. We have been hit hard with no-fat, low-fat, no sugar, no calories, and gluten-free to name a few. Food companies know how to work the trends and bring in the cash. Now, unhealthy organics are making headway.As consumers, please be aware that organic labels...

Are You Drinking Enough Water for Optimal Fitness?

Drinking enough water sounds easy but many of you are struggling with water intake.Your body makeup contains over 60% water and needs continual hydration to function at optimal levels. That said, water is considered the most essential nutrient to consume for health and fitness.Drink Water for Fitness...

Cleaning Up Your Nutrition For Results

Achieving fitness results the right way will require good nutrition. Although exercise is important, nutrition does play the largest role in getting fit and maintaining your health.Eating Right is EasyEating right for results isn't complicated as many people believe. This line of thinking has much...

Food is Not the Enemy

It would be easy to blame food for being overweight and unhealthy. The truth is food is not the enemy. In fact, our very survival is based on food and water for optimal body functioning.Taking ResponsibilityLet's be honest. Getting healthy is about taking responsibility and making the right daily choices...

Are You Really Eating for Fitness Goals?

Fitness goals are awesome. Agreed?You want to lose fat, gain muscle, and feel healthy. Reaching these goals requires good eating habits and overall, a healthy lifestyle. How are you doing with that?What Are You Eating?Are you really eating for fitness goals?In order to achieve good health, it requires...

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018 Women's Wellness SeriesThis fall, Evergreen Park & Rec is offering several classes to help help women in the mountain community stay healthy from the inside out! Classes include:Empower Your Health: Gut Health - Uncover the connection between disease...

Keep Your New Year's Resolutions!

Did you know Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) offers 86 fitness classes a week?Photo by Morgan Barnes With 27 SilverSneakers® classes, 11 water exercise classes and 48 fitness classes on tap, as well as state-of-the-art exercise equipment and miles of trails, there's no...