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Health E-Newsletter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Nutrition Goals for August.....week by week!

Week 1 – Increase intake of fruits and vegetables!
Be sure to eat a variety in all colors.  Each color represents different phytochemicals that work at the cellular level providing anti oxidants as well as protection from diseases. 
Week 2 – Skip late night snacks!
Try not to eat before bed.  If you have to, aim for
Low fat cottage cheese, part skim cheese sticks or a
Boiled egg.  Avoid carbs at this time unless you are an
Endurance athlete who trains in the morning.
Week 3 – Stop drinking
Your calories!
A 10 ounce glass of fruit juice each day can add up to 51,100 calories in a year – or about 15 pounds.  If you need a change from water, try green tea or coffee.
Week 4 – Make sure you are getting whole grains!

Whole grains are higher in fiber, protein and other nutrients you need!  Where to get them?  100% whole grain breads, brown or black rice, quinoa, oatsWeek 1 – Increase intake of fruits and vegetables!
Be sure to eat a variety in all colors.  Each color represents different phytochemicals that work at the cellular level providing anti oxidants as well as protection from diseases. 
Week 2 – Skip late night snacks!
Try not to eat before bed.  If you have to, aim for
Low fat cottage cheese, part skim cheese sticks or a
Boiled egg.  Avoid carbs at this time unless you are an
Endurance athlete who trains in the morning.
Week 3 – Stop drinking
Your calories!
A 10 ounce glass of fruit juice each day can add up to 51,100 calories in a year – or about 15 pounds.  If you need a change from water, try green tea or coffee.
Week 4 – Make sure you are getting whole grains!
Whole grains are higher in fiber, protein and other nutrients you need!  Where to get them?  100% whole grain breads, brown or black rice, quinoa, oats 

A months worth of Nutrition Tips - Tackle them 1 week at a time!

Week 1 – Write it down!
Research shows people who keep a food journal are more successful at losing and maintaining weight.  It simply makes you more accountable – also if you write it down, you really think about eating it!
Week 2 – Always have water with you!
Water is good for digestion, nutrient absorption,
temperature regulation, and many other things!  PLUS a
2003 study found that drinking a ½ liter of cold water
Increased metabolism by 30% for more than hour after
Drinking it!
Week 3 – Eat Protein at every meal!
Eating protein makes you feel satisfied, and decreases hunger.  It also slows the absorption of sugar into the blood stream, keeping energy and blood sugar levels stable.  Try to choose lean protein sources most of the time.
Week 4 – Make one New Recipe Per week!
This accomplishes several things…, it eliminates eating out (where you cannot control what goes into your food or the portions) It also introduces you to new foods and ways of cooking.

Diet is IMPORTANT! 10 Easy things to do the get yourself back on track after vacation or slimmed down for vacataion!

Everyone who knows me knows I do not recommend quick fixes or extreme diets.  They will cause more harm in the long run.  A diet plan that results in rapid weight loss is reducing your lean muscle mass - WHICH YOU REALLY DON'T want....because when muscle mass is reduced, fat mass in increased and then your battle becomes that much harder.  Over time you must keep cutting calories to avoid gaining more fat and this will further slow your metabolism down -- making your body a fat storing machine rather than a fat burning furnace!

These are good overall strategies to stick to 80 - 90% of the time.  If you are trying to drop inches - 90% at first, then you can reduce to 85 or 80% for maintenance.

1.  Cut back on high fat foods - we all that fat is good for you, especially the healthy fat.....but high fat foods are calorie dense (meaning fattening) and should be limited.  Keeping fat intake to 35 or 30% of daily calorie intake is the first step to slimming down

2,  Cut back on all simple carbs - these include fruit juices, candy and some fruits that are very high in sugar.  Focus on complex carbs for energy - they will also keep you fuller longer.

3. Reduce your intake of processed and refined foods.  This includes those chips that you think are so healthy!  If you are trying to drop pounds or lose inches, avoid anything that comes in a bag or box!  This also includes breads bagels, packaged cereals, etc.  Instead focus on nutrient dense carbohydrates like brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans and old fashioned oatmeal.

4. Go GREEN and LEAN - The more starchy carbs you can eliminate from your diet, the quicker you will slim down. Focus on green foods - leafy greens, asparagus, green beans, broccolli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and LEAN protein (listed below).

5.  Exercise!  if you don't think you have time to get a work out in, break up into 2 to 3 small bouts throughout the day.  If you are exercising 3 x week and still have inches you want to lose, you need be doing 30 minutes of cardio at least 2 days per week in addition to your strength training.

6.  Incorporate lean protein into your diet - The best sources are skinless chicken or turkey breasts, eggs, egg whites, tuna and other white fish, shrimp, scallops and crab.  Have protein at each of your meals and snacks.

7.  Drink WATER!  you should be drinking 64 ounces plus more if you are exercising.  Aim for half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

8.  Don't Skip!  meals or snacks that is.  Going to low on calories will slow your metabolism down and your energy rate will drop as well.

9.  Make sure you are getting your nutrients with a quality supplement.  Inexpensive vitamins are cheap - and you will not absorb the nutrients.  I high quality food based multi-vitamin is best.  I recommend ZIJA  it is made from the moringa tree - all natural includes all your needed vitamins, minerals, essential and non essential amino acids, omega 3, 6 and 9's....all in one vitamin!

10.  Eliminate or reduce condiments - ketchup, barbecue sauces and fat free salad dressings are high in sugars and sodium.  Always read labels carefully.  Condiments can be a source of hidden calories, sugar, fat and sodium.

Meal Planning and Shopping Tips!

Part 2 -Meal Planning and Shopping tips to help you!
Before you head out to the store, be sure you are well prepared.  This will save you time, money and inches in your waistline!
1 – Be prepared!  Be sure to have a detailed grocery list that is based on a healthy meal plan for the week.  This will not only promote meal planning, but will save you money in the long run. 
2 – Live on the EDGE! – of the supermarket that is.  90% of what you purchase should come from the outskirts of the store – produce, meat and fish, dairy and whole grain breads.  Then go to the inner isles for pantry staples such as oils, canned goods and beans.
3 – Take your kids and educate them while shopping. 
4 – Grab a cart – instead of a basket.  Pushing a cart made shoppers 7 x more less likely to by chips and other empty calorie foods.
5 – Take your time in the produce section – and go there first while you have energy and focus. 
6 – When buying foods from the inner isles – choose foods with the shortest ingredient lists. 
7– Read up – be sure to read those labels and make wise choices.
8 – Chill out – frozen fruits and vegetables are a great value and have longer shelf life.  Be sure to avoid the frozen dinners and pizzas and stick to flash frozen vegetables and fruits with no sauces of any kind. 
Preparing and Cooking your own meals is vital to controlling your health and weight!  Here are some more tips to help you get started!
1 – Write out your meal plan for the week.  Plan the menu and post it on the refrigerator.  Develop your shopping list from this meal plan and go shopping and stick to the list.
2 – Create your own frozen meals.  If you are going to cook, cook large batches and freeze some for later.  Freezer friendly dishes like soups and stews freeze well and can save time when you are tired or running too late to cook. 
3 – Have a big side dish and then use if for lunches and dinners later in the week.  Rice and beans quinoa make great lunch items and can be served again with a different main dish for supper. 
4 – Spice it up – experiment with rubs and spcie blends for meats and veggies.  This can be fun way to change a dish complete.  Chicken or beef with basil and rosemary is a completely different meal that using a blackening spice and making it Mexican with tortillas. 
5 – Can’t  cook or don’t like to cook?  Get over it.  Take a class and learn to cook.  Once you learn the basic techniques, meal planning and dinner preparation change from a task to a pleasure.

As always - contact me if you have questions!  

Sincerely, your health coach,
Reference – Idea Food and Nutrition Tips – November December 2013
ACE Lifestyle and Weight Management Manual Second edition 

Label Reading and Information you Need When Grocery Shopping!

Did you know that only half of food shoppers read nutrition labels? We know that reading the labels and understanding them can be two very different things. Food labels are confusing and food labeling regulations are very complicated.

In order to make better food choices, you need to be informed and educated.  I am constantly urging my clients to educate themselves to be a better food consumer.  

What are Nutrient Intake Standards and where did they come from?

Here is a look at the main ones:

RDA – Recommended Dietary Allowances – published by the Food and Nutrition Board of the U. S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 1943. It has been revised every 5 to 10 years as new information is available. These are now a subcategory of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI).

DRI – Dietary Reference Intakes - introduced in 1997 when the Institute of Medicine (IOM) determined different levels were needed during different life stages and genders.  

DV - Daily Values – these are designed by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration and are required on food labels.  DVs have two subclasses:  

DRV – Daily Reference Values  - these are intended to apply to people 4 years and older as well as apply to diets of 2,000 and 2,500 calories.

RDI – Reference Daily Intakes - these apply to essential vitamins and minerals, with four sets that apply to infants, toddlers and people 4 years and older.  

Why is there no DV for trans-fats and sugar?  The IOM advises consumers to keep trans-fat intake as low as possible and to keep sugars to no more than 25% of total caloric intake.

Food Label Reading Tip - Always note serving sizes and the number of servings per container.  A label on a 20-ounce bottle of soda may state there are 120 calories per 8 ounce servings, but there are 2.5 servings in that bottle.  Missing this detail is the most common mistake made by consumers.

Other Important Food Labeling Terms

Gluten Free – this label means the food does not contain:
Any type of wheat, rye, barley or crossbreeds of these grains;
Any ingredient derives from these grains, or
20 parts per million of gluten.

Natural – BEWARE – this means nothing!  High Fructose Corn Syrup is labeled as all natural.  There are no official standards or definitions for the label Natural.  

Organic – Get ready – this is long list and you need to know what all these terms mean.  First of all the FDA has official definition for organic.  The Department of Agriculture has established the meaning and the standards that products must meet in order to be labeled organic.

Organic products must meet the following requirements:
Must be produced without excluded methods – such is genetic engineering, ionizing, radiation or sewage sludge.
They must be produced per the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.
They must be overseen by the USDA National Organic Program – authorized certifying agent, following USDA organic regulations.  

The 3 types of organic labels and what they mean:

1 - 100% Organic –
All ingredients must be certified organic.
Any processing aids must be organic.
Product labels must state the name of the certifying agent on the information panel.

2 - Organic – 
All agricultural products must be certified organic except where specified on the National List.
Nonorganic ingredients are allowed per the National List may be used, up to a combined total of 5% of nonorganic content.
Product labels must state the name of the certifying agent on the information panel.

3 - Made with Organic Ingredients – 
At least 70% of the product must be certified organic ingredients.
Any remaining agricultural products are not required to be organically produced, but they must be produced without excluded methods.
Nonagricultural products must be specifically allowed on the National List.
Product labels must state the name of the certifying agent on the information panel.

In my opinion, the most important part of the food label is the ingredient list.  How do you interpret this list?  First, note that ingredients in food are listed in decreasing order by their weight in the product.  This means that ingredients at the top of the list are most plentiful.  

If a product claims to be whole grain – then whole wheat flour (or another whole grain) should be the first ingredient on the list.  

Beware of Multigrain foods.  This label simply means there is the presence of different grains in the product.  Many multigrain bread products add caramel coloring to make them look whole-wheat.  They also do not contain nearly as much dietary fiber as the whole grain counterparts.

Beware of hidden sugar in your foods!  Sugar may be down in the ingredient list – however there are many forms of sugar and they can all add up to be the number one ingredient.  

Also, if you ever have question, please do not hesitate to all or me! 

Sincerely, Your health coach,


Reference – Idea Food and Nutrition Tips – November December 2013
ACE Lifestyle and Weight Management Manual Second edition  

What is Your Game Plan for the Superbowl?

Those of you who know me, know I love football!  I am obsessed with it!  So, what is a girl to do when she has made up her mind to EAT CLEAN and drop a little bit of extra bulge from the holiday season?

Well first, all things in moderation.  Enjoy yourself for the big game, but remember your mission is to watch the game, not polish off all the food!

Never go to a party hungry - be sure to fuel up on healthy food before arriving.

Be sure to drink water or tea and limit the amount of cocktails or beers.

Use a small plate to control portion sizes.

Be sure to have some healthy options - like a veggie tray,fruit, and hummus and healthier crackers.

Be sure to exercise the day of and the week after - exercise a lot and really up your intensity.

Drink a lot of water!

Water is your key to reducing bloat and your key to getting back on track the next week is not go too crazy at the party.  Studies have shown that eating foods high in fat can suppress the hormone that triggers fullness for up to 3 days!  So go easy on the heavy foods so the Monday after, you can get back to your clean eating routine without feeling so hungry!

New Year New YOU! - Tips to help you EAT RIGHT 2014!

Last weeks post was all about getting fit.  This week – eating right!
Like most people, you are probably making a goal to get more fit, eat better and improve your overall health.  To make this happen, you need to get specific.  How are you going to eat better?  
First of all you need a plan to eat right.  On your list of things to do – should be:

1.    Plan your meals
2.    Develop a grocery list for those meals
3.    Go to the store and buy those groceries
4.    Start packing and prepping all you can in advance.

Eating right requires planning and a little of bit of effort.  You need to be eating about 5 times a day to keep your blood sugar and energy levels stable and to avoid cravings and hunger.  I generally recommend Breakfast / snack / lunch / snack and then dinner.  Each meal should be around 500 calories and each snack between 100 and 200 calories.  Men may need more calories.

Focus on the quality of your calories!  You want to get the most NUTRITION BANG for your CALORIE BUCK! 

Focus on “clean” eating.  Clean eating is eating food as close to it’s natural state as possible.  For example you have an apple.  The apple is very clean.  Then you have apple sauce, not bad.  Then you have fried apple pie, not clean and too far from the tree!

Lean and Green!  Most meals should consist of a lean protein (like fish, chicken or eggs) and have green vegetables with it.  Think of mixed salad greens with grilled protein on top or grilled protein with steamed asparagus or broccoli on the side.  

Get your fruits and veggies in! Snacks should consist of fruit with some protein like yogurt or nuts.  Other options are veggies with some hummus.  These are great snacks.  Cottage cheese is good with fruit as well.

Starchy carbs – are good for you but limit to one serving per meal and focus on whole grains like brown or black rice, wild rice, quinoa, beans, and sweet potatoes or winter squashes.

Having trouble preparing all your meals?
  It is ok to eat out be smart about it and do your research ahead of time.  Many of the options at restaurants that appear healthy can be some of the most calorie dense.  Make sure you know the information and use apps.  My favorite is Restaurant Nutrition – and can be used on iphone or droid.  It lists all the restaurants out there and contains all the nutritional information.  I always check it before I go to the restaurant so I have a plan before I get there.  For example, did you know that the Applebee’s Fried Chicken Salad has 1120 calories?  That is almost a days worth.  IN A SALAD!  The Grilled Chicken Caesar is over 800 calories.

You have to be educated and become a student of nutrition.  You can still enjoy your favorite foods, but in moderation.  I recommend being compliant and eating clean 90% of the time.  That will get you results you want and still h
ave wiggle room.
Interested in learning more?  Contact Ally for more information on her meal planning classes and grocery store tours.

New year - New You! Tips to help you develop your plan to get fit in 2014

New Year New YOU!  - Helping you develop your plan to GET FIT!
So here we again with the start of 2014.  What is going to make this year different from last?  You are.  You are not only going to set goals, you are going to develop a plan to achieve those goals.

Like most people, you are probably making goals to get fit, eat better and improve your overall health.  To make this happen, you need to get specific.  How are you going to more fit?  How are you going to eat better?  How are you going to improve your overall health?

Start with getting fit -

You need to make a plan and stick to it with exercise.  Schedule it and don’t let anything interfere with that appointment.  EXERCISE SHOULD NONNEGOTIABLE – like showering and sleeping ( I am hopeful you do these daily!).  Your body needs regular activity to function at it’s peak.   If you are a person who constantly gets stuck at the office or have other factors keeping you from your scheduled exercise session, then you need to consider becoming a morning exerciser.  Studies show that people who exercise first thing in the morning are more than 60% more likely to still be exercising a year from now.  Why?  Because it becomes part of their day and nothing that happens later can interfere because you have already gotten it done.   
If you are tight on time, be sure you have a plan that includes time efficient exercise programs like metabolic training  and or / high intensity interval training.  Do not try to train for a half marathon or marathon if you only have 30 minutes a day to get in shape and DON”T BE FOOLED into thinking you have to exercise for an hour or more every day to get fit and improve your health ---research has shown time and time again that short, intense exercise sessions (between 20 and 40 minutes) are just as effective for getting in shape and burning fat as longer duration exercise sessions.
Be sure to take a balanced approach.  You need to include strength and endurance training along with cardio exercise to get the most benefit for your body and your health.

Don’t try to do too much too soon!  If you have not been active for a while and are very busy, a plan that has you exercising 7 days a week is more than likely not going to work.  Be realistic and begin by scheduling 4 days  / week for exercise consisting of 2 days of strength training and 2 days of cardio.  After that becomes routine, then try to add to this with more active days.  Always include at least 1 rest day per week for your body to recover.

Not sure where to begin?  There is so much information out there and it can be overwhelming and confusing.  Call several trainers and interview them.  Tell them your personal fitness goals and time availability.  Find one that you can connect with (that’s why it’s called PERSONAL training).   Many trainers will design a program for you if you prefer to exercise on your own but need a plan and structure to follow.

We are Approaching that time of year again! Here are some tipe for setting and achieving Health and Fitness Goals!

It is that time of year again.  As this year is wrapping up we are thinking of our accomplishments and what we need to achieve for the next year.  Fitness and health are many times at the top of the list.  Here are some tips from Allyfitness to help you set and ACHIEVE those goals.

Flip through fitness magazines and look at before and after pictures of significantly overweight, unfit, real people who transformed themselves through exercise and changes in their daily eating habbits.  Shape and Fitness Magazines generally have a section on this every month.

Read about real people who have achieved great success in accomplishing their goals, like my friend Cindy Corn who went from sedentary and unfit to hiking over 100 miles a year now in the Smoky Mountains! These are real examples. If they can do it, what’s stopping you?

Getting fit is an ongoing process that takes consistency and work.

Tip 1 - Ensure Your Fitness Goals Are Achieving what YOU Want to Achieve
Don’t set your goals to please someone else. Think about what getting fit means to you and how it will make your life better. Don’t do it because someone tells you you’d look better if you lost ten pounds. That’s the wrong motivation.  I find it help to tie the goal to a Health Benefit you want.  For instance, do you want to be more active with your kids or grand kids?  Let's add life to our years.

Tip 2 - Be Specific and Make it Measurable!
Do you want to decrease body fat, build lean body mass, get stronger, increase your endurance and stamina? Focus on one goal at a time so you can pursue it with laser-like intensity. Once you know your main goal, narrow it down. For example, “I want to drop a pants size.”

Tip 3 - Be Realistic
It may sound like a great idea to hit the gym for an hour a day, but it may not be realistic if you work, have a family and other obligations.  If you goal is not realistic, you will not stick to it and you will give up.

Tip 4 - Put a Date to it and make it Time Based.  Have a Plan for the Week and Month!
It is a proven fact that putting goals on paper helps with  accountability. Once you’ve written down your main goal, break it down into smaller steps – like and action plan for the month and each week.  Make sure the steps you plan will move you towards your goal.

I suggest folks try to get 3 to 5 workouts in per week and limit fast food.  That is achievable and measurable over a 7 day period.   Then build a plan for the entire month.

Tip 5 - Get an Accountability Partner or Coach
Did you know that you are 50% more likely to be exercising a year from now if you do it with a Friend or Family member? 

You can also hire a health coach to help you develop your goals and action plans and stay on track. 

AllyFitness has many tools and services that can assist you on your journey to be more fit and healthy!  Check out the health coaching services and the vitabot online meal planning software. 

Why are you doing so much CARDIO? What should you be doing to lose FAT!

Many people focus on cardio when trying to lose body fat, but that approach will not help you achieve your goals.  You want to lose body fat, not calorie burning muscle tissue, right? So what do you need to do in your workouts to lose the fat?
Strength training is your magic bullet when trying lose weight and inches. Having more muscle boosts your metabolic rate. Muscle is definitely your friend when you’re trying to shed body fat.  You need a fitness burns fat and preserves and builds muscle. Here are some tips from Ally on strength training when you’re trying to lose body fat.
What Exercises should you Focus on for fat loss?  Compound Exercises!
Compound strength exercises are ones that target more than one muscle group at a time. These include squats, lunges, push ups, bent-over rows, presses and deadlifts. The reason you want to focus on these types of exercises is, the more muscle groups you use during a strength training exercise, the more calories you’ll burn. Also, using more muscle groups has a greater metabolic or “fat burning” effect.
Isolation exercises that work only one muscle group (like a bicep curl or leg extension) are important for shaping muscles and building symmetry but they burn fewer calories and do not burn the fat like compound exercises. If your goal is fat loss, make your strength moves compound and dynamic. When doing lunges, combine them with bicep curls. With squats, do an overhead press. Use as many muscle groups as possible. This will get the fat burning furnace going. 
What amount of weight is require to lose fat?  Lift Heavy – don’t be AFRAID!
Do not be afraid of bulking up!  It is really difficult for women to put on that much muscle. You have to life heavy weight to stimulate the muscle to change your body, period.  Lifting heavy will activate fat-burning hormones and rev up your metabolism. Lifting light weights will have little impact on your metabolism or the shape of your muscles. The most it will do is build muscle endurance. Go for the challenging weights and see a positive change in your body.

How does Cardio Fit in to to the Fat Loss Puzzle?  Make sure it is High Intensity Cardio
High-intensity cardio will help you burn more fat just like lifting heavier weight.  Short periods of high-intensity cardio forces your body to work harder during and after a workout. High intensity cardio, like strength training, has the “after burn” factor which helps your body burn more calories up to 48 hours after your workout!  That is a GOOD Return on you exercise time!  To lose fat you MUST get out of your comfort zone. Think high-intensity interval training and metabolic strength training – these are you FAT FIGHTING SUPER FRIENDS aka the DYNAMIC DUO!  Check out the
AllyFitness metabolic training programs by clicking here.

Should you Incorporate Circuit Training?  Yes!
One or two days a week, do circuit strength training. With circuit training you do strength training sets with little or no rest between exercises. Moving quickly from exercise to exercise without rest burns more calories and maximizes the amount of volume you can do during a single training session. Who doesn’t want to save time?

What is The Bottom Line?
Strength training MUST be a part of your fitness program if you are trying to lose fat.  It is important for maintaining healthy bones as you age and prevent age related weight gain by keeping your metabolism high.

Click here to schedule your complementary consultation with Ally Today. 

References: IDEA Fitness. “New Insights into Circuit Training”

Trying to get Fit! AllyFitness's Tips on the so called "HEALTHY" foods you should avoid!

 'healthy' foods you should not eat
It's frustrating when your body won't change.When those extra inches won't go away.

If you're exercising regularly and still not seeing results then it's time that you look closely at what you are eating.  I tell my clients at AllyFitness all the time, you cannot out exercise a bad diet.

One of the biggest obstacles that prevents you from losing fat and getting into awesome shape is processed food  - plain and simple.  You need eat as much real food as possible every day.

The way more and more processed foods are being marketed as healthy, even the health savvy are being fooled.

Take a walk through the local natural foods market and you'll see nearly every form of junk food that you'd find at the supermarket – only with things like 'gluten free', 'organic' and 'zero trans fats' on the packages. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS HEALTHY, LOW CALORIE OR GOOD FOR YOU!

Being gluten free, organic and trans fats free are all great.  However, if it is a cookie, it is still a cookie.  It is empty calories.

Fresh, organic veggies, fruits and meats are also gluten free, organic and trans fats free.  You don't see that on their labels though.  When those words are stamped on a package of cookies, chips or the like, then eating them is going to seriously slow your fitness results. Gluten free or not. Like I said earlier, it is still empty calories.

Here are the top so called 'healthy' processed foods that you may be eating that are stopping your results and keeping you from attaining your goals:

"Healthy" Cereal
Have you seen the cereal aisle at the natural foods market? Its shelves are lined with dozens of cereal boxes, all with bold health claims. There are gluten free cereals, cereals with no corn syrup, cereals with heart healthy grains, cereals with whole grains and even cereals with added vitamins.

Those all sound healthy, right? Well, sure those cereals are technically not as harmful as the brightly colored cereals from the supermarket, but as far as your fat loss results are concerned, the two are really about the same.

Cereal is a dense source of calories, which means it's almost impossible not to overdo it when enjoying a bowl. If your goal is to lose fat, then cereal, even organic, gluten free cereal, should stay off your daily menu. Most all cereals are highly processed and calorie dense.

"Healthy" Packaged Snacks
There is a brand of 'healthy' popcorn that literally has fit in its name. With branding like that it's no wonder people are confused and eating food that sabotage their fitness results.

Popcorn, and other crunchy, packaged 'health' food snacks are filled with carbohydrates and calories. Two things that you should be cutting back on when working towards a fitness goal. These snack items are habit forming, so you may tell yourself that it's just a once-in-awhile treat, but soon it becomes a daily occurrence. You need to be snacking on REAL FOOD, veggies, fruits and nuts.

Here's the simple, unchanging fact about packaged snack foods: No matter what benefits are broadcasted on the package, it's always going to promote fat storage. Yes, even if it has fit right in its name.

"Healthy" Energy Bars
The energy bar aisle at the health food store is a colorful, wonderland of beautifully packaged, seemingly healthful snacks. The bars contain nuts, fruits, protein and even goji berries. What's not to love?

All that sugar, for starters. Manufacturers are clever enough to call sugar 'evaporated can juice' or 'natural cane sugar' or even 'rice syrup' but that sugar reacts in your body just the same as any other sugar. It encourages fat storage. Also, most energy or protein bars use very low quality protein and it is most likely soy isolate, which should be avoided.

The next time that you reach for an energy bar, consider all of the calories and sugars. Look for bars that are low in sugars and high in protein, and if you're eating it in between meals consider eating just half the bar. And the bars should be for emergencies only, when you cannot get to REAL FOOD.

"Healthy" Bread
Have you ever spent time in the bread aisle, reading labels and trying to figure out which is the healthiest? It can be pretty confusing. There's wheat, whole wheat, gluten free, and sprouted grain. How can you tell what's the healthiest?

The unfortunate news, for all you bread lovers, is that when it comes to losing inches all bread is a problem. You see, gluten free bread is filled with just as many calories and carbohydrates as wheat bread or sprouted grain bread. Carbs cause your blood sugar to spike and then your body has to release insulin, which promotes fat storage.  Remember from a previous blog, I wrote that in order to lose weight and or inches, you have to control your insulin and your cortisol.

Never take a packaged food item based on the claims and benefits printed on the labels. When you're looking to transform your body, you must guard what goes into your mouth. Packaged foods, even those from the health store, are going to derail your results ever single time.

Speed your fitness results by becoming one of my clients. I'd love to get you to your goals using my results-driven method.

Simply call or email me today to set up your first workout.  
The Way Nature Intended
Food that's untouched and unprocessed is always going to be the healthiest. See how many real, whole foods you can fit into your diet, while cutting out the packaged foods. You'll be pleasantly surprised how quickly your body transforms when you eat food prepared the way nature intended.

Reasons to GET FIT! Call for your Fall Fitness Assessment / Consultation today!

I spend a lot of time talking about what it's like to be working towards your fat loss goal, with your ideal body somewhere off in the distance. 

Today I'm going to switch perspectives and turn the focus onto how it feels to BE at your ideal size.

In addition to getting you pumped up and motivated to work even more diligently towards your goal, studies have shown that people who visualize accomplishing their goal have a higher success rate of achieving it.

If you are still working towards your goal then sit back and let the following Reasons to be FIT really sink into your mind. Visualize the following as being a part of your reality.

Reason To Be FIT #1: You Always Look Your Best
When you are at your ideal size,  clothes just look and feel better. Every Day.  Friends, family members and co-workers tell you how great you look and that you've never looked better. Oh and by the way, you feel good too!

Reason To Be FIT #2: Increased Self confidence
The act of accomplishing any worthwhile goal is enough to boost your confidence, and this is even more apparent when reaching a fitness goal. When your body goes through a transformation,  there's no hiding it. You are tighter, leaner and more confident. You stand straighter, walk taller and exude a confidence that can't be missed.

Reason To Be FIT #3: You Have More Energy
Before you met your fat loss goal, getting off the couch was a that you didn't always win. Now that you are fit, you have new energy!  You thrive on motion and activities that used to tire you out.

Reason To Be FIT #4: You Are Strong
The life of a truly fit person knows no limits! In your free time you hike, bike, walk, pick up new hobbies and play with the kids. Picking up items that used to feel heavy is now a breeze.

Reason To Be FIT #5: You Have Less Health Worries
Gone is the lecture from your doctor about the many risks of weight-related ailments. Those days are behind you.

Reason To Be FIT #6: You Enjoy Life a Little Bit MORE
You never knew how much your low fitness level  had held you back from excitement and adventure until the day that burden was lifted.

Ready to take control of your fitness and health?  Call me for a complimentary consultation and assessment!

Summer, Holiday Picnics and FUN! - Ally's Tips on how to enjoy without getting a spare tire!

Summer is a time filled with family, fun and vacations.  We should all be able to enjoy holidays and vacations without coming home with a spare tire around the mid section to worry about!

Here are some tips from Ally on how to minimize the battle of the bulge during summer cook outs, events and vacations!

Make a daily plan.
When on vacation, if it is the routine to eat dinner out, plan for this by having sensible breakfasts,  lunches and being active during the day.  Know the restaurants your frequent and order wisely by having meats grilled or baked and getting fresh steamed veggies on the side. Don’t forget to log your meals into Vitabot or even just on paper to avoid  calorie amnesia.  Logging and accountability is likely to make you think twice before indulging in huge portions or higher calorie options.

Plan and Pack for the Road Trip!
When we travel - I try to stick to on the go breakfast items.  You can get egg and english muffins at many fast food chains and that is much better than burgers and fries.  

Try to pack a healthy lunch of whole grain sandwiches and fruit for snacking.  Veggies sticks with snack pack hummus is also good road food.

Dried Fruit – Move past raising.  Try unsweetened apricots, pears, apples, papaya, and mango. Dried banana is also delicious, but avoid banana chips as these are cooked in oil and are high in saturated fat. 

Fresh fruit – Apples, oranges and grapes make the best traveling fruits as they don’t bruise easily, but if you plan on eating your fruit early in your journey try plums, pears or bananas as well. And of course, if you’re feeling extra hurried, you can buy pre-cut apples in bags!

Nuts & seeds –Nuts make a great snack for the road as they’re extremely filling. Raw nuts are your healthiest option, but roasted, unsalted nuts are also a good choice.
Baby carrots – Whether or not the rumor that these little guys are actually cut from full-size
carrots is true, a bag of baby carrots is a great snack-in-the-box food.

Peanut butter and pretzels– Take the jar or fill a mini plastic container. Ziploc a few mini-toasts or pretzels for dipping, and you’ve got a snack fit for any peanut-butter-nutter! Other nut butters like almond or cashew are also good.

Water – Avoid sugary sodas and bad for you diet drinks!  Freeze a few bottles of water and use that to keep your food cold.  

If you have to stop for lunch - BE SMART ABOUT IT!
Deli Wraps – Supermarket delis and salad bars provide a great way to grab a healthy and fast lunch.  Both Kroger and Publix have pre-made or made to order deli sandwiches and wraps.   
While at the HOTEL:

The free  breakfast can cause you to consume your whole day’s calories in one meal if you aren't careful.  Try the scrambled eggs and fruit with a whole grain english muffin.  Avoid the waffles, high sugar cereals and high carb bagels if you can.  

Water and coffee are your best choices.  Remember - don't drink your fruit - eat it!  Fruit juice is all sugar with none of the benefits of the whole fruit.

I really struggle with this because I love to hear what everyone else is ordering!  If you can - try o order first so you are not tempted to change your mind when others make their choices.

Share larger or more calorie-laden portions with others!  Portions are almost always big enough to share!  Save money too!

If you do want to splurge you can do so in moderation and with these tips to help you stay on track.  Most of all, don’t forget to use the vitabot to keep on track and download the app to your phone.