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vegan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
vegan etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Soya Proteini Nedir?

bitkisel protein kaynakları

Soya fasülyesi kullanılarak elde edilen bir protein tozu çeşididir. Vegan insanlar düşünülerek üretilmiştir.  Hayvansal protein kaynaklarına kıyasla kolesterolü ve tansiyonu yükseltmez, aksine düşürmeye yardımcı olur. Bir çok insan "et olmadan kas mı gelişir" diye düşünse de vücut geliştirme tarihince vegan bir çok başarılı sporcu bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca bunun yanı sıra soya proteinin kas gelişimine faydaları yapılan araştırmalar ile de kanıtlanmıştır.

Tavsiye : Soya proteini whey protein ile birlikte kullanıldığında etkisi daha fazla olacaktır. Maliyeti düşürmek ve kas gelişimini desteklemek amacı ile whey protein tozu ve soya proteini ile shakenizi hazırlamak oldukça mantıklı bir seçenektir.

Kimler Tercih Ediyor? : Çoğunlukla vejeteryan vücut geliştirmeciler tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Ancak fiyatları diğer protein tozlarına oranla daha düşük olduğundan protein tozu kullanmak isteyen kişiler için de iyi bir alternatif.

Nasıl Kullanılmalı? : Kutu içerisinden çıkan ölçek yardımı ile günlük protein ihtiyacınızın eksik kalan miktarı kadarını suya katarak veya protein shake hazırlayarak tüketebilirsiniz.

Soya Proteini Fiyatları : 2000 gramlık kutusu yaklaşık 150 tl gibi bir fiyata sahip. Diğer protein tozlarından çok daha uygun. Ancak pek tercih edilmediğinden bulmak o kadar kolay değil.

Besin Takviyeleri kategorimizdeki diğer yazılara göz atmak için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz.

Önemli Uyarı : Protein tozu satın alırken eğer niyetiniz soya proteini almak değil ise dikkatli olun. Ne istediğinizi bilin. Satıcı kişiye ona göre bilgi verin. Çoğu insan sırf fiyatı uygun diye soya proteinini yanlışlıkla almakta. Tercihiniz bu yönde ise saygı duyarım. Ancak yanlışlık, bilmeden soya proteini alıp 250 liralık protein tozunu 150 liraya aldım diye böbürlenmeyin.

My List of Product Recommendations!

My clients and friends often ask me what type of supplements/fitness products I use. Here's my list of product recommendations for you holiday wish list! Please note that, aside from GoMacro, I do not endorse any of these products, so I do not receive anything for writing these reviews. The items on this list are simply products I use myself and have found to be the most effective and helpful.


  • RawFusion or PlantFusion are both delicious, dairy free, plant-based brands of protein powder. I've tried countless different protein powder brands. Whey has never been kind to my stomach. I was always left with bloating and cramping afterwards, so I decided to switch to dairy free alternatives. Both of these brands taste absolutely delicious, and have no artificial crap (which seems to be pretty uncommon for protein powder). Although I like all of their flavors, I recommend RawFusion Natural Chocolate and PlantFusion Cookies 'n' Cream. Some plant-based protein powders taste grainy and leaf-like. Both of these brands have an incredible taste and mix easily with water. You can buy 2 pound tubs of these brands on for around $26, which is about $0.87 per serving. Not bad!
  • GoMacro bars are a clean alternative to many of the bars I've tried in supplement stores. All of the ingredients are organic, plus they're gluten free, dairy free, and refined sugar free. They have higher protein options as well! My favorite flavors are the Protein Pleasure and Protein Purity. You can buy them on Amazon for $38.99 for a box of 15 bars.
  • NutriForce Glutamine is an excellent product to help expedite the recovery process. If you're training hard, glutamine should be a staple in your recovery arsenal. I prefer to mix mine right into my protein shake. Cost is about $20 for 10 ounces.
  • BSN AminoX is another excellent product to speed up your recovery. The fruit punch flavor is the best, in my opinion. This product contains 6 essential BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) to aid in muscle repair and minimize catabolism. A tub is only $37.84 for 70 servings! Take these both before and after your workouts for maximal results.
  • Daiya Cheese is a yummy alternative for those, like me, whose stomachs do not respond well to lactose. Daiya is also soy free, if you like to avoid soy! The cheese melts and stretches, just as real cheese does, and it comes in a ton of different flavors. You can buy it at most Whole Foods or other similar grocery stores.
  • Feel Good Foods chicken dumplings are the bomb! They're gluten free with great ingredients, unlike many other frozen meals. I buy these from Whole Foods!
  • I'm obsessed with Cashewtopia ice cream. Ice cream is my weakness, and I don't need to feel guilty about eating this brand, because it's made from organic, clean ingredients. The "cream" is made from cashews, and it's incredibly rich and decadent. If you have a sweet tooth like me, I recommend checking out this awesome dairy-free alternative. I love the vanilla bean and chocolate flavors!

  • The Inov8 F-LITE shoes are great for anyone who's looking for a more minimal sneaker. I mentioned these shoes in my previous article on barefoot training. I think these sneakers are a great transition for someone who was wearing really bulky sneakers beforehand, and doesn't want to commit to the ridiculous-looking toe shoes. They're light (as the name dictates), comfortable, and they last a really long time! I'd say they're pretty well-fit for any activity, whether it's running, weight training, or just playing basketball in the park.
  • Elite FTS  Heavy Knee sleeves are great for those (like me) who squat often and heavy. I chose these because the price is the best out of any other brand I've found and they're excellent quality. You can buy these on for $23 per pair! Most brands cost more than that for one!
  • The Weightlifting Encyclopedia: A Guide to World Class Performance by Arthur Drechsler is a great text for anyone who's looking to get more into the sport of weightlifting! Lots of excellent cues and anecdotes for fixing common problems in the lifts! This book sells for around $56 on Amazon, and it's worth every penny!
  • Original Strength by Tim Anderson is a short, but informative read on how to regain the strength you had as a child. He teaches you how to rock, roll, and crawl your way to an injury free lifestyle. I love his videos as well, and I'd recommend checking out for more information from him. This book is one of several he's written, and it only costs $11 on Amazon.
  • Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise by Alex Hutchinson is another easy read that looks to dispel common fitness myths and covers topics such as the effectiveness of compression gear, static stretching, and running sneakers. Also around $11 on Amazon!