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Weigh and Win Healthy Holidays Challenge!

On average, Americans gain one to two pounds every holiday season - which they never lose. Over time, those pounds add up! Let’s make this holiday season a healthier one, together, and enjoy the holidays with balance and maintain your weight this holiday season.

Join the Weigh and Win Healthy Holidays Challenge!


Sign Up For Weigh And Win
Visit to sign up for a free account.

Join The Challenge
Visit click the ‘Join the Challenge’ button.
You will be redirected to your account log-in page. After logging in, you will see your Healthy Holidays Challenge Dashboard and you will officially be a part of the challenge.
Not sure if you joined? Give us a call at (800) 694-0352.


Receive weekly tips for overcoming holiday temptations, maintaining balance and engaging in healthy behaviors over the holidays.


Complete a pre-holiday weigh-in between Nov.  15 and 22, 2017, and a post-holiday weigh-in between Jan. 1 and 8, 2018. If you maintain your weight within one pound (or lose weight),  you are eligible for the prize drawing!


Everyone who maintains their weight is entered into a drawing. Weigh and Win will be giving away (10) Grand Prizes of a $125 Amazon Gift Card and (10) Runner-Up prizes of a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Weigh and Win is a free program that encourages you to eat better and move more – and will reward you for doing so! Sign up to receive daily, personalized health coaching by email or text message, track your progress through quarterly weigh-ins and earn cash rewards for weight improvement.

For more information, visit

"Real Women Have Curves?"... No.

So. My name is Liz and this is my body:

I'm not thin. I'm not skinny.

I'm pretty curvy. I have a big butt, my legs are big in comparison to my upper body, and big natural boobies that can be very annoying at times.

I have lost over 100 pounds and I am pretty damn proud. 

However, I want to step on my soap box and say that I loathe the term "real women have curves". I heard women at work talking about it today and then I saw this article on "The Huffington Post". I hate the divide that is among women, a lot of it brought on by society and the media. I love women and I am all for "girl power". When I was in the cosmetics world, one of the best parts of the job I had was improving a woman's self esteem. I also enjoy promoting my girlfriends in every way I can. 

I see no point in jealously, cattiness, and most of a divide. We all need to lift each other up, not tear each other down. 

ALL women are beautiful. If you are thin, fit, slightly overweight, "skinny", and/or regular. The quote needs to read: "real women are who they are". We all come in different shapes and sizes, and we are ALL real women and beautiful.

In comparison to that, I don't like articles celebrating obesity. If you click the link I have above from "The Huffington Post" it has "regular" (and I use this term mocking, just look at the pictures" modeling in lingerie. Here is an example from the article:

I am not judging these women at all. I would be their friend in a heartbeat, I would support them, and they sre probably very intelligent, successful, goodhearted people - not to mention brave and confident. That alone is beautiful. I don't know what their story is or their struggles. 

However, being that much overweight with a significant amount of body fat is NOT healthy. This is not what we need to promote amongst ourselves and especially the youth. When I was 274 pounds in 2008, I felt depressed, fatigued, and down a LOT. I was very overweight. People would tell me to just "love the skin I was in", however, the skin I was in, was killing me. I was on the verge of heart problems, clogged arteries, and diabetes. That is not anything to celebrate. It will literally amaze you to see how many issues with our health that can be cured solely by being fit and healthy. 

Now that I have lost over 100 pounds, I feel like a brand new person and all of those potential diseases I could have had are gone, my physical and my health are in tip top shape. That is something to celebrate. That is beautiful. 

I say: "Real men AND women come in all different shapes and sizes. Real women are intelligent, confident, and know their self worth. Real women know that their outer appearance does not define them, but takes pride in their health."

Lets work on empowering one another and helping when we can. A divide amongst what is beautiful does no good for anyone.

To view another post on my view of women, jealously, and friendships click here..

Interval Training Tips for Effective Weight Loss

ByMarcus J Michael

Today, there is one proven form of exercise that is highly recommended for anybody who is really serious about losing weight and getting into his or her desired body shape in the shortest possible time and that is through the use of high intensity interval training - also known as HIIT.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a proven, time-efficient and safe interval training technique that by far outperforms any type of conventional low intensity aerobic exercise technique.

HIIT is an exercise technique that incorporates the alternating of short high-intensity exercise intervals with longer low-intensity recovery intervals during an exercise session. To put it more succinctly, HIIT is the mixing of short burst of intense exercise with longer recovery breaks - doing some short energy burst, then slowing down to recover and repeating the same procedure throughout the exercise session. You can make use of interval training during your exercise sessions such as sprinting, skating, jump rope, treadmill or swimming.

By way of illustration, let's assume you are going on your normal morning jogs. First, you might want to decide on the number of energy bursts (high intensity intervals) you want to add to your jogging this morning. It is equally important to remember that during this energy burst you'll have to push your heart rate above your normal training zone to about 80-90 per cent of your present capability.

You can begin jogging by warming up for about 5 minutes, then suddenly do a sprint burst for about 1 minute and thereafter slow down to your normal pace to recover for another 4 minutes. Repeating this procedure twice and giving yourself about 5 minutes to recover will add up to about 20 minutes of workout for a start. As you go on, you can start increasing the high intensity burst interval to increase the impact.

Generally, high intensity interval trainings last for just about 20 minutes excluding the warm-up and recovery periods. The idea behind HIIT is to develop the ability of holding onto the anaerobic state - high intensity interval - for a longer cumulative time during the workout session. However, the resting or recovery interval cycle of the workout is normally longer than the burst interval with an average of about two to four times.

There are basically four parameters which can be adjusted when planning a high intensity interval training workout taking into consideration your current overall fitness level as well as weight loss goals. These include:

Intensity / Speed of High-Intensity Interval
Duration / Distance / Time of High-Intensity Interval
Recovery Interval / Duration of rest
Number of repetitions of each interval

According to the American Council on Exercise, everybody can benefit from some type of high intensity interval training. While beginners can start by using interval training to gradually increase their level of endurance to a point where they become able of incorporating more strenuous higher intensity exercises, those already in good shape or even athletes can employ HIIT to boost their speed, endurance and overall performance.

The following interval training tips and guidelines can help you reduce any risk of injury and also help to maximize your high intensity interval training benefits.

1. Avoid performing exercises on an empty stomach

It is generally recommended to eat at least thirty minutes before workouts as this increases your ability to exercise harder and for much longer. Also eating before exercising helps you to eat fewer calories during the day compared to when you exercise on an empty stomach.

2. Maintain a healthy eating habit

It is still very important to ensure that you maintain a healthy eating lifestyle to provide the energy you need to cope with high intensity interval training and also to support your general weight loss initiative. Incorporate proteins, vegetables and low glycemic index carbohydrates into your diet to provide the necessary energy as well as minerals and vitamins.

3. Always warm up and cool down

Take about five minutes to warm up before exercising and another five minutes or thereabout to cool down after completing your exercise session. Warming up at slow rates prepares your joints, muscles and heart for the exercise. The cooling down period allows the body to return to its resting state and also help to prevent injury and muscle soreness.

4. Increase intensity gradually

Although the secret to HIIT is the intensity applied during the workout session, it is however generally physically demanding and therefore always recommended to start according to your current fitness level and not to push yourself too hard when just starting HIIT.

5. Push yourself as hard as you can

When your endurance level increases, you can now attempt to sustain your high intensity intervals for about three to five minutes before slowing down to recover. The body generally adapts under intensity, therefore it is advised to always push yourself a bit harder every now and then for the body to keep trying to adapt to functioning at these higher intensities which helps to increase your overall weight loss ability.

Re-take CONTROL of your life today to get that trimmer and healthier figure of your dreams by checking us out right now to get some topnotch best weight loss tips in addition to some of the best weight loss programs that will help you lose that excess body fat permanently!

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The Benefits of Resistance Training in Weight Loss

ByMarcus J Michael

Irrespective of the angle from which you might want to look at the many options of losing weight being promoted today, the truth remains that proper diet and exercise are the surest ways to achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss.

Though an individual's ability to lose weight depends on several factors, it is nonetheless a generally acknowledged fact that the most important factor that can drastically impact weight loss is nothing more than an individual's basal metabolic rate (BMR).

BMR, which is also referred to as resting metabolic rate (RMR), is the total amount of energy that the body requires to maintain its vital functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, as well as body temperature while it is at rest.

This energy accounts for about 50-80% of an individual's total daily energy consumption which automatically makes it the biggest contributor to overall metabolic rate (as metabolism is impacted by several other factors besides BMR) and thus his or her weight loss ability.

In the same vein, the biggest contributor to your BMR is the total amount of fat-free mass (lean body mass) you have on your body. This is actually the amount of muscle on your body and it has been demonstrated that the more muscles you have, the more calories you will be able to burn because muscle is considered to be more metabolic than fat.

Similarly, the best way to increase your muscle mass is by engaging in resistance training through the use of resistance bands, free weights, or machines. Resistance training, or weight lifting, increases your overall metabolism like no other exercise routine can and concurrently increases and continues your fat burning processes for up to 48 hours after terminating your workout session.

Essentially, there are three ways through which resistance training impact your metabolism and these are as follows:

1. The Workout Session
As the muscles contract under heavy loads, they generally require more energy and also produce heat as a by-product of the muscular contractions. The rate of increase in metabolism largely depends on the amount of muscle mass and also the level of resistance employed during the workout.

Generally it is considered that the amount of calorie expended during the resistance training is a function of the total amount of weight lifted - the heavier the load lifted, the higher the metabolic increase which equally leads to greater calorie expenditure.

2. The Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
According to a recent research study by the Colorado State University, strenuous resistance training have the capability of increasing the body's metabolic rate for extended periods and is mostly influenced by the oxidation of body fat.

EPOC is the amount of oxygen required by your body to recover from the muscular strain resulting from the resistance training. This oxygen is what is used to oxidize the built up lactic acid in the muscles and to replenish its stock of intramuscular glycogen as well as the repair of micro-tears sustained by your muscles while exercising. This is where the power of resistance training actually comes from as this process of repair can go on for more than 48 hours after the stop of your exercise session.

Furthermore, resistance training generally makes use of glucose (derived from carbohydrates) and the more glucose expended during the workout session, the more oxidation of fat that will occur after the exercise in order to meet the increased energy demands for muscle repairs.

However, other factors such as the amount of energy expended while exercising; increases in body temperature, breathing and heart rate; and also muscle and blood oxygen store restorations, affect your post-workout oxygen consumption. Generally, the intensity of your exercise is almost directly proportional to the amount of fat that will be burned during the recovery period.

3. The Additional New Muscle Mass
Scientific studies have confirmed that one pound of lean muscle can burn up about 30-50 calories per day while at rest and about 50-100 calories per day to function. Although this might appear insignificant, adding about 3-5 pounds of muscles can however have a very significant multiplier effect in BMR increase.

Resistance training is arguably the best known method of effectively building new muscle mass. The new muscle mass affects your metabolism basically because the new lean muscles are generally metabolically active and also causes a corresponding increase in post-exercise oxygen consumption.

Therefore it can be said that the use of cardiovascular exercise alone for weight loss will not take anybody very far. To achieve the best results with your weight loss efforts, it is therefore important to incorporate some form of resistance training as an essential component of your workouts.

Re-take CONTROL of your life today to get that trimmer and healthier figure of your dreams by checking us out right now to get some topnotch best weight loss tips in addition to some of the best weight loss programs that will help you lose that excess body fat permanently!

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Using High Intensity Interval Training for Weight Loss

ByMarcus J Michael

A time there was when the best advice from fitness experts was that you spend hours in the gym performing cardiovascular workouts in order to build better muscles and lose weight. However, there is a new twist to this erstwhile popularly held notion and it is the use of high intensity interval training.

Unlike several other quick weight loss advices that most people consider to be "too good to be true", high intensity interval training (also referred to as HIIT) is rather a proven, efficient, and safe alternative to effectively lose excess body weight when compared to conventional cardio exercises.

One issue that makes conventional cardio exercises which generally employ specific training methods over a period of time inefficient in helping individuals lose weight and maintain it is the fact that after about four to eight weeks, the body normally starts adapting to this specific training method and overall effectiveness starts to reduce.

The human body is good at adapting to both internal and external conditions especially those it considers to be stressors - like exercise. Therefore, while low intensity cardiovascular exercises have the ability to help individuals lose weight, a diminishing effect is generally experienced once the body finally adapts. At this stage you might have reached a "plateau" which generally indicates that your body has successfully adapted to your current routine.

This is one of the reasons why high intensity interval training (HIIT) is more effective as it does not allow the body to get used to the exercises being performed by interrupting its rhythm. HIIT is a specialized form of interval training that involves the incorporation of short intervals of maximum intensity exercises with longer intervals of low to moderate intensity exercises in an exercise session.

Essentially, HIIT is you having to do a number of short burst of intense exercise followed by a longer recovery interval and the repeat of this sequence during your exercise session. This abrupt interval jolt automatically - howbeit unexpectedly - turn things up a bit forcing the body to search for more energy to satisfy the sudden increase in demand.

The body has three major options for sourcing energy fuel to satisfy this increased demand and these are - carbohydrate, fat, and protein and which can be obtained from either the bloodstream or the muscles.

Unlike carbohydrate, fat generally require more energy to burn and is considered a slower burning energy and is what is mostly used during cardio exercises as there is sufficient oxygen in the bloodstream for its oxidation at this intensity level. However, if sufficient intensity is applied to aerobic exercises, the body suddenly runs short of oxygen supply and this results in a reduction in the amount of fat than can be oxidized by the body.

Consequently, for the body to be able to keep up with this abrupt energy demand, it usually turns to carbohydrates which are a faster burning energy. At moderate intensity, the body can source carbohydrates (in the form of glucose) from the bloodstream but at higher intensities it generally turns to the glycogen (mixture of water and glucose) in the muscles.

At high intensity the body is said to be exercising in an anaerobic state - whereby the body is exercising so fast or energetically that the bloodstream cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscles forcing them to exercise without oxygen.

Having expended most of the glycogen in the muscles during the short energy burst, the body resorts to its stored body fat during the recovery interval and this cycle continues to the end of the exercise session. This routine generally creates a significant energy deficit in the body.

However, it is actually after the high intensity interval training itself that the effectiveness of this routine is experienced. This is due to the fact that the body continues to burn its stored fat while attempting to replace the expended muscle glycogen. It has been demonstrated that this fat burning process can continue for up to 48 hours after performing HIIT exercises and therein lays the awesome power of HIIT - supercharged increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR).

HIIT can be used during your sprinting, swimming, rowing, cycling, walking, or cardio machine (stationary bike, cross-trainer, or treadmill) exercise sessions. Incorporating HIIT into your regular fitness routines will enable you to increase your overall endurance, improve your oxygen intake, build new metabolically active muscles, and also burn calories much faster.

However, HIIT is pretty physically demanding and definitely not meant for everybody. It is therefore recommended that those who are relatively new to aerobics, who are not in good shape, have cardiovascular problems, or any other serious health concerns, should endeavor to start with low to moderate intensity exercises for some time before attempting any form of high intensity interval training.

In summary, it can be categorically stated that high intensity interval training is the best way to go for any individual who is really serious about losing weight. If you've seen little or no results from your conventional cardio exercises, it is time to turn to a more efficient, effective, and safe weight loss strategy by making use of high intensity interval training.

Re-take CONTROL of your life today to get that trimmer and healthier figure of your dreams by checking us out right now to get some topnotch best weight loss tips in addition to some of the best weight loss programs that will help you lose that excess body fat permanently!

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Three Effective And Fun Ways To Lose Weight Exercising

Figuring out the best ways to lose weight by exercising can at times seem like a challenge, but as long as you take a bit of time to do some research, you can be well on your way to success.

The biggest problem that many people make in their quest to lose weight exercising is not gaining the background knowledge of what it takes to succeed. Instead, they just hop on the first plan that they come across, even if they aren't even sure that plan is properly structured to help with fat loss success.

By learning what the best ways to lose weight by exercising are, you can put your best foot forward to win the battle of the bulge.

Let's take a quick peek at what you need to know to see maximum success.

Circuit Training

The very first of the main ways to lose weight by exercising is by performing circuit training. Circuit training is an excellent technique as its going to help to provide a cardiovascular workout as well as a strength and conditioning workout, bringing you the fastest results possible.

By doing circuit training, you can cut back on any cardio training that you might be doing, leaving more time to get done everything else you want to do during the week.

If you run a busy schedule, this is an excellent way to lose weight exercising.

Boot Camp Classes

The second best way to see results from your workout program is with boot camp classes. Boot camp classes are going to have you performing a number of different exercises, both bodyweight as well as weight based.

These classes are great for those who enjoy a group atmosphere with their approach, and will also help to challenge you from both a cardiovascular and a strength training angle.

If you're tired of going at your sessions alone, make sure that you give these some careful consideration. The more like-minded individuals you can bring into your life, the better your chances are of sticking with the fitness lifestyle.


Finally, the third and last way that you should use to help you lose weight exercising is Crossfit sessions. More and more people are looking into the benefits that Crossfit training has to offer and they are numerous.

Crossfit combines a variety of different exercise types into one solid workout program that will boost your strength, enhance your cardio conditioning, and help to improve your balance and agility as well.

Many Crossfit classes incorporate gymnastics based movements into the workout, so you'll really get a wide variety of different exercises by using this approach.

So there you have the main ways that you can get in shape quickly and lose weight exercising. You definitely don't need to use all three of these exercise variations in your program, but if you can incorporate at least one into the mix of the usual workout sessions that you're doing, you'll be well on the road to success.

The author of this article is Kevin and he loves an active living and healthy lifestyle. He believes that all of us should devote at least a portion of our day to some sort of fitness activity.
To learn about more options to lose weight exercising you can check out his website here:

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Body Weight Exercises: For Fat Loss

ByMark L Crews

No exercise equipment, no problem. You do not need expensive gym equipment to get in a great workout to help you lose weight. As a matter of fact all you need is your body. Body weight exercise can get you in great shape. The military has used these exercises for years to get their recruits in great shape.You can lose fat by doing them also.

1. Push Ups: This exercise is a staple of body weight training. The benefits are numerous. When you do push ups you work your whole upper body especially the chest, shoulders and upper arms. By switching your hand position from wide grip to closer together you will hit different parts of the upper body. Because you are exerting yourself so much while doing push ups, it really kick starts your metabolism and gets your fat loss going.

2. Sit Ups: Sit ups go hand in hand with push ups. Both exercises help strengthen the core. The core is pivotal in all areas of your life. Sit ups alone will not give you six pack abs but combined with the other exercises and cardio play a key roll in developing a flat stomach. Be sure to use proper technique, make sure that your knees are bent and that you don't pull yourself up with your hands behind your neck, crossing your arms across your chest works best.

3. Burpee: Caution this exercise will kick your butt. To begin the exercise you will start from the squat position, with your hands flat on the floor.kick your feet back so that you are in the push up position. Quickly return your feet to the squat position then jump as high as possible. This may be the single best body weight exercise that you can do. The burpee will work both your upper and lower body muscles and provide a boost to your metabolism like no other exercise.

4. Dips: You can utilize two chairs to do dips. Position your body between the chairs and put one hand on each chair with your legs out in front. Lower your self down then push back up. Dips work your triceps, shoulders and chest.

For a great weight loss routine do 10 reps of each exercise with no rest in between. Take a 30 second break and repeat. See how many you can do in 10 minutes. I guarantee that you will be spent.

Mark L Crews invites you to learn more about weight loss and receive the free report "Six Pack Abs Revealed" by visiting

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The Myths of Body Weight Exercises

ByWallace Lee

The minute you think of doing body weight exercises. The first thing comes to mind is that to get results you have to do countless numbers of reps. And it is because of that you begin to feel that you will make slow progress if you do fewer reps. And true enough sooner or later you reach a plateau. Your body stops making progress. That is the time you start to feel bored. But that is not true because there are many ways to make it more challenging or difficult. Here are two common myths about body weight exercises. Once you know there are myths, you would begin to know how to make it more challenging. So that you can find ways to make body weight exercises more challenging for your body so you can take your fitness level to greater heights.

Now, let us explore . Now onto the first myth it is the lack of variety, is this true? Do you know that by simply adjust the position of your hands relative to your feet; you can greatly increase the level of resistance? How do you do that? Let us a take a simple exercise such as push-up. All you have to do is to simply adjusting your position between your hands and your feet. Here is how you do it, place your hands on the chair and your feet on the floor. And now do a push up. How does that feel? Does it feel easy? Okay, let us do the same exercise with a slight twist. Place your hands on the floor and toes on the edge of the chair and then do a push up. Does that feel a little more difficult? Do you know that there are 7-10 variations of push ups? This is enough to challenge to your upper body for a long time.

Here is the second myth, it is limited resistance, is this true? There are many ways to increase the resistance. The previous myth we talked about the position between your hands and feet and how it can affect the amount of your body weight you are lifting during an exercise. The second method is to use external resistance such as a weighted bag or a weighted vest if you do not plan to buy a weighted vest. You can fill an empty bag with stuff? What do you fill in the bag so that you can make your push ups more challenging? You can fill a bag with books or any other stuff that you can find so you can make push ups a little more challenging. The third method is to buy exercise equipment such as a stability ball, a suspension training device and a medicine ball. Or you can buy used or make your own exercise equipment. Here is a word of caution, when it comes to homemade exercise equipments. Always remember to check your homemade exercise equipment regularly before you start to use it. The reason is that your safety is always your number 1.

Now you know . They are really myths and learn how to make it more challenging. Do you think it is time to get started?

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4 Things You Need For Successful Weight Training

Weight training is the one type of training that will give you the buff look that you so are looking for. It is also the right way for building muscle. The one problem is that a lot of people who start their workouts will quit half way so the effects are not seen. There are a few things that you have to do to be successful and here are the top 4.


Rome was not built in a day and neither will your body. You will need to put a lot of work in, so you should start forgetting about all those commercials that promise an easy workout. If strength training was so easy, then everyone would look like a body builder. Knowing that it will not be easy is a good thing, because now when you decide to start the program you will not be surprised and want to quit.

Keeping Track Of Every Workout

One thing that you will notice the moment that you start on a weight training program is that it is more than just lifting weights. You will need to mix up your training so that you get the best results. When you mix it up however it can be easy to get lost. Have a notebook ready so you can track your workouts, reps and progress. That information will help not only to keep you focused, but it will also give you incentives to keep going with your routine.

Aim Higher

You know your body better than anyone, so when you start a strength training program, make sure that you aim as high as your body will let you. Avoid injuries but if you said you were going to do 25 reps and you get there, check to see if you have any more gas in the tank. If you do, then do not stop at your goal. Your focus should be on getting better and not staying the same every day.

The Right Supplements And Diet

The best results from weight training will not come from just going to the gym. You have to fuel up your body with all the nutrients necessary to succeed. That means to eat right and to get the right supplements into your body. Non saturated fats, Omega 3's, Potassium, Calcium and Proteins are all very important when you are working out. Get those nutrients in your body and building muscle will be a lot easier.

Sereyvorn Keng is a fitness consultant, enthusiast and a proven health expert. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his body into that lean mean muscular physique.

Learn more about his journey through his comprehensive muscle building website. Here you'll learn tips to building an impressive physique and get access to tons of free articles on everything muscle building, muscle nutrition, and muscle training routines.

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3 Weight Training Exercises To Get You Ripped Fast

There is an obesity problem in the country, but there are also a lot of people looking at weight training exercises. Weight training exercises are the ones that will give you the muscles that you have been looking for. It is not surprise that everyone wants to learn which weight lifting exercises will be the ones that will get those muscles here fast. After all who has time to waste when you have a beach to go to this summer? You need those muscles here as soon as possible so that when you wear a sleeveless shirt you attract attention for the right reasons.

Work All Of Your Body

When you are starting a weight training routine, you must make sure that you work out every muscle in your body. If you work your arms you will be strong, but if you have no definition on your legs and torso you will just be the strong fat guy. Because that is not something you want to be known as, you should start working your lower body. Lunges and squats are perfect to building your lower half. You should also listen to your personal trainer when doing squats because there is a small risk of injury if not done right.

Upper Body

The upper body is very important when doing weight training exercises. That is because the upper body is the first thing that people see when you go to the beach or wear less clothing in the summer. To get the most muscle buildup in the upper body you should try pull ups. A lot of people think that pull ups work the arms only, but the fact is that you are working arms, back and forearms. If you are just starting pull ups may be difficult, but given a few days you will do them without a problem.

Weight Lifting

Weight lifting exercises should be a part of your routine. Free weights when done right can build muscle and strength fast. There really are not that many exercises that are as effective as free weights. You should take your time with them, because they are exercises that you do not want to rush through. Weight training exercises may feel a bit difficult at first, but if you have a little patience you will be building big muscles in no time. That should be your goal and it is an achievable one.

Sereyvorn Keng is a health consultant, fitness enthusiast, author and a proven expert in muscle building. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his mind and body, through solid weight training and proper nutrition.

Check out his muscle building website to learn everything about physique development and what it takes to get in the best shape of your life.

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Walk or Run? Which Is Better? - Help Me Lose Weight Quickly

The debate continues. Should you walk or run? Which will burn more calories? What helps my cardiovascular base better? All these questions, so many opinions. To fully answer these questions, one must be able to discern and pick apart the arguments piece by piece, and then have a better cumulative answer. There is no easy way of answering this mind you. This will hopefully provide you a better idea about what is best for you right now, and what may be better for you in the long run.

The first piece of the puzzle I will be dissecting is how your body actually burns calories. Burning calories, or simply put: your metabolism, when you break it all down is the process by which your body changes what you consume into energy. This part is easy. You eat and drink, then your body naturally changes these into the usable energy your body needs. So during this biochemical process, calories are combined with oxygen to release this usable energy your body needs. Now it's pretty easy to understand that you burn calories or use up this energy while you exercise or perform physical activities. Your body has many natural always occurring processes that include breathing, blood circulation, hormone level regulation, and finally cell repair.

Now that you understand how calories are burned, we can go into more detail on the topic at hand. Walk or Run? Which is better? Most everyone can agree that running will undoubtedly burn much more calories than regular walking. But is this always true? Now we can't compare walking and running when it comes with high-level athletes or sedative couch potatoes. I'll be using the regular guy scenario. A typical jog (slow run) is what people generally run at. The speeds are on average anywhere from 5.5mph to 6.5mph. This speed of running will burn calories, but often times, it is not a sufficient amount of calories when you compare it to a faster walk. The average walking speed (at the mall) is around 3mph to 3.5 mph. This is far too slow for any actual cardiovascular strain on your body. What I'm getting at is this: if you are at a slower run (or jog) you may not burn as many calories as a faster walk.Let me explain a bit further.

Your body is a lot like a machine. It was designed to perform multiple different tasks. When the human body needs to move, it is designed to walk. When the human body needs to move faster, it is designed to run. That is why if you get on a treadmill and slowly increase the speed, you will begin to naturally jog after a certain speed. You don't do it because you can't walk at that speed. You do it because your body naturally is built to perform this task more efficiently while jogging, not walking. That's really neat, but what all does this have to do with calories, walking and running? Simple addition, that's what.

Recall back when I said that your body naturally burns calories during breathing and blood circulation. Circulating oxygen is an important part of your body's natural resting metabolism, and with burning calories while exercising. Take this fact and put it inside your pocket for now. Having your body performing an unnatural or irregular act will cause stress on your natural system. Take the walking fast and add this in. Starting to catch on? If you are walking fast (and when I said fast I am referring to speeds of 4.2-5.0), or otherwise known as power walking, you are putting your body is an unnatural state when you do not begin to jog. This causes your circulatory system to go into overdrive, so to speak. This is the biggest argument walk-advocates have over run-advocates.

By adding these elements together, you can presumably burn more calories walking fast (4.2mph

Should I Continue Weight Training While Pregnant?

If you're planning to have a child or maybe already pregnant and don't know if you should continue to exercise, then read on.

It's good to be physically active when pregnant. It can actually help you during your labor as you are physically conditioning yourself with the movement but it's also healthy for you and your to increase oxygen flow.

Now, take this advise below as educational purposes and do discuss your health and fitness program or any diet or exercise changes with your prenatal nurse or doctor.

If you've been working out before you became pregnant, then continue doing what you're doing.

If you've been running, continue doing it.
If you've been weight training, continue doing it.

However, if you've become pregnant and then decide to start an exercise program,
I say to this: Keep it easy and simple as walking. I would not suggest starting a new exercise program at all.

Mild weight gain is expected but you'll want to stay within 20 percent or under over your ideal weight when pregnant and not over.

The only thing I would suggest is that you keep the workouts moderate to light in intensity.

Also, after the first trimester, avoid any type of crunches or sit ups on your back as this can decrease your blood pressure which can decrease blood flow and oxygen to the fetus.

If you want to tone your abs, do ab contractions while on all fours. Think of the camel hump of rounding your back and then dropping your belly towards the floor while arching your back in the opposite direction and tightening the core and hold the belly in towards the spine. Tighten as if you were to get punched in the belly and how you will tighten your stomach muscles.

You don't want to diet either. Eat in moderation.

Do continue to eat clean and healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables and less fried, sugary, salty, fatty or processed foods. You're habituating the fetus with whatever foods you are eating during this stage when your baby is born.

You'll only need an addition 300 calories per day on top of what you are normally consuming to help nourish your fetus.

If you're eating healthy foods, your baby will crave healthy foods. It's that simple.

If you are training, any type of exercise, the way I like to look at how intense I work out is to train hard enough where you can hold a conversation with a person next to you (if you had one or jus image) but hard enough where you don't feel like talking. Got it?

Remember, keep everything in moderation and not in excess.

I'm Adriel Yapana. As a Glendale, CA personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at

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Simple Workout Routines That Can Help You Lose Weight

ByTeka Mullwani

One of the important issues about healthy living is watching one's weight. There are many people who think that they are overweight and would like to lose weight. The problem is that many of them are looking for a quick way to lose way. In fact, doctors rarely recommend use of medication to lose weight. Professional doctors will recommend a schedule of exercises and foods to be eaten so that someone can lose weight. In this article, we will look at some of the workout routines that people can engage in if they want to lose those few extra pounds. The workout routines below are not only for people who want to lose weight but also for people who want to keep fit.

Rope Skipping/Jump Roping - One of the ways to trigger your body to sweat is by jumping. By thrusting yourself up and down, you get to use the energy which comes from the excess fats that have accumulated in your body. In the process, you also get to burn quite a number of calories. It is better to use a skipping-rope for your jumping exercise as it attains better results than just normal jumping. This workout engages various body parts such as arms, legs, waist and hips.

Aerobics Sessions - This is one of the ways that women like to lose weight. The aerobic activities are usually very engaging and work out the whole body. One wonderful thing about aerobic sessions is the music playing in the background as you do your workouts. The reason why music is played is to keep you motivated and to add your zeal to keep on working out. You can attend aerobics sessions or you can purchase a DVD with recorded aerobic sessions on it.

Swimming sessions - Swimming is not only a sport but also a great way to lose weight. When swimming, the body parts that are being worked on are the hips, the arms, the legs and the head. Swimming is actually a full body workout.

Dancing - Another way to lose weight is by dancing. You can use whatever kind of music, from Latin to hip-hop music. As stated earlier, music as a way of motivating movement of body parts. Lots of fats are burnt when you dance.

The above routines can be very effective with a change in diet. You will have to eat more proteins and vitamins. Carbohydrates and fats should be eaten in regulated amounts.

You can also get Workout Routines for Women.

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How to Tone Your Body But Not Lose Weight

ByTheresa Bamp

Toning your body without losing weight can a challenging task, but it is a task that can be surpassed, yet millions of American struggle with this task daily. Most people simply do not possess a working knowledge of the factors that facilitate such a goal.

This article will focus on helping you learn . A Brazil butt lift is one method that people are using, but this invasive surgery can have many side effects and repercussions.

Firstly, you should change your diet, for this is one of the biggest factors that directly affect your toning. Try to focus on eating high-protein foods that don't contain many calories and fat.

If you really want to tone your body try to eat at least one fruit, a vegetable and a protein with every meal. The more often you eat--the higher your metabolism becomes; therefore, eat a light meal every three to four hours. This will ensure that your muscles are fed properly.

Next, you need to begin a workout regimen. Start out with something simple and begin, but always invest in the best equipment. You should purchase a top-of-the-line weight-bench, barbells and a medicine ball.

To avoid injury while you tone your body, start off with light weights that you can easily handle. From that starting point, you can gradually progress to heavier weights. Ankle weights are a great addition to light training.

The ideal amount of time to limit each workout to is 30 to 45 minutes, and each exercise should be repeated three to four times; 10 to 15 repetitions is the ideal range for a complete set.

You should wait a full day before you attempt to do anymore weight training because your body will need time to heal the muscles that you have just worked out.

You can purchase a protein shake formula that you will use immediately after every workout. Typically, people who are on a simple exercise regimen need to intake 50 grams of protein after each workout, and in the mornings with breakfast. The recovery drink after a sports workout is chocolate milk, so you could also substitute with that.

Those who follow this diet and exercise regimen for four to six weeks, will see outstanding results in their overall appearance. Not only will your body be more toned; You will also feel more energy and have a positive attitude about yourself.

You could put together a group of music dvds to help you with working out. This works well with a couple friends that are looking to help one another by exercising together.

Support can be a key component with toning and fitness. Having someone to sweat it out with gives you momentum to keep going.

I hope this article answers some questions for those who were always wondering .

Theresa is a lover of health and fitness. She is always looking for the easiest ways to keep her family in shape as well as slowing down her own aging process.

She is constantly working on how to keep her self in shape and you can see more about this learning how to tone.

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Preparing Exercise Routines For Weight Loss Must Include Self Motivation

ByAmanda A. Smith

Before you start thinking of the best exercise routines for weight loss, you must first understand the importance of motivating yourself to render such activities. Involving yourself in any kind of strenuous activities such as this can be the most challenging tasks that you need to take on order to slim down and boost your body's metabolism in order to burn fats faster.

Your goal in losing the extra fat will always involve a set of daily sweat boosting activities that you should do regularly. Therefore, knowing how to motivate yourself to carrying out some exercise routines for weight loss is necessary if you want to achieve positive results in no time.

The first thing that you have to do in order to get motivated to exercise is to think that you have to do it. You must set your mind to it so that your body will follow. You have to make yourself believe that doing this is important not only when it comes to your looks, but to your health as well.

Here are some reasons why you need to consider such sweat boosting activities to promote fat reduction and health improvement:

You will be able to increase your body's metabolism and pump up your body's energy to continue doing the exercise routines for weight loss.

It will keep your bones strong and healthy.

It will make your muscles flexible enough, to avoid the risk of further injuries when exercising.

Exercising will avoid the risk of health issues pertaining to heart ailments and other cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, it can also prevent other types of diseases such as diabetes 2 and other life threatening diseases, such as cancer. At the same time that you are aiming to reduce your body weight.

The best way to be motivated to exercise is to always be mindful of your set goals. You might want to set what is realistically achievable so that you will not lose your motivation as you are going through the process. Some say that, in order to get motivated to workout, you need to stop thinking of it as an activity that will require too much effort from you. Instead, the best way on how to get motivated to workout is to think of it as a fun and enjoyable activity that you can spend with your family and friends.

Once you already understand the art of motivating yourself in performing exercise routines for weight loss, you can start exploring the different workout activities that can promote fat burning and body trimming, which you can easily combine with any diet plans you are currently following.


For free 2 x proven weight loss program Pdf's, with 50 of pages of essential weight loss info and the BEST weight loss and muscle building strategies for success, visit our website at:

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Five Body Weight Exercises For Success

As you know by now, I am a firm believer in body weight exercises, or what I like to call "REAL" exercises.

What does this mean?

Well, based on my experience, I find that too many people tend to take the easy way out when it comes to the exercise they do to try and lose their unwanted body fat.

A perfect example is that mystery machine that seems to be so popular, called the "Elliptical Trainer." Body weight exercises can beat this type of exercise hands down in many ways. For example, it's been proven that the movement that is replicated by one of these elliptical trainers is unique unto itself, and doesn't mirror any natural movement that the human body performs on a regular basis. In other words, doing a regular workout on one of these machines is like practicing your golf swing for hours upon hours and then going out and playing a game of soccer, hoping that those practice sessions will help your game!

Plus, let's face it, once you get on the machine and get it moving, you're pretty much just "going through the motions" and letting inertia and momentum do the work for you, right? And, while some fat burning does occur while using machines like this, as soon as you step off, that tends to stop because you haven't given your body and your muscles anything substantial, like body weight exercises do to keep them engaged and burning off fat for several more hours after your session is over.

I have a somewhat unique strategy when it comes to using body weight exercises to burn fat, and it's called Dynamic Body Weight Training (DBT for short). In its very basic form, DBT consists of 5 main exercises, each one focused on delivering an "exercise shock" to different parts of the body, and forcing it to try and adapt to those movements. You see, that's the key to getting results from ANY fat loss program: you have to continually force the body and the muscles to adapt to the stress being delivered via exercise. Unless that happens, your fat loss will stall and come to a halt, like repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

With all that being said, today I want to reinforce my DBT body weight exercises strategy with you by introducing you to what I call my "FAB-5″ exercises. I promise you that if you can incorporate examples of each of these 5 categories of exercises into your regular workouts, and truly give an honest effort, you will have the success you desire when it comes to your fat loss goals.

The first exercise in your arsenal of fat loss is the Lower Body Exercise. This can be any of the body weight exercises which primarily focus on the legs. For example, the body weight squat is a perfect way to begin a FAB-5 workout. This exercise affects the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and the glutes in one fell swoop! The legs are typically larger and also more often used than the upper body, and are therefore a natural starting point for your DBT workout. If you're using the body weight squat, remember not to allow your knees to come past your toes when you lower down into the squat position.

After your lower body has had a go, it's time to move to the upper body for your second exercise, which is a Pushing Exercise. Any form of the classic push-up works great here, as long as you are using your arms, chest and shoulders to move your body away from something in front of you, in this case, that would be the floor. There are so many variations to the push-up that you would be hard pressed to need to repeat a version of it during a typical 4-week DBT workout session!

Number 3 on the list works as an opposing exercise to the push. That is, of course a Pulling Exercise. In this case, your arms and shoulders are still coming into the equation, but the main focus of a pull is the upper back. There are lots of terrific body weight exercises for the back, not the least of which is the chin-up or the pull-up. Some others include wall stick-ups or prone stick-ups. Body weight exercises like these are perfect for engaging difficult areas like the upper back, and giving you the results you want. Who wants their "sexy back?"

We're getting near the end of our FAB-5 exercises, and next on the agenda is that central part of our body, called the Core. This is where the entire body gets its balance and strength from, and is made up of the lower back and abdominals. So your fourth exercise should be a Dynamic Body Weight Core Exercise. Again, the possibilities are almost endless here. The one word of caution that I will give you is this...please, at all cost, stay away from sit-ups or crunches! These do a real number on your lower back, and for a lot of people, their neck too. Instead, do some body weight exercises that will engage your core fully, and also give you the benefit of working other muscles at the same time. For example, something like a spider-man climb, or even a simple exercise like a cross crawl will give you this effect quite nicely.

Finally, we want to be sure to get a bit of cardiovascular exercise into our FAB-5 circuit, so you are going to finish off with a Dynamic Full Body Cardio Exercise. Quite simply, this exercise is something that you can do which will engage the entire body and increase your heart rate, breathing, and, as a result your cardio conditioning all at the same time. The most basic form of this exercise is running in place. If this is your choice, make sure that you are moving your arms vigorously, and bringing your knees up as high as you possibly can. This is the one that will show you just how "lame" that elliptical trainer machine really is when it comes to getting results fast!

There you go. My FAB-5 body weight exercises that you can perform almost anywhere because they don't require any equipment, and will give you better results than any expensive cardio machine since they are combining both strength and cardio into one workout! In my opinion, the best way to do a FAB-5 workout is as a circuit. You perform each of the 5 body weight exercises one after the other with no rest between them, either for a pre determined number of reps, or for a period of time, then give yourself a 1 minute rest at the end of the 5th exercise. You should aim for repeating the circuit at least 4 to 6 times before you cool down.

What are you waiting for?

Choose your body weight exercises for your FAB-5 workout, and then go and get it done! You'll absolutely love this type of workout, and you won't get bored out of your mind by looking at the console of one of those elliptical machines where it shows you how many calories you've burned in the last 2 minutes!


My Name is Dale Bateman. For over 10 years, I've been helping ordinary people (like you and me) achieve their fat loss goals with my common sense approach to health and wellness. I truly believe that long term fat loss can only be mastered by incorporating what I call my three components of fat loss.

These are Fitness, Nutrition and Motivation. Without all three components, you are setting yourself up for failure. Each week, my blog features a brand new, original post dealing with one of these three components. Also, you can sign up for my free weekly newsletter and free 5 week e-course, "5 S.T.E.P.S. to Losing Your First 5 Pounds."

So if you're looking for common sense strategies for losing fat and achieving optimal health and wellness, please visit my blog today:

Thank you.

Dale Bateman

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Creative Ways to Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

Are you tired of sticking to the same diet and exercise plan without seeing any real results? If so, it may be time to change things up. Losing weight can be tricky. For this reason, it is important that you discover . Listed below are a few creative tips that will help you see real results. Will you take advantage of these tips and become one step closer to getting the body that you have always wanted?

Focus on fitness

When you begin to focus less on dieting and more on fitness, you will begin to see results. Studies have shown that not only does it matter what you eat when you are trying to lose weight, the type of exercise that you are getting matters too. How focused are you on fitness? Be sure that it is a number one priority.

Take advantage of exercise equipment in your own home

How conducive is your home to exercising? It you want to meet your weight loss goals, get creative and find ways to turn your home into a home gym. Investing in exercise equipment such as a treadmill or a cross trainer for your home gym will give you more of an opportunity to meet your goals. You won't have to worry about missing days at the gym because of a late work schedule if you have the equipment readily available to you in your own home.

Use a combination of equipment

If you want to meet your weight loss goals, you must find creative ways to keep exercising. Exercising can quickly get boring if you are doing the same routine over and over. A creative way to beat the boredom of monotonous exercise and meet your weight loss goals is to use a combination of equipment. Don't just use a treadmill each and every day. Switch up the routine and add in a work out on the cross trainer at least a couple of days a week.

Losing weight can be hard! Realize that real weight loss results will come when you stop focusing on losing weight and focus more on getting fit. Fitness is the key to getting the weight loss results that you want but you must keep up with your regime and remember that you will not get the desired results by cheating! Use the listed above to help you get the body you have always wanted.

Did you know that Elliptical Cross Trainers can deliver and intense, whole body workout whilst placing minimal strain on your body? For a range of quality products visit today.

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Using Home Exercise Equipment - How Do I Lose Weight Fast?

ByWayne A Richtsmeier

Great you've started your diet. You've made up your plan and started following it. Next you need to develop an exercise plan also. After all you need to burn more calories than you take in. The only way to lose weight is to use more energy than you consume. When you have a consistent workout plan it will jumpstart your metabolism and it will help you to burn more energy. It will give you better long term results than just diet alone.

Before you start any exercise program talk to your doctor and follow their advice. I'm just trying to help you lose weight fast. I don't know your medical condition. I don't want to advise you to do anything that would harm you.

Personally I prefer to work out at home rather than going to the gym. Depending on how far away it is I don't have to waste 1.5 to 3 hours of my day travel back and forth to the gym to work out every day. I work a lot of different shifts for my job and often the gym isn't open when I want to work out. When I work out at home I can do it any time of the day or night.

When you go to the gym you often have to wait to use the machine you want. When you do get on it you have to limit your time because other people are waiting for the machine.

If you add up the gym membership over time you will be very surprised at how quickly working out at home pays for itself. Though the initial price of the equipment can be expensive, if you set up the right payment plan, the monthly payment is often less than the gym membership. When you finish paying for the equipment it's yours. You never finish paying for the membership and you get nothing out of it.

When you have a membership in a gym you have to pay the dues no matter how often or how little you use it. You have to make that payment even if you get sick, hurt, or go on vacation. If you already own the machines they might gather dust for a while but they will be there when you're able to get back into it. You will not be paying for nothing.

These are the main reasons that I prefer a home work out plan. When you think about the numbers and the times involved as well as the convenience I think you will agree.

If you would like to discover more information on exercise, dieting, and weight loss go to my blog
Wayne Richtsmeier

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Starting Your Weight Lifting Program - Tips

ByJordan S Scheller

Before starting a weight lifting program to build strength or to attain the shape you desire, you first need to look at four factors that affect your performance. These four factors include fiber type, limb length, metabolism, and your muscle/tendon relationships. When you become informed on these four factors you can better design a workout that will get you the results you are seeking.

Fiber Type

Humans have many different types of muscle fibers. Some people contain fibers that are great for strength and mass, while others have fibers that are more built for endurance.

Those with muscle fibers, which are best suited for endurance, have what is called slow twitch muscle fibers. These types of fibers have a rich supply of blood and oxygen that allows for a swift recovery time. As you can tell, quick recovery is extremely beneficial when it comes to activities such as walking, jogging, or swimming. Although, such fibers are not so beneficial when it comes to explosive activities, such as lifting, jumping, or sprinting. As you can derive from the name, slow twitch muscle fibers are just that, slow.

In contrast, fast twitch muscle fibers are make their owners best suited for quick and explosive actions.

Limb Length

Another factor that I want to mention is limb length. Have you ever noticed that most of the time you see someone benching a whole lot of weight, they will normally have short stubby arms? Short arms are in fact quite a big advantage when it comes to weight lifting. With shorter arms, you have less of a range of motion that you must push or pull the weight through. Longer arms must complete a greater range of motion, therefore requiring more energy and force.

As your limbs act as levers, long arms also put more stress on joints and tendons.


Have you ever known someone who can eat all the time and still never gain an ounce of weight? If so, this person most likely had an extremely high metabolism. When choosing a workout program, it is vital to incorporate your metabolism to obtain the correct diet you need.

Muscle/Tendon Relationship

The last factor I want to mention is the relationship between your muscles and tendons. First, tendons are the mechanisms that attach your muscles to your bones. Longer muscles will generally be stronger than their shorter counterparts. This is because the cross sectional area of the longer muscle is greater. If you are tall, you might be thinking that you have long muscles. Be warned, most tall, lanky people will have short muscles with long tendons, which is not a good combination for building strength.

Keep these four factors in mind when creating a strength-building program, so you can set realistic goals and gains.

Jordan is a avid physical fitness guru who enjoys sharing what he learns through his years. If you are interested in ankle weights, I would suggest that you follow the link to learn all you need to know about the benefits, risks, and much more about Ankle Weights. Follow me on Twitter to discover Ankle Weights Benefits.

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How Do I Lose Weight Fast? Work Out From Home

ByWayne A Richtsmeier

You've made a resolution to lose weight. You've set up and are following a diet plan because you know that you will probably fail if you don't have a plan. You started an exercise regimen because you know you have to burn more calories than you consume if you want to lose weight fast.

By now you've realized how much of a pain and how much of your time it is taking going back and forth to the gym. You've decided to try working out from your home. If like me you live in someplace cold during the winter you know you aren't always going to be able to exercise outdoors. I don't know about you but I don't enjoy working out when it's -20 degrees and snowing. How can I lose weight fast if I'm trying to exercise in those conditions?

After you've made the investment in the equipment, personally I like the elliptical machine because my knees don't take the impact from running on a treadmill; you need to have the self discipline to work out for a half hour to a hour every day. Start slow especially if you haven't been exercising regularly. Set daily goals and work up to the half hour to 1 hour goal.

If you do miss a day don't beat yourself up over it. Get right back into it. If you don't do this you'll quit and that piece of equipment will turn into an expensive coat rack. After a while you'll also find that when you do miss a day you really miss it. I know that this probably sounds unbelievable right now but it actually is true. You don't feel near as good or have near as much energy when you miss a day.

When you exercise regularly it keeps your metabolism revved up so you burn more energy. You don't have to follow your diet as closely. If you cheat a little you probably can get away with it. Remember I said cheat a little that doesn't mean you can hog out.

You need to do things to keep from being bored while you exercise. I like to read, listen to music, or watch a movie. If you don't do this I have no doubt you will be bored and quit. Remember if you don't quit you can't fail.

As long as you work out regularly you will increase your metabolism and you will have better long term results than just diet alone.

If you would like to discover more information on home workouts and diet please go to my blog
Wayne Richtsmeier

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