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exercise etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
exercise etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

How to Keep Going When You Lack Motivation

Why is staying motivated so hard?Because starting your fitness program is usually easier than sticking with it over time.Staying MotivatedHow do you stay motivated with health and fitness?It comes down to your mental game and discipline. You will not always be motivated, but discipline takes over and...

Finding the Best Exercise Program That Works For You

Are you struggling with finding the right workout? You're not alone. It can feel overwhelming with so many different programs available.The Best Exercise ProgramThe best exercise for you is one that works for your body and lifestyle. It's also one you should enjoy and keeps you coming back for more.There...

5 Workouts You May Want to Try For Improved Fitness

The good thing about workout programs is they’re individual and not universal. We all differ in fitness level, personality, lifestyle, and goals. Taking this into consideration, selecting the right workout program is an important part of our fitness journey. There’s a wide variety of exercise modalities...

Find Your Motivation Mojo For Health Improvement

Have you found motivation mojo when it comes to improving your health? Motivation is an important part of your fitness journey. And when that is lacking, having a disciplined lifestyle can jumpstart that motivation. Staying motivated includes finding the best workouts, healthy foods,...

Excuses Will Not Change Your Body or Health

The truth about health and fitness is you either want it or you don’t.Let’s face it, many of us come up with reasons not to exercise or eat healthy. We even sound pretty convincing. Unfortunately, all the reasons in the world eventually catch up to you in the form of illness or injury.What we often...

Exercise Doesn't Have to Be Extreme to Be Effective

Do you think workouts mean no pain, no gain, and push till you puke? There is some discomfort with exercise but it doesn't have to be extreme to be effective.The best exercise is one you enjoy and keep coming back to as part of a healthy lifestyle. If you hate your workout, it will more than likely...

Exercise For 30-Minutes 5 Days Per Week For Lasting Results

Exercise doesn't have to be extreme to be effective. In fact, working out for at least 30-minutes 5 days per week can provide a fit body for a lifetime.  Athletes with certain goals may need to perform above the maintenance requirement, but in general, active adults can achieve great results using...

How to Lose Weight and Gain Muscle in 7 Steps

How do I lose weight and gain muscle? This is probably the top-ranked question heard daily as a trainer/coach. The question is not always easily answered.There is never a one-size-fits-all fitness program. That being said, I'm providing a general list of factors that should be considered to achieve...

Fine-Tuning your Ab Routine

In a previous article, I noted how the range of motion of crunches is not conducive to building a strong core. Crunches will only effectively engage the rectus abdominal muscles, while some of the surrounding important core musculature is not addressed. Ultimately, it is a basic exercises that serves...

Why Altitude Masks are a Scam

You've all seen those guys in the gym—the ones who look like Bane and sound like Darth Vader hopping from one exercise to the next. Maybe you've though to yourself, "what is that awesome looking gadget," or, if you're like me, something along the lines of "what exactly does this tool think he's accomplishing?"Many...

Try this Hack to Get Bigger

While I've previously explained that stretching seldom helps improve your flexibility in the long term, there are some benefits that come from stretching. This exciting study from 2015 done by Miranda et. al. tested stretching as a means for increasing training volume (the number of repetitions performed...

The 4 Exercises that Your Shoulders Hate

It is common for a lifter to seek boulder shoulder status. While having protruding, rounded shoulders certainly looks nice, the shoulders are very vulnerable to injury. The demands of a sedentary, desk-ridden society already makes our shoulders unhappy, and if you translate this dysfunction into the...

Debunking the Myth of the Vastus Medialis

The quadriceps complex is comprised of four main muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus intermedius, the vastus lateralis, and the vastus medialis (which seems to have become the most buzzworthy muscle of the four). The vastus medialis obliquus (commonly referred to as the VMO) is the middle “tear...

4 Interesting Facts about Mind-Body Connection

The body and mind are intimately intertwined. We must always look at the bigger picture. Despite Western medicine’s attempt to further break the body up into distinct “parts,” everything is connected. Your stress at work and your shoulder pain are absolutely related. Your toxic relationship and your...