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4 Things You Need For Successful Weight Training

Weight training is the one type of training that will give you the buff look that you so are looking for. It is also the right way for building muscle. The one problem is that a lot of people who start their workouts will quit half way so the effects are not seen. There are a few things that you have to do to be successful and here are the top 4.


Rome was not built in a day and neither will your body. You will need to put a lot of work in, so you should start forgetting about all those commercials that promise an easy workout. If strength training was so easy, then everyone would look like a body builder. Knowing that it will not be easy is a good thing, because now when you decide to start the program you will not be surprised and want to quit.

Keeping Track Of Every Workout

One thing that you will notice the moment that you start on a weight training program is that it is more than just lifting weights. You will need to mix up your training so that you get the best results. When you mix it up however it can be easy to get lost. Have a notebook ready so you can track your workouts, reps and progress. That information will help not only to keep you focused, but it will also give you incentives to keep going with your routine.

Aim Higher

You know your body better than anyone, so when you start a strength training program, make sure that you aim as high as your body will let you. Avoid injuries but if you said you were going to do 25 reps and you get there, check to see if you have any more gas in the tank. If you do, then do not stop at your goal. Your focus should be on getting better and not staying the same every day.

The Right Supplements And Diet

The best results from weight training will not come from just going to the gym. You have to fuel up your body with all the nutrients necessary to succeed. That means to eat right and to get the right supplements into your body. Non saturated fats, Omega 3's, Potassium, Calcium and Proteins are all very important when you are working out. Get those nutrients in your body and building muscle will be a lot easier.

Sereyvorn Keng is a fitness consultant, enthusiast and a proven health expert. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his body into that lean mean muscular physique.

Learn more about his journey through his comprehensive muscle building website. Here you'll learn tips to building an impressive physique and get access to tons of free articles on everything muscle building, muscle nutrition, and muscle training routines.

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How To Lose Your Man Boobs - Include Cardio As Part Of A Successful Strategy

ByC Franciles

You're determined to get rid of your man boobs. During your workouts, you're religiously training your chest muscles with bench presses, dumbbell flys, pec-deck flys and cable crossovers.

Nothing wrong with that; it's great that you have decided to take action and are working hard in the gym to remedy the situation. Increasing pectoral muscle mass, however, is only part of the solution; to truly obliterate man boobs, you will also have to do some cardiovascular/aerobic exercises.

If you're consistent with your weight training, you will build some good strength and muscle in your chest area. But to some extent, your pecs may still be covered with layers of fat.Combine some cardio exercise into your workouts - so you burn off the unwanted fat layers and finally see the underlying muscle definition you've worked hard to get.

OK - so what cardio exercises should you go for?

If you already have a good basic fitness level, then running is a great way to burn calories. It is one of the most demanding exercises for your heart and lungs - so you will definitely be working your cardiovascular system.

Running is high-impact; if you have concerns about injuring knees, shins, calves, ankles and feet- you can minimize the risk by doing low-impact cardio exercises.

Low-impact cardio exercises:

SwimmingCycling - either outdoors or on a stationary bikeRowing using a seated rowing machineStepping on the step machineStrides using the elliptical machine

Another factor to consider, is how intense you will do the exercises. There are two ways to approach your cardio training: low-intensity and high-intensity.

Low-intensity cardio is performed at a slower pace for longer periods; ideal for those who are lacking in aerobic fitness. Typically you will exercise at 20-40% of your maximum effort level. Most of the energy used during the exercise will come from body-fat stores, however, the 'rate' of fat-burning will be at the lower end of calorie-burning scale.

High-intensity cardio will have the effect of elevating your body's ability to burn fat - which is exactly what you need to reduce man boobs. Only attempt it if you feel ready to cope with the physical demands it will place on your CV system. Typically you will exercise in the 60-90% of your maximum effort level but for shorter duration.

Interval training is another method, where you perform at low and high intensity, giving your body time to recover before exploding to near-maximum effort. For your chosen exercise, perform it by mixing longer periods at low intensity with short periods (10-20 seconds) at near 100% effort level. Over a 10-15 minute period, you will expend more calories than if you exercised at low intensity for 20-30 minutes.

By doing high-intensity interval training as part of an overall workout plan, you will affect the body's metabolism, so that while at rest, you will still be burning calories - perfect for getting rid of unwanted chest fat.

Working out with weights plus an effective plan of cardio exercise, over time, is a sure-fire way to get rid of man boobs.

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