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3 Things To Understand Muscle Building Science

There is a reason why some people get better results than others when building muscles; they understand the muscle building science better. The regiment that will get you the best result is a combination of weight training, the right diet, and muscle building supplements. People who do not do all of those things will have a lot more trouble than others getting the wanted results. You should not let yourself be one of those who work out really hard only to see very little results. Getting muscles is about working out smarter not harder.

Better Exercises

If you are going to make the most out of your muscle building routine then you should look into what is called compound exercises. Those are exercises that allow you to work out more than one area at the time. You may not know what a compound exercise is, but a perfect example would be the bench press. When you look at the muscle building science of the bench press you will realize that your chest is not all that you are working with; your triceps and your shoulders are getting a nice workout as well. The fact that you are working 3 areas with one exercise leaves more time to work on other areas.

Do Not Over Do It

When you are working out you have to push yourself without over doing it. You know how your body works and you know what its limits are, so when you reach those limits you should stop. You should also keep a day of the week without any work outs. Some people will suggest two days a week, and that is fine, but one day is enough for your muscles to recover. Another way to allow for your muscles to get recovery time is to work on different areas from one day to the next.

Speed Up Your Metabolism

Your metabolism is one of those things that you have to understand in order to fully comprehend muscle building science. You have been having 3 full meals every day; a way to speed up your metabolism is to have smaller meals more frequently. Take your meals and muscle building supplements at set times. Try having the same amount of food, but spread it up over your day and you will be in fact getting your metabolism going. Once you do that, you will notice that all your workouts are now more effective.

Sereyvorn Keng is a fitness consultant, enthusiast and a proven health expert. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his body and life, through building muscle and getting in the best shape of his life.

Follow his unique journey through by checking out Here you'll learn what it takes to get in great shape and learn everything about building quality muscle.

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4 Things You Need For Successful Weight Training

Weight training is the one type of training that will give you the buff look that you so are looking for. It is also the right way for building muscle. The one problem is that a lot of people who start their workouts will quit half way so the effects are not seen. There are a few things that you have to do to be successful and here are the top 4.


Rome was not built in a day and neither will your body. You will need to put a lot of work in, so you should start forgetting about all those commercials that promise an easy workout. If strength training was so easy, then everyone would look like a body builder. Knowing that it will not be easy is a good thing, because now when you decide to start the program you will not be surprised and want to quit.

Keeping Track Of Every Workout

One thing that you will notice the moment that you start on a weight training program is that it is more than just lifting weights. You will need to mix up your training so that you get the best results. When you mix it up however it can be easy to get lost. Have a notebook ready so you can track your workouts, reps and progress. That information will help not only to keep you focused, but it will also give you incentives to keep going with your routine.

Aim Higher

You know your body better than anyone, so when you start a strength training program, make sure that you aim as high as your body will let you. Avoid injuries but if you said you were going to do 25 reps and you get there, check to see if you have any more gas in the tank. If you do, then do not stop at your goal. Your focus should be on getting better and not staying the same every day.

The Right Supplements And Diet

The best results from weight training will not come from just going to the gym. You have to fuel up your body with all the nutrients necessary to succeed. That means to eat right and to get the right supplements into your body. Non saturated fats, Omega 3's, Potassium, Calcium and Proteins are all very important when you are working out. Get those nutrients in your body and building muscle will be a lot easier.

Sereyvorn Keng is a fitness consultant, enthusiast and a proven health expert. He used to be that skinny-kid before transforming his body into that lean mean muscular physique.

Learn more about his journey through his comprehensive muscle building website. Here you'll learn tips to building an impressive physique and get access to tons of free articles on everything muscle building, muscle nutrition, and muscle training routines.

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You Want To Finally Get Results With Fitness? Stop Focusing On These 10 Things

ByAvy Barnes

The secret to getting success with diet and exercise does not start with your diet and your exercise plan. It starts with your mind. You have to first get into the mindset of someone who lives healthy. You have to next prepare yourself to stay consistent and dedicated to your program. And last but certainly not least, when it comes to fitness, you MUST stop focusing on the following 10 most popular things people pay WAY too much attention to... and instead focus on just ONE thing that will change your body faster than ever before.

You want to make all your hard work pay off? Stop focusing...

1. On how many calories you are burning.

2. On what you should wear to the gym, to workout at home, or outside.

3. On how you look while working out (unless it is to watch your form).

4. On buying all kinds of fitness equipment.

5. On socializing at the gym.

6. On what's better: working out at home or working out at the gym.

7. On whether you are going to be sore or not after a workout.

8. On doing excessive cardio.

9. On trying to improve one (or more) parts of your body (you workout to improve your WHOLE BODY).

10. On ab exercises (THEY DO NOT REMOVE BELLY FAT)!

The secret to getting success with your fitness goals (and actually many of life's goals as well) is to...

Focus on breaking your comfort zone and challenge yourself with every workout! The one thing to remember is that your body is not going to change unless you are challenging yourself with fitness. If you are not sweating, if you are not feeling exhausted, if you are not breathing heavily... you are not challenging yourself! Your body DOES NOT like changes! You have to tell it to shut up, wake up, and be prepared for something amazing that is about to happen!

Bottom line, when that moment arrives during your workout when you feel like quitting, when you are battling voices in your head telling you to stop, when you feel like you would do anything to catch your breath, when you are sweating so much it looks like you went swimming, when you are breathing so hard you can't talk, and when you have to give everything you got for that last repetition, the last mile, the last minute, etc., then that's when you WILL... SEE... CHANGES!

Now, the best program I can recommend to you is an at-home diet and exercise program that will Melt Away Fat LIGHTNING fast... WITHOUT needing any equipment, WITHOUT doing extreme workouts that will make you lose motivation on the FIRST day, and WITHOUT spending a fortune! This highly recommended program is not just an amazing at-home workout, it also has a proven effective SIMPLE diet program that will skyrocket your metabolism and have you drop pounds of fat like crazy! Oh, and everything is customized based off of YOUR body type!

Click HERE to learn more about this AMAZING program (that you can also instantly download as well)!

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