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Intensity etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Intensity etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

6 Ways to Overcome a Plateau and Start Getting Stronger Again

In fitness, as in life, we are always looking to move forward. If you're putting in the hard work in the gym, you should only continue to progress, right? Well, ideally, yes. Many, unfortunately hit a plateau somewhere along the way that may leave them feeling unmotivated or discouraged. If you approach...

Using High Intensity Interval Training for Weight Loss

ByMarcus J MichaelA time there was when the best advice from fitness experts was that you spend hours in the gym performing cardiovascular workouts in order to build better muscles and lose weight. However, there is a new twist to this erstwhile popularly held notion and it is the use of high intensity interval training.Unlike several other quick weight loss advices that most people consider to be...

Low Intensity Vs High Intensity Exercise - What Is Best?

Many new people to exercise may ask themselves, as well as others, "What type of Cardio should I do?", "Does it matter how hard I train?" "What type of cardio should I do to lose weight?"- Do these make a difference to how quickly I lose weight?This does not have a simple, clear-cut answer. There are many variables associated with this. I will break these elements down and explain, without over-complicating.Firstly,...

Increase Your Workout Intensity

For many people there never seems to be enough time for anything, each day is a continuous rush from one job to the next, then bed, wake up and the repeat the whole process the next day.This can be the same for exercise as well. We rush from one thing to the next not necessarily following any plan but just jumping onto the next available machine.Pre planning your exercise routine is as important as...

High Intensity Interval Training In Just 3 Minutes

It's everyone's dream... little work and lots of benefit, but before you sign on you need to understand what this is all about. According to some new research, a few short bursts of very high intensity interval training (working out to just a few minutes per week) can bring you many of the benefits that come from hours of more conventional workouts. It sounds too good to be true...However, the claim...

The Dreaded Plateau: What Can Cause Them, and How to Overcome Them With Intensity

ByAaron GeeIt happens to all of us. We begin a training regimen, and after a few weeks we notice ourselves getting leaner, looking more toned and getting stronger. This continues for a while, but then sort of tapers off, until we hit the dreaded "plateau" in our training, where we feel like no matter what we do, there's nothing that can be done to improve our physical conditioning. We've hit the...