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Goals etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Goals etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Setting Realistic Fitness Goals You Can Stick With

Having a realistic mindset when setting fitness goals is important. And there are a few things you should know to feel successful along the way. Take it SlowMany of us can jump too far ahead wanting instant results. Unrealistic expectations can derail how you feel about yourself and your fitness...

More is Not Always Better to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

When it comes to fitness more isn't always better. Overtraining, over supplementing, and consuming too much protein can adversely affect your body.More is not better, better is better.Getting fit and maintaining a healthy body is a simple process. It really doesn't require eating loads of protein or...

Maintaining Your Fitness is The Goal

Reaching your fitness goals is a great accomplishment. I applaud your effort and hard work to make that happen.The question is are you maintaining those goals? Is good health a continued priority and lifestyle?Fitness is a LifestyleFitness is not meant to be a temporary fix but a lifestyle...

Are You Really Eating for Fitness Goals?

Fitness goals are awesome. Agreed?You want to lose fat, gain muscle, and feel healthy. Reaching these goals requires good eating habits and overall, a healthy lifestyle. How are you doing with that?What Are You Eating?Are you really eating for fitness goals?In order to achieve good health, it requires...

2017 Goals: Year End Review

Happy New Year!! Last January, I posted nine goals and it's time to look back to find out how I did! 1. Run a 100 mile race -- Done. Bryce 100M is in the books!2. Run 2,400 miles / Climb 450,000 feet -- Done. 2017 Totals = 2,505 miles / 457,400 ft. 3. Conquer the hills -- Not Complete.  The goal...

2017 Goals: (Better Late Than Never) Mid-Year Check In

In January, I posted nine goals and it's time to do a mid-year check in to find out where that I need to focus on getting my bootie in gear! 1. Run a 100 mile race -- Done June 2017. Bryce 100M is in the books!2. Run 2,400 miles / Climb 450,000 feet -- In progress / on track. Stats mid-July = 1,300 miles (54%) / 244,000 ft. (58%)3. Conquer the hills -- Needs work! (A lot of work)!  The goal was...

Looking Forward: Goals 2017

Last year I did a pretty shoddy job with my goals. However, I had a great year and part of the greatness was in the act of attempting to achieve those goals, even if I did not complete them. I believe that there is a goal "sweet spot." I would like to set goals that are a bit of a stretch, but are not so far away that I end up with a list of failed goals at the end of the year. I am not sure I have...

Look Back: Goals 2016

At the beginning of this year, I set a few goals for myself. Unfortunately, I did not do a very good job of sticking to them this time! Last year, out of about 10, I completed or partially completed 8 of them. This year, shall see! I found that this year I focused more on a few specific things in my life and a lot of the other little things went by the wayside.  1. Run a 100 mile race....

How I Eat to Stay Fit and Healthy

I Eat For GoalsI recently posted this motivation on my Instagram and Facebook:" I do take the time to read your comments left on my motivational posts and excited you're striving to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Showing images of those dedicated to fitness including myself are to encourage and inspire. I...

Look Ahead: Goals 2016

Last year I did not post my goals because I tend to be a private person and a lot of my goals I don't feel that I really want to put out there, even though I do have a list of my own. This year, I will post a few of my goals however, in the hopes that posting them will keep me honest! 1. Run a 100 mile race. This was on the list last year and I did not quite make it. However, this year I am ready...

Look Back: Goals 2015

I just realized that I never did a goals post for 2015. However, that does not mean I did not have them. So, retroactively, I am going to do a quick rundown of how I did on my 2015 goals.Read 52 books: Completed. Actually I read 77 books. I am not really sure how, except for the fact that I did not run as much as I have in past years. I also traveled a bit, which usually equates to more reading. Run...

A Need to Buck Up

This year has been a strange one for me. I would say I have been "busy" but I don't know if I have been any busier than I was last year, or the year before that. There is always something on the To Do list; there is always something to fill the time. (See this post from 2013 where I was having similar "issues").However, for some reason, this year, I have felt more of a change in my mindset, or my...

6 Reasons You Aren't Meeting Your Weight-loss Goals

If I had a dime for every time someone asked me how they could lose X number of pounds in X number of time, I could probably make enough money to earn myself a spot in the Shark Tank cast. Everyone seems to have extra weight they want to lose, but yet very few of those people actually want to do...

The Kick Off

This weekend kicks off a new season of racing that I thought I was ready for but now I am not so sure. (You thought I was going to be talking about football, didn't you?) Last year, I started off the season with the same race as I will this year, the Jed Smith 50k. I remember last year thinking after...

A Letter to Myself: One Year Later

Dear 24 year old-August of 2013-Liz,It has been precisely one year since wrote that blog post. That blog post was the beginning. The beginning of you understanding that you needed to change your life. And you have. Your life has changed 100% since then.Get ready."I Don't Want To Die a Dreamer"To break...