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Training etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Training etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Lorem ipsum sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis leo et bibendum pretium. Suspendisse ligula neque, ultrices nec interdum faucibus, pharetra et libero. Vestibulum viverra molestie nunc. Sed quis aliquet leo. In vel posuere tortor. Donec eros turpis, dictum vel vehicula viverra,...

Suspendisse posuere mi lacus, leo gravida eu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut porttitor leo vel nulla posuere accumsan. Suspendisse sed tortor eget justo aliquam euismod. Morbi ut massa et neque iaculis lacinia a eu est. Etiam nec enim id mi maximus consequat sed ut tortor. Nullam velit ipsum, ornare id leo a, cursus...

Morbi lobortis ultricies urna, neque aliquam sit amet.

Maecenas luctus arcu porta accumsan viverra. Sed odio eros, dictum non augue et, tincidunt ullamcorper ex. Sed interdum rutrum efficitur. Mauris tristique quis libero a euismod. Duis tempor purus rutrum, tempor odio sed, tincidunt lacus. Nulla lacus felis, pulvinar ut metus in, tristique pretium sem....

Street Cred

We are finally getting the rain that we have needed for so long. It was kind of ironic for a while there; where the rest of the country were suffering with record low temperatures and snowfall, we were sitting over here, dry as a bone. I went to Tahoe in January and went HIKING. This never happens....

My Weekly Nutrition and Training Plan

I used to post this a while back, but I stopped when I really fell off of the bandwagon. Then in November when I started from scratch with a brand new journey to re-establish myself, I did not want to share my eating with you guys, because I did not want any of you to copy it. Initially I kept my carbohydrate...

The Rest of the Year

I haven't really talked about this because I have been slacking, but one of my goals this year was to sign up for a 50 mile race. So I did. I signed up for the Dick Collins Firetrails 50. So I already accomplished my goal, right? Just kidding; the goal is actually to RUN a 50 mile race. I would like to say that I found an easy training plan, printed it out and have been sticking to it ever since,...

Recovery Mode

If you have ever had a big event, you know how it feels when it's over. You feel a little lost, a tad adrift, a bit confused. You don't know what to do with yourself. Due to the weeks I spent training for the marathon, this is kind of where I am right now. Couple that with the events that happened in...

Step Back!

Today marks the start of the 15th week of Boston training. For those of you who have followed an 18 week training schedule, you know what that means. It means that this week is the highest mileage week in the training schedule. On the schedule this week is my last 20 miler, and a total of 58 miles for...

A Weekend Streak

Remember how I talked about falling at the last trail race I did? Well, not only did I look silly, but unbeknownst to me at the time, I got a nasty case of poison oak. So the last few weeks at work (and in life!) were torture. I couldn't wear pants, although I had to, so I was literally sitting on the edge of my chair so that nothing itchy would be touching it. Then I would get home and all I would...

Change of Pace

Before the Santa Rosa Marathon, I was feeling a little unmotivated to run. I think it was due to several factors. I had some things going on in my personal life and it was affecting my running. I was pretty busy and I was having a hard time juggling life and running.So I decided that after the marathon,...

Tuesday Training (7)

I know, you are many gosh darn weeks ARE there in this training program? Well, I can tell you that it has been approximately 17 weeks, 1 day, 13 hours and 17 minutes. Approximately. The good news is this is the last you will have to hear about training for a while. The bad news is that...

Tuesday Training (6)

I thought I would start off today's post with some jokes. I did not think of these myself, although I may add some to the list. They came from the website, which is a great resource if you are ever thinking about doing an ultra. Some of you can probably relate to these! I know I can. You...

Tuesday Training (5)

If you hate training posts, check out the first few days of my hike to Everest base camp.  Otherwise, read on McDuff! Also, whether you do or don't like training posts, can you please send some well wishes towards my parents, who are in the middle of a pretty nasty forest fire right now!? I appreciate...

Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Despite my excellent advice just a few days ago, yesterday I went for a 12 mile run with my worst enemy, a bad pair of underwear. Why is it that no matter how many miles we have run, we still do stupid things? In this case, I am talking about things we KNOW are bad, so much so that we dedicate a bullet...

Tuesday Training (4)

Hate training posts? Love lists? Check out this list of 10 things that may make you realize that you are in Africa!As I mentioned last week, I have been very unmotivated lately as far as running goes. However, this has not stopped me from getting out there and doing it anyway! I spent one of the weekends...

Just Call Me Baby

I have a confession to make. I eat baby food. It makes me run fast. I was volunteering for a 50k a couple of months ago and in the process met some great guys who put up with my incessant questions about Ultra Racing. What do you eat? How often do you train? How many miles do you go for your long runs?...