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Exercising etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Exercising etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Three Effective And Fun Ways To Lose Weight Exercising

Figuring out the best ways to lose weight by exercising can at times seem like a challenge, but as long as you take a bit of time to do some research, you can be well on your way to success.

The biggest problem that many people make in their quest to lose weight exercising is not gaining the background knowledge of what it takes to succeed. Instead, they just hop on the first plan that they come across, even if they aren't even sure that plan is properly structured to help with fat loss success.

By learning what the best ways to lose weight by exercising are, you can put your best foot forward to win the battle of the bulge.

Let's take a quick peek at what you need to know to see maximum success.

Circuit Training

The very first of the main ways to lose weight by exercising is by performing circuit training. Circuit training is an excellent technique as its going to help to provide a cardiovascular workout as well as a strength and conditioning workout, bringing you the fastest results possible.

By doing circuit training, you can cut back on any cardio training that you might be doing, leaving more time to get done everything else you want to do during the week.

If you run a busy schedule, this is an excellent way to lose weight exercising.

Boot Camp Classes

The second best way to see results from your workout program is with boot camp classes. Boot camp classes are going to have you performing a number of different exercises, both bodyweight as well as weight based.

These classes are great for those who enjoy a group atmosphere with their approach, and will also help to challenge you from both a cardiovascular and a strength training angle.

If you're tired of going at your sessions alone, make sure that you give these some careful consideration. The more like-minded individuals you can bring into your life, the better your chances are of sticking with the fitness lifestyle.


Finally, the third and last way that you should use to help you lose weight exercising is Crossfit sessions. More and more people are looking into the benefits that Crossfit training has to offer and they are numerous.

Crossfit combines a variety of different exercise types into one solid workout program that will boost your strength, enhance your cardio conditioning, and help to improve your balance and agility as well.

Many Crossfit classes incorporate gymnastics based movements into the workout, so you'll really get a wide variety of different exercises by using this approach.

So there you have the main ways that you can get in shape quickly and lose weight exercising. You definitely don't need to use all three of these exercise variations in your program, but if you can incorporate at least one into the mix of the usual workout sessions that you're doing, you'll be well on the road to success.

The author of this article is Kevin and he loves an active living and healthy lifestyle. He believes that all of us should devote at least a portion of our day to some sort of fitness activity.
To learn about more options to lose weight exercising you can check out his website here:

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Exercising With Your Heart

Government and numerous private studies have shown us that over the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese. We are encouraged to exercise a minimum of thirty minutes a day at least five days a week just to maintain a healthy life style and current body proportions.

This article is about your heart and your health. Your heart is the most important muscle in your body! Each year 500,000 Americans die of heart disease and approximately half of them are women. As early as age 45, a man's risk of heart disease begins to rise and related body results become paramount.

With that stated, it is very clear to me that my daily exercise routine certainly has to be highly efficient to get the most out of my time and efforts. For me, that routine is a combination of 40% muscle training and 60% cardio training for each daily workout. Simple "free weight" exercises cover my muscle training sessions while my cardio sessions are divided up with the treadmill, swimming, biking, and indoor cycle workouts. Cardio or cardiovascular exercise is any activity that involves the large muscles in the body, raises the heart rate, and is continuous and rhythmic.

For the past eleven years I have been an indoor cycle instructor and very involved with the understanding of how the human body best reacts to cardio workouts. Way too many times I have encountered people exercising at an "all out effort" whereby their hearts were racing, sweat gushing out from every pour of their body and total exhaustion the primary goal. This technique is completely wrong and inefficient. An efficient cardio workout is not complex at all and only requires an understanding of how your heart fits into your exercise workout sessions.

To begin this study you will need to have access to a heart rate monitor. It does not have to be an expensive model and usually the cheaper ones have a larger, digital read out that is very handy during your sessions. Prices will vary but I am sure that you can find a reliable heart rate monitor for as little as $25. Having and using a heart rate monitor allows you to measure exercise intensity independently of what activity is being performed by focusing on heart rate as the measure of exercise intensity.

Heart rate is measured by finding the pulse of the body. This pulse rate can be measured at any point on the body where the artery's pulsation is transmitted to the surface by pressuring it with the index and middle fingers. We will need to know our heart rate at multiple times during our workouts and having a heart rate monitor makes this very easy to read. Heart rate is the number of heartbeats per unit of time, typically expressed as beats per minute (BPM). Heart rate can vary as the body's need to absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide changes, such as during exercise or even sleep.

The primary goal of cardio training is to lower your resting heart rate. Your resting heart rate is the heart pumping the lowest amount of blood you need because you're not exercising. The resting heart rate is a person's heart rate when they are at rest, that is lying down but awake, and not having recently exerted themselves. The maximum heart rate is the highest heart rate an individual can safely achieve through exercise stress. Studies that I have done, point out that an individual's maximum heart rate number generally does not change. For example, my maximum heart rate is 172 beats per minute. This is the number whereby as my exercise session increases in intensity, my heart rate begins to rise. As I approach 172 beats per minute, I begin to get out of breath and feel like I just cannot go any faster or harder. A person will not increase that particular number nor decrease that maximum heart rate number (disregarding sicknesses and drugs). It is your reference point which is used to establish exercise zones. Furthermore, exercising using these individual zones and understanding these zones results in highly efficient workout sessions and subsequently, results in actually lowering an individual's resting heart rate. Having a lower resting heart rate simply means that your heart, the most important muscle in your body, is beating fewer times per minute. A second benefit of exercising knowing your heart rate zones, is that you will channel your workouts to maximize fat burning. Maximizing fat burning puts us right on the front line in the national battle against obesity. By exercising at sufficiently intense levels, you can overload your cardiovascular system. During rest, your body adapts to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Over time, your heart becomes more efficient at delivering the oxygen and fuel required by the muscles to maintain this higher level of performance.

To become more efficient as you train (maximize your training time and boost your physical results), you will first need to establish what your particular maximum heart rate is. There are a number of ways to do this. The best way is with a visit to a doctor who can perform very accurate tests to determine this key number. You can get really, really close to what that number is by using a step test, jogging in place or riding a stationary bike and recording the numbers of three or four "time trials" and then computing the average number as your maximum beats per minute for your particular training purposes. Please note that I do not encourage computing your maximum HR number using some formula based on age. After all, everyone is at a different level of fitness regardless of age.

Finally, use that maximum HR number (BPM) to create your exercise zones. A heart rate training zone is a range that defines the upper and lower limits of training intensities Compute your training zones as follows:

Zone One - (Warm up) --- 50 - 60% of maximum HR: The easiest zone and probably the best zone for people just starting a fitness program. It can also be used as a warm up and cool down. This zone has been shown to help decrease body fat, blood pressure and cholesterol. It also decreases the risk of degenerative diseases and has a low risk of injury. 85% of calories burned in this zone are fats!

Zone Two - (Fat Burning) --- 60 - 70% of maximum HR: This zone provides the same benefits as Zone One, but is more intense and burns more total calories. The percent of fat calories is still 85%.

Zone Three - (Endurance Training) --- 70 - 80% of maximum HR: This training zone will improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system AND increase the size and strength of your heart. This is the preferred zone if you are training for an endurance event. More calories are burned with 50% from fat. This type of exercise strengthens the heart and lungs and improves the body's ability to use oxygen. Aerobic exercise has the most benefits for your heart. Over time, aerobic exercise can help decrease your heart rate and blood pressure and improve your breathing.

Zone Four or the Anaerobic Zone - (Performance Training) --- 80 - 90% of maximum HR: Benefits of this zone include an improved VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardiorespiratory system, and a higher lactate tolerance ability which means your endurance will improve and you will be able to fight fatigue better. This is a high intensity zone burning more calories, 15 % from fat.

Anaerobic simply means "without oxygen". In this zone, you are "out of breath" with a very fast heart beat. This is not a zone that you exercise or stay in too long. Start with fifteen or twenty seconds. Your target and more efficient exercise zone is zone three. This type of exercise strengthens the heart and lungs and improves the body's ability to use oxygen. Aerobic exercise has the most benefits for your heart.

Over time, aerobic exercise can help decrease your heart beats per minute and blood pressure and improve your breathing. Your body and cells are most efficient in this zone for producing energy. Producing energy burns fat. And that... is the bottom line. Exercise efficiently and exercise with your heart. - George Eckenrode

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Supersets: Advanced Exercising for Better Results

Have you ever heard of supersets in workouts before? A superset is when you train two different muscles of the same muscle group simultaneously and without a rest period in between them. Due to their challenging nature, supersets can be very beneficial in that they stimulate your growth hormones, and release of adrenaline. Not only that, but due to their intensity supersets are the best way to gain strength, and burn fat in no time.

If you have never tried them before, then consider this option as it might change your life forever. Here is a couple of benefits you will get from performing supersets:

1. Time saving Factor:
As you combine two sets into one superset, you'll be able to finish your workout in half the time you usually do.

2. High Intensity:
By doing 2 consecutive sets you'll workout your muscles beyond what you imagine, and increase the chances of afterburn so your muscle gets the best out of your workout, and you can burn the maximum of fat possible.

3. Have a variety of workouts:
With supersets you can not only work out the same muscle group, but you can actually different muscle groups, and that way you can squeeze a full workout of your whole body into 2 or 3 sessions a week, or you can rotate between different muscles during the same week if you work out often (as long as you aren't overtraining of course).

4. Get good results with light weights:
If you are afraid of using heavy weights to take your workout routine to a new level, or you are just concerned about your safety, then supersets are the way to go. Even though you are using lightweight, you will still feel the burn as you will be doing double the reps you usually do when you are performing a regular set.

I find compound supersets the best way to go if you want to pack on slabs upon slabs of muscle and burn as much fat as you can at the same time. With compound exercises you will not only benefit from training two muscles at the same time, but for every set you'll be training large muscle groups that will require more energy to train, but beware of the negative side. Supersets are a double edged sword, and if you are a beginner then please do a research on it or consult your personal trainer if you have one to set up a balanced work out for you. Otherwise you might be setting up yourself for failure as you can easily get into a catabolic state with such an advanced workout.

If you are just starting your weight training workouts and you don't know where to start then get into this page to get exact instructions on how to get lean in no time!

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How To Start Exercising If You're Obese

ByS Brooks

Have you come to the realization that you've put on weight and it's time to start exercising again? That's a hard realization, but you can help yourself get out of your situation. Losing weight certainly isn't the easiest thing to do, but it can be done. And it certainly has to be done for your health.

The first thing to do before you start exercising is to check with your doctor and determine your current fitness and health levels. If you have certain health conditions like cardiovascular diseases or joint aches and pains, then you will have to take it easy on the intensity of your exercise. This will no doubt slow down your weight loss progress, but you should not overexert yourself - that could do more harm than good. So it's important to first know where your body stands and how much exercise it can take without being harmed.

Next, you should create an exercise plan. Aim to start slow with some low impact exercises every other day, and slowly make this a daily routine. Try your best to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise each day into your schedule. If you have the money, you can join a gym and hire a personal trainer to create a plan for you and teach you the right way to do your exercises, but this is optional. The most important thing is that you push yourself above all else.

Once you have an exercise plan, you have to stick to it. Remember to only push your body as much as is comfortable and don't overdo it. You will need to take it slow at first to oil up those muscles and joints that haven't been in use for years. Once you have lost some of your weight and your fitness level has increased, then you can increase the duration as well as the intensity of your exercise if you wish.

Do remember that exercising alone will not help you lose weight effectively if you do not change your eating habits. A good exercise regime should always be supplemented by a healthy diet, and with lower calories if you are planning to lose weight. Lastly, remember that you will have to make eating healthy and exercising regularly a habit if you are going to keep the weight off for life. Otherwise, you will be stuck in an endless cycle of yo-yo dieting, and that is certainly not a fun way to live life.

For more information about fitness & exercise please go to

S Brooks is a specialised researcher focusing on providing valuable information & solutions for every day issues.

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Taking the First Step in Exercising

ByCindy G

The beginning of the journey is the most crucial, and you will see the most gains and results in the first few months. Once you hit a plateau, that's when you start experimenting what works best for you.

The purpose is to teach you how to build your foundation by beginning with making small changes in your habits, which eventually will become your goal/results. You need to work on your base before anything else, and then gradually progress the further you go. Building your foundation may be the most difficult step because you need to push yourself to changing those small habits that you have. However, once you accomplish the foundation/base, everything will come together and your initial goal will be much easier than when you began.

As noted, the first few months will be difficult, and this is where most people fail, but it is also the most crucial part. You need to start at your own pace and make changes in your habits. Once you reach a specific point where you see the physical and health results, that should give you more motivation to achieve higher goals.

Here is a list of habits you should aim for in your daily routine:

Eat frequently to increase your metabolism. You don't have to have big meals. Many people skip breakfast because of their busy lifestyles, but breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gives your body the energy it needs for the day. Try to have 4-6 meals a day, and make healthier choices such as packing a lunch instead of buying outside food.
Incorporate exercising into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or bike instead of taking the bus. Small habits such as these can go a long way, and eventually they will lead to changing bigger habits. The main goal is to get you into the habit of exercising, and leading it to an actual workout.
Adjust your sleeping patterns. By having a proper sleeping pattern and enough sleep, it helps your muscles recover from exercising. Sleep for a good 7-9 hours and try to avoid naps.

Exercising could either be cardiovascular training or resistance training. Your main goal is to actually get yourself into exercising. You may not find motivation at the beginning but as long as you are putting an effort into it, that's what counts. For beginners, it is best to have a mixture of both cardiovascular and resistance training within the same day. Try to get some cardiovascular training done (walking, running, etc) to strengthen the heart, and to burn some extra calories. Choose a steady pace where you can go for a long duration (15-30 minutes) and then gradually increase the intensity and duration.

In the end, you are the only one that has the ability to change your lifestyle. Remember to listen to your body and slowly change your habits; don't force your body too much, work gradually. Don't rush things because that is where a lot of people make mistakes and fail. Work at a pace that suits you and soon you will be living a healthier lifestyle.

Cindy is an editor at

Fitsical is a reliable source for health and fitness content for those who seek a happier and healthier lifestyle through physical activity and healthy eating. Some people don't know where or how to start and this is why we are here. Our site features multiple weekly articles on health and fitness news, trends, tips, exercises and recipes. Our articles are short and concise; they contain enough quality information on the topic without having you read an entire book.

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Fitness Motivation Tips - 5 Clever Ways To Trick Yourself Into Exercising When You Don't Want To!

ByAvy Barnes

Tired? No motivation? Don't feel like exercising right now? BUT... you keep looking in the mirror and don't like what you are seeing? Well, if you are looking for fitness motivation tips to get you up off your butt and start sweating, then this article is for you! However, I'm now going to yell, cuss, and fuss to get you pumped up. I'm going to share with you 5 pretty clever (and simple) ways you can actually "trick" yourself into exercising... even when you don't feel like doing something as simple as walking to your kitchen (lol)!

1. Go to and type one of the following into the search bar: For men, type in pre-workout motivation. For women, type in female fitness motivation. Pick out at least 2 videos that are as relevant as possible to those search terms I mentioned a second ago. Watch those videos and then watch how much motivation you'll get to get up and get to work on improving your body!

2. Like to watch T.V.? Think I'm about to call you a couch potato and a lazy do-nothing? Don't worry, I'm not going to insult you! What I'm talking about here is taking your leisure time and turning it into a productive time for improving your body!

During every commercial break with a TV program or every 10 minutes during a movie, stand up and do 2 body weight workouts for 5 repetitions each! For example, you could do something like 5 jumping jacks and 5 push ups. To make it more fun and interesting, switch it up each time (i.e. - burpees, mountain climbers, lunges, squats, run in place, etc.).

To put this into perspective, let's say you watch 3 one hour T.V. shows throughout the day. During each show, there are let's say 5 commercial breaks. That would be a total of 15 commercial breaks for 3 shows. Now let's say you decide to do the 5 jumping jacks and 5 push ups. After watching all 3 shows, by the end of the day you would end up with 75 jumping jacks and 75 push ups!

3. For starter's, if you don't like going to the gym, you DO NOT HAVE TO! You can get an amazing body working out at home. You can use little equipment or no equipment at all with doing body weight exercises. Now, what I recommend you do if you do exercise at home is to make working out as easy as possible to get started with. Out of all the fitness motivation tips, this is probably the most important one. The reason why is because most of us usually don't have the motivation to START working out. Most of us are pretty okay with continuing and finishing a workout.

Now, to make things as easy as possible, what I'm talking about doing is making sure you have space readily available for you to start exercising, making sure you have whatever it is you use during your workout setup and ready to use, etc.

4. Listen to your favorite blood pumping music! There are certain songs that generate an adrenaline rush in me that provides a ton of energy... and what better way to utilize that energy than with exercising! I strongly recommend that you create a playlist of all your favorite songs that get's you pumped up. Play this music when you don't feel like exercising and watch what happens! Of course you also want to play this music while you workout as well to keep you energetic and motivated during your workout.

5. Change phrases. Instead of saying "I got to workout today", switch that around and say "I'm going to workout today". Saying "I got to workout today" makes exercising sound like a burden and saying "I'm going to workout today" makes it sound more like it is a part of your daily routine!

So, if you want easy fitness motivation tips to get you out of that mentality of making excuses and skipping workouts, then I highly recommend you give those 5 simple techniques a try. They worked great for me and now I'm at the point where I get upset if there is even a possibility that I may end up missing a workout!

Want to find out the 18 weight loss secrets that caused me to lose up to 6 pounds every week?

Download your FREE copy of my e-book detailing everything I did with diet and exercise to go from no energy, overweight, and a HUGE stomach... to having a TON of natural energy, in much better shape, and a flat and toned stomach... in 8 weeks!

Stretching and Exercising At Work Guide

Stretching and Exercises Guide

If you have spent much time around cats, you might already be well aware of the benefits that can come from frequent bouts of brief and gentle stretching. For instance, they sleep in one position for several hours, wake up and do a bit of yawning and stretching and then begin wandering about without seeming to encounter any difficulties in terms of easy and fluid movement. This is because they do this sort of stretching throughout each day and night, and when people must remain stationary for hours on end, it helps to emulate a cat. In other words, it is tremendously beneficial to get up and stretch out from time to time throughout the day.

Even if you can't get up from the workstation or office chair in order to stretch, we are going to show you some handy ways of giving your muscles, circulatory system and brain a boost through simple stretching and movement. These movements are going to become an essential part of your day because they will enhance your mood, clear your mind, greatly reduce incidences of back or muscle ache, and always deliver a nice "lift" to your energy levels.

Why Stretching works

Why will stretching be so useful for you? Let's consider what stretching really means. For instance, stretching can be:
Lifting the arms towards the ceiling to elongate them and the torso;Placing the hands flat on the floor and lengthening the "hamstrings";Clasping your hands to stretch wrists and forearms;Lifting legs to stretch the calf muscles;Laying down on the floor and extending the arms and legs as far as possible to stretch them and the "core" of the body;A lot more!

Circulatory Benefits

Of course, stretching "works" for the body because it enhances circulation too. For instance, the Mayo Clinic (2011, Mayo Clinic), agrees that stretching "increases blood flow to the muscle". What happens is actually very simple...the contractions that occur as you stretch trigger a circulatory response. This brings blood to the muscles being used, but there is another benefit - nutrients are carried to the muscle and waste is carried away. This means that you feel better immediately after stretching because the body is cleaning up any accumulated junk, but it also means that an injury is healed faster if you stretch the muscles that have been damaged.

So, as you stretch you are improving the circulation, and relaxing some of the underlying tendons and muscles. You are also ensuring that you reduce the risks of injury by keeping yourself as "limber" as possible too.

The Symptoms of Bad Circulation

We have already looked at the way that stretching at work can improve circulation to the muscles, and how this carries in nutrients while simultaneously removing toxins. This, as we know, helps to speed up the healing process, but it does a lot more. It is easier to understand how stretching can address bad circulation if we first understand the many "symptoms" associated with it.

When we say that someone has "poor circulation" it can be due to many things. They could have a heart condition, diabetes, low thyroid function, or simply lead a very "sedentary" lifestyle stuck at a desk all day. Any way you look at the situation, however, you have to appreciate that stretching can often help with the worst symptoms of the condition.

For instance, the following are often symptoms that need to be addressed:

Chronically cold hands or feet;Frequent incidences of cramping (even when asleep);Swelling in feet, hands or legs;Varicose or "spider" veins in the legs;Cramping when doing physical activity; andSkin that turns pale or "blue" quickly.

Clearly, none of these things can be seen as life threatening, but they are uncomfortable, unattractive and a bit annoying. Fortunately you can often address them easily with periodic rounds of stretching added to the workday, and the non-working hours too!

You can use these results to improve circulation, well being and mental clarity. You can boost energy and even your appearance. Now are you ready to stretch?

Source: Mayo Clinic Staff. "Stretching: Focus on Flexibility." 2011. Mayo Clinic. 2012. offers a free ebook and guide, as well an invitation to all to discuss your experiences on our community page at

Luke Norman is the author of "Stretching, Exercising, and Being Happier in the Workplace" and the founder of

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Foods to Eat When Exercising

ByJohn Trier

The benefits associated with working out are undisputed. Just walk through the checkout line at the grocery store and you're bombarded with endless rows of magazines touting the latest exercise fads. Turn on the television and there's someone giving a testimony on how a Pull up bar changed their life. Keep going to the gym. Get your weekly cardio from running at the park. Ball with your coworkers after work. All of these are great ways to stay active physically but there's also an often overlooked aspect of working out.

What you eat matters. The food that we consume fuels our bodies and this is crucial within the context of working out. Just like you wouldn't pump diesel into an Audi, you should avoid filling your body with too many empty calories and bad fats McDonald I'm looking at you). Here are some types of foods to consider adding into your diet to maximize your workout:

Chicken is an amazing source of lean protein, full of essential vitamins and minerals. It contains omega 3 fatty acids which are necessary for good health. Chicken has also been shown to protect against cancer and heart disease. If that doesn't make you want to throw a chicken breast on a skillet after a workout, it gets better. Get this: chicken promotes fat burning. Combine that with a physically active lifestyle you've got a solid starting foundation.

A healthy diet would not be Whole without whole grains like bread and cereal. According to Science Daily, consuming just 2.5 servings of whole grains daily can significantly reduce risk of heart disease. White bread lacks essential dietary fiber. It's high in carbohydrates that are released too quickly into the bloodstream, causing spikes in insulin levels. Well what are you waiting for? Consider swapping your white bread for 100% whole wheat.

Go nuts. Almonds, pecans, and walnuts. High in vitamins and healthy fats, nuts are a heart-healthy snack. Next time you're feeling the munchies, avoid the drive-through and instead, just grab a small handful of almonds. Almonds contain monounsaturated fats which help fight and lower cholesterol. Munch on this: walnuts are the only nuts that contain significant amounts of omega 3. Omega-3's are linked with better glucose control and stronger bones.

Proper nutrition is a necessary part of a physically fit lifestyle and cannot be ignored. In general, choose leaner proteins and avoid processed snacks. A Well Rounded diet ensures the maximization of a workout. A single trip to McDonald will not ruin you but is important to practice moderation and be aware of the caloric content of your foods. offers the best quality pull up bar on the market. Get serious about your pull ups, chin ups, or kipping pull ups with this sturdy, fixed-mount pull up bar.

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Tips for Exercising While It's Hot Outside

When it's cold outside it's easier to workout than it is when it's warm or even hot. Exercising in the winter will help you warm up and stay warm. When it's hot outside it's harder to do what's necessary. That's why these tips will help you to get your exercise in each day and stay cool at the same time.

If you enjoy taking walks outside as a way to get your exercise that can be difficult in the summer time when it's hot. One way to still make this happen is to do it early in the morning or later in the evening. When the temperatures are cooler you'll find it'll be easier to do it. Look at the forecast and decide if it'll be better to do it in the early morning hours or later at night.

If exercising outside is not your cup of tea, you need to consider your options inside. This will give you the ability to work out with a fan or air conditioner. This will make it more comfortable for you to work out and get the job done and you'll have control over the temperature so if you get too cold or too hot you can adjust accordingly.

One thing to remember when you're working out is the more you sweat the more fat you're burning and that's where your weight will come off. Even though it's hot and you're sweating, it's still better, but you don't want to get too hot, so it's a good idea to use a fan aimed at your face or upper body.

If you choose to workout at home you have control over the temperature. You can use a fan, an air conditioner, swamp cooler or ceiling fan to control the temperature while you exercise. This will help make it more comfortable during the time you're working out.

Working out in the gym will also help. It won't be nearly as hot as it would be if you exercised outside or if your home doesn't have air. You'll have the ability to exercise in a temperature controlled atmosphere which will make it easier to get the job done.

Working out in the spring and summer is just as important as it is in the fall and winter. When you make it comfortable you'll have the energy it will take to do your workout each day and the tips above will help make it a little easier.

Alisa Robinson is the owner of Art Fitness. She believes every success story starts with a dream; it takes determination to turn it into a vision and passion to make it a reality. Alisa's main passion and mission is to turn lives around and encourage people to start living longer and healthier. If you are ready to start your journey go to TODAY!

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The Risk Of Exercising When You Haven't Done It For A While

ByLee Piel

Even though health professionals have trumpeted the health benefits of exercise for over a century, some people are still hesitant to exercise because of the possible risk of injury - especially if they haven't done it for a while. But there is a risk to not exercising as well, which many people fail to take into account.

Someone who hasn't exercised in a while may be hesitant to get on a treadmill and run for one or two miles. What they fear most is a possible risk of a heart attack. And they do have some cause to be concerned. For example, after a huge snowfall, there will always be multiple reports in the newspapers or news shows about the number of people who had heart attacks while shoveling snow. You also hear stories of weekend athletes who tear a ligament or throw out their back when attempting a sports related activity which they haven't done in a while.

So their concern is not without reason. In fact, according to statistics, when a person who has not exercised for a significant amount of time, begins to exercise, their risk of being injured rises an amazing 56 times over the person who has been exercising on a regular basis.

But you should not take the wrong lesson from those statistics. The key to preventing an injury from happening is twofold. One is to be examined by a physician and get his clearance before beginning an exercise routine. And, two is to start to exercise at a slow pace and only gradually increase the amount of effort that you expend. If you do this, statistics show that the danger of you being injured while performing a physical activity drops dramatically.

In addition, there are some exercises where the risks of injury is very negligible. A perfect example is walking. A casual stroll to the park or through a shopping mall, with frequent rest stops, is a perfect good beginning exercise for someone who hasn't done a lot of activity in a while.

Those who are extra cautious can take additional steps to soothe their concerns. One thing that you can do is to take an authorized stress test. Such a test will determine how your body reacts when placed under physical stress. Because the test takes place in a medical setting, you can feel secure that if something goes awry, medical personnel will be quick to respond.

If you pass the test successfully, in this setting, you should be fairly sure that your doctor will give his approval to your exercise program. If you fail, however, at least you know that you will need some sort of treatment before you can start an exercise routine.

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Breathing Exercise Secrets - How To Breathe Properly When Running And Exercising

Breathing while running may prove difficult. Proper breathing is critical for performance and running enjoyment. The better you breathe, the more oxygen is supplied to your body and working muscles, thus performance and stamina improve drastically. Unfortunately, most runners find it hard to find the best breathing rhythm.

In fact, most struggle and fall short of their real potential.Nevertheless, proper breathing can be taught and learned. It's just another skill that needs a bit of practice and diligence.

As a result, here are two breathing techniques that can help.

In From the Nose, Out From the Mouth

When it comes to setting a running-breathing rhythm, nose breathing is the way to go. Inhaling from the nose will help you keep running intensity on the low (thus prevent fatigue and overtraining), stabilize heart rate and improves focus levels. However, during high intensity running session, relying solely on the nose can be tricky. For that, make sure to use your mouth as well in the inhalation process.

Nevertheless, on the exhale, make sure to use your mouth for the task. Exhaling from the mouth helps the elimination of the highest amount of CO2, thus help prevent discomfort and fights off fatigue. In addition, this type of breathing also promotes a sense of relaxation and easygoingness.

Deep Breathing

The reason why most runners find it hard to breathe properly during running is that the most are chest breathers. Sadly enough, chest breathing is a very inefficient when it comes to getting the highest amounts of oxygen delivered to the working muscles. Opting for this breathing pattern will only leave you suffering from the chest aches, and fatigue both during the session and afterwards.

Instead, the way to go is to opt for deep breathing. Also known as diaphragmatic or belly breathing, this type of breathing involves the use of the belly and core muscles in the processes of inhale and the exhale. Opting for deeper breaths does two things: first, it allows the delivery of the maximum amount of oxygen to the body.

Secondly, it makes the process of waste and CO2 elimination more efficient and potent. Thus leading to superior running performance and results.

However, deep breathing is hard to master. For that, you need to practice it in the comfort of your home before you head out for a run. Doing so will only improve your running performance, it will also make out of you a better human. Yogis have known this for centuries, now it's your time to reap similar rewards.

Copyright (c) 2012 runners blueprint

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Running Injury Prevention - How to Prevent Injuries When Running And Exercising

To achieve consistency with your running program—or with any other training program, you need to learn how to keep the nightmare of injuries at bay. Let's face it, running is not 100% percent safe activity; the high impact nature of this sport can lead to a myriad of serious injuries such as bone fractures and runners knee. Nevertheless, most of the trouble can be dodged if you implement and follow the right training strategies for injury free running.

Therefore, if you're looking to ward off running injuries while getting the most out of each training session, here are 5 training guidelines that can help

Proper Running Shoes

Running in the wrong shoes increase the chances of discomfort and running injuries such as Achilles tendonitis and black toenail. As a result, if your running shoes are too old, too tight, too wide or just uncomfortable, ditch them and go look for new sole-mate. Head to the nearest sportswear store and pick the right pair for you.

Start With Warm-up

Make sure to start all your training sessions with a proper warm-up. Doing so helps your body to get ready for the task ahead by improving blood circulation and loosening up muscles and joints. Skipping on warm-up will only leave prematurely fatigued or worse, injured. Start with a 10-minutes slow jog and gradually increase your running pace.

Develop Good Form

Proper running form boost athletic performance, improves running efficiency and economy, and most importantly, prevents the occurrence of a plethora of training injuries. Yet, most runners are keen on improving proper running mechanics. Sadly enough, doing so can spell disaster on your running program. Instead, make sure to do the following to improve running form:

- Keep your body relaxed throughout the running session.

- Land on the fore-foot, instead of the heel or the toes.

- Bend you arms at 90% angle while keeping the shoulder and fist relaxed at all times.

- Keep gazing 20 feet ahead. Your head slightly bent forward.

Run on Grass Or Trail

Hitting the pavement and sidewalks can doubtless increase the likelihood of running discomforts and injuries. In fact, improper running surface are one of the leading causes of running injuries. Therefore, make sure to do the bulk of your training on "gentler surfaces". Opt for grass routes or dirt trails as they're more soothing and comfortable to run on.

End With a cool-down

A proper cool down can help you regain control over your body by gradually slowing down heart and breathing rate. Bringing your running pace to an immediate halt increases chances of developing aches and injuries afterward. In addition, doing so hinders running recovery, thus compromises performance and running consistency. As a result, make sure to keep moving even after the run is over. Gradually decrease running pace and stretch afterwards.

Copyright (c) 2012 runners blueprint

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