Bayram Cigerli Blog

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holidays etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
holidays etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Have good holidays!

Last post this year to wish you a great summer holidays!  Enjoy your time! ...

EPRD's Healthy Living Newsletter for November

Preventing Holiday HavocThe holidays are such a tumultuous time. Yes, the season can be wonderful: Eating mouthwatering feasts, getting and giving gifts, traveling to exciting destinations, spending time with family. But it can also wreak havoc on your health and fitness.  Normal 0 ...

Weigh and Win Healthy Holidays Challenge!

On average, Americans gain one to two pounds every holiday season - which they never lose. Over time, those pounds add up! Let’s make this holiday season a healthier one, together, and enjoy the holidays with balance and maintain your weight this holiday season.Join the Weigh and Win Healthy Holidays...

Let's Chat: January Happenings

It is hard to believe that today is January 12th -- it's nearly the middle of the month! I wish time would slow down. The days seem to be passing by so quickly. Today's blog post is a bit random and in the style of my "Let's Chat" posts. First, I want to start with my dad. Most of my friends and...

2014 is going to rock, baby!

Happy New Year to all of my amazing blogging babes! Did you guys ring in the new year doing anything fun? What are your resolutions? Me... I don't have one. Ha!I was off new year's eve so my little vacation started Monday at 5 PM. Since I took a rest day from the gym on Sunday due to feeling like pure...

Nothing says 'Christmas' like faux fur and red streaks!

I love the holidays. They are hard, but I love them. My family has changed so much over the past 5 years, but change is good. Christmas 2011 is when I found out my dad's cancer was not curable. And last week I was told by my step-mom that there is another tumor on my dad's brain. It was unbelievable...