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3 Reasons You Should Start Running

There are so many reasons to start running that you can't even imagine them all, in fact a philosopher and runner named George Sheehan said, "There are as many reasons for running as there are days in the year." If you are still contemplating if you should run, check out these reasons as to why you should and by the end of this list you are going to be at the store buying your first real of running shoes.

Health and Weight Loss

Okay, so this is the one reason to start running that may be very obvious, but it is a still a great one. Running may be hard at first but when you start to see results in your body and your numbers, you are going to wish you had started sooner. If this is your motivation for starting, you can also use it as your motivation to keep going by throwing up a before picture on the fridge. There you will see it every day to remind you to run and when you want food to remind you to not throw away results for nothing!

Stress Relief

Let's face it, you are probably facing a lot of stress in your life, whether it be from your job, your family, or whatever, but if you start running you could actually find yourself feeling much better. Studies have shown time and time again that when you exercise you can actual reduce the amount of stress that you are experiencing. Lowering your stress can results in more efficiency at work and being able to get more done at home, running can literally help make you a more efficient person.

Meet People

While you may not go out and find a running group as soon as you start running, you may find after a short while that you want people to run with. A running group will allow you to meet new people, some people meet their future spouse just by getting out and running, even if that isn't why you run you can still make some new lifelong friends while getting healthier and feeling even better about your yourself.

Running is one of the easiest things that you can do, all that you need to start running is a good running plan or running guide and a nice pair of shoes and you can be out the door and living a better life starting today.

90% of People will finish reading this and do NOTHING with the information they gain! If you are not one of them take advantage of my favorite running guide complete with plans, progress logs, and running tips by CLICKING HERE.

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What You Should Know If You've Ever Thought of Practicing Aerial Conditioning

I have a friend who is working really hard to strengthen her core and her upper body. She also wants to cultivate balance and get a full range of movement. I think she is also seeking that powerful mind/body connection that so many people crave. I applaud her because she is spending hours, and hours and hours working to achieve those fitness goals.

I have to tell you, I want the same outcomes, but I sure don't want to spend 20 hours a week working out. Since I am always researching new ways to stay fit, I got pretty excited when I learned about Aerial Conditioning classes. I mean, even the name seems pretty neat, right?

It seems like classes for Aerial Conditioning are popping up like the proverbial mushrooms. Little wonder once you understand the benefits. Want a stronger core and upper body; balance and a full range of movement? Of course! Aerial conditioning classes are great for anyone wanting to gain strength and endurance, as well as increase flexibility and coordination.

With Aerial Conditioning classes you embrace gravity while defying it simultaneously. That certainly puts a fun, new twist to working out. Aerial conditioning also emphasizes awareness of breath, dynamic alignment and efficiency as a source of power.

I was curious about Aerial Conditioning and how anything this fun could be so beneficial. After checking out some of the research I found that Aerial Conditioning classes can:

• gently lengthen the spine after those daily tasks that can compress it
• realign any imbalances in your spine
• help you avoid back, neck and joint compression
• support you in building core muscle strength to assist in strengthening the back
• increase your muscle flexibility, balance and agility
• lengthen your muscles and mobilize your joints through their full range of movement
• improve the mind-body connection by enhancing both coordination and balance
• improve your heart and lungs ability to work together
• enhance your spatial and sensorial awareness
• relieve tension in different parts of the body
• heighten the efficiency of your cardiovascular function
• flatten your stomach and diminish any "love handles." Want to guess what that does to your self image?

The benefits are amazing. Of course, I also wondered how Aerial Conditioning gets these outcomes. Stay with me for a moment because there is a bit physiological science involved. Without the spine we would be just a blob of formless tissue and organs sitting in a heap on the floor. The spinal column is our body's support system that allows us to move and bend and flex.

Our spine is actually constructed of 24 bones, called vertebrae and fluid-filled sacks, called discs, that create a soft cushion between the vertebrae to stop them from rubbing against each other. There are also ligaments that hold each vertebra together and attach bone to bone.

And then there are the tendons that attach the muscles to the vertebrae. All of these physiological components work together to create and allow bodily movements, while at the same time protecting the spinal cord. And it is the all-important spinal cord that passes information from our brain to the rest of our body - the muscles, bones, organs. This is why a healthy spine is imperative to live an active and robust life.

Still with me? Here is what you might not be as aware of. Performing daily, seemingly benign tasks such as sitting, walking and running causes the spine to compress. So Aerial Conditioning gently helps to re-lengthen the spine, and re-fill the discs to improve cushioning of the spinal column, which in turn will help to realign the spine.

So where can you go to experience such important health benefits from Aerial Conditioning? LAB5 Fitness in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle ( a perfect example of the new broad-range fitness centers offering Aerial Conditioning classes. So don't hesitate any longer - sign up for a class and begin enjoying the fabulous health benefits of Aerial Conditioning!

Alan Cashman is currently Chairman of the board of directors of Fortune Bank Mr. Cashman formerly served as President of Administrative Systems, Inc. (ASI) from its founding until 2007. Mr. Cashman founded ASI in 1990 as a licensed third party administrator providing back office systems and support to insurance companies. Mr. Cashman also served as Chairman of The Balanced Program, Inc., (BPI) from its founding until 2007.

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Should I Continue Weight Training While Pregnant?

If you're planning to have a child or maybe already pregnant and don't know if you should continue to exercise, then read on.

It's good to be physically active when pregnant. It can actually help you during your labor as you are physically conditioning yourself with the movement but it's also healthy for you and your to increase oxygen flow.

Now, take this advise below as educational purposes and do discuss your health and fitness program or any diet or exercise changes with your prenatal nurse or doctor.

If you've been working out before you became pregnant, then continue doing what you're doing.

If you've been running, continue doing it.
If you've been weight training, continue doing it.

However, if you've become pregnant and then decide to start an exercise program,
I say to this: Keep it easy and simple as walking. I would not suggest starting a new exercise program at all.

Mild weight gain is expected but you'll want to stay within 20 percent or under over your ideal weight when pregnant and not over.

The only thing I would suggest is that you keep the workouts moderate to light in intensity.

Also, after the first trimester, avoid any type of crunches or sit ups on your back as this can decrease your blood pressure which can decrease blood flow and oxygen to the fetus.

If you want to tone your abs, do ab contractions while on all fours. Think of the camel hump of rounding your back and then dropping your belly towards the floor while arching your back in the opposite direction and tightening the core and hold the belly in towards the spine. Tighten as if you were to get punched in the belly and how you will tighten your stomach muscles.

You don't want to diet either. Eat in moderation.

Do continue to eat clean and healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables and less fried, sugary, salty, fatty or processed foods. You're habituating the fetus with whatever foods you are eating during this stage when your baby is born.

You'll only need an addition 300 calories per day on top of what you are normally consuming to help nourish your fetus.

If you're eating healthy foods, your baby will crave healthy foods. It's that simple.

If you are training, any type of exercise, the way I like to look at how intense I work out is to train hard enough where you can hold a conversation with a person next to you (if you had one or jus image) but hard enough where you don't feel like talking. Got it?

Remember, keep everything in moderation and not in excess.

I'm Adriel Yapana. As a Glendale, CA personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at

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5 Post Workout Foods You Should Add To Your Six Pack Abs Diet

Many exercise experts advocate the use of a post-workout meal to enhance the benefits of your work out and this is essential for a six pack abs diet. Many people grab a sports drink or candy bar, thinking that a quick blast of carbs is all they need for recovery. This information couldn't be be more incorrect if it wanted to. Post-workout food prep is not rocket science, but not using the correct nutrients to refuel after a workout makes it harder to have a successful six pack abs diet.

There are a multitude of "health" supplement products marketed in a way that would make you assume they make getting a six pack easier. They suggest that you'll get ripped and look like the people who advertise (advertise is the keyword in that statement) their products. Most of these supplements are extremely expensive, and if you are not into competitive bodybuilding, way too calorie-laden to be of much help for your six pack abs diet. In addition to expense, they can be a real pain to measure, mix, and carry on a day to day basis. Not too many people I know carry shaker cups, huge cans of whey powder, glucose powder and assorted other ingredients to the gym or to work. The few people I know that actually do this are competition-level athletes, and it is part of their job.

First of all, yes, you do need carbohydrates, but you also need some protein as well. Both of these ingredients work with each other to speed muscle recovery and reload you for the rest of your day. The post-workout meal for your six pack abs diet should be easy to prepare, easy to consume, and not cost a fortune to buy.

Top Re-Load Foods for a Six Pack Abs Diet

1. Apples: a medium sized apple has about 45 calories in it which will not come close to messing up a diet. An apple also provides both carbohydrates and fiber which will give you the sugar boost you need post-workout and help your hungry feel satisfied.

2. Peanut butter: while somewhat high in calories, 1 Tablespoon of regular peanut butter will provide 4 grams of protein and only 98 calories to your six pack abs diet. Oddly, the 'no-sugar' variety seems to have more calories than regular, so don't waste your money on it.

3. Yogurt with fruit: According to my palate, this is the perfect end to a workout. I personally eat Chobani Greek yogurt (Black Cherry). A six oz cup has 140 calories, no fat, and 14 grams of protein. Yogurt is easily digestible and goes to work quickly to replenish your body with needed fuel to get you through to your next meal. Any brand of no-fat yogurt is good, check the labeling for nutritional information as they will all have varying nutritional profiles. What could be better? I would go with the fact that there's no preparation involved and all you need is a spoon.

4. Celery and Hummus: Hummus is both delicious and packed with protein and carbohydrates. Pair your favorite brand of hummus with celery for a crunchy and filling snack.

5. If you don't have any other options, a lower calorie version of a bottled protein shake is decent. Prepare to spend anywhere up to $3.00.bottle for it. Check to make sure that it comes in under 200 calories for your six pack abs diet. One thing you need to be aware of with protein shakes is that you get what you pay for regarding the type of protein used, added amino acids, and the nutritional profile.

Some trainers have advocated the first half hour of post workout time as the perfect time to indulge in usually off-limit type foods such as starches. You probably could get away with a candy bar or something similar in the short run, but for a real six pack abs diet to work, you need to instead chose better and healthier foods for long-term results.

Over the years I have accumulated a list of the absolutely most informative and helpful diet books out there. Click to see what I consider to be what the 10 best diet books that I recommend my clients read. Additionally, do yourself the favor of checking out some amazing superfoods you should add to your six pack abs diet. Something that should get you excited is that they are all under 50 calories!

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Exercise Should Be Personal and Dynamic - There Is Literally Something for Everyone

So many times people believe that in order to begin an effective training programme, they must do some kind of soul destroying activity that will result in misery. The thought of breaking out into anything more than a brisk walk is enough to fill even the most determined would be exerciser with dread. Is there a better way, or should you just forget the thought of exercising altogether?

As you'll already know, it's important to participate in some form of regular exercise, but many of us don't. Exercise is proven to reduce the risks of hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, bowel cancer, depression, breast cancer, and is also a great stress buster. So why is it that a significant number of us still fail to integrate exercise into our lives, despite the stresses of modern living and constant reminders of the risks involved with living a sedentary lifestyle?

There is a huge misconception when it comes to exercise intensity, many people think that unless you're going all out then it's unlikely that you'll see any benefit. This isn't necessarily the truth, although we burn more calories and put our bodies systems under more 'good' stress when exercising at a higher intensity, there is still much to be gained by staying within your comfort zone if it means that you'll stick with it. If you can aim to push your comfort zone a little then fine, your body will adapt to anything that you do, so you can progress at your chosen discipline and eventually see greater benefits. However, it still remains true that the benefits of exercise are present at lower intensities than you'd expect; anything is better than nothing.

There is also a misconception as to what is valid exercise, when you consider that we do very little activity from day to day in general it wasn't always this way. Even 30 years ago, lifestyles were far more taxing. Exercise is often categorised into either aerobic, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and stress management, when considering that we took part in all of these things quite naturally right from our humble beginnings then it shouldn't really be too hard for you to integrate them with little drama. Walking, running, exercise classes, playing with the children, swimming... the list is endless, as long as you're getting your heart pumping all is good! Just be sure to vary your routine a little. I would say that what we possibly miss most is lifting as we have numerous aids, so buy some dumbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, or even a medicine ball and get creative, there are options. Also, bear in mind good posture 24/7 and if need to be seek advice from your GP.

A key thought would be enjoyment, as long as you're active and enjoying it you will stick with it. Let's take children for example, the amount of energy they have is astonishing and they are incredibly active when left to their own devices (away from the television!) but you have to admit that it's seldom that they do things they don't enjoy. There is so much variety where exercise is concerned, find something you love and replace passive entertainment (TV, consoles, films etc) with active entertainment such as zumba, boxercise, circuits, walking etc. If you're struggling for options, hire a certified personal trainer for a few sessions and make it their mission to find out what it is that you enjoy most, simple.

In summary being active isn't all that hard, you shouldn't focus too much on the benefits to begin with and just focus on doing something that you take part in for stimulation. Remember this: you must first regain it, then use it or lose it.

As a former Royal Marines Commando and REP's Level 3 Personal Trainer based in Cheltenham, UK, Matt Goodman cuts straight to the heart of weight loss, focusing on the array of issues surrounding successful lifestyle change.


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How Many Days a Week Should I Work Out?

ByDavid M Womack

Everyone has done it. They have become so excited about a workout program that they will go to the gym every day that week and then they either get sick or get injured due to overexertion. So one of the biggest questions people ask is, "how many days a week do I workout and not get hurt or burnt out?"

This whole question hinges on a few different variables. How long do you normally workout for? What time do you usually go to the gym? Do you just lift in a day, then do cardiovascular endurance in the other?

The easiest way to spell out the two most effective gym routines is to explain both of them and then pick which one you like and then make the necessary changes according to your schedule. Note: these are just the skeletons for these programs, its up to you to add and change things to accommodate you.

Workout routine 1:

This one involves at least two days of rest a week. This is for more of the people who like grinding it out in the gym. The average time for this routine per day is only close to an hour. In this particular routine the person will do weight lifting every other day. The days in between will focus on cardiovascular endurance. The other thing to note is that because you're working out possibly 5 days a week you should focus a different muscle group in a cycle during your weight lifting days. For example, you will need to focus on your chest and arms one day, followed by cardiovascular endurance the next day, the next weight day you will work your legs. This will give your muscle groups time to recover.

Workout routine 2:

This workout will give you anywhere from three to four days to rest. This routine is designed for the people who have busier schedules and can't necessarily be at the gym for five days out of the week. This workout focuses on putting your cardiovascular endurance right after your weightlifting. The average time for this workout is also about the same. It will usually range anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour. This will usually include a ten minute cardiovascular warmup followed by a specific lift for usually fifteen to twenty minutes. Then you will have an extremely demanding workout complimenting the lift you did.

These are just the basic foundations for a good workout plan however, its going to take a good bit of commitment and dedication for you to actually see the fruits of your labor.

In the Richmond, Virginia area there are many facilities that offer that guidance such as Total Victory MMA & Crossfit, where you can join ongoing classes or even get one-on-one personalized training, to achieve a better fitness level and better quality of life.

David M. Womack
Coach Womack's Martial Arts Background:
Coach Womack currently teaches & trains at Total Victory MMA & CrossFit - Home of the 30 Day FREE Trial! 9562 Woodman Rd.
Richmond, VA 23228

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5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Run

ByM A Rawson

Providing you are free from an injury or medical condition that would prevent you from running, then running is probably one of the best exercise disciplines. After all, most sports professionals advocate running as a primary cardiovascular part of their fitness routine.

The cost of exercising is also very minimal. In fact the only advisable expenditure necessary are a decent pair of running shoes.

For most people and their hectic lifestyles, brings with it a need to seek healthy ways to eat correctly and exercise sufficiently. People are allowing themselves less time to look after themselves as they indulge in working too hard and long without sufficient sleep, or in fact, time to do much else. This generally means that proper meals are neglected for fast foods, and with little recreational time, a good exercise routine is neglected.

Running is not 'the be all and end all exercise', however combined with say weight training, it can provide a great component for an excellent training program.

From a fitness point of view:

Your body will benefit greatly from regular cardiovascular exercise. In order to strengthen the functioning of your heart and lungs, you need to exercise to an extent whereby the heart and lungs are working faster than the normal rest state. Obviously you should never throw yourself into an exercise routine without first consulting your doctor who will advise you on your suitability for such exercise. However once you have established suitability, then it is simply a question of making a start and building yourself up with a suitable realistic routine.

Losing weight:

With a regular exercise routine and the combination of a balanced diet, it is inevitable that you will lose weight. The simple rules are, if the food/calorie intake is less than the energy/calories burned, you will lose weight. Any form of exercise, even walking to work etc is better than no exercise, however, the discipline of running means that more calories will be burned as a result.

Running as a hobby:

Probably one of the greatest problems faced with any kind of exercise is commitment and motivation. Joining a club, or running for a charity can provide an excellent focus and reason to get up and go jogging. As an additional benefit there comes a camaraderie that can be a great help when you simply don't feel like it. Not to mention the social outlet afforded, and perhaps a well earned trip to the pub afterwards.


The unfortunate modern stresses that face most people seem to be an inevitable part of our day to day lives. Running offers an excellent antidote to the problem. When faced with problems in our lives, running also allows us an excellent opportunity to take time out and think problems through.

Running is fun:

As previously mentioned, joining a group of like minded people, or even work colleagues, can offer a chance to catch up and perhaps share a laugh and a joke. However, if you find yourself alone whilst exercising, you don't have to pick the same boring route every time. If you run in the city during your lunch hour, a different route can provide the opportunity to discover new sites. Maybe there are places you could drive to, perhaps country locations, and take in picturesque surroundings as you run.

Hopefully the preceding has given you a few ideas to get started. Do some further research and pick a routine, simply starting at a level that you feel comfortable with. Certainly don't try to overdo to start with otherwise you will give up. Unfortunately this short guide cannot provide everything you need to start a routine. You have to follow a plan that involves warming up and down as well as correct stretching. Finally, make sure you take it easy at first and remember, you are doing the best that you can do right now and then work up, as your fitness levels increase. Many people start off walking for a few weeks only, then gradually incorporate walking and running, until you can run comfortably without having to stop and walk.

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Lower Ab Workouts For Men Should Include These Three Strange Exercises

Lower ab workouts for men and women can be pretty similar, in regard to exercise selection. However, men and women do have biological training differences. Women tend carry more body fat than men, specifically in their hips, buns, and stomach region. Because they naturally carry weight in these areas, they usually have to do more cardio than men. This article is not a traditional one that is going to suggest cardio 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes as soon as you wake up. Instead, I will tell you about three killer ab exercises that are not necessarily more effective for men, and not necessarily considered by most to be ab exercises, but they are likely to be more appealing to the male population.

The first exercise is the front squat. When you do the front squat, your torso must be used to hold your body upright. Although the exercise does not directly train your abs, it does inadvertently train them while utilizing a good portion of your body muscle. It is an excellent movement to add to your ab workouts because it will help you to maintain or build lean muscle. The muscle gained from this exercise will serve to make your body a metabolic furnace. All lower ab workouts for men are seriously lacking if they do not include front squats.

The second exercise is the bundle carry. This is a very unconventional exercise similar to super yoke training, but cheaper. You can use about anything that is fairly heavy. I prefer to use a couple of bundles of electrical conduit, but you can use logs, boards, or pipes. Just find something that fits the general description. You simply balance two loads on each shoulder and start walking. The loads should be at least 10 feet long and semi heavy. Do 10 sets of 100 meters, with 90 seconds between sets. You want to do it as quick as you can, but do not run. Just walk fast. The amount of abdominal work you will get from this exercise is insane. Also, it will get your heart rate up, allowing you to burn some calories, while increasing your work capacity.

The third exercise is the good morning. In the good morning, you put the weight on your shoulders like you are going to squat. Instead of squatting down, you push your hips back and lean forward, with your abs TIGHT, until your torso is about parallel. Afterward you raise up to the initial position using your posterior chain, which includes your glutes, hamstrings, calves, lower back, and abdominals. It would be a good idea to find some videos on You Tube that show you proper technique because this is an exercise that can hurt you badly, if you do not know what you are doing. It is hard to explain through an article, and pictures are insufficient as well. The good morning is another exercise that uses a lot of muscle. It too will help make your body a metabolic machine.

You can use these strange exercises, and get killer results from them. Sometimes it just feels good to change your routine. Lower ab workouts for men are boring if you perform the same stale routine every single day. It does not have to be that way. Spice up your ab workouts. Sometimes spice comes to you in a most unusual form, and it tastes bitter because it was so unexpected. Please add these three exercises into your ab workouts, but make sure to do them properly. See what they do for you. I am sure you will find them effective, if not right downright fun.

Gentlemen, getting a set of ripped abdominals is very possible. However, you must follow the right exercise program and combine it with a fat loss diet. If you are interested in that sort of thing, and wish to get rid of your man belly check out

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Should We Stretch Before Exercise?

Stretching is a term that is used very loosely in the fitness industry. Everybody has been taught as young kids to stretch out. I remember in 1st grade physical education, my teacher leading us through stretches before a game of kickball. When to stretch or not to stretch at all is the question you can ask yourself. For the past 13 years as a personal trainer, my fitness manager has come to me year after year saying that the stretching trends and methods are changing. For the most part, I personally will always at least warm-up my body before exercising at my correct intensity, and that's usually because of instinct and because it will help me get to my target heart rate much faster! Let's take a look at what we've been told regarding stretching, and when it's best according to current fitness standards.

At one point in time, we've all been told to stretch out before doing any kind of aerobic exercise, mainly to avoid injury, help performance, and help with muscle soreness. According to current personal training standards, there is still no proof that is convincing to support that stretching prevents muscle soreness. Muscle soreness is simply a result of muscles being worked, and fatigue being reached during your exercise routine. Muscle soreness is not actually a bad thing, proper nutrition and rest will help you get through muscle soreness.

Next, I've always been taught that stretching would help my performance as an athlete. Current information that is being taught to trainers, is that stretching before exercise has no influential impact on a person's athletic performance. I now question what coaches all over the world are teaching their high school and college teams. I know for a fact that many football coaches are still teaching to run on your toes, because it makes you faster. Coaches don't understand or care that this is extremely painful for your knees, and could shorten your career.

As a personal trainer with all my clients, I teach that a warm-up is needed, but not stretching before any type of exercise. I will explain exactly what I mean by a warm-up. The best known warmup exercise that I use with all my clients, is the "hokey pokey". The "hokey pokey" is a warm up routine that asks for every part of your body to require some kind of energy. Warming up is simply getting every body part to accept consistent blood flow. Let's not make warming up difficult, when simple things like the "hokey pokey" work well.

I've always taught clients to stretch when their workout is complete! Stretching at the end of your workout, helps to properly "cool down" and bring your heart rate back to your normal resting rate, and will also help improve range of motion.

In conclusion, stretching is best after your workout is complete, there has been no conclusive evidence showing me anything different. Please do your own research, and give me your feedback.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to read an article of mine that I feel will help you to reach success. My name is Pierce Calloway, and I've been a certified personal trainer for the past 13 years. My main goal in the fitness industry is to give the best possible, most accurate fitness advice, and share the love of Jesus Christ with every one of my clients. I have an online fitness website that can be found at Thanks again for the time you've given me to share my heart.

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Running for Fitness - Should You Sprint?

"Running: a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. It is simply defined in athletic terms as a gait in which at regular points during the running cycle both feet are off the ground."
From Wikipedia

A long winded way to describe something that we all enjoyed doing as children and along with walking one of the best and most natural methods of exercise known to man.

Speed and distance may vary and range from a slow jog to a full out sprint. Many individuals compete in events that place participants in a contest to test speed in a sprint or endurance in a distance race like the marathon. The running mechanics may seem to be the same, but there are differences in running mechanics and additional factors which make a marathon very different to a sprint.

Sprints commonly are tested in track events including 100 m, 200 m or 400 m races. World-class athletes may finish these events in ten seconds, twenty seconds or forty-five seconds, respectively. A marathon is a race that's 26.2 miles in length with world-class athletes completing the race in just over 2 hours.

Sprinting isn't simply a faster version of running, and running is not simply a slowed down sprint. They are in fact different disciplines altogether. Sprinting calls for the athlete to learn and use a very different technique and uses different muscle fibers. Consequently, sprint workouts must be specifically tailored to train the muscles involved and the energy systems in a unique way. And similarly, unique methods need to be applied to training for a distance event.

The marathon, at a distance over 26.2 miles, is among the most respected athletic accomplishments available to the general public. Anyone with some training, may line up in the same event as the best distance runners in the world. This is unique to the marathon as it is unlikely that the average fitness enthusiast would ever get the chance to run in the same race as Usane Bolt.

Training for and completing a marathon calls for considerable cardio vascular fitness and determination. Everyone, from the novice training for his or her first run, to Olympic athletes, can learn to run faster and more efficiently.

When you're beginning, the gains in speed are fairly easy to accomplish by simply improving your fitness levels. As you become a better runner, however, to make further improvements you have to commit some of your time to building strength and speed in order to become a faster runner.

Whether your goal is to set a new personal best in your next 5k race, win your age bracket at an up-coming charity run or qualify for a state or national championship, with a properly structured training program you can learn to run faster.

For more advice on all things fitness visit Fitpro2U

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