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success etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

How to Keep Going When You Lack Motivation

Why is staying motivated so hard?Because starting your fitness program is usually easier than sticking with it over time.Staying MotivatedHow do you stay motivated with health and fitness?It comes down to your mental game and discipline. You will not always be motivated, but discipline takes over and...

6 Strategies You Need to Succeed at Getting Fit

Getting fit is one of the most important life decisions you will make. Doing it the right way with a positive mindset is vital.Are you struggling in this area?Working on personal fitness goals will come with questions and even concerns. Besides cleaning up your diet and exercise, there are other important...

Why Comparing Yourself to Others Can Hinder Your Progress

Competition is an important part of any sport. If you want to be the best, you have to see what those around you are doing and strive to work even harder than them. When done in excess, however, comparing yourself to other individuals may be counterproductive.Social media has made it easier to track...

Five Body Weight Exercises For Success

As you know by now, I am a firm believer in body weight exercises, or what I like to call "REAL" exercises.What does this mean?Well, based on my experience, I find that too many people tend to take the easy way out when it comes to the exercise they do to try and lose their unwanted body fat.A perfect example is that mystery machine that seems to be so popular, called the "Elliptical Trainer." Body...