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Using High Intensity Interval Training for Weight Loss

ByMarcus J Michael

A time there was when the best advice from fitness experts was that you spend hours in the gym performing cardiovascular workouts in order to build better muscles and lose weight. However, there is a new twist to this erstwhile popularly held notion and it is the use of high intensity interval training.

Unlike several other quick weight loss advices that most people consider to be "too good to be true", high intensity interval training (also referred to as HIIT) is rather a proven, efficient, and safe alternative to effectively lose excess body weight when compared to conventional cardio exercises.

One issue that makes conventional cardio exercises which generally employ specific training methods over a period of time inefficient in helping individuals lose weight and maintain it is the fact that after about four to eight weeks, the body normally starts adapting to this specific training method and overall effectiveness starts to reduce.

The human body is good at adapting to both internal and external conditions especially those it considers to be stressors - like exercise. Therefore, while low intensity cardiovascular exercises have the ability to help individuals lose weight, a diminishing effect is generally experienced once the body finally adapts. At this stage you might have reached a "plateau" which generally indicates that your body has successfully adapted to your current routine.

This is one of the reasons why high intensity interval training (HIIT) is more effective as it does not allow the body to get used to the exercises being performed by interrupting its rhythm. HIIT is a specialized form of interval training that involves the incorporation of short intervals of maximum intensity exercises with longer intervals of low to moderate intensity exercises in an exercise session.

Essentially, HIIT is you having to do a number of short burst of intense exercise followed by a longer recovery interval and the repeat of this sequence during your exercise session. This abrupt interval jolt automatically - howbeit unexpectedly - turn things up a bit forcing the body to search for more energy to satisfy the sudden increase in demand.

The body has three major options for sourcing energy fuel to satisfy this increased demand and these are - carbohydrate, fat, and protein and which can be obtained from either the bloodstream or the muscles.

Unlike carbohydrate, fat generally require more energy to burn and is considered a slower burning energy and is what is mostly used during cardio exercises as there is sufficient oxygen in the bloodstream for its oxidation at this intensity level. However, if sufficient intensity is applied to aerobic exercises, the body suddenly runs short of oxygen supply and this results in a reduction in the amount of fat than can be oxidized by the body.

Consequently, for the body to be able to keep up with this abrupt energy demand, it usually turns to carbohydrates which are a faster burning energy. At moderate intensity, the body can source carbohydrates (in the form of glucose) from the bloodstream but at higher intensities it generally turns to the glycogen (mixture of water and glucose) in the muscles.

At high intensity the body is said to be exercising in an anaerobic state - whereby the body is exercising so fast or energetically that the bloodstream cannot supply enough oxygen to the muscles forcing them to exercise without oxygen.

Having expended most of the glycogen in the muscles during the short energy burst, the body resorts to its stored body fat during the recovery interval and this cycle continues to the end of the exercise session. This routine generally creates a significant energy deficit in the body.

However, it is actually after the high intensity interval training itself that the effectiveness of this routine is experienced. This is due to the fact that the body continues to burn its stored fat while attempting to replace the expended muscle glycogen. It has been demonstrated that this fat burning process can continue for up to 48 hours after performing HIIT exercises and therein lays the awesome power of HIIT - supercharged increase in basal metabolic rate (BMR).

HIIT can be used during your sprinting, swimming, rowing, cycling, walking, or cardio machine (stationary bike, cross-trainer, or treadmill) exercise sessions. Incorporating HIIT into your regular fitness routines will enable you to increase your overall endurance, improve your oxygen intake, build new metabolically active muscles, and also burn calories much faster.

However, HIIT is pretty physically demanding and definitely not meant for everybody. It is therefore recommended that those who are relatively new to aerobics, who are not in good shape, have cardiovascular problems, or any other serious health concerns, should endeavor to start with low to moderate intensity exercises for some time before attempting any form of high intensity interval training.

In summary, it can be categorically stated that high intensity interval training is the best way to go for any individual who is really serious about losing weight. If you've seen little or no results from your conventional cardio exercises, it is time to turn to a more efficient, effective, and safe weight loss strategy by making use of high intensity interval training.

Re-take CONTROL of your life today to get that trimmer and healthier figure of your dreams by checking us out right now to get some topnotch best weight loss tips in addition to some of the best weight loss programs that will help you lose that excess body fat permanently!

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Benefits of Using Treadmills

ByBarbara Mary

Running is the best exercise to reduce your weight and keep yourself fit. Running or jogging every morning for 20 minutes will be fine for an adult. But for many people, it is not possible to do so due to non availability of suitable space for running. Some are unable to find time to do their exercises in order to keep fit.

Treadmills could help you to keep yourself fit and healthy. If you do not have time to go for walks or for jogging, the best option is to buy a one for your home. You could run on it while watching news on your television.

How does it work?

The treadmill provides a moving platform to its user and he or she has to run on it. When you run on this machine, its platform will move towards you. It will rotate continuously around a horizontal axis. It gives a feeling as if the person is walking upwards on a staircase, which will never end.

Advantages of using these exercise machines:

It is the best device to exercise in order to keep fit. You could exercise at home rather than going to a gymnasium. Using one at your home is one of the best ways to do aerobic exercises. There are many other advantages of using them.

Some of these benefits it offers are as follows:

Easy to Use: Treadmill is one of the oldest devices that are being used for engaging in exercises. You could easily walk on its platform or you could run. You are not required to do any hard work such as lifting weights or pushing anything either. When you run on its platform, you burn out many calories from your body and will shed your extra weight.

No Risk of Slipping: This device has an even surface, which is predictable. You do not have to worry about slipping or tripping. Its surface always moves at a uniform speed, which also helps you in maintaining your balance. Also, you have the possibility to change speed of its platform according to your needs.

Easy to Control: It is a device that could be controlled easily. Every feature of it could be changed with the push of a button. The possibility is there to control the speed, inclination, cool down period, period of workout and the amount of energy being used.

There is no Need to Change the Structure for Different Users: Many a time, when you go to the gym you have seen different devices which need to be adjusted as per the requirements of different users or gym goers. Since, everyone who engages in exercises has a different body shape it will be necessary to change the structure of the device. But in case of your own treadmill, you are not required to do so and you can also workout on a single machine without adjusting it.

Best for Indoor Running: Indoor running is comfortable with one of these units if you own one. You don't have to worry about the weather conditions, or you don't need a partner or a companion to run alongside you.
It is quite affordable. You just need to do some comparison of different models before you buy a treadmill. Get one now to stay fit and healthy!

Get the Sole F85 - one of the best treadmills for home, here!

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How to Stay Safe When Using the TRX

ByCindy Leeme

Fitness is something which every human being needs. People want to engage in some form of physical activity due to some reason. Various reasons may be mentioned but it all actually boils down to good health. Without any physical activity, a lot of our bodily functions cease to work properly causing us to get sick.

The recommended duration of physical activity is two hours in a week. Some people worry about this because they cannot find enough time to get off work, school or watching the kids. With the TRX, getting that two hours is a piece of cake.

The TRX suspension trainer is a great and revolutionary workout system that is used by athletes, bodybuilders and normal folk all over the world. It offers tons of benefits that are not present in any other fitness system. However, efficiency is only a part of the equation. Alongside this, the product should also be safe and secure. Since the TRX is made of top grade equipment, it is very unlikely for it to cause harm. Ignorance of the user, on the other hand, is one of the major causes of accidents. Here are some tips which will help one stay safe while working out with the TRX.

1. Double check the anchor
The TRX suspension straps are able to withstand weights of up to 1000 pounds. However, this is totally useless if it is not anchored to a firm object as it will give way. In order to be sure that it is secured, tug on the straps several times at full force. If it does not budge, you can proceed with your workouts.

2. Be sure to have enough energy
It is pretty common for people to suffer accidents in the gym when they are extremely tired. A good example would be accidentally letting go of the dumbbells or losing your grip on the lat pull machine. The same also holds true for the TRX. If you are not careful, you might let go of the suspension straps and end up hurting yourself. It is also possible that the resistance will overpower you and cause you to get off-balanced.

3. Do not overdo the workouts
Some people think that the TRX is a very simple workout system. Due to this, they set the straps to the maximum resistance possible. Sadly, most people are overwhelmed by this and end up tearing their muscles and injuring themselves.

The muscles that are deeper within the body, such as those which support the spine and abdomen, will benefit from deep TRX exercises conditioning.

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Using Muscle Hypertrophy Science to Gain Size and Strength Faster

Muscle hypertrophy is a fancy sounding word for growth. The anabolic building of additional muscle mass is the goal of every beginner to weight lifting and experienced bodybuilder alike.

By understanding the science behind muscle hypertrophy we can use it to maximize our gains in size and strength over time. Let's start by defining the two different types of hypertrophy.

Myofibrillar Muscle Hypertrophy

Myofibrillar muscle hypertrophy is a big word that describes muscles growing larger from the addition of new muscle tissue. When muscles are trained beyond their capacity, also known as overload, the muscle fibers will be strained and damaged. The body then goes to work repairing the damaged muscle fibers. This kind of hypertrophy is best accomplished through training with heavier weights using lower rep volumes.

In the process of repairing the muscles the body will also add to the muscle tissue in the affected muscles in order to protect them from becoming damaged from similar stresses in the future. This additional muscle tissue results in a gain in muscle mass, which is what all bodybuilders strive for. This process describes myofibrillar muscle hypertrophy which is best described as the addition of muscle mass.

Sarcoplasmic Muscle Hypertrophy

Sarcoplasmic muscle hypertrophy gets its name from the fact that muscle cells are filled with sarcoplasmic fluid, and under the right kinds of stress, the volume of sarcoplasmic fluid that the muscle cells can accommodate increases. This increase in cell volume actually has nothing to do with an increase in muscle tissue, but still makes the muscles larger and fuller.

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is most commonly experienced by bodybuilders that train with relatively light weights for a high number of reps. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy may look good, but it does nothing in terms of making you stronger or improving the muscular composition of your body.

Taking Advantage of the Two Kinds of Hypertrophy

We've established the two types of muscle hypertrophy, but how do we use this to our muscle building advantage? The main differentiating factor between training for one type of hypertrophy versus the other is the amount of weight you're using and the number of reps you are performing.

We've already made note of how to train to achieve either of these hypertrophy results, but in order to make your muscles as dense and large as possible you'll need to be intentional about training for both kinds of hypertrophy.

To do this you simply alternate training with heavier weights and lighter weights, always training to failure. I like to use 3 weeks of heavy training followed by 1 week of light training, but you'll want to experiment to see what works best for your body type.

The bottom line is that if you want to gain muscle mass and size as fast as possible, you need to mix up your training so you're building new muscle tissue while also increasing the volume of your muscle cells. This combination will lead to the fastest results possible.

Neglect it at your own risk because you will regret it!

Craig Leonard is a formerly overweight turned fitness expert that understands the struggles the average person endures when trying to build muscle and shed unwanted body fat.

For more information on strength training and other tips to help you build muscle, lose fat and transform your body, check out Craig's inspirational articles on

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Using Home Exercise Equipment - How Do I Lose Weight Fast?

ByWayne A Richtsmeier

Great you've started your diet. You've made up your plan and started following it. Next you need to develop an exercise plan also. After all you need to burn more calories than you take in. The only way to lose weight is to use more energy than you consume. When you have a consistent workout plan it will jumpstart your metabolism and it will help you to burn more energy. It will give you better long term results than just diet alone.

Before you start any exercise program talk to your doctor and follow their advice. I'm just trying to help you lose weight fast. I don't know your medical condition. I don't want to advise you to do anything that would harm you.

Personally I prefer to work out at home rather than going to the gym. Depending on how far away it is I don't have to waste 1.5 to 3 hours of my day travel back and forth to the gym to work out every day. I work a lot of different shifts for my job and often the gym isn't open when I want to work out. When I work out at home I can do it any time of the day or night.

When you go to the gym you often have to wait to use the machine you want. When you do get on it you have to limit your time because other people are waiting for the machine.

If you add up the gym membership over time you will be very surprised at how quickly working out at home pays for itself. Though the initial price of the equipment can be expensive, if you set up the right payment plan, the monthly payment is often less than the gym membership. When you finish paying for the equipment it's yours. You never finish paying for the membership and you get nothing out of it.

When you have a membership in a gym you have to pay the dues no matter how often or how little you use it. You have to make that payment even if you get sick, hurt, or go on vacation. If you already own the machines they might gather dust for a while but they will be there when you're able to get back into it. You will not be paying for nothing.

These are the main reasons that I prefer a home work out plan. When you think about the numbers and the times involved as well as the convenience I think you will agree.

If you would like to discover more information on exercise, dieting, and weight loss go to my blog
Wayne Richtsmeier

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Improve Your Fitness Using Weight Machines

You can improve your fitness level by beginning a weight training program using weight machines. Weight machines offer a good way to target a narrow range of muscles, track how much resistance you are creating for each group of muscles, and for many exerciser's, it does feel good to "pump iron". Weight training will improve your fitness level and is important for building muscle mass, of course, but weight training also helps you strengthen your bones, so if you are in a risk group for osteoporosis, it's doubly important for you to add resistance to your workouts, and weight machines are a safe way to start a weight training program.

Your gym's fitness trainers are your first resource in learning to use weight machines. If your gym membership comes with a personal fitness training session, use it to learn proper form. Even if you need to pay for the session, the injuries and overuse of muscles you will avoid is well worth it. If you haven't signed up for a formal session, some fitness trainers may be willing to get you started on one machine or two. Just don't expect them to provide a full fitness training session that you haven't signed up for.

If there's a machine you have your eye on trying at your gym, but you can't get anyone to show you how to use it in person, note the name of the machine- they often have signs listing the name and proper use of the machine. Then look for online videos showing fitness trainers demonstrating how to use the weight machine- several fitness trainers have short instructional videos you can watch. Look at several videos- the different camera angles may help you get a better idea, and if one trainer has bad form, the others will be able to show the contrast between good and bad form.

Weight machines also have signs with illustrated instructions showing you how to use the machine. Some are better than others, but most are enough to help you get the hang of it. Don't attempt to lift the maximum weight you can manage on a machine you're unfamiliar with, especially if you only have those signs to go by. While the illustrations can give you a basic idea of what the move is supposed to look like, any errors in form will be compounded by the strain you are putting on your muscles.

Using weight machines will be even more enjoyable if you warm up your muscles first, focus on large muscle groups, followed by smaller muscles, then a cool down. For those who aren't experienced with weight machines, they can seem a bit intimidating, but once you get to know them, they aren't any more challenging to work than a treadmill.

Paul is a fitness enthusiast who has worked as a Personal Trainer and a Physical Education Teacher. He earned a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology from California State University of Fullerton, and a Physical Education Teaching Credential as well. He also earned a National Certification as a Performance Enhancement Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and is a Certified Personal Trainer. He started which focuses on all aspects of fitness, and motivation and is the founder of Workd Fitness Bootcamp. Paul has a passion for helping others achieve their goals and is ready to help you with yours as well.

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