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    Hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde sende web site sahibi olmak istiyorsan tek yapman gereken sitenin aşağısında bulunan iletişim formu üzerinden gerekli bilgileri girmen. Hepsi bu kadar.

  • Web Siteye Reklam Ver

    Sende web sitemize reklam vermek veya ilan vermek istiyorsan. Tek yapman gereken sitenin en altında bulunan yere iletişim bilgilerini girmen yeterli olacaktır. Ekip arkadaşlarımız siziznle iletişime gececektir.

  • Web Sitemizin Yazarı Editörü OL

    Sende kalemine güveniyorsan web sitemizde bir şeyler paylaşmak yazmak istiyorsan siteinin en aşağısında bulunan iletişim formunu kullanarak bizimle iletişime gecebilirisni

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simple etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Johny Asal Responsive

Live Demo Download ThemeTest ResponsiveTEMPLATE FEATURESJohny Asal Responsive is a simple responsive blogger template with 4 column. There's no new feature in this template, it's just a simple template blogger with black and white color, auto readmore without javascript, 3 column footer and 1 right...

Johny Goreng

Live Demo Download ThemeTest ResponsiveTEMPLATE FEATURESAnother simple responsive blogger template for your blog named Johny Goreng. No specific feature, it's juat a simple template blogger with black and white color, auto readmore without javascript, 3 column and 1 right sidebar. Tag H1 and H2 ready...

Johny Super Prett

Live Demo Download ThemeTest ResponsiveTEMPLATE FEATURESJohny Super Prett is another responsive blogger template with simple featured.  It's a 3 column blogger with 2 sidebar in left and right. Tag H1 and H2 ready for more SEO and visitor friendly to your blog. You can use this template for your...

Johny Demosite

Live Demo Download ThemeTest ResponsiveTEMPLATE FEATURESJohny Demosite is responsive blogger template from Creating Website, It's a simple template blogger with a 4 column and 1 right sidebar. Tag H1 and H2 ready to more SEO and visitor friendly to your blog. You can use this template for your daily...

Johny See Book Sekali

Live Demo Download ThemeTest ResponsiveTEMPLATE FEATURESThis is my first responsive blogger template, it's a simple responsive template for better SEO with elegant looks. There's no specific feature in this template. It's a white and blue colors, 2 column blogger with 1 right sidebar and 3 column footers.Responsive...

Johny Wusss

Live Demo Download ThemeTEMPLATE FEATURESJohny Wuss is simple template for better SEO with elegant looks. There's no specific feature in this template. It's a white and black and blue color with 3 column blogger with 1 right sidebar and 3 column footers.Features :Simple template blogger with elegant...

Get In The Groove With These Simple Fitness Tips

Are you having trouble getting in shape because you just can't seem to stick with an exercise routine? Do you keep resolving to get fit and healthy, but always give up after a few weeks or months? Well, now is the time to kick those bad habits and develop new ones that will let you get the body of your dreams. The great advice in this article will teach you how to look and feel your best with amazing...

Simple Workout Routines That Can Help You Lose Weight

ByTeka MullwaniOne of the important issues about healthy living is watching one's weight. There are many people who think that they are overweight and would like to lose weight. The problem is that many of them are looking for a quick way to lose way. In fact, doctors rarely recommend use of medication to lose weight. Professional doctors will recommend a schedule of exercises and foods to be eaten...

5 Simple Switches For a Healthier You: Fitness

ByM. DwyerLosing weight is all about the changes you make to your lifestyle. But sometimes it can be difficult for us to make drastic changes to our lives stick! As you start to slide off of your new year's resolutions, here are a few simple switches to get you back in the saddle and to thinking about your health.Park Further AwayIt doesn't make sense: even when we're trying to go to the gym, we...

Simple Resistance Training Exercises

ByLisa PerkinsAt the end of a long day, many people would rather head home to eat dinner and relax as opposed to exercising. This is a common to deal with stress and fatigue; however, some decide to handle it by doing some exercises to relieve tension and get re-energized. Going to the gym though could be a bit inconvenient for certain people because of a demanding schedule.Resistance training exercises...

How to Get Ripped and Shredded 8 Pack Abs - The Simple Way

8 pack abs have become the latest 'in thing' when it comes to a ripped and shredded abdominal section. This is because of the rise of celebrities like twilight star Taylor Lautner and the number one fitness model Greg Plitt. With the rise of such celebrities, it was only natural that people's desires to acquire physiques like theirs would increase as well, in this case the desire to have 8 pack abs.You...

The Wonderful Benefits of Simple Exercise For Seniors

Then you should go for it. An active lifestyle is very beneficial. It help boost energy levels and can even help to reverse some of the problems of aging. It can improve your energy and strength.It doesn't matter what your age, or illness, you will improve flexibility and balance by moving more.Endorphins produced by being active will decrease depression and help you feel better. Plus it increases...