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Starting Your Weight Lifting Program - Tips

ByJordan S Scheller

Before starting a weight lifting program to build strength or to attain the shape you desire, you first need to look at four factors that affect your performance. These four factors include fiber type, limb length, metabolism, and your muscle/tendon relationships. When you become informed on these four factors you can better design a workout that will get you the results you are seeking.

Fiber Type

Humans have many different types of muscle fibers. Some people contain fibers that are great for strength and mass, while others have fibers that are more built for endurance.

Those with muscle fibers, which are best suited for endurance, have what is called slow twitch muscle fibers. These types of fibers have a rich supply of blood and oxygen that allows for a swift recovery time. As you can tell, quick recovery is extremely beneficial when it comes to activities such as walking, jogging, or swimming. Although, such fibers are not so beneficial when it comes to explosive activities, such as lifting, jumping, or sprinting. As you can derive from the name, slow twitch muscle fibers are just that, slow.

In contrast, fast twitch muscle fibers are make their owners best suited for quick and explosive actions.

Limb Length

Another factor that I want to mention is limb length. Have you ever noticed that most of the time you see someone benching a whole lot of weight, they will normally have short stubby arms? Short arms are in fact quite a big advantage when it comes to weight lifting. With shorter arms, you have less of a range of motion that you must push or pull the weight through. Longer arms must complete a greater range of motion, therefore requiring more energy and force.

As your limbs act as levers, long arms also put more stress on joints and tendons.


Have you ever known someone who can eat all the time and still never gain an ounce of weight? If so, this person most likely had an extremely high metabolism. When choosing a workout program, it is vital to incorporate your metabolism to obtain the correct diet you need.

Muscle/Tendon Relationship

The last factor I want to mention is the relationship between your muscles and tendons. First, tendons are the mechanisms that attach your muscles to your bones. Longer muscles will generally be stronger than their shorter counterparts. This is because the cross sectional area of the longer muscle is greater. If you are tall, you might be thinking that you have long muscles. Be warned, most tall, lanky people will have short muscles with long tendons, which is not a good combination for building strength.

Keep these four factors in mind when creating a strength-building program, so you can set realistic goals and gains.

Jordan is a avid physical fitness guru who enjoys sharing what he learns through his years. If you are interested in ankle weights, I would suggest that you follow the link to learn all you need to know about the benefits, risks, and much more about Ankle Weights. Follow me on Twitter to discover Ankle Weights Benefits.

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