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EPRD etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
EPRD etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Leuck and Glassman Win Bergen Peak Half Marathon

Nick Leuck dominated the grueling Bergen Peak Half Marathon on Saturday, Aug. 25, running the 13.1-mile trail race to the top of Bergen Peak in 1 hour, 56 minutes and 45 seconds. Leuck finished almost seven minutes ahead of second-place finisher Andrew Fields, who ran the race in 2:03:30.Kendra...

EPRD Women's Wellness Series

EPRD's Women's Wellness SeriesThis fall, Evergreen Park & Rec is offering several classes to help women in the mountain community stay healthy from the inside out! Classes include:Empower Your Health: Gut Health - Uncover the connection between disease and the gut, and learn how to nurture and support...

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018 Women's Wellness SeriesThis fall, Evergreen Park & Rec is offering several classes to help help women in the mountain community stay healthy from the inside out! Classes include:Empower Your Health: Gut Health - Uncover the connection between disease...

EPRD Healthy Living Newsletter / January 2018

2018 Brings New Fitness OpportunitiesWinter is a big season for EPRD this year, with lots of new classes for you to take advantage of! Here are our Winter Superstars! POUND is a full-body cardio jam session inspired by drumming, offered Tuesdays at 8 AM at BPRC. This incredibly...

Help EPRD Envision the Future of the Evergreen Lake North Trail

Evergreen Park & Recreation District (EPRD) invites you to attend a Public Meeting Thursday, Jan. 11to discuss our vision for the future of the Evergreen Lake North Trail. The meeting will be held from 5-7 PM at Buchanan Park Recreation Center (Bergen Peak Room), 32003 Ellingwood...

Evergreen Lake Skating Opens Friday, Dec. 29

The Ice Rink on Evergreen Lake opens Friday, Dec. 29! Opening day hours are 8 AM-8 PM.  It's school break, so bring the kids to the lake to enjoy these winter days on the ice.The ice is 12 inches thick, so Evergreen Park & Recreation District's (EPRD) ice maestros can flood the rink...