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Creative etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Creative etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Happy, Happy, Happy

Just like the amazing Phil Robertson says; "We are happy, happy, happy". Yesterday evening ended up being a great evening, especially for a Monday.

I went to the gym after work for my "cardio blast" workout. I have written about it before. I ended up doing 20 miles of cardio total. And I shaved a lot of time off of my spin class. I started off with 20 minutes on the lateral cardio machine and did 5 miles. Then spin class started 7 minutes late. I started on the bike at 5:30 just doing an easy stroll, but did not start my spin work out until the instructor started us at 5:37 PM. In 47 minutes, I did 15 miles again like I did Thursday. However, the 15 miles I did on Thursday was how long the class had been, the 47 minutes last night was really only 40 minutes of class time.

I am really, really thinking of hard of buying a bike and training to one day ride competitively. Over the past 3 months since I have regularly started spin cycling, it has quickly become a huge passion of mine.

While I was work yesterday, my fiance, Marquis, told me he had worked up a little something for us! I was excited, he is an awesome cook and comes up with the weirdest, but most delicious recipes!

Pardon his spelling, hahaha.
After my work out, I come home to find Marquis has bought "Life Code" for us to take to the beach. I am a HUGE Dr. Phil fan, I mean I love that guy and I have been wanting this book. I can't wait to have my toes in the sand, Skinnytini in one hand, and this book in the other!

Around 8 we FINALLY sat down for dinner AND dessert and it was delicious!

Dinner: Veggie noodles, diced grilled chicken and turkey sausage, black beans, veggies, and crushed tomatoes. It was absolutely delicious.
Cute desserts he made: crushed Chocolate Fiber One cereal with sugar/fat free vanilla pudding, bananas, and walnuts! 
After dinner we caught up on "America's Got Talent". I can't believe we missed it last week! AGT, X Factor, and American Idol are our shows we religiously watch together. We commentate during the whole thing and it's so funny. It's our third season of AGT so it is now a tradition with us! I also love how when we are watching these shows, he lies at one end of the couch and myself and we give each other foot massages. LOL... does anyone else do that? Crazy, I know, but it's so relaxing!

Creative Ways to Meet Your Weight Loss Goals

Are you tired of sticking to the same diet and exercise plan without seeing any real results? If so, it may be time to change things up. Losing weight can be tricky. For this reason, it is important that you discover . Listed below are a few creative tips that will help you see real results. Will you take advantage of these tips and become one step closer to getting the body that you have always wanted?

Focus on fitness

When you begin to focus less on dieting and more on fitness, you will begin to see results. Studies have shown that not only does it matter what you eat when you are trying to lose weight, the type of exercise that you are getting matters too. How focused are you on fitness? Be sure that it is a number one priority.

Take advantage of exercise equipment in your own home

How conducive is your home to exercising? It you want to meet your weight loss goals, get creative and find ways to turn your home into a home gym. Investing in exercise equipment such as a treadmill or a cross trainer for your home gym will give you more of an opportunity to meet your goals. You won't have to worry about missing days at the gym because of a late work schedule if you have the equipment readily available to you in your own home.

Use a combination of equipment

If you want to meet your weight loss goals, you must find creative ways to keep exercising. Exercising can quickly get boring if you are doing the same routine over and over. A creative way to beat the boredom of monotonous exercise and meet your weight loss goals is to use a combination of equipment. Don't just use a treadmill each and every day. Switch up the routine and add in a work out on the cross trainer at least a couple of days a week.

Losing weight can be hard! Realize that real weight loss results will come when you stop focusing on losing weight and focus more on getting fit. Fitness is the key to getting the weight loss results that you want but you must keep up with your regime and remember that you will not get the desired results by cheating! Use the listed above to help you get the body you have always wanted.

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