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Resistance etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Resistance etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

The Benefits of Resistance Training in Weight Loss

ByMarcus J MichaelIrrespective of the angle from which you might want to look at the many options of losing weight being promoted today, the truth remains that proper diet and exercise are the surest ways to achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss.Though an individual's ability to lose weight depends on several factors, it is nonetheless a generally acknowledged fact that the most important factor...

A Beginner's Guide to Resistance Training

So, you have decided that enough is enough, and it's time to get into the gym? - First and foremost, congratulations!!Now that you've taken that difficult decision to enter the world of 'gym junkies', I can hear you ask yourself, 'What the hell should I do now?!'The following article is aimed at the masses, who are looking at losing some weight, gaining fitness and perhaps tone up a bit. I'll try...

Simple Resistance Training Exercises

ByLisa PerkinsAt the end of a long day, many people would rather head home to eat dinner and relax as opposed to exercising. This is a common to deal with stress and fatigue; however, some decide to handle it by doing some exercises to relieve tension and get re-energized. Going to the gym though could be a bit inconvenient for certain people because of a demanding schedule.Resistance training exercises...

Resistance Band Training

Whether you're on the road, are too busy to get to the gym, or just looking for a good resistance exercise program that won't break the bank; resistance bands may be the answer.Although there are a number of variations available for this type of exercising (bands, tubes, loops, straps, etc.), the principals remain the same. Instead of using cumbersome barbells, dumbbells, or kettle bells which rely...