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Thanksgiving etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Thanksgiving etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

EPRD's Healthy Living Newsletter for November

Preventing Holiday Havoc

The holidays are such a tumultuous time. Yes, the season can be wonderful: Eating mouthwatering feasts, getting and giving gifts, traveling to exciting destinations, spending time with family. But it can also wreak havoc on your health and fitness. 

EPRD to the rescue! We have a huge variety of programs and classes to help you stay in shape. 

Black Friday Specials
And on Black Friday - Nov. 24 from 7 AM-5 PM - drop into either Buchanan Park or Wulf Rec Center and take advantage of the best discounts of the year!
  • Buy a Facility 20-Punch Card and get 7 Punches Free (limit 2 per person)
  • Buy a Fitness 10-Punch Card and save $10 (limit 1 per person)
  • Buy an Indoor Cycling 10-Punch Card and save $10 (limit 1 per person
EPRD Stocking Stuffers
Get a jumpstart on your holiday shopping by purchasing EPRD Gift Cards! They make fantastic stocking stuffers -- use them for fitness classes, massages, facility entries, climbing wall sessions, personal training, programs or anything you want!

Healthy Eating

Trim Turkey
The Food Network offers healthy Thanksgiving recipes!

Healthy Body

Turkey Trot
Run in EChO’s Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Morning to burn calories before the big feast.

Healthy Parenting

9 family activities for Thanksgiving Day

Healthy Mind

Preventing Depression             
11 tips for avoiding holiday depression triggers

Healthy Giving

Evergreen nonprofits benefit from your donation on Tue., Dec. 5 – Colorado Gives Day!

Healthy Aging

There are a number of Thanksgiving activities your older family members can enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Weigh and Win Healthy Holidays Challenge!

On average, Americans gain one to two pounds every holiday season - which they never lose. Over time, those pounds add up! Let’s make this holiday season a healthier one, together, and enjoy the holidays with balance and maintain your weight this holiday season.

Join the Weigh and Win Healthy Holidays Challenge!


Sign Up For Weigh And Win
Visit to sign up for a free account.

Join The Challenge
Visit click the ‘Join the Challenge’ button.
You will be redirected to your account log-in page. After logging in, you will see your Healthy Holidays Challenge Dashboard and you will officially be a part of the challenge.
Not sure if you joined? Give us a call at (800) 694-0352.


Receive weekly tips for overcoming holiday temptations, maintaining balance and engaging in healthy behaviors over the holidays.


Complete a pre-holiday weigh-in between Nov.  15 and 22, 2017, and a post-holiday weigh-in between Jan. 1 and 8, 2018. If you maintain your weight within one pound (or lose weight),  you are eligible for the prize drawing!


Everyone who maintains their weight is entered into a drawing. Weigh and Win will be giving away (10) Grand Prizes of a $125 Amazon Gift Card and (10) Runner-Up prizes of a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

Weigh and Win is a free program that encourages you to eat better and move more – and will reward you for doing so! Sign up to receive daily, personalized health coaching by email or text message, track your progress through quarterly weigh-ins and earn cash rewards for weight improvement.

For more information, visit

Healthy Living! from EPRD for November

The cold weather is finally here after a springlike fall. A couple days ago, as temperatures hit 70 degrees, winter seemed a lifetime away. But the white flakes that fell yesterday mean we can finally start thinking about ice skating on Evergreen Lake and heading to the mountains to ski! 

But first, let's meet the ultimate challenge to healthy living head-on: Thanksgiving! 

Healthy Body

If you're like the average American, the pound or two of eight you're likely to gain this holiday season  is here to stay. But the Huffington Post says it doesn't have to be that way.

Healthy Mind

It's holiday time, the family is coming, there's too much to do! OK, stop a moment and let controlled breathing help calm your tense body down. Take a deep breath, expanding your belly. Pause. Exhale slowly to the count of five. Repeat four times. Congratulations, you've just calmed your nervous system! NY Times Wellness has more suggestions.

Healthy Eating

Thanksgiving and the upcoming winter holidays are a minefield of temptations that can dismantle the achievement you have worked so hard to attain. Take control and jump-start your motivation for a healthy and active holiday season-one where you lose, not gain! tells us how.

Healthy Parenting

Are you wondering how to go beyond mere gluttony to add some meaning and gratitude to the day on Thanksgiving? Start by reminding yourself that striving for that Martha Stewart holiday will only stress you out. Fortunately, perfection isn't necessary for you and your family to have a perfectly wonderful Thanksgiving, says Aha Parenting.

Healthy Aging

Ninety percent of people don't like change, and retirement pulls the rug out from under your entire life - changing your sleeping patterns, your social life, your relationship with your partner, how you spend your time and even what and when you eat! Here are 3 ways to make lifestyle changes easier, from Contemporary Retirement.

Healthy Giving

Volunteer or run in the 7th annual Turkey Trot put on by Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO) on Thanksgiving morning. Proceeds help EChO support families in need through its resale shop, food pantry, jobs training and more. And you and the kids can burn off a few calories before the Thanksgiving feast! Learn more.

Healthy Planet

At the rate we're going, it can seem sometimes like we're out to destroy our planet. Luckily, there are a bunch of efforts you can make that are easy, quick, and cost-effective, so you can do your part in taking care of our irreplaceable home in the galaxy. Learn more.

The Very Merry Gobble til ya Wobble Weekend!

...Well actually, I did not gobble a lot, because I lost 5 pounds this week! I did not mean to lose that much, but I will so take it. 

Thanksgiving weekend for me started at 3PM on Wednesday. My President randomly walked up to me at one o'clock and told me I could leave early. Man, I will take it! You do not have tell me twice. Since I was able to leave early, I was even more excited to go kick some booty at the gym.

I had my game face on!

After, I picked up my favorite salad from Panera; the black and bleu.

aka "Heaven in a to-go box!"

Then a little shopping ensued. 

I love Ulta. They reward loyalty like no other. I bought those curlers and the foundation primer (shown on the left) and the total was over $50, however, with a coupon and my reward points, I saved $20 bucks! Then, all of the stuff you see pictured in front of those two items were free! I was stoked. I love being frugal.

The rest of the evening was spent packing for the weekend and my move that happens in 6 days!

Thursday morning, I woke up early, and hit the gym for 50 minutes of preventative damage control cardio, ha! It was a great workout. Afterwards it was time to get ready for the 3 hour drive back to my hometown.

Marty was not happy about me leaving. I wish cats loved to travel and were easy like dogs. It would make me going out of town so much easier. Sigh.

I was all decked out in my pink and black jumpsuit - pink for days!

I packed my survival kit and hit the road.

Electrolytes. protein bar, and protein shake are my must have roadies.

I arrived in my hometown around 5PM and stayed with my dad and step-mom. I spent time with my sister, her boyfriend, our neighbors, and we had a great time. My sister and step-mom are very big health nuts so we kept it easy food wise - turkey and roasted vegetables, but we did a delicious sweet potato pie. Since my dad has terminal cancer, I put away my phone and focused on spending time with him. I do not see him a lot, so when I do, I want to be as attentive as I can. 

Friday, I left my dads early then picked up my sister-in-law and nephew so we could all go to my mom's for my second round of Thanksgiving. When we arrived at my mom's, she watched my nephew so Amber and I could go see "Catching Fire". Wow that movie was SO damn good. However, I think my favorite part about the movie is all of the incredible fashion! I wanted every dress Katniss was in.

The movie was a lot longer than we thought so when got back to my mom's, it was time to have dinner. Oh my, it was so good. We had so much food!

The pool table makes he best Thanksgiving table, ha!

Me and Amber; my sister-in-law.
Mama and Amber!
My nephew using my suitcase as his own personal slide.

We had the best time! Also there was my step dad and his parents, my 2 step brothers Nick and Zack, and my brother Christian.

Saturday morning I left my mom's bright and early. I had to be back in Charlotte by noon to do a small project for my boss. I hit the gym, purchased groceries, then finally came home to a needy cat, and a mountain of things to do. I did two loads of laundry, dishes, prepped food, and made my weekly meal plan. Some Saturday night,  huh!

...but then Marty said "that's enough" and to rub him since I left him alone for two days.

Today mirrors yesterday, fun fun. I have been lazy this morning so I thought I would blog a bit. Next up is gym followed by more cleaning and packing. I am excited about my new place, but damn I hate moving! It's taking not only all of my money, but my time!

Dun, dun, dun...

Have a great week guys!

Have a Happy and Stress-Free Thanksgiving!