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Halth E-Newsletter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Halth E-Newsletter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Workout Wisdom....Are you doing what it takes to Get Results? I have had more than one client say to me...I don't want to bulk up....I need to lower my weights.....As I thought about this....I wanted to wright a little newsletter - because it is a common issue with women and you must change your way of thinking.First of all - if you are serious about wanting...

Diet is IMPORTANT! 10 Easy things to do the get yourself back on track after vacation or slimmed down for vacataion!

Everyone who knows me knows I do not recommend quick fixes or extreme diets.  They will cause more harm in the long run.  A diet plan that results in rapid weight loss is reducing your lean muscle mass - WHICH YOU REALLY DON'T want....because when muscle mass is reduced, fat mass in increased and then your battle becomes that much harder.  Over time you must keep cutting calories to...

What are you THINKING? Be Present!

If you’re trying to lose weight and not succeeding, part of the problem might be that you are eating mindlessly. Mindless eating means that what, when and how much we eat runs counter to both the body’s true needs and our own health goals.Learn below how you can switch from mindless to mindful eating to support weight loss. Kelly McGonigal, PhD, health psychologist and yoga teacher at Stanford University,...

Get Fit Fast with this Simple Strategy - Accountability and Competition

With all the fad diets and latest, greatest exercise gadgets available, it can be confusing to choose a weight loss plan that really works.  There are a lot of gimmicks out there, people waste a lot of money struggling to get fit and healthy.But you do not have to spend a lot of money or put yourself on a crash diet in order to lose weight and keep it off.  By following one simply strategy,...

How the Compound Effect can Help You Lose Weight

One of the most dangerous traps that you can fall into while dieting is having the “It’s all or nothing” attitude.  But sadly, this is why many people who are trying to lose weight fail at their attempts.  They make a mistake here and there, whether that is missing a day of exercise or indulging in treats too frequently, and end up so discouraged that they just give up completely. ...

4 Lifestyle Changes that Can Save Your Life

Would you like to reduce your chance of getting diabetes by 93%, heart attack by 81%, stroke by 50% and cancer by at least 36% percent?  You can, simply by following four lifestyle changes.  According to Yale University’s Dr. David Katz, many of the chronic disease that we take for granted are not, in fact, inevitable.  There is much we can do to avoid them.Making lifestyle changes...

Fat Loss and Strength Training – for Busy Women!

“I don't want to bulk up.”  I hear that from many women that strength train. While it’s true that the main effect of weight training is building muscle, research shows that moderately heavy, low repetition training increases a woman's metabolic rate more than light weight, high-repetition training. ...

What does it really cost?

I see this all the time.  You get your nails done every 2-3 weeks, you get your hair colored and cut every 4-6 weeks, you eat out, you shop for new clothes, etc.  Then you say, “I really don’t have the money right now to invest in an exercise/nutrition program”.  Well, you are spending...

Tips for Fat Loss

Remember, you want to feed the muscle and blast the fat!I always say, you cannot out-exercise a bad diet!  The simplest change is to stop eating foods from a bag or a box. Switch over to more fruits and vegetables. Think about it, what comes in bags?  Cookies, chips, fast food. ...

What is the REAL PRICE of INACTIVITY?? The TRUE BENEFIT of Activity!!

The Consequences of Physical Inactivity are StaggeringMore Americans are overweight. Adult (and childhood) obesity/overweight level continues to increase: 65% of all Adults are obese or overweight.It is more difficult today to create an active lifestyle. People are less active due to technology and better transportation.  Our legs are meant to be our main source of transportation. ...

Grocery Shopping Guides for Heart Health

We all know it is healthier and more economical to buy groceries at the store and prepare your meals at home.  We also know the crazy food choices at the store can seem overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you be smart at the grocery store and choose good-for-you foods.Be sure to buy and eat plenty of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables that are deeply colored throughout...


Introduce good eating habits early in your children’s and/or grandchildren’s life.Let your children learn to respond to internal hunger cues rather than learned social ones. Don’t worry if your kids don’t eat as much as you think they should.  REMEMBER – a child’s stomach is about the size of their fist.  Pay attention to that and adjust servings appropriately.Encourage...

Maintaining Momentum

·       Pay less attention to the numbers on the scale and more attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit over time.·        Having more lean muscle will keep your metabolism high so you burn more calories and also keep your bones strong!·        Remind yourself of your successes. ...

Substitute High Glycemic Carbs with Better Carbs!

Too many of the wrong kinds of carbs can spike insulin levels and make it more difficult to shed body fat. The key is to replace processed carbohydrates with high-fiber carbs from whole foods. This is as simple as making substitutions.Cut Back on White PotatoesIf you crave a baked potato, make it a sweet potato instead. Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index and are more nutritious than white...

Are you Suffering from Portion Distortion?

Most people gain weight because they are eating the wrong foods.  Portion size plays a bigger role in weight gain and weight maintenance.  People in today’s society have lost touch with what a portion size really looks like. This is partially because restaurants are now serving super sized portions and have servings large enough to share.  A large French Fry order at McDonalds...