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Halth E-Newsletter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Halth E-Newsletter etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Workout Wisdom....Are you doing what it takes to Get Results? I have had more than one client say to me...I don't want to bulk up....I need to lower my weights.....

As I thought about this....I wanted to wright a little newsletter - because it is a common issue with women and you must change your way of thinking.

First of all - if you are serious about wanting RESULTS -(a smaller, tighter, defined body) - the only way to do that is by losing FAT and keeping hard earned muscle.  And the only way to do that is TO GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!

By getting out of your comfort zone, I am talking about:

1 - meals you eat - they require planning and effort - but you have to do this to get results you want

2 - training hard in your workouts!  This means lifting heavier than you are comfortable and pushing yourself harder than you are used to..... you should be sweating, grunting and pushing yourself.

3 - if you are a woman, you are not going to bulk is physically impossible unless you are lifting extremely heavy weights and eating a ton of protein.  It is really hard for women to put on that kind of muscle and believe me, you are not going to do it lifting 10 and 15 pound dumbbells.  Most of you have purses that weight more than this and are lifting kids and grandkids that weight more than this.  

4 - The key to burning fat is adding muscle. A recent study compared weight lifting to aerobic exercise.  Both groups lost 26 pounds.  The strength training group lost only fat while the aerobics group lost 8 % of their weight from muscle.  

5 - your priority workout should be one that boosts metabolism, burns calories, builds muscles and creates an afterburn effect.  Weight training does this....but you have to challenge yourself and train hard.

You have to place a demand on your body different from what it is used to for it to change.  That is why we change up the workouts often, use kettlebells, body weight, dumbbells, bands, etc.  

Increasing your lean muscle mass will burn the fat......and you will be burning more calories while doing nothing....which is always good!

I am here to educate please keep reading.  

Aerobic exercise is important for healthy heart and lungs and should be part of every fitness routine.  However if you are focusing on just cardio and staying the "old school fat burning zone".(aka the steady state cardio) are not going to get the results you are looking for. Here's why.

Your body is very efficient at adapting.  That is what we body will adapt to the same routines and expect and begin to store fat in anticipation of it.  That is why you need to change it up with BURST of all out effort - remember - out of the comfort zone.  If you walk or run for cardio - you have to up the intensity with speed or incline.  

Want evidence?  Look at the photos below of endurance athletes (marathon runners) and how soft they are verses a track and field athlete....lean and sculpted.  Burst of all out effort is key to keeping your body guessing and keeping that metabolism and fat burning furnace working.  

that's my Girl - Allyson Felix!

Yours in health - 

Diet is IMPORTANT! 10 Easy things to do the get yourself back on track after vacation or slimmed down for vacataion!

Everyone who knows me knows I do not recommend quick fixes or extreme diets.  They will cause more harm in the long run.  A diet plan that results in rapid weight loss is reducing your lean muscle mass - WHICH YOU REALLY DON'T want....because when muscle mass is reduced, fat mass in increased and then your battle becomes that much harder.  Over time you must keep cutting calories to avoid gaining more fat and this will further slow your metabolism down -- making your body a fat storing machine rather than a fat burning furnace!

These are good overall strategies to stick to 80 - 90% of the time.  If you are trying to drop inches - 90% at first, then you can reduce to 85 or 80% for maintenance.

1.  Cut back on high fat foods - we all that fat is good for you, especially the healthy fat.....but high fat foods are calorie dense (meaning fattening) and should be limited.  Keeping fat intake to 35 or 30% of daily calorie intake is the first step to slimming down

2,  Cut back on all simple carbs - these include fruit juices, candy and some fruits that are very high in sugar.  Focus on complex carbs for energy - they will also keep you fuller longer.

3. Reduce your intake of processed and refined foods.  This includes those chips that you think are so healthy!  If you are trying to drop pounds or lose inches, avoid anything that comes in a bag or box!  This also includes breads bagels, packaged cereals, etc.  Instead focus on nutrient dense carbohydrates like brown rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans and old fashioned oatmeal.

4. Go GREEN and LEAN - The more starchy carbs you can eliminate from your diet, the quicker you will slim down. Focus on green foods - leafy greens, asparagus, green beans, broccolli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and LEAN protein (listed below).

5.  Exercise!  if you don't think you have time to get a work out in, break up into 2 to 3 small bouts throughout the day.  If you are exercising 3 x week and still have inches you want to lose, you need be doing 30 minutes of cardio at least 2 days per week in addition to your strength training.

6.  Incorporate lean protein into your diet - The best sources are skinless chicken or turkey breasts, eggs, egg whites, tuna and other white fish, shrimp, scallops and crab.  Have protein at each of your meals and snacks.

7.  Drink WATER!  you should be drinking 64 ounces plus more if you are exercising.  Aim for half your body weight in ounces of water each day.

8.  Don't Skip!  meals or snacks that is.  Going to low on calories will slow your metabolism down and your energy rate will drop as well.

9.  Make sure you are getting your nutrients with a quality supplement.  Inexpensive vitamins are cheap - and you will not absorb the nutrients.  I high quality food based multi-vitamin is best.  I recommend ZIJA  it is made from the moringa tree - all natural includes all your needed vitamins, minerals, essential and non essential amino acids, omega 3, 6 and 9's....all in one vitamin!

10.  Eliminate or reduce condiments - ketchup, barbecue sauces and fat free salad dressings are high in sugars and sodium.  Always read labels carefully.  Condiments can be a source of hidden calories, sugar, fat and sodium.

What are you THINKING? Be Present!

If you’re trying to lose weight and not succeeding, part of the problem might be that you are eating mindlessly. Mindless eating means that what, when and how much we eat runs counter to both the body’s true needs and our own health goals.

Learn below how you can switch from mindless to mindful eating to support weight loss. Kelly McGonigal, PhD, health psychologist and yoga teacher at Stanford University, shares her insights.

How do you transitioon From Mindless to Mindful Eating?
Mindless eating is a major saboteur of weight loss. “In many cases, it’s not the meals we eat that cause weight gain,” says Susan Albers, PsyD, author of Eat, Drink and Be Mindful (New Harbinger 2009). “It’s the snacking, the mindless eating while watching television, when we’re on autopilot and not really aware of what we’re eating. Plus, the majority of food decisions have nothing to do with hunger. They have to do with stress, anxiety, sadness or frustration.”

Mindfulness can help. Mindfulness means paying attention, both to inner cues (thoughts, emotions and sensations) and to your environment. When applied to eating, this can mean the difference between one more failed diet and lasting weight loss.

What are the Three Components of Mindful Eating?
How can you eat mindfully? Mindful eating can be broken down into three areas.
  • 1. Eat in the Moment. Get rid of distractions like reading, watching television or eating on the go and really taste, smell and enjoy your food. Practice knowing what it feels like to be hungry or full, and learn to honor those signals.
  • 2.  Awareness of Eating Habits and Beliefs. Keep a food journal to get a clear sense of your eating habits, including where you keep food and how you go about food shopping. Also, notice how you talk to yourself about food. Common self-defeating beliefs include not wanting to waste food and putting foods into “good” and “bad” categories.
  • 3. Awareness of Environmental and Emotional Triggers. A bakery case of pastries may trigger a craving that was not there a moment ago. That craving has nothing to do with the body’s true needs and everything to do with the eating environment. A mindful approach can help you become aware of the difference. When you are aware of your personal triggers, it is easier to avoid them or to pause and make a conscious choice. Also, mindfulness can help you recognize when you are eating for emotional reasons and can allow you to develop other strategies for self-soothing or celebrating.

Get Fit Fast with this Simple Strategy - Accountability and Competition

With all the fad diets and latest, greatest exercise gadgets available, it can be confusing to choose a weight loss plan that really works.  There are a lot of gimmicks out there, people waste a lot of money struggling to get fit and healthy.

But you do not have to spend a lot of money or put yourself on a crash diet in order to lose weight and keep it off.  By following one simply strategy, you will find yourself with more will power and motivation than you have perhaps ever had while losing weight.  And that is friendly competition.

Friendly competition means that you have a friend with whom you are comparing notes and habits as you lose weight together. 

It’s friendly because you are doing this with a good friend that you genuinely care about.  You both want to lose weight, and you both want to see the other person lose weight.  It’s competition because you check up on each other’s food and exercise journals to provide accountability. 

The competition component can be as intense as you like it.  If you want to get the most out of your effort, set a time limit to see who can achieve the most success by a certain date.  Whoever wins gets treated to a movie or a healthy home cooked meal by the other!
Friendly competition provides motivation because you are working toward a specific goal, but unlike trying to lose weight on your own, you have someone checking up on you.  If you know someone else is going read over your food journal and see everything you eat, you will likely find the willpower to say no to dessert more often! 

And if there is a coveted prize at the end of your journey, you might find a fun, competitive spirit coming to life inside you.  After all, you do not want to be the one who has to cook that meal at the end of six weeks, do you? 

The competition will keep you from slacking up on your exercise schedule as well.  Perhaps one of the goals you and your friend are working toward is exercising for thirty minutes a day for six days each week.  What if you miss a day, but your friend is steadily plugging along, getting her workout in each day?  That in itself should give you the wherewithal to head to the basement and hop on that treadmill!

If you have not enlisted a friend to buddy-up with in your weight loss efforts, consider some friendly competition for the next few weeks.  You may find that this simple strategy provides you with all the motivation you need to finally lose weight and keep it off!

How the Compound Effect can Help You Lose Weight

One of the most dangerous traps that you can fall into while dieting is having the “It’s all or nothing” attitude.  But sadly, this is why many people who are trying to lose weight fail at their attempts.  They make a mistake here and there, whether that is missing a day of exercise or indulging in treats too frequently, and end up so discouraged that they just give up completely. 

Losing sight of the big picture is deadly if you are on a weight loss journey.  But it is sometimes hard to see the big picture when you get mired down in the day to day grind of little decisions.  The truth is that everybody fails sometimes.  Everybody.  If you expect perfection from yourself, you will certainly be disappointed, because it is not possible.

You see, focusing on occasional failures is like looking at snapshots rather than the entire movie.   If you went to see a movie that was two hours in length, you would see a whole story complete with plot, background, character development, suspense, and conclusion.  In other words, you would come away with a full scope of the big picture. 

But suppose your friend, rather than seeing the movie, only saw a handful of still shots from it.  Would your perception be different?  Of course it would.  You might even disagree about what happened in the movie.  This is because she can only focus on a few aspects of the movie, whereas you can see the big picture.  Sure, the main character might have made a mistake at some point, or perhaps things looked really bad for part of the movie, but that is only part of the movie.  It is not the final outcome.

Looking at your own journey to health in the same way is critical if you are going to get through the bad days and the periods of discouragement.  Your failures are only a still shot within a fully developed screen play.  The extra dessert you ate yesterday is a snap shot; it is not the whole picture.  The whole picture includes the one hundred times last month that you resisted unhealthy food!

This is why the compound effect is so helpful when you are making hard lifestyle changes.  Every single good decision you make adds up to a magnificent outcome.  Sure, maybe you did skip your workout three times last week.  Okay, that happens; it was a rough week.  But remember how many workouts you have accomplished over the last six months?  Remember how you took the stairs instead of the elevator several times last week ?  Flex your muscles—see that bicep that you have developed from lifting heavy dumbbells? 

Healthy choices compound together to create a tapestry of health.  They are cumulative.  They are the movie, not the snap shot. You will fall occasionally.  Just pick yourself up, acknowledge that you are not perfect, remind yourself of how far you have come and file that snap shot away.  You don’t need it:  you have an entire movie to watch.

4 Lifestyle Changes that Can Save Your Life

Would you like to reduce your chance of getting diabetes by 93%, heart attack by 81%, stroke by 50% and cancer by at least 36% percent?  You can, simply by following four lifestyle changes.  According to Yale University’s Dr. David Katz, many of the chronic disease that we take for granted are not, in fact, inevitable.  There is much we can do to avoid them.

Making lifestyle changes is never easy.  Therefore you need all the help you can get to motivate yourself to do the hard work of breaking old, unhealthy habits and creating new, life-giving habits.  Sometimes, simply knowing the outcomes of two very different paths is all it takes to give you the will power you need to finally change the trajectory of your like.

So let’s take a brief look at the illnesses mentioned above and then look at how you can avoid them.   

  • Diabetes is a growing epidemic in our country, currently affecting 11% of people twenty or older.  Adults who have this disease are twice as likely to die early than adults who do not have it.
  • The leading cause of death for women and men in the United States is heart disease.  More women die from heart disease than die from breast cancer.  And fully one-half of men who die suddenly from heart disease have had no earlier symptoms.
  • Someone dies from a stroke every three minutes.  It is the third leading cause of death in our country.
  • Cancer kills more than 1,500 people every day.  The only disease that kills more people than cancer is heart disease.

As it stands, the odds are stacked against you.  You are very likely to suffer and possibly die from one of the diseases mentioned above.

Unless you change your life. 

The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study that found that four lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of these diseases.  These changes are:

1.  Not smoking
2.  Having a body mass index under 30
3.  Exercising at least 3.5 hours each week
4.  Eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in meat

Do you want to change your life?
You have the power right now to choose your future.  Of course nothing is certain, but making these changes significantly increases the chances that your future will be vibrant and active rather than filled with disease and suffering.  What kind of future are you currently creating?  What kind of future do you want?  

Fat Loss and Strength Training – for Busy Women!

“I don't want to bulk up.”  I hear that from many women that strength train. While it’s true that the main effect of weight training is building muscle, research shows that moderately heavy, low repetition training increases a woman's metabolic rate more than light weight, high-repetition training.  All women need some form of resistance training in their workout program.   Women need to train at a high intensity so they can get the metabolism boosting benefits without the fear of developing the dreaded “bulk.”   Lifting light weights for 100’s of reps is not going to get you where you want to be.

So what’s a girl to do?  How do you maximize your workout efforts to get the most body sculpting benefits?

A well-rounded fitness and fat loss program avoids the old school one to two body parts per day with long, slow cardio sessions and includes the following:

·    High intensity total body weight training sessions - Use weights to build small amounts of muscle and burn lots of calories. I prefer to structure the workouts in supersets of non-competing exercises so that you never waste time resting. You will do one lower body exercise and immediately move to the upper body or core.

·    Bodyweight training – Bodyweight exercises can be used in traditional strength training supersets or in a series to create circuits to burn calories, boost metabolism and improve your overall fitness.

·    Interval training – The best results to get lean are achieved by high intensity cardio intervals.  Avoid the lower intensity, longer duration exercise sessions. You will notice how much leaner you get and you will save time!

·    Frequently changing your training variables will constantly demand your body to change, helping you get maximum results in minimum time.

·    Use bodyweight exercises - There are dozens of exercise variations you can do for lunges, push ups, bodyweight rows and chin ups.   Use the Stability ball for single leg exercises, and yes of course, abdominal exercises.

With my training and research, I have concluded the most effective training schedule for women wanting to sculpt muscle and get lean is workouts consisting of weight training and bodyweight exercises.  Three sessions per week is optimal while focusing on total body during each workout.  Punt the old school body-part training workouts - the ones where you do chest on Monday, back on Tuesday and so on.   Focus on a total body workout three times per week and zero in on what I call the FAB FOUR multi-joint exercises. You can add more exercises as time permits.

The FAB FOUR multi-joint, multi-muscle exercises that address the following movements: 

Pushing, pulling, squatting and hamstring hip hinge type of movement.  An example would be a push up, body weight row, over head squat and a dead lift of hip hinge.  These exercises all activate the core indirectly.  Planks and stabilization moves are best to strengthen the core and avoid stress on the discs that traditional sit ups can cause.

For more information on how to maximize your workout time and get fit, contact AllyFitness for a complementary consultation.

What does it really cost?

I see this all the time.  You get your nails done every 2-3 weeks, you get your hair colored and cut every 4-6 weeks, you eat out, you shop for new clothes, etc.  Then you say, “I really don’t have the money right now to invest in an exercise/nutrition program”.  Well, you are spending the money, just on other things.  When does your body get to the top of your priority list?

What will it take to get you to invest in what is below the surface, beyond the skin?  Your heart, your lungs, your muscles and yes, those bones!  Getting our hair and nails done makes us feel good about ourselves and boost our confidence.  I would say that investing in exercise and nutrition is one of the best things you can do to boost your confidence.  You feel stronger, healthier, have a better shape and much more energy to get through your day. 

What is it costing you to NOT get active and eat right?  Your health!  While it may not seem like a big deal now, continued sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits will catch up with you and then it will hit you and your pocket book in a really big way!  Low energy, low self esteem, higher risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease will not only drain your bank account, but drain your time that you could be spending with loved ones and living a healthy active life!

The rates of obesity and chronic health problems are at an all time high in the U.S. right now, making it more important than ever to get moving!  A recent study states that being fit (even if you are overweight) reduces the risk of most diseases and premature death.  Being fit is one of the best things you can do to take care of what is on the inside!  Go beyond the surface and get to what really matters.  Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do for your family.  If you don’t take care of you, who is going to take care of them?
Take the first step and yes, I mean that literally!  If you are not active right now, get out and walk for at least 10 minutes twice a day.  Next week, make it 15 minutes twice a day.  Get to where you can walk for at least 30 minutes every day.  Research CONSISTENTLY reports the positive benefits of walking.  And guess what?  It is free!  

To get the most bang for your excise time – incorporate strength training.  Building lean muscle increases your resting metabolic rate (that means you burn more calories sitting on the couch!)  Building muscles also stimulates bone growth. Both women and men are at risk of osteoporosis as they age and strength training is the best thing you can do to prevent this disabling disease.

So what is the best approach for strength training for busy people who want to burn fat?  Stay tuned!

Tips for Fat Loss

Remember, you want to feed the muscle and blast the fat!

I always say, you cannot out-exercise a bad diet!  The simplest change is to stop eating foods from a bag or a box. Switch over to more fruits and vegetables. Think about it, what comes in bags?  Cookies, chips, fast food.  Basically, all the over-processed and chemically altered food.  These are the items you really want to eliminate from your diet, your routine and your pantry!

By making small changes every day, week, month & year, you will incorporate new eating habits and eliminate old, bad habits. 

Start today with:

·        going to the store and the produce aisle to help control your appetite, regulate your blood sugar, and burn body fat

·        throwing out all of the things in your cupboards and pantry that are processed and/or junk

Think of your body as a Ferrari or Jaguar.  You need to put premium fuel into your engine to have the energy and zest to get through your day and live your life with vitality! Not grease, not sugar, not caffeine (ok, I have to have my morning cup of java – but it is black without added sugar, and I limit it to one cup)!

Start by eating several small meals each day, focusing on protein and fiber-rich foods.  Combine that with the short, convenient, intense workouts and you'll feel like a million bucks.

Let food be your medicine - nutrition & exercise are as powerful as drugs and guess what?  There are no side effects, other than feeling better and looking better-- (your liver will thank you!)

What is the REAL PRICE of INACTIVITY?? The TRUE BENEFIT of Activity!!

The Consequences of Physical Inactivity are Staggering

  • More Americans are overweight. Adult (and childhood) obesity/overweight level continues to increase: 65% of all Adults are obese or overweight.
  • It is more difficult today to create an active lifestyle. People are less active due to technology and better transportation.  Our legs are meant to be our main source of transportation.  Walking is how we were meant to get from point A to point B.  Use those legs and walk more. 
  • Sedentary jobs have increased 83% since 1950; Physically active jobs now make up only about 25% of our workforce. That is 50% less than 1950.
  • Our average work week is longer. Americans work 47 hours a week - 164 more hours a year than 20 years ago.
  • Extra weight costs us physically and financially. The average healthcare cost exceeds $3,000 per person annually. An obese employee costs employer additional $460 to $2,500 in medical costs and sick days per year. 

Benefits of Physical Activity!

Do you want to add years to your life or life to your years?

Feeling your best boosts your zeal for life! It is recommended that you get in 30 minutes of moderate activity each day.  But, did you know that three 10 minute periods of activity are almost as beneficial to your overall fitness as one 30 minute session? This is achievable! Physical activity may also help encourage you to spend some time outdoors. Sunlight on your skin helps your body produce vitamin D, which brings many added health benefits and reduces the Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Here are MORE reasons why physical activity is proven to improve both mental and physical health.
  • Physical activity boosts mental wellness.  Regular physical activity can relieve tension, anxiety, depression and anger. You may not only notice a "feel good sensation" immediately following your physical activity, but most people also note an improvement in general well-being over time during the weeks and months as physical activity becomes a part of your routine. Exercise also helps your brain by increasing the flow of oxygen.
  • Physical activity improves physical wellness by creating stronger immunity.  Physical activity enhances your immune system and decreases the risk of developing diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
  • Reduced risk factors - Becoming more active can lower your blood pressure by as much as 4 to 9 mm Hg. That's the same reduction in blood pressure delivered by some antihypertensive medications. Physical activity can also boost your levels of good cholesterol.  It is much better than medications, which have long term side effects.
  • Physical activity prolongs your optimal health.  Without regular physical activity, the body slowly loses its strength, stamina and ability to function well. For each hour of regular exercise you get, you'll gain about two hours of additional life expectancy, even if you don't start until middle age. Moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, for as little as 30 minutes a day has the proven health benefits listed above as well as:
    • Improves blood circulation, which reduces the risk of heart disease
    • Keeps weight under control
    • Helps in the battle to quit smoking
    • Improves blood cholesterol levels
    • Prevents and manages high blood pressure
    • Prevents bone loss
    • Boosts energy level
    • Helps manage stress
    • Releases tension
    • Promotes enthusiasm and optimism
    • Counters anxiety and depression
    • Helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly
    • Improves self-image
    • Increases muscle strength, increasing the ability to do other physical activities
    • Provides a way to share an activity with family and friends
    • Reduces coronary heart disease in women by 30-40 percent
    • Reduces risk of stroke by 20 percent in moderately active people and by 27 percent in highly active ones
    • Establishes good heart-healthy habits in children and counters the conditions (obesity, high blood pressure, poor cholesterol levels, poor lifestyle habits, etc.) that lead to heart attack and stroke later in life
    • Helps delay or prevent chronic illnesses and diseases associated with aging and maintains quality of life and independence longer for seniors

What are you waiting for!  Start today and get moving!

Grocery Shopping Guides for Heart Health

We all know it is healthier and more economical to buy groceries at the store and prepare your meals at home.  We also know the crazy food choices at the store can seem overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you be smart at the grocery store and choose good-for-you foods.

  • Be sure to buy and eat plenty of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables that are deeply colored throughout – such as spinach, carrots, peaches and berries – tend to be higher in vitamins and minerals than others, such as potatoes and corn.
  • Frozen vegetables are great because they are low in cost and do not perish.  I always keep frozen spinach, artichokes and broccoli in my freezer.  I also have the mixed fruit in the freezer to have on hand for smoothies, protein shakes or to put in a container and keep my lunch cold.  Then in the afternoon, it has thawed and is perfect for my afternoon snack with a bit of FAGE yogurt.
Fruits and Vegetables
  • When fresh foods aren't available, choose frozen or canned vegetables and fruits in water without added sugars, saturated and transfat, or salt.  Frozen is best, but canned is a good choice as well.
  • Buy more fruits and vegetables that are good sources of fiber, including beans, peas, sweet potatoes, winter squashes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, oranges, bananas, strawberries and apples.
  • Stock up on raw vegetables for snacks such as carrot and celery sticks, broccoli, cherry tomatoes and cauliflower.  Enjoy these with hummus or another health protein for dipping.
  • For desserts, buy fresh, frozen or canned fruits in water without added sugars.   
  • Don’t buy lots of fruit juice. It doesn’t provide the fiber of whole fruit and is a source of high calories and sugar.

Milk Cheese and Dairy
  • Chose low fat dairy.  Avoid milk that contains added flavorings such as vanilla, chocolate or strawberry. They usually have added sugars and calories.
  • Choose low-fat cheeses.
  • Use additional egg whites to whole eggs to make a larger portion with little added calories. 
  • Remember ice cream and ice cream type of products (frozen yogurt) are TREATS and should not be an everyday food option.  Save these for special occasions and be sure to control your portions.  
  • Watch out for the partially hydrogenated fats hidden in casseroles, bakery goods, desserts and other foods. You have to READ THE INGREDIENT list to determine if partially hydrogenated fats are included. 
  • Read the Nutrition Facts label of foods you’re considering.

Meat Poultry Fish and Nuts
  • Strive to eat one serving of grilled or baked fish at least twice a week. (A serving is roughly the size of a checkbook.) Good examples of fish to buy include salmon, trout and herring.
  • Choose lemon juice and spices to eat with fish.
  • Choose cuts of red meat and pork labeled “loin” and “round” – they tend to be leaner cuts.
  •  Buy “choice” or “select” grades of beef rather than “prime,” and be sure to trim off the fat before cooking.
  • When buying or eating poultry, try the skinless version or remove the skin yourself.
  • Select more meat substitutes such as dried beans, peas, lentils or tofu (soybean curd) and use them as entrees or in salads and soups. A one-cup serving of cooked beans, peas, lentils or tofu can replace a two-ounce serving of meat, poultry or fish.
  • Nuts and seeds are good sources of protein and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.  They are high in calories so use portion control.
Breads and Grains
  • Choose whole-grain, high-fiber breads, such as those containing whole wheat, oats, oatmeal, whole rye, whole grain corn and buckwheat. Choose breads and other foods that list whole grains as the first item in the ingredient list.
  • Limit or better yet, completely eliminate the amount of bakery products you purchase, including doughnuts, pies, cakes and cookies.  Most store-baked goods are made with trans fats (remember to read the ingredient list). It is always to best to make your own baked goods.  You can use apple sauce instead of oils to make muffins and other baked goods.  If you make them yourself, you will not eat these treats as often and they will be much better tasting and better for you.

Oils, dressings and shortenings
  • Buy and use fats and oils in limited amounts.
  • When you must use oils for cooking, baking or in dressings or spreads, choose healthy fats.  Olive oil is great for salads and cooking at low temperatures.  Coconut oil is great when cooking at higher temperatures and very heart healthy.
  • Buy a nonstick pan or use nonstick vegetable spray when cooking.
– reference American heart association, Eat Right For Life, Dr. Ann Kulz


Introduce good eating habits early in your children’s and/or grandchildren’s life.

  • Let your children learn to respond to internal hunger cues rather than learned social ones. Don’t worry if your kids don’t eat as much as you think they should. 
  • REMEMBER – a child’s stomach is about the size of their fist.  Pay attention to that and adjust servings appropriately.
  • Encourage your children to be physically active. Remember not all physical activity is competitive.  Kids who choose not to participate in organized or team sports can still enjoy being active and the benefits are the same. Encourage them to ride bikes, skate or swim for recreation.
  • Eat meals at home together. The time you spend at the table is a great way to help your children develop good eating habits and give them an opportunity to talk about the things that may trigger overeating.
  • Keep bikes, basketball hoops, and other outdoor play equipment available for your children to use and in good working order.
  • Teach your children to reach for water first to quench thirst. Fruit juices, such as orange and apple, are a source of calories that add up quickly.  Sports drinks are also a source of high calories that are not needed.
  • Encourage your children to find activities that develop their own unique strengths. More time spent on hobbies and new interests means less time spent on passive entertainment such as television and video games.
  • Take time to play with your children—play catch, build a snowman, take a nature walk, go for a bike ride, or dance to your favorite music.
  • Get your children involved in preparing dinner.  Let them help select recipes, shop for ingredients, and prepare the meal with you.

Maintaining Momentum

·       Pay less attention to the numbers on the scale and more attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit over time.

·        Having more lean muscle will keep your metabolism high so you burn more calories and also keep your bones strong!

·        Remind yourself of your successes.  Celebrate them.

·        Try new activities to keep it fun and motivating.
·       Make sure you have a support system.  Family and friends can be a tremendous help as you strive to maintain momentum.
·        Consider joining a weight-loss group with goals and approaches similar to yours.
·        Reward yourself each time you reach a target, whether it is a short- or long-term goal.
·        Try to establish and stick to an eating routine.  Eating 5 times is day is best and it is important to keep that structure for the long haul.
·       Be prepared for life’s crises. If you now reach for food in times of stress, create an alternate plan so you will be ready to handle the problem without relying on food. 
·       Stick to your plan and refocus when you hit a plateau.  When you hit that inevitable plateau, try something really new and challenging to bust through it.  The same routine will more than likely not get you past it.
·       Ask for help from a trainer – many times a consultation or program design is an inexpensive solution to get exercise programs designed to bust the plateau.

Substitute High Glycemic Carbs with Better Carbs!

Too many of the wrong kinds of carbs can spike insulin levels and make it more difficult to shed body fat. The key is to replace processed carbohydrates with high-fiber carbs from whole foods. This is as simple as making substitutions.

Cut Back on White Potatoes
If you crave a baked potato, make it a sweet potato instead. Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index and are more nutritious than white potatoes. They don’t raise insulin levels and they are rich in heart healthy antioxidants that have anti-cancer benefits. Have a hankering for French fries? Slice sweet potatoes into wedges, toss lightly in either olive oil or coconut oil, sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 425 until brown on bottom, them broil to brown the top. 

Substitute for Pasta
A steaming plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce is a filling and satisfying.  Try replacing the pasta with one of these options:
  1. Spaghetti squash at any supermarket and bake it in the oven for an hour at 375 - open it up, and remove the pulp and seeds. Run a fork along the inside to separate out your “pasta” strands.
  2. Try one of the new healthier pasta varieties, like Barilla Plus. They have added protein and other Omega 3 fatty acids to lower the glycemic index to make it healthier.
  3. Use a metal grater to shred zucchini squash into spaghetti strands. Sautee and add tomato sauce and garlic.

Lower Carb Bread Alternatives
Always choose high-fiber or whole grain bread and enjoy it in moderate amounts.  If you are trying to slim down, try eating your sandwiches open-faced.  You can also try the high fiber, low-carb wraps like the La Tortilla Factory to lighten up a sandwich.

Carb-Cutting Tips for Snacks
Go NUTS!  Nuts won’t send your insulin levels soaring and they contain healthy fats that make them filling and heart-healthy. A recent study showed that up to 15% of the fat in nuts like pistachios isn’t absorbed, so you’re getting free calories when you snack on nuts. People who eat a handful of nuts on most days reduce their risk of death from heart disease by 30-50% while prescription drugs only lower your risk by 20-30%.

Give these carb-cutting tips a try if you’re trying to slim down. They’re more waistline friendly.

Are you Suffering from Portion Distortion?

Most people gain weight because they are eating the wrong foods.  Portion size plays a bigger role in weight gain and weight maintenance.  People in today’s society have lost touch with what a portion size really looks like. This is partially because restaurants are now serving super sized portions and have servings large enough to share.  A large French Fry order at McDonalds in France is the size of a medium ordered here in the United States.  Even packaged foods have distorted portions. According to the CDC, portion sizes of ready-to-eat foods have slowly ballooned in size over the past 40 years.

Research has shown that when people are served large portions, they eat more.  Here are some tips to help you control your serving sizes.
Use Portion Control Plates
Portion control plates take the guesswork out of how much to put on your plate. Each plate is partitioned into slots. There are two slots for protein and starch and a larger slot for vegetables. A study carried out at the University of Calgary showed that people who used these plates lost significant amounts of weight. They’re a good tool for familiarizing yourself with portion sizes and how much you should put on your plate. In addition, they help you make better decisions about the composition of what you eat.  It takes practice and training your eye to learn the proper portion sizes.

Weigh Your Food
If you are not sure what a serving size is or looks like, get a kitchen scale and weigh your food before eating it. Over time, this will teach you to recognize what a portion size really looks like. Doing  this consistently for a few weeks will help you recognize when you’re eating an over-sized portion. Use the scale to fine tune your ability to eyeball portion sizes.

Become Skilled at Reading Labels
Food labels are tricky. When you buy a beverage or a snack, you might think you’re getting a single serving, but this isn’t always the case. Always check the number of servings before eating a “single-serving” snack. In some cases, there are two or even three servings in the bag or bottle. If this is the case, when you eat the entire bag you’re getting two to three times the calories listed on the label. Be a savvy label reader and know how much is in the package before tossing it in your mouth.

Always plate your food, even snacks!
When you eat a snack, remove an appropriate portion from the bag or box, and put the remainder away. If you eat from the container, you’ll end up eating more especially if you’re snacking while working on the computer or watching television. Do this with fruit as well. 

Control Portions When Eating Out
  • Ask the server to box up half of your meal to take home before you even start eating, or see if you can order a half-portion instead.
  • Be more portion savvy when you’re dining out or eating at home and you’ll have fewer problems controlling your weight.


Centers for Disease Control. “Do Increased Portion Sizes Affect How Much We Eat?”