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tips to boost your metabolism etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
tips to boost your metabolism etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

How the Compound Effect can Help You Lose Weight

One of the most dangerous traps that you can fall into while dieting is having the “It’s all or nothing” attitude.  But sadly, this is why many people who are trying to lose weight fail at their attempts.  They make a mistake here and there, whether that is missing a day of exercise or indulging in treats too frequently, and end up so discouraged that they just give up completely. 

Losing sight of the big picture is deadly if you are on a weight loss journey.  But it is sometimes hard to see the big picture when you get mired down in the day to day grind of little decisions.  The truth is that everybody fails sometimes.  Everybody.  If you expect perfection from yourself, you will certainly be disappointed, because it is not possible.

You see, focusing on occasional failures is like looking at snapshots rather than the entire movie.   If you went to see a movie that was two hours in length, you would see a whole story complete with plot, background, character development, suspense, and conclusion.  In other words, you would come away with a full scope of the big picture. 

But suppose your friend, rather than seeing the movie, only saw a handful of still shots from it.  Would your perception be different?  Of course it would.  You might even disagree about what happened in the movie.  This is because she can only focus on a few aspects of the movie, whereas you can see the big picture.  Sure, the main character might have made a mistake at some point, or perhaps things looked really bad for part of the movie, but that is only part of the movie.  It is not the final outcome.

Looking at your own journey to health in the same way is critical if you are going to get through the bad days and the periods of discouragement.  Your failures are only a still shot within a fully developed screen play.  The extra dessert you ate yesterday is a snap shot; it is not the whole picture.  The whole picture includes the one hundred times last month that you resisted unhealthy food!

This is why the compound effect is so helpful when you are making hard lifestyle changes.  Every single good decision you make adds up to a magnificent outcome.  Sure, maybe you did skip your workout three times last week.  Okay, that happens; it was a rough week.  But remember how many workouts you have accomplished over the last six months?  Remember how you took the stairs instead of the elevator several times last week ?  Flex your muscles—see that bicep that you have developed from lifting heavy dumbbells? 

Healthy choices compound together to create a tapestry of health.  They are cumulative.  They are the movie, not the snap shot. You will fall occasionally.  Just pick yourself up, acknowledge that you are not perfect, remind yourself of how far you have come and file that snap shot away.  You don’t need it:  you have an entire movie to watch.

Move More Every Day!

  • Get moving! Research shows that just two 5-minute walks each day will get you started in the right direction if you have not been active in a while.
  • Decide on a personal fitness goal and write it down. Start at 10 minutes each day, and progress to 30-45 minutes each day. 
  • Choose an activity that fits into your lifestyle. That way, you’re more likely to stick to it. IF you are a person that believes you should only run when being chased – then I would not recommend a running program for you!
  • Plan for inefficiency so you can fit more activity into your day. Take your clean laundry upstairs in several batches instead of one. Making one trip for each person’s room will get your heart pumping.
  • Wear a reliable pedometer for one week to establish a baseline value for the number of steps you take daily. Then try to add about 250 steps each day. Remember, each step counts toward your goal.
  • Use simple checkpoints to measure your success. For example, ask yourself how much less time it took you today than last week to swim a lap or walk around the block.
  • Find a friend who can be an accountability partner to join you in your activity and keep you going when you’re tempted to skip a session. People who exercise with a friend or partner are 50% more likely to still be exercising a year from now.
  • Add variety to your fitness plan to help yourself stay motivated and make your activity program more fun.
  • Set aside a 30-minute block of time each day that you can devote to your activity plan without being interrupted. Make physical fitness a priority in your life.
  • People who exercise first thing in the morning are 50% more likely to be doing it 5 years from now!
  • Monitor your progress and reassess every six weeks.  Be sure to change up your routine.  Your body adapts to the changes so it is important to change it up to keep making progress.

Reference:  American Heart Association No-Fad Diet: A Personal Plan for Healthy Weight Loss, Copyright © 2005 by the American Heart Association.

    How to Boost your Metabolism!

    How to Boost your Metabolism!

    Even small amounts of excess body fat can increase your risk of several chronic diseases.  Simple strategies to power up your metabolism can be helpful.  Follow these tips!

    1. Have a cup of green tea.  This will boost your immunity, reduce cardiovascular risk and boost your metabolism.

    2. Eat – Commit to three meals a day and two snacks to keep hunger at bay.  Skipping meals, especially breakfast, is proven to drain your metabolism and sabotage your efforts.

    3. Eat your omega 3’s – Omega-3 fats play a key role in maintaining fat burning potential.  Include oily fish, omega 3 fortified eggs, walnuts and dark leafy greens.

    4. Give your metabolic machinery an oil change – Limit saturated fats to once or twice a week.  Cut all trans fats completely.

    5. Steer Clear of the Great White Hazards – white flour products, white rice and sugar.  These foods rapidly increase your blood sugar and overwhelm your metabolism.  Over time, these foods basically wear things out causing type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome and other health issues.

    6. Get hot!  Super hot foods like chili peppers, hot mustards and Tabasco are proven to provide a temporary boost to metabolism  as well as mood lift.

    7. Move – physical activity helps maintain and even build lean body mass.  The more lean body mass you have, the faster your metabolism.  In fact muscles burns about 70% of the calories you consume.

    8. Get your rest!  Sleep deprivation revs up appetite stimulating hormones.