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butt exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
butt exercises etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster


Introduce good eating habits early in your children’s and/or grandchildren’s life.

  • Let your children learn to respond to internal hunger cues rather than learned social ones. Don’t worry if your kids don’t eat as much as you think they should. 
  • REMEMBER – a child’s stomach is about the size of their fist.  Pay attention to that and adjust servings appropriately.
  • Encourage your children to be physically active. Remember not all physical activity is competitive.  Kids who choose not to participate in organized or team sports can still enjoy being active and the benefits are the same. Encourage them to ride bikes, skate or swim for recreation.
  • Eat meals at home together. The time you spend at the table is a great way to help your children develop good eating habits and give them an opportunity to talk about the things that may trigger overeating.
  • Keep bikes, basketball hoops, and other outdoor play equipment available for your children to use and in good working order.
  • Teach your children to reach for water first to quench thirst. Fruit juices, such as orange and apple, are a source of calories that add up quickly.  Sports drinks are also a source of high calories that are not needed.
  • Encourage your children to find activities that develop their own unique strengths. More time spent on hobbies and new interests means less time spent on passive entertainment such as television and video games.
  • Take time to play with your children—play catch, build a snowman, take a nature walk, go for a bike ride, or dance to your favorite music.
  • Get your children involved in preparing dinner.  Let them help select recipes, shop for ingredients, and prepare the meal with you.

10 Best Exercises

1 - Squats - strengthen all the major muscles of the lower body

2 - Lunges - work all the major muscles of the lower body as well as the stabilizer muscles that are used to keep you balanced.

3 - Push Ups - love these!  They work so many muscles including the chest, triceps, shoulders and really work the core!

4 - Pull ups - assisted or unassisted - strengthen the lats and the posterior deltoids!

5 - Shoulder press - effectively targets the front of the shoulders.

6 - Triceps dips - requires only a chair or coffee table - works the triceps effectively as well as the shoulders.

7 - Seated rows - effective for upper back strengthening and very effective for women!

8 - Ab exercises - like planks and side planks and stability ball crunches.

9 - walking - free and easily accessed!!!

10 - running - nothing is more effective for building cardiovascular fitness and burning calories.

Must Do Butt Exercises!

We all want a nice booty, right?
Incorporate the following best backside exercises in your regular strength routine and you'll burn fat, shape and firm your booty, sculpt surrounding muscle groups, and rev up your metabolism.

1. Kettlebell  / Dumbbell Swings
Kettlebell swings combine strength and cardio training to redefine your backside. In addition to toning your glutes and hip flexors, you'll work your core, and cardiovascular system (an all-in-one exercise). Stand with your legs shoulder width apart.  Place the kettlebell about one foot in front of you.  Push your hips backward, with a slight bend in the knee (shins almost vertical) and reach forward, placing both hands on the kettlebell.  From your "hike position" (hips pushed backward, back flat, and chest out) hike the kettlebell behind you, with a purpose (don't let go).Drive your hips forward, while contracting your glutes and tucking your tailbone under, to swing the kettlebell (always above the knees) until you are standing at "attention" with your hands about chest height.
Important Tips: Always make sure to keep your abs tight (this will keep your lower back protected.)  Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine.  Always drive the swing with your hips and NOT your arms.  If the bell ever gets too far out in front of you, never reach for it- just let it drop!

2. Lunges
Lunges are a workout staple that will firm your butt and tone your legs. Start with your feet hip width apart then step forward with one leg. Keeping your abs tight, chest high, and spine straight, sink down into the move until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is almost touching the ground. Concentrate on squeezing your glutes as you push through your front heel back to the starting position. Important tip: don't let your moving knee extend past your toes.

3. Step Ups
This is a great exercise for your butt as well as your quads and calves. Step ups also increase your heart rate so you'll get the extra benefit of fat-blasting cardio. Stand with your right foot firmly planted on a step or a bench, your left foot on the floor. Push down through your right heel to straighten and stand on your right leg, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. At the same time, pull your left leg forward and up, knee bent 90 degrees and raised waist-high. Lower your left leg back to the ground, then step your right foot down. Alternate legs to make one rep.

4. Hip Extensions
Like lunges, hip extensions can be performed anywhere and without equipment. The key to this movement is positioning your weight so that your butt does the brunt of the work, not your legs. On your hands and knees, you'll focus the main effort in your glutes and lower back without involving your hamstrings. Tighten your core and squeeze your butt to lift one leg toward the ceiling, keeping the 90 degree bend and flexing your foot so you're reaching with your heel as you raise your thigh in line with your spine. Keep the movement slow and controlled to the top and then back down again.

5. One-Legged Deadlifts
One-legged deadlifts do triple duty, activating your muscles for a highly effective toning session that works your butt, hamstrings, and lower back. Holding a kettlebell/dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip width apart, knees soft. Keeping your weight firmly on your left leg, lean forward from your hips, reaching the dumbbells toward your left foot and raising your right leg out behind you. Remember to keep your core tight and not round your back. Now stand straight, squeezing your glutes as you come back to start. Do a full series of reps before switching to your right leg for the second half of the set.
In case you're not a current member of our boot camp, we cover all of these great exercises and much more. Call today for more information....

Committed to Your Health & Fitness,