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lifestyle etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Setting Realistic Fitness Goals You Can Stick With

Having a realistic mindset when setting fitness goals is important. And there are a few things you should know to feel successful along the way. Take it SlowMany of us can jump too far ahead wanting instant results. Unrealistic expectations can derail how you feel about yourself and your fitness...

It's Never Too Late and You're Never Too Old to Get Fit

It's never too late and you're never too old to get fit and healthy. Many people are still believing the myth that aging is a negative process that comes with wrinkles and limitations. This is far from the truth. Older people are living longer, staying healthy, confident, and happy.I have seen...

More is Not Always Better to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

When it comes to fitness more isn't always better. Overtraining, over supplementing, and consuming too much protein can adversely affect your body.More is not better, better is better.Getting fit and maintaining a healthy body is a simple process. It really doesn't require eating loads of protein or...

Maintaining a Healthy Perspective About Fitness is Important

I adopted a healthy lifestyle years ago and never looked back. Today it's my state of being and natural existence.In fact, my passion for health and fitness has become my occupation. When you do what you love, it really doesn't feel like work. It's a sharing and teaching of how I live my life. It feels...

How You Feel About Your Body Is Important

Fitness includes so much more than weight loss or workouts. Being a healthy person involves discipline for each day, creates awareness, and instills conscious living. It means being mindful of how you feel about your body and how you treat your body. Health Starts in Your MindFitness is a lifestyle that...

How to Reach and Maintain Your Fitness Goals

Once you reach your fitness goals, are they really done?I hope the answer is a resounding -  NO. Because maintaining your fitness is a lifetime process.Without maintaining your fitness, what was all the hard work for? Life is the event deserving of your best healthy self. Sure, you may be motivated...

Fitness is a Process You Achieve One Day at a Time

Believing anything happens quickly is not realistic. Fitness is a process of small changes creating large results over time. No magic wand to instantly provide a chiseled physique or bikini body. You may want that, but not how it works. Quick fix thoughts only set us up for frustration and failure.One...

Excuses Will Not Change Your Body or Health

The truth about health and fitness is you either want it or you don’t.Let’s face it, many of us come up with reasons not to exercise or eat healthy. We even sound pretty convincing. Unfortunately, all the reasons in the world eventually catch up to you in the form of illness or injury.What we often...

Maintaining Your Fitness is The Goal

Reaching your fitness goals is a great accomplishment. I applaud your effort and hard work to make that happen.The question is are you maintaining those goals? Is good health a continued priority and lifestyle?Fitness is a LifestyleFitness is not meant to be a temporary fix but a lifestyle...

Changing Your Body Requires Changing Your Lifestyle

HOW are you living?Are you stuck in a rut, not feeling well most of the time, and just not living healthy?How about feeling burned out and unmotivated? Did you know burnout and frustration are the top reasons people give up and return to unhealthy habits? The problem is most of us are unwilling...

Sorta Kinda Fitness Doesn't Work

You want to be fit, feel good and look great. Awesome!Unfortunately, many people are going about it the wrong way. In fact, you may be searching the internet right now for the newest fad diet or quick fix to fitness.The ProblemA common problem is our thoughts about fitness and not wanting to give up...

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Phasellus deserunt. Convallis perspiciatis fusce fermentum accumsan, arcu aliquam, velit venenatis augue proin, enim etiam dolor. Mi ac lectus vitae cum, fusce purus posuere neque amet, nulla in ultrices justo nec posuere lobortis. Tristique libero est laoreet eget et adipiscing. Erat placerat. Tincidunt...

How to Reach and Maintain Your Fitness Goals

Once we reach our fitness goals, are they really done? I hope the answer for all of you is a resounding -  NO. Staying fit by maintaining a healthy life is the real goal. Without maintaining your fitness, what was all the hard work for? Life is the event deserving of your best healthy self....

Fitness Means Being Mindful Of How You Treat Your Body

Fitness includes so much more than weight loss or achieving a personal best lift at the gym. Being a fit person involves discipline for each day, creates awareness, and instills conscious living. It means being mindful of how you treat your body, how you think, and feel.Fitness is a lifestyle and goes...

Duis tempor purus rutrum, tincidunt lacus.

Donec dolor elit, pellentesque a massa pellentesque, euismod sagittis ipsum. Nullam a diam ac turpis iaculis vulputate. Nunc tellus libero, tempus id luctus eget, fermentum et quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec sit amet nunc vitae justo dapibus dignissim. Vivamus sagittis dignissim massa, auctor aliquam...

Vestibulum maximus ipsum lacus, tempus suscipit augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut porttitor leo vel nulla posuere accumsan. Suspendisse sed tortor eget justo aliquam euismod. Morbi ut massa et neque iaculis lacinia a eu est. Etiam nec enim id mi maximus consequat sed ut tortor. Nullam velit ipsum, ornare id leo a, cursus...

Fitness is a Constant State of Change

Change is necessary, can be a challenge, and inevitable. Sometimes we have no control over change as with the aging process or certain illness. What we can control are changes making us healthier people. That means taking an honest look at our lifestyle. What are we eating and are we exercising? How...