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Pasta etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Pasta etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

A Fun Addiction

I am going to be totally honest with you; I have a food addiction. I love buying food. I also love to cook, but I often cook larger portions than what I can eat, then I feel like I have to eat it, because god forbid any of it go to waste...but I want to cook something different, so I need more space... So I am constantly buying food, making food, giving food away and eating food in an effort to have room in the fridge (and freezer) to fit new food. Just like books, I like to have a stockpile of ingredients on hand, JUST IN CASE. I mean, what if I run out!? I would die without enough food or books! And by enough, I mean stacks and shelves and boxes (and fridges and pantries)...

So, just like my book challenge, from time to time instead of buying new things, I go through the cupboard and play the "make something out of what you have" game. It's kind of like Top Chef. In some episodes, they get a mystery box and have to make something out of what's in the box. Of course, they have the entire Top Chef pantry to work with as well. Well, mine is no Kenmore Kitchen, but I make do.

This makes it so I don't waste food. And it's fun. The only twist is that it usually either involves a lot of veggies that are about to spoil, or no veggies, since I use them up pretty quickly normally. This week was a no veggies week. This week what I had on hand was:

- 12 - 20 oz Beer (I had a friend's 32 oz beer that was half full in the fridge. I'm not sure why)
- 1 Serrano (left over from White Bean Chicken Chili)
- 2 Bratwurst (freezer)
- 1 cup Cheese (almost to it's "throw away by" date) 
- 1 cup Beet Greens (I cut them off the beets and didn't know what to do with them)

I paired these items with a few pantry staples:

- 2 tbsp Butter
- 2 tbsp Flour
- 1.5 cup Quinoa Pasta
- 1 yellow Onion
- 2 cloves Garlic
- 1 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
- 2 tbsp Spicy Brown Mustard

To make: Beer Bratwurst Mac N Cheese

First, put the brats and the beer in a pot. Cook until done (about 20 minutes to be safe). Also, start a pot of water to boil. Once boiling, add pasta and cook until done (about 10 minutes). Drain.

While the brats and pasta are cooking, sweat the onions, garlic and beet greens in the butter, then add the flour, stirring to make a paste. Add milk, Serrano (minced, with seeds removed if you don't want it too hot) and mustard; stir. Remove the brats from the beer and add 1 cup of beer to the sauce mixture. Once stirred in, add cheese.

Cut bratwurst and add to mixture. Stir. Add drained pasta. Stir again! Whew. That's a lot of stirring, huh? Now you are done. If you like, you can put the mixture into a casserole, top with cheese and bake for about 25 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly. Or you can just eat right away, which is what I did this time (I usually bake mine. I like the crispy cheese top. But I was hungry).

The verdict? YUM! Note that the sauce will be a bit brown, depending on what kind of beer you use. My beer was a brown ale. Also, note, this DOES taste like beer! So if you don't like beer, you may want to either use a lighter beer, less beer or no beer. 

Do you ever play "clean the pantry" and come up with something great? Do you prefer your mac n cheese baked or straight from the pot? What should I do with the rest of the beet greens?

Substitute High Glycemic Carbs with Better Carbs!

Too many of the wrong kinds of carbs can spike insulin levels and make it more difficult to shed body fat. The key is to replace processed carbohydrates with high-fiber carbs from whole foods. This is as simple as making substitutions.

Cut Back on White Potatoes
If you crave a baked potato, make it a sweet potato instead. Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index and are more nutritious than white potatoes. They don’t raise insulin levels and they are rich in heart healthy antioxidants that have anti-cancer benefits. Have a hankering for French fries? Slice sweet potatoes into wedges, toss lightly in either olive oil or coconut oil, sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 425 until brown on bottom, them broil to brown the top. 

Substitute for Pasta
A steaming plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce is a filling and satisfying.  Try replacing the pasta with one of these options:
  1. Spaghetti squash at any supermarket and bake it in the oven for an hour at 375 - open it up, and remove the pulp and seeds. Run a fork along the inside to separate out your “pasta” strands.
  2. Try one of the new healthier pasta varieties, like Barilla Plus. They have added protein and other Omega 3 fatty acids to lower the glycemic index to make it healthier.
  3. Use a metal grater to shred zucchini squash into spaghetti strands. Sautee and add tomato sauce and garlic.

Lower Carb Bread Alternatives
Always choose high-fiber or whole grain bread and enjoy it in moderate amounts.  If you are trying to slim down, try eating your sandwiches open-faced.  You can also try the high fiber, low-carb wraps like the La Tortilla Factory to lighten up a sandwich.

Carb-Cutting Tips for Snacks
Go NUTS!  Nuts won’t send your insulin levels soaring and they contain healthy fats that make them filling and heart-healthy. A recent study showed that up to 15% of the fat in nuts like pistachios isn’t absorbed, so you’re getting free calories when you snack on nuts. People who eat a handful of nuts on most days reduce their risk of death from heart disease by 30-50% while prescription drugs only lower your risk by 20-30%.

Give these carb-cutting tips a try if you’re trying to slim down. They’re more waistline friendly.