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Workout Wisdom....Are you doing what it takes to Get Results? I have had more than one client say to me...I don't want to bulk up....I need to lower my weights.....

As I thought about this....I wanted to wright a little newsletter - because it is a common issue with women and you must change your way of thinking.

First of all - if you are serious about wanting RESULTS -(a smaller, tighter, defined body) - the only way to do that is by losing FAT and keeping hard earned muscle.  And the only way to do that is TO GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!

By getting out of your comfort zone, I am talking about:

1 - meals you eat - they require planning and effort - but you have to do this to get results you want

2 - training hard in your workouts!  This means lifting heavier than you are comfortable and pushing yourself harder than you are used to..... you should be sweating, grunting and pushing yourself.

3 - if you are a woman, you are not going to bulk is physically impossible unless you are lifting extremely heavy weights and eating a ton of protein.  It is really hard for women to put on that kind of muscle and believe me, you are not going to do it lifting 10 and 15 pound dumbbells.  Most of you have purses that weight more than this and are lifting kids and grandkids that weight more than this.  

4 - The key to burning fat is adding muscle. A recent study compared weight lifting to aerobic exercise.  Both groups lost 26 pounds.  The strength training group lost only fat while the aerobics group lost 8 % of their weight from muscle.  

5 - your priority workout should be one that boosts metabolism, burns calories, builds muscles and creates an afterburn effect.  Weight training does this....but you have to challenge yourself and train hard.

You have to place a demand on your body different from what it is used to for it to change.  That is why we change up the workouts often, use kettlebells, body weight, dumbbells, bands, etc.  

Increasing your lean muscle mass will burn the fat......and you will be burning more calories while doing nothing....which is always good!

I am here to educate please keep reading.  

Aerobic exercise is important for healthy heart and lungs and should be part of every fitness routine.  However if you are focusing on just cardio and staying the "old school fat burning zone".(aka the steady state cardio) are not going to get the results you are looking for. Here's why.

Your body is very efficient at adapting.  That is what we body will adapt to the same routines and expect and begin to store fat in anticipation of it.  That is why you need to change it up with BURST of all out effort - remember - out of the comfort zone.  If you walk or run for cardio - you have to up the intensity with speed or incline.  

Want evidence?  Look at the photos below of endurance athletes (marathon runners) and how soft they are verses a track and field athlete....lean and sculpted.  Burst of all out effort is key to keeping your body guessing and keeping that metabolism and fat burning furnace working.  

that's my Girl - Allyson Felix!

Yours in health - 


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