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fiber etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
fiber etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

3 Reasons Why Counting Calories Isn't as Easy at It Seems

Calorie counting is easily one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Flexible dieting (or “IIFYM”) has become one of the biggest nutrition crazes as of late, with fitness influencers posting the macronutrient breakdown of their meals. They weigh their portions and track their intake. While it has...

Substitute High Glycemic Carbs with Better Carbs!

Too many of the wrong kinds of carbs can spike insulin levels and make it more difficult to shed body fat. The key is to replace processed carbohydrates with high-fiber carbs from whole foods. This is as simple as making substitutions.Cut Back on White PotatoesIf you crave a baked potato, make it a sweet potato instead. Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index and are more nutritious than white...

Benefits of Fiber - IDEA newsletter

What are the benefits of fiber?  Besides keeping you “regular,” why should you make sure you’re eating enough fiber?Fiber has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease in the overall population (IOM 2002; ADA 2008).Dietary and supplemental fiber (intakes of 20–27 grams per day [g/dy] from whole foods or up to 20 g/dy from supplements) may help with weight control (ADA 2008).There’s a...