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Water etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Water etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Prayer, Muscle Man, Bodybuilder, in, Water, Wet, Yellow, Boxer,

Prayer, Muscle Man, Bodybuilder, in, Water, Wet, Yellow, Boxer,

Amazing, Perfect, Hot, Muscle Man, Indian Models, Bearded, Six Pack, Big Muscle Man, Bodybuilder, Six Pack, Big Arms, Big Chest, Big Shoulder, Strong, Water, in, Blue, Jean, Pants, Hair Style, Smile,

Amazing, Perfect, Hot, Muscle Man, Indian Models,  Bearded, Six Pack, Big Muscle Man, Bodybuilder, Six Pack, Big Arms, Big Chest, Big Shoulder, Strong, Water, in, Blue, Jean, Pants, Hair Style, Smile,

Hydration for Optimal Performance

As I sit here and write this, I have a nice, full glass of water in hand.

Water is the the fluid that fuels our bodies. We need it to maintain brain and organ function and for our muscles to recover after exercise. If we are not properly hydrated, our basic bodily functions may be compromised.

Just because you do not "feel thirsty" does not mean you don't need water. Consuming adequate amounts of water before, after and during your workout can determine how well you perform and subsequently how well you recover. Eat strong suggests we "drink early and often, every day. Staying well-hydrated throughout the day benefits you in ways beyond your training. It helps keep you alert and will prevent that dull, groggy feeling that slows you down in the middle of the day. Your heart has to work harder to pump as you become dehydrated since sweat is made from fluid in your blood and your blood becomes thicker as it is lost. For the record this is not an effective 'cardiovascular' workout." In order to perform to your personal best, you must make sure you consume enough water.

According to ACE Fitness, "[in] one hour of exercise the body can lose more than a quart of water, depending on exercise intensity and air temperature. If there is not enough water for the body to cool itself through perspiration, the body enters a state of dehydration." If you do not drink enough water post workout, you will run the risk of muscle cramps and you may hinder the recovery process.

After a rigorous workout, it is important to replace the energy and fluids that you have depleted.

So just how much water should we drink? ACE gives us the following guidelines:

  • Drink 17-20 ounces of water two to three hours before the start of exercise.
  • Drink 8 ounces of fluid 20 to 30 minutes prior to exercise or during warm-up.
  • Drink 7-10 ounces of fluid every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise.
  • Drink an additional 8 ounces of fluid within 30 minutes after exercising.
  • Drink 16-24 ounces of fluid for every pound of body weight lost after exercise.

  1. "Hydration, Performance & Recovery |" Hydration, Performance & Recovery | N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.
  2. "Healthy Hydration." ACE Fitness. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.


Introduce good eating habits early in your children’s and/or grandchildren’s life.

  • Let your children learn to respond to internal hunger cues rather than learned social ones. Don’t worry if your kids don’t eat as much as you think they should. 
  • REMEMBER – a child’s stomach is about the size of their fist.  Pay attention to that and adjust servings appropriately.
  • Encourage your children to be physically active. Remember not all physical activity is competitive.  Kids who choose not to participate in organized or team sports can still enjoy being active and the benefits are the same. Encourage them to ride bikes, skate or swim for recreation.
  • Eat meals at home together. The time you spend at the table is a great way to help your children develop good eating habits and give them an opportunity to talk about the things that may trigger overeating.
  • Keep bikes, basketball hoops, and other outdoor play equipment available for your children to use and in good working order.
  • Teach your children to reach for water first to quench thirst. Fruit juices, such as orange and apple, are a source of calories that add up quickly.  Sports drinks are also a source of high calories that are not needed.
  • Encourage your children to find activities that develop their own unique strengths. More time spent on hobbies and new interests means less time spent on passive entertainment such as television and video games.
  • Take time to play with your children—play catch, build a snowman, take a nature walk, go for a bike ride, or dance to your favorite music.
  • Get your children involved in preparing dinner.  Let them help select recipes, shop for ingredients, and prepare the meal with you.

Cataratas do Iguaçu

Well, we are now in Brazil. We had a great time in Buenos Aires, but had to finally move on so we can get everything done that we want to do. One of the things that was on the top of my list was Iguazu Falls (otherwise known as Cataratas de Iguazu - AR- or Cataratas do Iguaçu -BR). So, from Bs As we boarded a bus for Iguazu. We splurged this Argentina there are usually three classes of busses - semi cama: this is a semi-reclining seat and you probably get a little snack cake and some coffee somewhere along the way, cama: this is a seat that reclines more and you may even get a hot meal, and, executivo: this is like first class - the seats go back all the way, you get breakfast, lunch and dinner, movies and DRINKS! The ride was 20 hours, but it seemed like nothing...we ate, watched a movie, had some wine, then some whiskey, watched another movie, went to bed...we got up the next morning, had breakfast, watched a movie and...we were there! It was great!

Then we went to find our hostel. We had booked into a hostel that advertised itself as being an old casino that had been remade into a hostel. When we arrived, we this really where we are staying? It was so nice...It had a pool, pool tables, ping pong, free internet, barbeques and tango dancing and nice rooms with their own bathroom! It was like paradise!

The next day we went to see the! They were very nice. We spent the day walking around to all the different views and trails... Today we came over to the Brazil side of the falls and spent the day doing the same thing on this side. Both sides are equally magnificent in their own way. I definetely recommend it!

Tomorrow we will go to see the Itaipu dam, then we are on to Florinapolis, which is in the southeast on the coast. It is supposed to have some of the nicest beaches in Brazil. I cant wait!