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Get Fit Fast with this Simple Strategy - Accountability and Competition

With all the fad diets and latest, greatest exercise gadgets available, it can be confusing to choose a weight loss plan that really works.  There are a lot of gimmicks out there, people waste a lot of money struggling to get fit and healthy.

But you do not have to spend a lot of money or put yourself on a crash diet in order to lose weight and keep it off.  By following one simply strategy, you will find yourself with more will power and motivation than you have perhaps ever had while losing weight.  And that is friendly competition.

Friendly competition means that you have a friend with whom you are comparing notes and habits as you lose weight together. 

It’s friendly because you are doing this with a good friend that you genuinely care about.  You both want to lose weight, and you both want to see the other person lose weight.  It’s competition because you check up on each other’s food and exercise journals to provide accountability. 

The competition component can be as intense as you like it.  If you want to get the most out of your effort, set a time limit to see who can achieve the most success by a certain date.  Whoever wins gets treated to a movie or a healthy home cooked meal by the other!
Friendly competition provides motivation because you are working toward a specific goal, but unlike trying to lose weight on your own, you have someone checking up on you.  If you know someone else is going read over your food journal and see everything you eat, you will likely find the willpower to say no to dessert more often! 

And if there is a coveted prize at the end of your journey, you might find a fun, competitive spirit coming to life inside you.  After all, you do not want to be the one who has to cook that meal at the end of six weeks, do you? 

The competition will keep you from slacking up on your exercise schedule as well.  Perhaps one of the goals you and your friend are working toward is exercising for thirty minutes a day for six days each week.  What if you miss a day, but your friend is steadily plugging along, getting her workout in each day?  That in itself should give you the wherewithal to head to the basement and hop on that treadmill!

If you have not enlisted a friend to buddy-up with in your weight loss efforts, consider some friendly competition for the next few weeks.  You may find that this simple strategy provides you with all the motivation you need to finally lose weight and keep it off!

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