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fat loss etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
fat loss etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Using Yohimbine to Boost Fat Loss

There are boat loads of supplements and other products on the market that are boasting extreme claims of expediting the process of weight loss. Unfortunately, many of these products are ultimately scams to get your money based on questionable research. Some products even come with dangerous side effects....

6 Reasons You Aren't Meeting Your Weight-loss Goals

If I had a dime for every time someone asked me how they could lose X number of pounds in X number of time, I could probably make enough money to earn myself a spot in the Shark Tank cast. Everyone seems to have extra weight they want to lose, but yet very few of those people actually want to do...

The Most Effective Types of Cardio

I have 30 pounds left to lose until I am finally at my fitness goal. It has been a long 11 months of work, but I am ecstatic to have made such huge changes in my life. However, over the past 2 months or so, my weight loss journey my loss has been stagnant. I had other issues that needed my attention...

Trying to get Fit! AllyFitness's Tips on the so called "HEALTHY" foods you should avoid!

 'healthy' foods you should not eatIt's frustrating when your body won't change.When those extra inches won't go away.If you're exercising regularly and still not seeing results then it's time that you look closely at what you are eating.  I tell my clients at AllyFitness all the time, you cannot out exercise a bad diet.One of the biggest obstacles that prevents you from losing fat...

Fat Loss and Strength Training – for Busy Women!

“I don't want to bulk up.”  I hear that from many women that strength train. While it’s true that the main effect of weight training is building muscle, research shows that moderately heavy, low repetition training increases a woman's metabolic rate more than light weight, high-repetition training. ...

Substitute High Glycemic Carbs with Better Carbs!

Too many of the wrong kinds of carbs can spike insulin levels and make it more difficult to shed body fat. The key is to replace processed carbohydrates with high-fiber carbs from whole foods. This is as simple as making substitutions.Cut Back on White PotatoesIf you crave a baked potato, make it a sweet potato instead. Sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index and are more nutritious than white...

Are you Suffering from Portion Distortion?

Most people gain weight because they are eating the wrong foods.  Portion size plays a bigger role in weight gain and weight maintenance.  People in today’s society have lost touch with what a portion size really looks like. This is partially because restaurants are now serving super sized portions and have servings large enough to share.  A large French Fry order at McDonalds...

How to Boost your Metabolism!

How to Boost your Metabolism!Even small amounts of excess body fat can increase your risk of several chronic diseases.  Simple strategies to power up your metabolism can be helpful.  Follow these tips!1. Have a cup of green tea.  This will boost your immunity, reduce cardiovascular risk and boost your metabolism.2. Eat – Commit to three meals a day and two snacks to keep hunger at bay. ...


You've been doing it for a while now, probably longer than you realize. Again and again, you come up with a reason why you're going to start TOMORROW.Before you know it, you wake up one morning and you're 5 lbs, 10 lbs, or 15 lbs heavier than you were a few months ago!Enough is enough. Now is the time to stop making excuses, to stop putting your fitness on hold, and to start working out. Don't...