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Sende kalemine güveniyorsan web sitemizde bir şeyler paylaşmak yazmak istiyorsan siteinin en aşağısında bulunan iletişim formunu kullanarak bizimle iletişime gecebilirisni
Debunking the Myth of the Vastus Medialis

Much Ado about Hip Mobility

Evde Bacak Kası Geliştirme Hareketleri

Squat Nasıl Yapılır?

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Test Your Squat
“Trust that the body is a self righting organism. Our job is to guide the process.”
-Norene Christesen, PT, DSc, CLT, OCS
Why You Need to Have a Big Butt
- Single leg or weighted glute bridges
- Banded walks
- Reverse hyper extensions
- Single leg Romanian deadlifts
- GHD raise
- Bulgarian split squats
- Reverse lunges
- Side plank with abduction
Squats: the King of All Exercises
The most aggravating fallacy I hear is "squats are bad for your knees." No, you know what's bad for your knees? Squatting improperly. Sitting is also really bad for your knees, but that's another discussion entirely.
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CrossFitter Miranda Oldroyd doing a heavy back squat. |
"Squatting is just one example of a movement that is universally valuable and essential yet rarely taught to any but the most advanced of athletes. This is a tragedy."Aside from its universal application, a properly executed squat will work every muscle from your abdominals and the erectors in your spine all of the way down to the muscles in your feet. Squats are great for increasing total body strength.
So if you want to get better at any given sport, improve your overall strength, and get legs of steel, squats are the way to go! Here are some other amazing benefits of squats, if you aren't sold already:
- Squats help improve hip, glute and hamstring flexibility.
- They increase your overall power output (think about how much power is necessary to get out of the bottom of a heavy squat).
- A recent study showed that squats improved the sprint performance of rugby players
- Another study suggests that squats increase the height of your vertical jump
- They improve core strength
- Comfort, P., Haigh, A., et al. Are Changes in Maximal squat Strength During Preseason Training Reflected in Changes in Sprint Performance in Rugby League Players? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012. Published Ahead of Print.
- Matuschek, C., Schmidtbleicher, D. Influence of Squatting Depth on Jumping Performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 2012. Published Ahead of Print.
- Okada, T., Huxel. K., Nesser, T. Relationship Between Core Stability, Functional Movement, and Performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. January 2011. 25(1), 252-261.
The Squat - How to Achieve The Power You Are Seeking
The squat is probably the most popular lift around the world. This extraordinary lift has the potential to help you make massive gains in strength and power. Although all of the latter is true, it is only true when good form and technique is practiced. Many complain that squatting puts strain on their knees and/or lower back. This will only occur when you are attempting more weight than you can handle, or your form is incorrect.
In order to get the results you want from squatting, you must correct your form. Correct form starts as soon as you get under the bar. First, when you are unracking the weight, be sure that your back is straight, and your chest is out. What I like to say is, lock in your lower back. This lower back lock is going to remain throughout the lift.
Next you have to worry about your stance. Personally, I use a stance that is slightly wider than shoulder width apart. You do not want your feet too far apart or else you will put too much strain on your knees. So, with your back locked and your head looking straight ahead, you can begin your squat.
You want to squat down like you are sitting in a chair. You should keep the weight on the heels of your feet, and never come up on your toes. When you come up on your toes, which causes you to lean forward. The lean forward will result in a strained back. So, with the weight on your heels, you want to continue in your squat until you reach parallel with the ground. This is very important. If you do not reach parallel, you might as well not waste your time and energy attempting to squat. By going parallel on your squat, you are accessing the muscles that will give you the strength and power that you are looking for.
Now that you have reached parallel, you want to check on a few things. First, be sure that your knees are not flared out, and that they are perfectly in line with your feet. Also, remember to maintain that lower back lock that I mentioned earlier in the article.
On your way up out of the squat, maintain your lower back lock, and keep your chest pushed out. When coming up, push off of your heels, not your toes. After you get comfortable with squatting, you want to focus on exploding out of your parallel squat. This explosion will better improve your fast twitch muscles that are essential for power.
Do not be ashamed if you have to start out with light weight at first. I will admit, I first started squatting with a piece of PVC piping, so I could get the form down. Good form is something that you must work for, and do not just jump right into heavy weight.
Squatting is one of the greatest lifts for power and strength. With proper technique and form, you can attain the power you are seeking.
Jordan is a avid physical fitness guru who enjoys sharing what he learns through his years. If you are interested in ankle weights, I would suggest that you follow the link to learn all you need to know about the benefits, risks, and much more about Ankle Weights. Follow me on Twitter to discover Ankle Weights Benefits.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
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Akşam bir tabak fasulye- öğle fasulye akşam fasulye bu ne yavv !!- ve üzerine sarımsaklı yoğurt konulmuş bol semizotu yedim. Biraz da kıvırcık salata... Yeşilliğe doydum diyebilirim :) Dükkandaki kebapçı ilanları bana yanlış şeyler yaptıracaktı az kalsın. Çok şükür lahmacun, dürüm vs. yanlış hareketlere girmeden işi tamamladım :)
Birazdan aktiviamı yer Heroes izlemeye dün kaldığım yerden devam ederim. Sonra mekik, squat ardından proteinimi içerek günü tamamlarım.