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squat etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
squat etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Debunking the Myth of the Vastus Medialis

The quadriceps complex is comprised of four main muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus intermedius, the vastus lateralis, and the vastus medialis (which seems to have become the most buzzworthy muscle of the four). The vastus medialis obliquus (commonly referred to as the VMO) is the middle “tear...

Much Ado about Hip Mobility

Since I've made a post about shoulder restrictions, I've received a few requests about how to loosen up stubborn hips.This is my dad, unintentionally showing off hisperfect bottom position and impressive ankledorsiflexion.One thing I'd like to mention, which has been noted in previous posts, is...

Evde Bacak Kası Geliştirme Hareketleri

Bacak kasları vücudun en büyük kas grubudur. Evde bacak kaslarını sıkılaştırmak ve geliştirmek isteyenler için mükemmel bir antrenman programı hazırladık. Bir çok insan evde vücut geliştirme olayına inanmasa da bu düşündüğünüz kadar zor ve imkansız değildir. Spor salonuna gitmeye vakit bulamayan kişilerin...

Squat Nasıl Yapılır?

Türkçe karşılığı “çömelme” olarak ifade edilir. Vücuttaki toplam kas kütlesini arttırmak için oldukça etkili olan bu hareket uzun yıllardır vücutcular için bir vazgeçilmez olmuştur. Aynı zamanda testosteron hormonunu da arttırdığı bilinmektedir.Vücuttaki en büyük kas olan bacak kaslarını çalıştırdığı...

4 Quick Tips to Fix Your Ankle Mobility

"Ankle mobility" seems to be a buzzword these days. Coaches often tell their athletes that the limiting factor in their squats is the lack of range of motion in the ankles. Everyone claims to have poor ankle mobility, and they're all looking for the magical way to improve it. You'll see them stretching...

Breathe Your Way to Bigger Lifts (Part 2)

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post on breathing properly for your lifts. This week, my friend Nate Henry, a competitive powerlifter, wrote a wonderful follow-up article. His strongest lifts include a 523.5 pound squat in competition, and a 535 pound squat in the gym, weighing 206 pounds. His best meet...

To Belt or Not to Belt?

Part of assimilating into the "lifting culture" means geeking out over new purchases like shoes, wrist wraps, straps, and belts. It's easy to fill up your shopping cart pretty quickly on or other similar websites. The question is, how much of these items are necessary, and what is extraneous...

"Neutral Neck:" How to Avoid Straining the Neck While Lifting

It's relatively common knowledge that during the big lifts, you should keep your back flat--some refer to this as a "neutral spine." Despite this, many people forget about the cervical part of the spine, or the neck.Ideally, on a clean, snatch, deadlift or squat, the neck should stay in line with the...

Test Your Squat