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injury etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
injury etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Ice Age: Rethinking Icing Injuries and Sore Muscles

I remember when I went to the nurse in high school for a medley of ailments, and it seemed like no matter what the symptom was, a pack of ice was the associated prescription. Headache? Put ice on it. Muscle pain? Put ice on it. The building was on fire? Throw ice on it. Okay, the last one was a pretty...

The Body Achieves What Your Mind Believes

Your body achieves what the mind believes! This is such a true statement.Life doesn't promise easy but prepares you to become stronger through the process. Obstacles will be part of your life and fitness, but you can overcome with strength and determination.  A Personal ShareWhy do I post this...

Fixing Your Achy Wrists

Do you experience pain in your wrists while doing exercises like bench presses or planks? If so, then read on!As I've mentioned 1,000 times (and you're probably sick of me saying it already), we always have to look distally (farther away) from the area in question. Think of your entire arms as a train....

The 4 Exercises that Your Shoulders Hate

It is common for a lifter to seek boulder shoulder status. While having protruding, rounded shoulders certainly looks nice, the shoulders are very vulnerable to injury. The demands of a sedentary, desk-ridden society already makes our shoulders unhappy, and if you translate this dysfunction into the...

Debunking the Myth of the Vastus Medialis

The quadriceps complex is comprised of four main muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus intermedius, the vastus lateralis, and the vastus medialis (which seems to have become the most buzzworthy muscle of the four). The vastus medialis obliquus (commonly referred to as the VMO) is the middle “tear...

Why Does Your XYZ Hurt? (Your Pain Explained)

Often times, pain in the body is associated with injury or illness of the patient. Pain is not, however, as straight forward as it may seem. There are quite a few misconceptions about what pain means, or what causes pain itself. Here are a couple facts about pain:I want to start off by saying, just...

Channel Your Inner Athlete with Agility Training

Whether you're an athlete, or just someone who wants to get in shape, fitness is, to me, about adaptability. Our workouts should help us become more resilient to the world around us. A potentially injurious situation can be avoided when you have the adequate strength and stability. Agility is one such...

Sturdy Shoulders (How to Spare Your Shoulders from Injury)

I'd say nearly every person I've trained has, during an assessment, mentioned a previous shoulder injury. Even I have suffered from the plague that is shoulder pain in the past.The shoulder (glenohumeral) joint is the most mobile joint in the body. The ball and socket architecture allows it to move...

You're Injured–Now What?

At some point in nearly every athlete or active person's career, he or she will experience some injury, either major or minor. Whether you've torn a tendon or ligament, sprained a muscle, or you just have a nagging painful area that won't seem to go away, you understand how frustrating it can be when...

Where Does Your Knee Pain Really Come From?

The knees are the largest joints in the human body. Unfortunately, these large joints also seem to be an even bigger area for pain and injury. In the U.S. alone, surgeons perform around 700,000 knee replacements annually--that's a lot of bionic knees! Other knee-related injuries include ACL tears, MCL...

How Bigger Hamstrings Will Improve Your Athleticism and Prevent Injury

Let's talk about everyone's favorite chain: the posterior chain. So many songs have been written about it, but yet, some people oddly neglect to sufficiently train the glutes and hamstrings.With this overwhelming abuse of the quadriceps complex, it is important that lifters prioritize isolation of the...

The Ab Exercise You're Doing Incorrectly

You work these muscles 23,000 times a day, on average, but chances are, you're using them incorrectly. In our sleep-deprived, high stress lifestyles, many of us are breathing incorrectly several thousand times a day, everyday over the course of our lives.The core musculature like the rectus abdominis,...