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    Sende web sitemize reklam vermek veya ilan vermek istiyorsan. Tek yapman gereken sitenin en altında bulunan yere iletişim bilgilerini girmen yeterli olacaktır. Ekip arkadaşlarımız siziznle iletişime gececektir.

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    Sende kalemine güveniyorsan web sitemizde bir şeyler paylaşmak yazmak istiyorsan siteinin en aşağısında bulunan iletişim formunu kullanarak bizimle iletişime gecebilirisni

Posture etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Posture etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Correcting the Forward Head Fault

As I'm sure you've heard millions of times before, modern technology isn't doing our bodies any favors. Spending hours a day texting or hunching over a laptop is physically morphing out bodies. We're altering our fascia, compressing our spines, and stretching our muscles in ways that contradict our...

Text Neck: Checking Your Phone While Sparing Your Posture

This is not sexy.Your phone buzzes. You pick it up to see a new text message from your friend. As you read the message, you look down at your hands like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.Unfortunately, some of us spend the majority of the day in this position, at a computer desk, scrolling through Instagram,...

Check Your Ribs! 4 Exercises to Fix Your Rib Position

What's wrong with this picture?Yes, this model has an incredibly impressive physique, but I'm referring specifically to her posture. Her ribs, in particular, are the first thing I notice.Rib flaring is an extremely common postural fault. I mainly see this in women, but there are many men who are guilty...

Behind the Neck Exercises: Do You Need Them?

For every exercise, there's an equal and opposite, behind-the-neck variation. Behind-the-neck lat pull-downs, pull-ups, push presses, strict presses, are just a few examples of exercises I've seen people try to do behind their necks. Perhaps they're trying to hit the same muscle groups in a new way,...

Test Your Squat