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Hips etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Hips etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Much Ado about Hip Mobility

Since I've made a post about shoulder restrictions, I've received a few requests about how to loosen up stubborn hips.This is my dad, unintentionally showing off hisperfect bottom position and impressive ankledorsiflexion.One thing I'd like to mention, which has been noted in previous posts, is...

Getting Rid of the "Butt Wink"

The "butt wink" is a term that has puzzled personal trainers and other movement practitioners. Some people attribute it to tight hamstrings, others have mentioned ankle mobility, some say it's hip flexor strength, or even hip/femur anatomy. My two cents? Motor control. Everyone I've met who had a "butt...

Where Does Your Knee Pain Really Come From?

The knees are the largest joints in the human body. Unfortunately, these large joints also seem to be an even bigger area for pain and injury. In the U.S. alone, surgeons perform around 700,000 knee replacements annually--that's a lot of bionic knees! Other knee-related injuries include ACL tears, MCL...

Your Hips Don't Lie...Or Do They?

We'd all like to move our hips like Shakira (or maybe that's just me). One thing I've noticed, though, in many of my clients, is that the cue "hinge at the hips" usually raises confusion. The fact is that many people I've met do not know the difference between bending at the hips and bending at the...