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high intensity interval training etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
high intensity interval training etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

How to BUST through a Plateau!

Busting a plateau, losing fat and weight is simple, but IT AINT EASY!   Accomplishing FAT LOSS - weight-loss goals takes effort, discipline, and consistency with EXERCISE  and NUTRITION.

It is simple, you need to exercise and eat right, BUT….It’s NOT EASY. It takes hard work and consistency to achieve the results you want. Depending on your goals, if they are lofty, it may take double the effort you are putting in with exercise, but especially NUTRITION.

Here are a few suggestions to get you dialed into your goals to seriously BURN FAT in the next month or two and bust through any plateaus.

If you are wanting more results or have hit a plateau, here you go:

Nutrient timing. You need to be eating every 3 hours.  Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner.   If you want great choices, refer to the AllyFitness Food Guide where I provide some great options).  SIDE BAR NOTE - the only way to control weight is to control your blood sugar and insulin and the best way to do that is by eliminating processed foods, sugar and refined carbs).

EAT MORE frequently, and LESS - smaller portions. Focus on making sure you are getting enough protein and include it in every meal and snack.  I advocate between .5 and 1g per pound of bodyweight. Mix a scoop of whey protein isolate into 8-12 ounces of water or almond milk.  It’s yummy.  Be sure to include other sources of lean, high quality protein (chicken, tuna, salmon, steak, Greek yogurt, etc.).  If you need two servings of protein powder, you can also mix some into your yogurt for a snack.

Double your vegetable intake. Include veggies in your omelets, have peppers and /or carrots as a snack, have a salad with some protein for lunch, and be sure to include green veggies with dinner. Vegetables are NECESSARY for great health!  Try the green monster smoothie by filling a blender with spinach, romaine lettuce, celery, parsley, lemon, and coconut water.  This is loaded with anti-oxidants.  There are dozens of “great” greens drinks recipes.

ELIMINATE the Great White Hazards! No white bread (this includes biscuits!!!).  No sugar. No white pasta or rice. It is really bad for you and more than likely the main reason you aren’t progressing. Focus on complex carbs like Basmati brown rice, black rice, couscous, quinoa, lentils, etc.

Ditch the alcohol if you are serious about losing the fat.  A glass of wine is OK one to two nights per week. If you are serious about fat-loss, you can’t afford the extra calories.

Eat breakfast EVERY DAY!!!! Eggs and oatmeal, Greek yogurt and fruit, Ezekiel toast with almond butter, almond milk with a scoop or two of whey protein powder. No excuses on this.

Drink one-half your bodyweight in fluid ounces of water per day. DRINK MORE WATER! It satiates your appetite, helps your joints, and allows all of your organs and systems to function optimally.

Write down everything you eat for 5 days.  Write it down or log it in vitabot if you want to share with me!  Make sure you keep a really good journal and then you can analyze trends and see where extra / empty calories may be coming from and what triggers you may have.
EXERCISE  - To seriously change your body, the 3x per week exercise program needs to have some cardio mixed in on the off days. Here are a few suggestions to amp up your current routine:

Get in an extra 2 days a week of cardio. Walk, bike, hike, run, spin, swim, dance - whatever, but get a good 20 – 40 minutes in.  You all know I recommend intervals for intensity and do not recommend long cardion sessions.  The long cardio sessions will jeopardize your efforts.  Another sidebar: In 2012, research published in the British journal "Heart" stated: Running 20-25 miles or more per week eliminates the benefit of the exercise as you grow older and causes excessive wear and tear on the heart.  Dr Kenneth Cooper, the father of 'aerobics' has said, "If you are running more than 15 miles a week, you are doing it for some reason other than health."

When you come to AllyFitness for the workouts, SHOW UP!  The purpose of strength and conditioning training is to overload the body with a resistance greater than what it’s accustomed to. It is strength training that allows for maximum lean muscle tissue growth and the re-distribution of body composition. That means inches lost, fat lost, and BAM!  Your body is looking good.

Congratulations if you are getting the three workouts in per week.  That combined with clean eating will get results.  If you are stuck or need to kick it up a notch, Now you know what you need to do.

See you at the workout!


ACE 7 Post Workout Snacks and How to Know if you need one!

Here are 7 great post-workout snacks that fuel your body and should be consumed with 8-12 ounces of water:

1. Non–Fat Greek Yogurt with Fruit;  Non–fat Greek yogurt is loaded with protein, which helps repair muscle tissue, and low in sugar and fat, which also makes it an ideal snack at any time of the day. Top some with fruit (1/2 cup of berries or banana) and you'll quickly rebuild your energy needs.
2. Banana with 1 Tablespoon of Almond or Nut Butter;  Banana is high in fructose (fruit sugar) and a high–glycemic carbohydrate that the body can quickly convert to energy. When you enjoy it with with a small amount (1 tablespoon) of almond butter, you add protein and just a small amount of healthy fat. Almond butter is a great nut in terms of nutritional value, but is also high in calories, so you want to enjoy this treat in small servings.
3. Low–Fat Chocolate Milk:  Did you know that low–fat chocolate milk is one of the best–kept secrets for recovery? It has just the right protein to carbohydrate ratio to restore lost glycogen and repair muscle tissue. Exercise scientists say this recovery drink is most useful for competing endurance athletes who need to sustain a level of performance—such as long–distance runners, cyclists, swimmers and triathletes. Another plus is that this drink can be easily transported.
4. Tuna on Whole Wheat:  If you're a sandwich lover, this one is for you! Adding four ounces of water-packed tuna on one slice of whole wheat bread gives you an ideal protein/carb mini-meal at a mere 220 calories. It's an ideal low-calorie snack for people watching their body weight or trying to shed extra pounds.
5. Frozen Whole Grain Waffles Topped with Greek Yogurt and Almond Butter:  If you're a waffle lover and want to enjoy this treat guilt-free, there is no better time to eat this heavenly food than after a solid workout. Top the waffle with low-fat Greek yogurt and one tablespoon of almond butter, and you'll get the ideal ratio of carbs, protein and healthy fat needed for recovery.
6. Whole Wheat English Muffin with Sliced Turkey Breast and Hummus:  Like hummus? Eat up! Combined with a whole wheat English muffin or a whole wheat pita, this combo makes for a great protein/carb recovery food. Note: Whole wheat will release energy slower into your body than white bread. Wheat bread will also satisfy your hunger longer than the high-caloric fluffy white stuff. Once again, if you're watching calories, ¼ cup of hummus on one whole wheat pita adds up to about 300 calories.
7. Protein Shake with Banana:  A protein shake made with 2 scoops of whey protein powder and ½ banana is ideal for recovery. I pack my pre-made protein shake into my gym bag so I can have it on the way to work after my morning workout. This is ideal for busy people on the go. Remember that refueling within the 30–minute window after a hard workout is critical to reaping the full benefits of proper recovery.

Here are 3 clues to help you prevent overeating after a workout:
1 - Did you break a sweat during your workout? If you had a short and light workout session and your skin remains fairly dry, it's good to rehydrate with water, but not necessary to recover with food or a sugary beverage.
2 - Was your heart rate elevated? Exercising at a low–intensity rate for a short period of time certainly is better than no exercise at all, but you won't deplete your glycogen stores or tear up muscle tissue during a low–intensity workout.
3 - Was your breathing labored? A 60–minute moderate–intensity spin class, dance class or power yoga class can elevate your heart rate and leave you breathing hard at times, which means you're burning calories and earning the health benefits. Enjoy your post–workout healthy snack, but count it toward your total daily caloric intake, not as a way to justify a recovery meal.


You've been doing it for a while now, probably longer than you realize. Again and again, you come up with a reason why you're going to start TOMORROW.
Before you know it, you wake up one morning and you're 5 lbs, 10 lbs, or 15 lbs heavier than you were a few months ago!
Enough is enough. Now is the time to stop making excuses, to stop putting your fitness on hold, and to start working out. 
Don't Let Age Get the Upper Hand
With every year that passes, your body conspires to make getting into shape harder. Your metabolism slows down as you age, adding weight that you'll have a harder time shedding. Your growth hormone production slows down, making it even more of a challenge! What might have been a snap at 20 will take more time and effort at 45 OR BEYOND (believe me, I KNOW).
Here's the good news: You CAN absolutely get fit at ANY age! BUT....the longer you put it off, the harder it will be to make those changes. Your body is more primed to respond to exercise right NOW, than it will be even 6 months from now. And, if you happen to be that person who starts working out today, know that soon enough you'll be fitter than a 20 year old who's sitting around still making excuses!
The Chicken or the Egg?
It could be that you're overweight and think you need to lose a few pounds before you start working out.  So, you've decided that you're going to lose weight by dieting BEFORE you start an exercise program. You've even got a list of groceries to restock your fridge and pantry with and to start you on your way.
It's true that watching what you eat is a huge part of a fitter, trimmer life. But studies show that making the switch to healthier eating is easier when you're already working out regularly.
Exercise will cause you to crave healthier foods, encouraging a fit diet to come more naturally, and the pounds to melt off quicker!
Inactivity Makes You Even More Tired
Maybe you're waiting around until you feel less exhausted and fatigued by work, family, and everything else that goes on.  Chances are, you will ALWAYS have a ton of things going to that will zap up your energy!
More good news:  Exercise will INCREASE your energy throughout the day, so you will have more clarity and be able to get more done during your day You've just got to get the ball rolling!
It's a Mental Game
Fitness is about being proactive mentally AND physically - putting it off will actually psyche you out!  Adding regular exercise isn't necessarily easy. But the longer you wait to begin working our regularly, the more insurmountable a challenge it will seem.
Put the kibosh on negativity before it starts to impact your drive to workout and live healthier!  The little engine that could do did do because he was already doing.
Decide right now to stop your excuses and take the first step. Together we will come up with the perfect personalized fitness plan for you. It will be unique to your lifestyle and get you to your goals quickly.
Call or email TODAY and say goodbye to waiting until tomorrow! or 615-491-1615

HIIT IT - and make it count

What is HIIT?  It is high intensity interval training.  Advantages of interval training (are)is that it utilizes the body's two energy producing  systems: the aerobic and the anaerobic.  The aerobic system is the one that allows you to walk or run several miles and uses oxygen to convert carbs into energy. The anaerobic system draws energy from carbs stored in the muscles for short burst of activity such as sprinting, jumping or lifting heavy objects.  This system does not require oxygen and does not provide enough energy for more than the brief activity.

High Intensity Interval Training involves short intervals of high intensity work. The intervals require you to work at 90% of yourmaximum heart rate followed by a rest interval.  The intervals are termed work:rest.  If you are beginning this type of training, you may want to start with 30:60.  This means 30 seconds of work followed by 60 seconds of rest.  As your cardiovascular system becomes stronger and can handle more capacity, you will increase to 30:30 and eventually 60:30.

You can also use a less specific method knows as Fartlek  or speed play.  To use this method, you pick a land mark like a tree or a park bench and walk or run as fast as you can to that point, then walk at an easy pace to recover.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) will get you fit and save time.  In the 1994 study published in the journal Metabolism, researchers had one group follow a 15-week HIIT program and another perform only steady-state cardio for 20 weeks.  The data revealed the steady-state group burned 15,000 more calories, but the HIIT group lost significantly more body fat.  A more recent study conducted at the University of New South Wales (Australia) reported that a group of women who took part in a 20-minute HIIT program of eight-second sprints followed by 12 seconds of rest lost six times more body fat than a group that performed steady-state cardio for 40 minutes at 60% Maximum heart rate.  The increase in the intensity boosts your metabolism and keeps it higher longer after your workout.  This is known as EPOC, or the after burn.

So why not cut your cardio session in half and get more benefit?  Seems like a no brainer to me!