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weekend recap etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
weekend recap etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Weekend Recap: Side Effects but Mainly Fun!

It's Monday morning, I am up bright and early to get a blog post written before I get ready for a great week of work. (Is that a good way to look at each week or week?)

This weekend was so fun; I did not want it to end. Despite feeling some really bad side effects from my new medicine on Friday evening and Saturday, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

Friday, this is how I graced everyone with my presence at work...

It is suffice to say that someone definitely needed some highlights and a trim. My dark hair, despite all the protectant my stylist put on there, faded fast! I guess that shows how I am meant to be blonde, right?! I think so, thus plans were made. 

After work, I came straight home to lay down for a little while. Nausea and a migraine were were taking over my body, so I napped on and off. Around 7 o'clock, Johnathan and I were tired of laying around so we decided to go to a movie to at least get some fresh air. 

It was Friday the 13th and raining, so a scary movie (The Lazarus Effect) was the only way to go! We were treated graciously from my Regal card, too. A free ticket to begin, then I earned a free popcorn and combo discount. He and I went all out on our treats. The movie was also great -- suspenseful, interesting, and pretty scary, especially towards the end! 

Saturday morning I awoke feeling the side effects again (mornings are usually worse) so I was once again laying around, watching TV, and reading -- just trying to relax. All week I was fine, but once the weekend came, I started feeling so bad. 

By 3 o'clock, I had enough lying around and was ready to go make the best of the day. I showered, made myself get presentable, then J and I made a grocery list and a list of errands we needed to run.

We went grocery shopping at WalMart, purchased a small rug for the kitchen (J picked it out - he did SO good!), I treatment myself to some new powder and lipstick at Ulta, and we picked up a couple of movies at Redbox.

On our way back, we noticed a neighbor taking some pretty nice looking things to the trash and recycling. As you  guys made have read on my blog lately, we have been collecting some really nice things! Saturday was no different -- we scored some super cute glasses from recycling. I can't wait to get those bad boys thoroughly washed and added to our glasses collection.

Yesterday the weather was absolutely perfect. Sunny, 75 degrees, and a nice breeze. Johnathan worked a little in the morning, then we made the best of it. After he brought Marty some new treats, of course. That must come first. 

We had lovely brunch at Ihop outside with delicious pancakes and an inced coffee, ran and a couple of more errands, and then went to my best friend's house to get highlights on my hair. I love the results -- my hair has a bit of a caramel look; I think it's very pretty!

J was also helping me put on my new lipstick (I was a little shaky) yesterday and it was the cutest thing, My man has skills. He telling me to "pucker up" so he could do it correctly and everything.

Despite my side effects that took place this weekend, I had so much fun. I am most thankful that I have such a loving partner who helped me through it all, too. We have so much exciting things ahead for us and I can't wait.

Yep, I am blessed in a lot of aspects in life and it feels good to finally realize that. It's a much better way to live and get through the days!

PS: My two contact emails listed on my blog are down right now and have been for a while now (from what I know). Please email me at if you would like to say hello or have a question/comment.

Weekend Recap: Fitness Blondie NO MORE?!?!

I was never happier to be off of work on Friday on ready to start the weekend. Last week was all around a crazy, nonstop, "Murphy's Law", type of week and I needed a break and downtime. 

When I got off of work, J and I went and ran some errands. I had a Japanese Bubble Tea (Mango) with tapioca pearls and it was fantastic. Years ago I had them often, but I have not seen a place that sells them in a long time. Thus when I spotted a stand in the mall, I had to have one. 

I got some frames and pictures made while we were out so I could put them up through the apartment. I think they fit perfectly and are a great addition.

Friday night, J and I went to my best friend's house so she could do my hair. She has a salon setup in her basement so it makes getting my hair done a lot more fun. The goal? Black with red lowlights. As always she did a fantastic job and I love the new look. Also while doing my hair we had a little bonfire.

Saturday was a beautiful day in Charlotte with mild weather in the upper 50's and lower 60's. We took full advantage. I enjoyed a long job on the Greenway, cleaned my apartment with music blasting, and the windows open, and J and I scored our latest "dumpster" find.

Remember on my last blog post about the table we scored from my neighbor throwing his house? Well, another neighbor was throwing out this gorgeous mahogany table and said I could have it. It needs a little work on one of the drawers, but it's perfect other than that. I am going to play this week to find the perfect spot for it. 

Later in the afternoon, I got ready, and of course I took lots of selfies of my new hair.

Once we were ready, we went to our friends Justin and Jodi's house for homemade fondue. It was a lot of fun making it at home instead of going to "The Melting Pot". If you read my blog you know I love "The Melting Pot" and eat there often, but it gets expensive. Homemade fondue was not only delicious, but really fun. It's a great way to host a dinner party. I am definitely going to be investing in a fondue pot now.

After we left Justin and Jodi's we came back to my apartment. I had been telling Johnathan that I wanted to make a shot glass holder out of an old baseball bat case that he has that was not being used. Since it was still kind of early and we had energy, he got to work and did it. I think it's super fun and adds a lot to the bar and dining area.

Yesterday was another beautiful day so J and I spent the day out with his friend Sean and his friend Jinny. 

We all had lunch, went to see "American Sniper" (which was phenomenal. We even had to advance purchase our tickets due to all of the shows being sold out!) and I earned my free movie ticket (yay), and did some shopping. 

Of course I had to take a few more selfies. (Don't judge me. OK, you can if you want because it's a little absurd; just try to look past it). 

When we finally got home from the day, I made the most delicious broiled Ribeye and pasta salad, I kicked his butt on the Wii, and then we called it a night. Now, time to finish this work day... 

Fall means: Family, Fireball, and Fun!

Friday, work could not end soon enough! I was off a little early, picked up a treat for my mom, and went to my new main gym for cardio, squats, and weights. The good thing about being back at Fitness Connection is the lateral cardio machine; I love that thing! I had to break it in with 30 fast minutes.

When I finished at the gym, I rushed home and was greeted by my mom and her new boyfriend Hutch. They drove down to spend the night with me!

I took and shower and got ready, then we pre-gamed a little at my apartment. My moms newest obsession is Fireball whisky (thanks to me, I created a monster) so she was ready to get the night started with a shot. We then went uptown for dinner, drinks, and a lot of laughs. We had such a great time. Hutch seems crazy about my mom and she the same-- her happiness is all that matters to me. 

We were not out too late Friday night because my body is working hard to fight off a cold. I was tired early. 

We were all up bright and early on Saturday morning and decided to go out to a local restaurant known for delicious, home cooked breakfast. I had buttermilk pancakes and bacon. It tasted just as good as the picture looks! I never ever have breakfast food like that so I savored it. 

After breakfast we came back to my apartment. I packed and mom and Hutch left to explore Charlotte. I then took off to Raleigh to spend the night with my sister and brother in law.

I got to my sisters around 1:30 PM. She made me a fresh fruit and kale smoothie for lunch and we chatted, then we went out and did some shopping. After we finished, we decided to go out for a jog around the lake and trail behind her apartment complex. It was absolutely beautiful and a great way to get the evening started.

After we finished our long jog, it was time to get ready for the evening. We then went downtown to one of my favorite places to have dinner called "Busy Bee Cafe". We were seated on the roof (a must for me) and I had my favorite "Queen Bee"cocktail, and their vegetarian spinach "burger". 

Once we had dinner and a cocktail, all three of us were feeling tired, plus I was feeling my cold starting to take over, so we went back to their apartment. We all cuddled up in the living room and rented "Million Dollar Arm". I lasted 5 minutes before I was knocked out.

When I woke up this morning, I felt awful. I forced myself to get the drive back to Charlotte over with though, so I left my sister's as soon as I got up. I made a pit stop for medicine when I got into town then came  home. I felt bad, but I forced myself to deep clean my apartment instead of rest. My place was a mess and I am the type who cannot rest when there is a mess. Plus if I forced myself to clean, I could get rid of any germs. 

I scrubbed my apartment for about 3 hours: washing sheets, 2 other loads of laundry, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and Cloroxing. I took a bath once I finished then planted myself on the couch. Now I feel worse than before, of course, ha, so I am off to take a little more cold medicine and get to bed early. 

I had an absolutely blast this weekend and this cooler weather is more than welcome in my opinion, I just hate the colds than come along with it!

My Simple, Fall Weekend Recap

My weekend was so nice. It was not very eventful though. It was quiet, but I got some great rest and I felt super productive. As I am getting older, I cherish weekends like that, ha! 

Friday after work, I went to the gym for 45 minutes of cardio on the Elliptical and an upper body weight circuit. Since I boxed on Thursday evening and my pushed myself extremely hard, I felt just as motivated Friday. I lifted very, very heavy -- heavier than I have in a while. 

After my awesome workout, I came home to shower and get ready. I then met Alexis and her husband Daniel at our favorite local spot; Cantina 1511. We had our favorite strawberry Margarita's and dinner. I had so much fun -- we three always do! Tons of laughs and good food and drink is my favorite way to start the weekend.
Saturday morning I woke up more sore than I have been in a long time, which was a great feeling. Because of what I have been going through over the past month, my weight loss has been a little stagnant and I have not been pushing myself to the "limit" like I normally love to do. I busted through that though and my body paid the price. Though I was up early since I slept great Friday night, I was really lazy through the early afternoon.

I did rent a good documentary on demand called "Fed Up". It was utterly disturbing, sad, but a must see. It revealed how the biggest food companies in United States effect the "truth" as we know it about health and nutrition. I don't know about you guys, but to me, it is disheartening knowing that companies like Coke and Lays fund a LOT of university research, federal organizations, and politicians. The documentary also focused on the effects that sugar has on the brain (which is similar to cocaine), and childhood obesity. 

Later on in the evening I finally got a burst of energy so I did a little food prep, laundry, then completely cleaned out my closet. The weather has been so nice this weekend and a bit chilly. I think fall is here to stay, thus I decided to pull out my warmer clothes and put up the summer ones. Doing that gave me the inspiration to clean and organize my closet. 

The fun did not stop there though, ha. Afterwards I cleaned out the big cabinet below my bathroom sink, which looked like train wreck. I am constantly getting my hair tools and makeup out of there so it was a mess. The before and after clearly shows that!
Today I caught an early showing of "Gone Girl". I was so excited to see it and it was even better than I thought it was going to be. It was such a freaking good movie; lots of twists and turns with great acting. It is a must see and now I want to read the book. Usually when I go to the movies, I indulge in the "Kids Pack" popcorn/gummy bear/soda combination, but I am trying to be better, so I resisted and brought my water and Quest Bar. Ugh, the struggles... but at least my protein bar is delicious.
Once the movie was over, I knew I had to go outside and take advantage of the beautiful afternoon so I went for an hour jog/walk on the greenway behind my apartment. 

I am not as sore, so I had a really good jog. When I finished I took a shower, ate an early dinner, then finished the rest my food prep for the week. 

Now it's time for my Sunday night shows and I am super happy that Bar Rescue is back tonight. I hope you guys had a great weekend that fall is headed y'alls way!