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aging etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
aging etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

It's Never Too Late and You're Never Too Old to Get Fit

It's never too late and you're never too old to get fit and healthy.
Many people are still believing the myth that aging is a negative process that comes with wrinkles and limitations. This is far from the truth. Older people are living longer, staying healthy, confident, and happy.

I have seen men and women become their fittest at 70 and beyond. Age is being redefined as beautiful and an exciting time of becoming the person you always should have been. Age being just a number is really true and exemplified by so many fabulous older people today.

Personally, I don't care if my body is aging because it doesn't define anything about me. All I know is that I'm an older version of myself that is better than I was before. And my mind and body feel youthful and strong.

What has really helped with fitness at every age is having a positive attitude. And making the choice to dump unhealthy habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Aging well has become a time of personal development and strength for many people embracing their age. 

Each day is an opportunity to change for everyone. Your age doesn't limit your ability to accomplish anything in life including your fitness goals. 

Aging Well Tips

The most important thing is to remain realistic and adopt a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and enjoyable.

Using a food journal may help keep you accountable. You will be able to honestly track your food intake and make appropriate changes to start eating healthier.

Use a fitness journal to schedule your workouts. You will not always feel like exercising, but it will be important not to cancel on yourself. Stay disciplined through the process and it will eventually become a habit that is a regular part of your life. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly. 

This is not a quick fix so mentally prepare for a lifestyle change. The time will pass anyway so you might as well be working on health improvement. Fitness is also not about perfection but progress as you strive each day to be healthy.

Have a positive attitude. There will be days when it feels really hard and you may even want to give up. Hold onto knowing you are stronger than any negative thoughts.

More Helpful Tips:

  • Eat a wide variety of nutritious foods that include lean proteins, good carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Get to bed at a decent hour and try for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Exercise 3-4 times per week to start and progress as you get stronger.
  • Include weight resistance training 1-2 times per week to start.
  • Keep a food journal for accountability ... be honest with yourself.
  • Dump the junk food and replace it with healthy food options.
  • Pay attention to portion sizes and read food labels.
  • Eat several small meals per day and do not allow yourself to feel hungry.
  • Weigh-in only one time per week, pay attention to how your clothes are fitting, and how you look naked. Dump the scale if it becomes a frustration.
  • Make time for prayer and positive self talk to keep up the motivation.
  • Set realistic small goals to start like losing 10lbs or signing up to walk your first 5K. 
  • Hire a qualified personal trainer for guidance and motivation if going it alone feels too overwhelming.

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Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018 

Women's Wellness Series

This fall, Evergreen Park & Rec is offering several classes to help help women in the mountain community stay healthy from the inside out! Classes include:
  • Empower Your Health: Gut Health - Uncover the connection between disease and the gut, and learn how to nurture and support it.
  • Chronic Inflammation - Chronic Inflammation is arguably one of our biggest health risks. Learn how to cool the inflammation for optimal wellness.
  • All Stressed Out - Understand how stress works in the body and what action you can take to reduce your body’s stress response and build resiliency.

Adult Adventures

EPRD's Fall Outdoor Adventure and Cultural Excursions programs for adults are starting soon. Ride the EPRD bus to a new experience, whether it's cross country skiing or visiting a museum!

Healthy Giving

Give for a Good Marriage
Want a happy marriage? Science says couples should do these 7 things for each other often.

Healthy Family

Evergreen Kids Tri Sunday
The Evergreen Kids Triathlon is this Sunday, Aug. 19. Bring the kids (5-13) and cheer them on!
(Source: EPRD) 

Healthy Mind

Your Brain on Exercise
Exercise is as good for your brain as it is for your body, and researchers are just beginning to discover why.
(Source: Outside Online)

Healthy Aging

Live Well Over 50
This guitar is helping him live better. Enjoy these tips to eat healthy, stay fit and live well as you age.

Healthy Eating

Keys to a Healthy Diet
Developing healthy eating habits isn’t as hard as you think. Here are guidelines!

Healthy Body

Practical Weight Loss
How do you lose weight quickly and safely, and then keep it off?

EPRD's Healthy Living Newsletter for November

Preventing Holiday Havoc

The holidays are such a tumultuous time. Yes, the season can be wonderful: Eating mouthwatering feasts, getting and giving gifts, traveling to exciting destinations, spending time with family. But it can also wreak havoc on your health and fitness. 

EPRD to the rescue! We have a huge variety of programs and classes to help you stay in shape. 

Black Friday Specials
And on Black Friday - Nov. 24 from 7 AM-5 PM - drop into either Buchanan Park or Wulf Rec Center and take advantage of the best discounts of the year!
  • Buy a Facility 20-Punch Card and get 7 Punches Free (limit 2 per person)
  • Buy a Fitness 10-Punch Card and save $10 (limit 1 per person)
  • Buy an Indoor Cycling 10-Punch Card and save $10 (limit 1 per person
EPRD Stocking Stuffers
Get a jumpstart on your holiday shopping by purchasing EPRD Gift Cards! They make fantastic stocking stuffers -- use them for fitness classes, massages, facility entries, climbing wall sessions, personal training, programs or anything you want!

Healthy Eating

Trim Turkey
The Food Network offers healthy Thanksgiving recipes!

Healthy Body

Turkey Trot
Run in EChO’s Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Morning to burn calories before the big feast.

Healthy Parenting

9 family activities for Thanksgiving Day

Healthy Mind

Preventing Depression             
11 tips for avoiding holiday depression triggers

Healthy Giving

Evergreen nonprofits benefit from your donation on Tue., Dec. 5 – Colorado Gives Day!

Healthy Aging

There are a number of Thanksgiving activities your older family members can enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Healthy Living! from EPRD for September 2017

It's Fall!
How about channeling some of that summer fitness into an EPRD trail race? There's one left this season, the Fall EverGold 10-miler on Oct. 7. Want something shorter and more family friendly? Gather together family and friends to enjoy the Glow Run 5K, a glow-in-the-dark nighttime race at Alderfer/Three Sisters Park - followed by hot drinks and s'mores around a fire!
Healthy Parenting

What to say to kids instead of "be careful." 

Healthy Body

What to do at the gym to get the best results. (Try an EPRD personal training session.)

Healthy Mind

How to meditate when you can’t sit still.

Healthy Planet

Source: Mother Earth News
How to start a compost pile.

Healthy Aging

Keeping a steady, healthy weight as we age also helps keep blood pressure low.

Healthy Eating

Don’t eat lunch at your desk. It's not good for you! Here's why.


EPRD has a large variety of classes at Buchanan Park and Wulf Rec Centers to help you meet your health goals. Find classes and hours on We also offer personal training!

Facility Information