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aging etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
aging etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

It's Never Too Late and You're Never Too Old to Get Fit

It's never too late and you're never too old to get fit and healthy. Many people are still believing the myth that aging is a negative process that comes with wrinkles and limitations. This is far from the truth. Older people are living longer, staying healthy, confident, and happy.I have seen...

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018

Healthy Living from EPRD for Aug-Sept 2018 Women's Wellness SeriesThis fall, Evergreen Park & Rec is offering several classes to help help women in the mountain community stay healthy from the inside out! Classes include:Empower Your Health: Gut Health - Uncover the connection between disease...

EPRD's Healthy Living Newsletter for November

Preventing Holiday HavocThe holidays are such a tumultuous time. Yes, the season can be wonderful: Eating mouthwatering feasts, getting and giving gifts, traveling to exciting destinations, spending time with family. But it can also wreak havoc on your health and fitness.  Normal 0 ...

Healthy Living! from EPRD for September 2017

It's Fall!How about channeling some of that summer fitness into an EPRD trail race? There's one left this season, the Fall EverGold 10-miler on Oct. 7. Want something shorter and more family friendly? Gather together family and friends to enjoy the Glow Run 5K, a glow-in-the-dark...