Many people get stressed out with all the extra work that the holidays bring. Not only do you have to do your regular day to day things, but throw in grocery shopping, having a kitchen or house full of people and having to get up early and plan and cook everything so that it hopefully comes out of...
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Entree etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Entree etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
By Rohat Fatih at 03:00
12 in, 2012, Dessert, Entree, food, Product Review, recipes, Thanksgiving
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Squash Galore
By Rohat Fatih at 03:00
2012, autumn, Entree, food, Meal Planning, recipes, Soup, What's for Dinner
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Firstly, I want to say GOOD LUCK to everyone racing this weekend! There are a bunch of people doing the RW Half! Go get 'em! Also, a big fingers crossed, for Lisa, who is trying for a sub 4 marathon today! To everyone else, I hope your feet are swift and you end the race with a smile on your face. As...
Taking Stock
By bayramcigerli at 03:00
2012, Entree, food, lists, Meal Planning, recipes, What's for Dinner
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Before you go grocery shopping each week, you have to first take stock of what you have on hand. From there you can decide what you are going to cook for the week and what you need to buy at the grocery store. For me, what is on sale or what is fresh that week at the store often determines what I make.There...
Food Firsts (4)
On Sunday, Mr. Lovely and I had pizza. I made the dough (my first attempt) and it didn't even suck!The recipe was adapted from here. 4 1/2 cups whole wheat flour1 3/4 tsp salt1 tsp instant yeast 1/4 cup olive oil (optional)1 3/4 cups water, ice cold (40°F)Semolina flour OR cornmeal for dustingI...
A Fun Addiction
I am going to be totally honest with you; I have a food addiction. I love buying food. I also love to cook, but I often cook larger portions than what I can eat, then I feel like I have to eat it, because god forbid any of it go to waste...but I want to cook something different, so I need more space......
Then and Now: December
By bayramcigerli at 03:30
2011, Baking, California, Christmas, December, Dessert, Entree, Family, food, Friends, lists, Photos, Recap, Red, Then and Now, Throwback, Week in Review
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Happy New Year's Eve! I hope that wherever you are, you are having a great weekend! Have a wonderful time tonight and I will see you next year! The holidays are often very similar each year. There are holiday parties, get-togethers with friends and food to be eaten and presents to open with family....
In Which I Discover an Allergy
By Rohat Fatih at 07:35
2011, Allergies, Baking, blog hops, Dessert, Entree, Flashback Friday, illness, Recap, Throwback, Week in Review
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I had the misfortune to discover an allergy late in life. I wrote this when I was in Uruguay a few years ago. "We went to the beach one day and everything was fine. The next day we got up and were preparing to leave when I started to itch. I had peed in the dark in a bush the night before and...
Don't Throw Your Latte Away
By Rohat Fatih at 05:46
Baking, blog hops, Dessert, Entree, Flashback Friday, money, Recap, Throwback, Week in Review
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sourceI have always been an avid saver and was also a frequent "latte" drinker. I wrote this post after watching a clip on TV about "The Latte Factor". “Save now. Fewer trips to the café now can lead to more vacations later,” says Fidelity.“Figure out your ‘latte factor’, be it your frequent lunches...
No Work Chili
There are many ways you can make this. Add whatever you want! Sometimes I use real beans. Sometimes I make it with a ton of veggies (almost like soup). Sometimes I use veggie meat or ground turkey instead of beef. However, this time I did it the quick and dirty way, which, if you are short on time,...
Curry Me Green
By bayramcigerli at 14:44
2011, Cooking, Entree, food, recipes, Southeast Asia, Thailand
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Have I mentioned I like food? At home I cook as much as I can and I definitely miss that while I am abroad. I miss being able to just open the fridge and get out a snack, instead of having to go out and "forage" for food, to work for it. I miss having cheese at the ready and eating hunks of it out of...
Oldies But Goodies
By bayramcigerli at 17:45
Baking, Dessert, Entree, Photos, Recap, Throwback, Week in Review
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I have been home for the last week and on my to do list for probably the last 5 years (or so) has been to "scan old photos". I finally got around to doing a few of them! The quality is not great, but here are a few anyway!Letter to Santa 1982My Two Moms 1988Girls Soccer 1993How I Feel About My Brother...
Hawaiin Shirts and Naked People
By bayramcigerli at 06:02
2010, Baking, Bay to Breakers, Dessert, Entree, FRC, Lagunitas Beer Circus, Petaluma, Recap, San Francisco, Throwback, Uncle Jay, Week in Review
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Whoa, what a week!First I flew home from New Orleans, packed up my stuff, had dinner with my friend Nadine who is pregnant with her first child. A boy! Yay! She is still the same old friend that I have had since...well...forever. She and I have known each other since we were born. I don't have a photo...I...