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fall etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
fall etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

DIY Leaf Wreath

Today I have a tutorial for a Leaf Wreath! Thanks to sister Mandy, I also have step by step photos. (I always forget to take those...) Last week at work I was suddenly struck with a fit of fall craftiness and decided I needed make my own leaf wreath. I don't like letting all of Mother Nature's beauty go to waste! 
So on our Sunday morning walk with the Kerri dog we collected a huge stack of leaves! I had a couple of ideas on how to make the wreath, but ended up using my favorite styrofoam wreath wrapped in burlap ribbon. I wanted to really showcase all the leaves and I think it does!

The first step was to wax our leaves to help them last a bit longer without drying out and shriveling up. (I don't know how long it will actually make the leaves last, but I am hoping a couple of weeks.) We dried off any leaves that were dewy and laid them out on the table.
 Then we warmed up the iron, cut a piece of wax paper that fit nicely on the ironing board and arranged a bunch of the leaves on it. Make sure none of the leaves overlap, though we didn't worry about stems. It seemed to work better to lay the leaves face down on the waxed paper, preventing them from curling up when go to lay the top of wax paper on top.

 Place another piece of waxed paper on top of the leaves and iron. I had the iron on it's hottest setting and no steam. I didn't press hard or linger in any one place too long. Just like ironing fabric, smooth the wax paper across the leaves. You will see the paper melt together and on to the leaves.

Repeat these steps until you have all your leaves in wax paper. We had about 6 sheets of leaves. Once you are done, let them cool a few minutes while you gather the rest of your supplies.

You could do pretty much anything with your waxed leaves. Add them to a tabletop, clip them to twine for a garland or make a wreath!

I used regular sewing thread to wrap the leaves onto the wreath, thin wire would also work well. Knotting your thread at the starting point, wrap the thread around the back of the wreath, lay three or four leaves on the top and wrap the thread over the top of the wreath pulling snugly.

Continue placing leaves and wrapping the thread around the wreath being careful to keep the thread snug. This is the part where it is handy to have a second set of hands! Mandy would select a couple of leaves and lightly hold them in place while I wrapped the thread.

Keep on placing leaves and wrapping thread until you have covered your wreath. Somehow we came exactly perfect! We used the last of the leaves in the last wrap of thread! To secure the end of the thread, I pushed a straight pin into the wreath form, wrapped the thread several times around it and them knotted it around the pin. Once it was knotted, I then carefully pulled out the pin, moved it over a quarter of an inch to tighten it. And that is it!

Love all those fall colors! The leaves have already started curling a little bit, but it is still beautiful. 

Apple Picking 2018

Even though my schedule is a little tight right now, I wasn't going to miss apple picking! Two weekends ago my brother, his family and I all piled into the truck and went out to the orchard. It has become a family tradition now. (When you can't remember how long you have been doing it, it is a tradition!) Part of the whole experience is the drive, about 35 minutes through country roads.

I love these old apple trees! The area we picked in the trees weren't quite as big or old as other areas. But they are still nice sized trees with plenty of apples.

 This is my little apple tree. I got quite a tree full of apples this year, but unfortunately, most of them had worms. That didn't stop me from collecting the best ones and making an apple pie!

What is your favorite fall activity?

EPRD Healthy Living Newsletter for October 2017

Stay in Shape with Fall Fitness Classes

Cooler fall days present a great opportunity to taste Evergreen Park & Rec District's diverse array of fitness classes. Here are some of your many choices:

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Here are the class schedules for Buchanan Park Rec Center and Wulf Rec Center.

Questions about classes? 
Check out the calendar scrolling down the left side of EPRD's website homepage or contact Fitness Specialist, Susan Wescott at 720-880-1112 or 

Healthy Parenting

Source: Huffington Post

23 absurdly easy Halloween crafts.

Healthy Body

These exercises can relieve it and tone up your tummy.

Healthy Mind

Source: CNBC
Shift your mindset to become happier

Healthy Aging

How to slow aging in your brain.

Healthy Eating

What happens to your body when you eat greasy food. 

Healthy Giving

Can you trust retailers when they say they donate a part of the proceeds to charity?

Apple Picking Aprons

We went Apple Picking several weeks ago (in blazing hot, very un-fall like weather!). Sometimes apple time seems to sneak up on us and we end up dashing out last minute to see which apple varieties are still hanging on the trees. But this year we were prepared! I even had time to make myself an apple picking apron!

Even in hot weather, the trees are beautiful.

I posted about this apron pattern here. It is from the booklet Dresses and Aprons for Work in the Home, copyright 1952. This apron has been on my to-do list for years!
I followed the directions except to cut out the apron skirt in two pieces. This allowed me to line the bottom section with a sturdy drill and to sew the bottom apple fabric the other way around so that when gathered up, the pretty side would be facing out. 
I wasn't sure if the strings to gather were very necessary at first, I would just unloaded the apples one at a time, but when picking was over it was nice to be able to untie it and brush out all the leaves and dirt! 

 With the leftover fabric, I squeezed out a small apron for my niece too. She was so ecstatic to have her own apron. She loves apple picking almost as much as I do!

Now that the weather is cooler and a rainy weekend is forecasted, it is time to start applesauce and apple butter making!

Healthy Living! from EPRD for September 2017

It's Fall!
How about channeling some of that summer fitness into an EPRD trail race? There's one left this season, the Fall EverGold 10-miler on Oct. 7. Want something shorter and more family friendly? Gather together family and friends to enjoy the Glow Run 5K, a glow-in-the-dark nighttime race at Alderfer/Three Sisters Park - followed by hot drinks and s'mores around a fire!
Healthy Parenting

What to say to kids instead of "be careful." 

Healthy Body

What to do at the gym to get the best results. (Try an EPRD personal training session.)

Healthy Mind

How to meditate when you can’t sit still.

Healthy Planet

Source: Mother Earth News
How to start a compost pile.

Healthy Aging

Keeping a steady, healthy weight as we age also helps keep blood pressure low.

Healthy Eating

Don’t eat lunch at your desk. It's not good for you! Here's why.


EPRD has a large variety of classes at Buchanan Park and Wulf Rec Centers to help you meet your health goals. Find classes and hours on We also offer personal training!

Facility Information